White man’s culture in this country has to change

USA was more better in 1970 when USA Census was about 210 million and split mostly between Whites and Blacks Beagle .
Nope, just bring in the proper amount that is needed, and quit allowing these corrupt thinking elitist to use the current numbers against the American worker's as a way to undermine the system for their ill gotten gains.

No one is against immigrants coming here to work when needed, but Americans are against what has happened in the past, and are against what is still happening to date.

Meanwhile we have coddled our children to the point of their demise in life, and we have made them think that they are to high minded to get their hands dirty or to get their butt's whooped when they do wrong. Just look at the current generation in order to understand what has happened, and how they are disrespected because they have been royally screwed in life by the very ones they were told they could trust. Look at the hopelessness, and the suicide rates today because of it all. Look at who the role models are now to them. Good grief.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.

I think good Americans are done fostering the worlds desperate...we have been too kind for too long and it's bit us in the ass big time.
The only foreigners we should take in are those we NEED, those who can truly help build and sustain the greatest nation on the planet.
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.
-------------------------------------- there should be NO importation of third worlders [or anyone else] so that means NO properly run IMPORTATION / immigration System . All that should be seen is closed doors with no loopholes for asylum or other BS . All that should be seen should only be closed doors . As i often ask , what is the reason to increase the number of people in the USA that already has 310 million of all sorts according to 2010 Census and no accurate numbers of 'illegal aliens' Beagle ??
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.

I think good Americans are done fostering the worlds desperate...we have been too kind for too long and it's bit us in the ass big time.
The only foreigners we should take in are those we NEED, those who can truly help build and sustain the greatest nation on the planet.
----------------------------------------- feck'em BLoser !! USA was fine in 1950 when my parents were in the USA in the 20s , 30s , 40s to better it . Same goes for 1960 , 70s , 80s when i lived and then it starts to go to heck . And in 1950s 'IKE' recognized the problem as he did Operation Wetback as one way to fix things . Plus i don't have dates but there were some times that the USA was shut down to immigration . My thinking is that the USA doesn't need foreign influence or thinking . See 'ilham omar' , talib' and the 'somalis' in Minnesota that want 'sharia' in the USA BLoser .
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.
---------------------------------------- HEALTHY NUMBERS , I bet that we disagree on what Heathy Numbers are . And who decides the healthy numbers . The deciders will just be 'kings men' and other government and tax payer paid government functionaries pushing 'gov' agenda Beagle .
----------------------------feck them legal or illegal , what , there aren't enough illegal apple pickers and dishwashers already in the USA Beagle . Anyway , i comment only to disagree with your assertion that NO one is against workers coming here to work . I am against that as well as being against so called properly Vetted imported third worlders . Census population in 1970 was about 210 million and in 2010 it was about 310 million and the USA needs to import workers is silly Beagle .
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.

Well we have a properly run system, but that isn't enough. The US allows a million people a year to become citizens in this country. This is on top of the work visas, study visas, work permits and green cards. When it comes to interaction with people outside our country, we are the most generous in the world. No other country does what we do.

That being said, people begin to take advantage of our good will. Most of the so-called asylum seekers don't come close to qualifying. They apply and then get let into the country never to be found again. And as I stated, we allow people who want to work to come here, but all they do is lower American pay for our citizens.

Bottom line is when your generosity and empathy becomes overly abused, it's just time to stop it. Just turn everybody away and let them fend for themselves. If you hit a lottery number or otherwise acquire wealth, and you help out a cousin or two, and then all your cousins are at your door begging for money, you don't decipher. You just quit giving money to everybody. That's the situation we are in today.
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If Biden's comments don't make it clear to all white people what the true agenda is then there is no hope for America.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah , Western Civilization . Best thing ever built on Earth and especially the example practiced in the USA and it was ENVISIONED by White people mainly from the British Isles . And then , YES , it was added to to some degree by other people that adopted Western Civilization . Anyway , tear it down democrats and fifth column and there is movement doing and advocating that tearing down of Western Civilization . -------------------- as example , 'morroco is a disarmed 'zhithole' society except for 'government' and they can barely feed their 'muslim' population . [chuckle]
If Biden's comments don't make it clear to all white people what the true agenda is then there is no hope for America.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah , Western Civilization . Best thing ever built on Earth and especially the example practiced in the USA and it was ENVISIONED by White people mainly from the British Isles . And then , YES , it was added to to some degree by other people that adopted Western Civilization . Anyway , tear it down democrats and fifth column and there is movement doing and advocating that tearing down of Western Civilization . -------------------- as example , 'morroco is a disarmed 'zhithole' society except for 'government' and they can barely feed their 'muslim' population . [chuckle]

It's RACIST not to wildly exaggerate the contributions of non-whites to America's success. If it wasn't for blacks and chinese and hispanics this country...well...

...it would be a hell of a lot better today!
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.

I think good Americans are done fostering the worlds desperate...we have been too kind for too long and it's bit us in the ass big time.
The only foreigners we should take in are those we NEED, those who can truly help build and sustain the greatest nation on the planet.
Yes until we get the poverty situation under control in our own house (America), then why add millions to it as if we don't already have a major problem here already ? Makes no sense, but go tell the corrupt Demon-crats that. Good luck.
sure --so we can be a SHITHOLE like Africa...........
Says joe Biden

Biden: "White Man's Culture" Has To Change

Joe is too dumb to beat Trump
Republicans be like...

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

We need to close off most immigration until the people already here assimilate into the American culture. That will take a couple of decades. Otherwise we are done.
We need to close off most immigration until the people already here assimilate into the American culture. That will take a couple of decades. Otherwise we are done.
True. Time for an Immigration Moratorium. We no longer need the constant influx.
Don't mix illegal workers, and what's been going on in all of that mess, with the immigration of people's who come here to add a positive to our nation. I'm not against legal immigration, but we do need to understand the numbers better. We have to maintain a healthy balance in society for all who want to make America great. We should favor our own to make sure we are healthy and secure, yet leave room others who want to join us.

I do have a problem with that because illegal and legal immigrants use more welfare than Americans. In fact, over half of the legal immigrants are on some form of welfare. That's not making America great, that's advancing the Democrat platform.
The Democrat platform is to use people for nefarious reasons, and to hold them up with taxpayers money while undermining the taxpayers with them.

The Republican platform should always be to accept legal immigrants within a healthy number ratio, in order to have a nation that is exciting, interesting, colorful, and beautiful.

We have that now, and we should continue it.

We should allow only temporary workers to do specific jobs (not illegals), and when the seasonal work is done, then they should happily go back home.

Two problems with that: For one, you are advocating US dollars leaving the country; dollars that should be in American hands. Two, when they do work here, they undercut wages of American workers and that's certainly no help either. Our middle-class is shrinking fast enough as it is. We don't need anymore help in that regard.

Against our desire, we are slowly becoming a bilingual nation. Our foreign friends are more of a political tool than an asset to our country. With more immigration, we will become a bilingual nation, and eventually English will be the language spoken in the past.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to see these changes just so I can buy a jar of pickles for $1.58. Remember that I have to work with these dangerous MF's. They are driving 75,000 pound vehicles on our roads and can't read or understand a word of English.
What part of my post about healthy numbers are y'all not comprehending ???? I'm for the wall, and a properly balanced, properly run immigration system in this country, and I am absolutely not for what the Demon-crats want, and want for nefarious reasons in the immigration debate. A properly run system is the only way forward.
-------------------------------------- there should be NO importation of third worlders [or anyone else] so that means NO properly run IMPORTATION / immigration System . All that should be seen is closed doors with no loopholes for asylum or other BS . All that should be seen should only be closed doors . As i often ask , what is the reason to increase the number of people in the USA that already has 310 million of all sorts according to 2010 Census and no accurate numbers of 'illegal aliens' Beagle ??
Give us a number as to how many of those 310 million people are truly carrying their weight, and this is of course besides the elderly or truly disabled and children in this country ?? We will always be looking to add people to our system, but we should truly do it in a very transparent way, and do it right. The Demon-crats have broken the system for nefarious reasons, and the wealthy have broken the system as well by selling out this country and it's workers for greed purposes. So we have a delema in both directions that puts our immigration system in grave jeapardy.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
What if you’re old school and instead of cuck, you use the word punk bitch?
We need to close off most immigration until the people already here assimilate into the American culture. That will take a couple of decades. Otherwise we are done.
True. Time for an Immigration Moratorium. We no longer need the constant influx.
Like Trump said, we need to figure out what the hell is going on before we just allow more people to come in here who hate us. That's different than banning great immigrants whom want to come here to be with us peacefully, and to help us be better than we are as a people. American's don't have a Patten on being the greatest people in the world.

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