White man’s culture in this country has to change

They come here for jobs.

Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.
Yeah, you already said that.
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

Says joe Biden

Biden: "White Man's Culture" Has To Change

Joe is too dumb to beat Trump

Yep, run on that. That’s sure to be a winning message

Joe actually could have beaten Trump in 2016, his chances are lesser in 2020.

Learned so much about him since 2016. . .


He is one evil mother fucker.
I can't see any sane person voting for him.
I keep repeating it because you don't seem to get it. There are a lot fewer employers than there are illegal employees. It is common sense to start with them. If you don't agree with that, too bad. I don't give a damn.

You're squirming around and clearly afraid to address my simple questions...Why?
"So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?"

Because it's nonsense. Gustavo's Tire Shop? Wtf?

No, they come here for jobs. Period. You really think they are going to leave their home country for such meager benefits?

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

"Meager benefits" huh? Such as free life saving healthcare and free education?

Remember these elitist snobs live off of a million dollar a year, so to them, they have no clue what it is like to live off of a grand a month.

They are not going to come here if there are no jobs for them. That is my point. Their primary motivation is to make money, and often, to send money back to Mexico. Make that extremely difficult for them and now we're getting somewhere.

Yeah, AND?

If caught, they should be jailed, immediately. For 10 years. Just like Mexico does to our citizens. And probably increase the difficulty of getting in, with maybe more fences or, oh, I dunno, has anyone ever proposed building something like a wall or something? :45:

THEN, maybe there will be even more demand for workers and the market will start paying better. This will encourage more labor workforce participation rate among our own citizens.

We should also try to crack down on illegal hiring. This is a more difficult thing to do because of identity theft and the unwillingness of some jurisdictions for a standardize ID. You can't prosecute a business if they have a SS# and drivers license on file, even if they are bogus.
You know what is funny, just for perspective?

Joe Biden got elected to the Senate on January 3, 1973. He was elected Vice President January 20, 2009

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was BORN Oct 13, 1989. In 2008, while Ocasio-Cortez was a sophomore at Boston University, her father died of lung cancer.[24][25] During college, she served as an intern in the immigration office during the final year of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy's tenure.[26] "I was the only Spanish speaker, and as a result, as basically a kid—a 19-, 20-year-old kid—whenever a frantic call would come into the office because someone is looking for their husband because they have been snatched off the street by ICE, I was the one that had to pick up that phone," Ocasio-Cortez said. "I was the one that had to help that person navigate that system."[26]

Biden and Kennedy were doing that corrupt shit before she was born, and brainwashed her into that crap. . . .
What is white man's culture anyway? Christmas? American flag? Treating people based on character as opposed color? Men use men's bathrooms? Seriously what exactly is a white man's culture?
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

See, that's just the problem here.

Men and women AREN'T equal though.

Ask any biologist, and they will tell you, the aren't. Men and women have COMPLIMENTARY roles.

Only brainwashed Marxists believe they are "equal."

Woman can in no way equal a man's ability to preform in some roles, and a man would have very difficult time giving birth, etc.

SO stop being silly cuck.

What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

Oh, and if you do not want to look like a troll/low IQ bozo, don't make ridiculous statements like 'Ask any biologist'. What a childish statement. Yeah dumb ass, like you know what even 5% of biologists think - let alone EVERY, SINGLE one of them. LOL.
And 'hello' ding dong? How do you propose I ask them all?
What an utterly, 1970's thing to say.

So your entire point is utter and total gobbledygook.

And use that mushy thing in your skull. What women are on here? Hardly any. And I have no idea what they look like. So why the fuck would I be trying to impress them.
And even if I were - it ain't like I am ever going to meet them. So what do I get out of it?

Damn...you are a dumb shit after all.

It's like I said above - types like you are almost always either dumb or old. I have no idea how old you are (you talk OLD though). But if your above post is any indication...you certainly are dumb. Certainly 100% ignorant on this.

So...it turns out I was right before...you are a loser. A misogynistic, moronic dickhead whose thoughts about women seem to be stuck in the 1960's.

Well, I try not to waste too much time on useless pricks like you...so we are done here (on this - for now).

Have a nice day.
What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

Oh, and if you do not want to look like a troll/low IQ bozo, don't make ridiculous statements like 'Ask any biologist'. What a childish statement. Yeah dumb ass, like you know what even 5% of biologists think - let alone EVERY, SINGLE one of them. LOL.
And 'hello' ding dong? How do you propose I ask them all?
What an utterly, 1970's thing to say.

So your entire point is utter and total gobbledygook.

And use that mushy thing in your skull. What women are on here? Hardly any. And I have no idea what they look like. So why the fuck would I be trying to impress them.
And even if I were - it ain't like I am ever going to meet them. So what do I get out of it?

Damn...you are a dumb shit after all.

It's like I said above - types like you are almost always either dumb or old. I have no idea how old you are (you talk OLD though). But if your above post is any indication...you certainly are dumb. Certainly 100% ignorant on this.

So...it turns out I was right before...you are a loser. A misogynistic, moronic dickhead whose thoughts about women seem to be stuck in the 1960's.

Well, I try not to waste too much time on useless pricks like you...so we are done here (on this - for now).

Have a nice day.

Now who's being silly? Virtue signal all you want, cuckboy it ain't going to change biological reality.
Out of all the stupid things that Trump said leading up to the 2016 election, the single biggest mistake was Hillary's comment regarding "deplorables".

It was a rallying call for deplorables.

It's best not to make that same mistake again.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

See, that's just the problem here.

Men and women AREN'T equal though.

Ask any biologist, and they will tell you, the aren't. Men and women have COMPLIMENTARY roles.

Only brainwashed Marxists believe they are "equal."

Woman can in no way equal a man's ability to preform in some roles, and a man would have very difficult time giving birth, etc.

SO stop being silly cuck.

What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

Oh, and if you do not want to look like a troll/low IQ bozo, don't make ridiculous statements like 'Ask any biologist'. What a childish statement. Yeah dumb ass, like you know what even 5% of biologists think - let alone EVERY, SINGLE one of them. LOL.
And 'hello' ding dong? How do you propose I ask them all?
What an utterly, 1970's thing to say.

So your entire point is utter and total gobbledygook.

And use that mushy thing in your skull. What women are on here? Hardly any. And I have no idea what they look like. So why the fuck would I be trying to impress them.
And even if I were - it ain't like I am ever going to meet them. So what do I get out of it?

Damn...you are a dumb shit after all.

It's like I said above - types like you are almost always either dumb or old. I have no idea how old you are (you talk OLD though). But if your above post is any indication...you certainly are dumb. Certainly 100% ignorant on this.

So...it turns out I was right before...you are a loser. A misogynistic, moronic dickhead whose thoughts about women seem to be stuck in the 1960's.

Well, I try not to waste too much time on useless pricks like you...so we are done here (on this - for now).

Have a nice day.
Men when they have no hope can become sadistic and kill. So if there are millions of jobs and millions more that men can do but are taken by women then the poverty rate rises for someone else. Personal thoughts on women make no difference when mass murdering is the rule and law of the day. We have being given warnings over the years and we argue back and forth on political leanings about it.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

See, that's just the problem here.

Men and women AREN'T equal though.

Ask any biologist, and they will tell you, the aren't. Men and women have COMPLIMENTARY roles.

Only brainwashed Marxists believe they are "equal."

Woman can in no way equal a man's ability to preform in some roles, and a man would have very difficult time giving birth, etc.

SO stop being silly cuck.

What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

Oh, and if you do not want to look like a troll/low IQ bozo, don't make ridiculous statements like 'Ask any biologist'. What a childish statement. Yeah dumb ass, like you know what even 5% of biologists think - let alone EVERY, SINGLE one of them. LOL.
And 'hello' ding dong? How do you propose I ask them all?
What an utterly, 1970's thing to say.

So your entire point is utter and total gobbledygook.

And use that mushy thing in your skull. What women are on here? Hardly any. And I have no idea what they look like. So why the fuck would I be trying to impress them.
And even if I were - it ain't like I am ever going to meet them. So what do I get out of it?

Damn...you are a dumb shit after all.

It's like I said above - types like you are almost always either dumb or old. I have no idea how old you are (you talk OLD though). But if your above post is any indication...you certainly are dumb. Certainly 100% ignorant on this.

So...it turns out I was right before...you are a loser. A misogynistic, moronic dickhead whose thoughts about women seem to be stuck in the 1960's.

Well, I try not to waste too much time on useless pricks like you...so we are done here (on this - for now).

Have a nice day.
Stop using your emotions.

Stop parroting the feminist and Marxian propaganda you have been fed in government schools and corporate media.

Of course some woman can build the bodies like men. SO WHAT?

Are muscles what make a woman? Is that the most important thing for equality, is it the most import thing that makes a human?

I'm dumb? I think you are easily conditioned.

How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently than Women's
Male brains have more connections within hemispheres to optimize motor skills, whereas female brains are more connected between hemispheres to combine analytical and intuitive thinking
How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently than Women's

". . . As a whole, the young men had stronger connections within cerebral hemispheres while the young women had stronger connections between hemispheres, the study, detailed today (Dec. 2) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found. However, the cerebellum, a part of the brain below the cerebrum that plays a role in coordinating muscle movement, showed the opposite pattern, with males having stronger connections between hemispheres.

Roughly speaking, the back of the brain handles perception and the front of the brain handles action; the left hemisphere of the brain is the seat of logical thinking, while the right side of the brain begets intuitive thinking. The findings lend support to the view that males may excel at motor skills, while women may be better at integrating analysis and intuitive thinking.

"It is fascinating that we can see some of functional differences in men and women structurally," Verma told LiveScience. However, the results do not apply to individual men and women, she said. "Every individual could have part of both men and women in them," she said, referring to the connectivity patterns her team observed. . . . "

Men and Women Really Do Think Differently

Men and Women Really Do Think Differently

"These findings suggest that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior," said Haier, adding that, "by pinpointing these gender-based intelligence areas, the study has the potential to aid research on dementia and other cognitive-impairment diseases in the brain."

The results are detailed in the online version of the journal NeuroImage.

In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers.

The results from this study may help explain why men and women excel at different types of tasks, said co-author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico. For example, men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, Jung said, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills.. . . "
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

See, that's just the problem here.

Men and women AREN'T equal though.

Ask any biologist, and they will tell you, the aren't. Men and women have COMPLIMENTARY roles.

Only brainwashed Marxists believe they are "equal."

Woman can in no way equal a man's ability to preform in some roles, and a man would have very difficult time giving birth, etc.

SO stop being silly cuck.

What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

Oh, and if you do not want to look like a troll/low IQ bozo, don't make ridiculous statements like 'Ask any biologist'. What a childish statement. Yeah dumb ass, like you know what even 5% of biologists think - let alone EVERY, SINGLE one of them. LOL.
And 'hello' ding dong? How do you propose I ask them all?
What an utterly, 1970's thing to say.

So your entire point is utter and total gobbledygook.

And use that mushy thing in your skull. What women are on here? Hardly any. And I have no idea what they look like. So why the fuck would I be trying to impress them.
And even if I were - it ain't like I am ever going to meet them. So what do I get out of it?

Damn...you are a dumb shit after all.

It's like I said above - types like you are almost always either dumb or old. I have no idea how old you are (you talk OLD though). But if your above post is any indication...you certainly are dumb. Certainly 100% ignorant on this.

So...it turns out I was right before...you are a loser. A misogynistic, moronic dickhead whose thoughts about women seem to be stuck in the 1960's.

Well, I try not to waste too much time on useless pricks like you...so we are done here (on this - for now).

Have a nice day.
Men when they have no hope can become sadistic and kill. So if there are millions of jobs and millions more that men can do but are taken by women then the poverty rate rises for someone else. Personal thoughts on women make no difference when mass murdering is the rule and law of the day. We have being given warnings over the years and we argue back and forth on political leanings about it.

A bit extreme, but I see your point.
What utter, misogynistic nonsense.

And fuck are you ignorant on this. What can a woman not do that a man can do? Life as much weight? When I was really pumping iron, there were several women in the gym who could out power lift 95% of men.
Now, not all women - or even most women - could do that. But there are some women who are built BIG and whom are exceptionally strong.

There are women who can run faster and jump higher then the vast majority of men. Can they run/jump as high/fast as ANY man? Nope. But the notion that all women on Earth cannot 'perform in some roles' is so monumentally stupid it is beyond silliness. A 12 year old would know that.

There are exceptions to the rule, but in general, women are women and men are men.

I used to love the show COPS. I think it's off the air now. But when they had episodes of a female officer trying to apprehend a non-compliant male, it was pure comedy. These big workout guys can't even bring down some of those suspects. What's a frail woman supposed to do? Or when several officers finally do get a fighting suspect down, the female steps in as if she's helping, and all she does is get in the way.

When I go through construction zones on the highway. It's always the woman who stands there holding a "SLOW" sign. It's a job a nine dollar pole stand can do. But what else is the company supposed to do with her? She doesn't have the physical strength to do the hands-on work of road construction.
Please. They are here for money. Money. Money. Money. My brother used to work with a few illegals at his old restaurant. Know what they told him? Money. Money. Money. That is what they care about. That is why they're here.

No, not always. Google Birth Tourism and you'll see they come here for other reasons.

Governments like China are sending people here to simply have children. After birth, they are shipped back home to China. When that baby becomes an adult and comes back here, he or she is an automatic citizen and walks across that border just like any other American.

The practice is now catching on with our enemies in the middle-east. So people are sending their pregnant women to the US to gain citizenship, and after they are radicalized and brainwashed, can walk right through the front door as an adult to cause us serious harm.

The Democrats don't mind those organizations and governments sending their pregnant women here to create future American enemies. Why should they care? Most of them won't be around for the next 911.

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