White men in T.V. Ads with young black girls. What message is being put forth.?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
Olympics. No, this is Fox week. So in the morning I have to watch the morning outrage.
Miscegenation is heavily promoted in the west.

Populations watered down means less cohesion.

Less cohesive populations are easier to control.

Combine that with a stifling of nationalism over globalism and populations are more akin to cattle than free men.

Corporations control all...corporations want mindless...careless...consumers.
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Populations watered down means less cohesion.

Less cohesive populations are easier to control.

I would think the opposite would be true. The Japanese and Koreans are some of the most homogeneous populations on Earth ... they are extremely easy to control.
Miscegenation is heavily promoted in the west.

Populations watered down means less cohesion.

Less cohesive populations are easier to control.
Yes , I 've heard about that miscegenation is one of the race mixing tactic that is used out west.
I guess the T.V. ad is just another form of propaganda that is being used.
Unless you provide an example of what you are talking about, it's absolutely worthless to talk about it,
I would think the opposite would be true. The Japanese and Koreans are some of the most homogeneous populations on Earth ... they are extremely easy to control.

Don't mistake cohesiveness for easy to control

Individualism is frowned upon in high context cultures in favor of the collective.

Harmony is sought in favor of upheaval.

However, when there is social upheaval it tends to be extremely violent.
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.

You triggered?
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females.
Considering your not a racist it's odd you noticed that.
I guess their supposed to be father figures?.
Really? You mean like white slave owners ?
What message are the advertisers trying to promote.?
It doesn't matter since you are reminding us of it clearly they have not broken down your mongrel racist attitude.
That a black male father is not needed?
How the hell could you come to that conclusion?
Are you completely barking mad?
Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.

Did you like mine you racist pig.
Miscegenation is heavily promoted in the west.

Populations watered down means less cohesion.

Less cohesive populations are easier to control.

Combine that with a stifling of nationalism over globalism and populations are more akin to cattle than free men.

Corporations control all...corporations want mindless...careless...consumers.
Where have I heard this before?

Oh, yeah. At a Klan rally.
Take your own random sample of 10 American TV commercials. I guarantee you at least 7 of them will have some representation of either inter-racial couples, mixed raced families, or all Black people. No, I'm not a racist, I just have functioning eyeballs. To me it appears to be clumsy pandering to BLM by advertisers.
Take your own random sample of 10 American TV commercials. I guarantee you at least 7 of them will have some representation of either inter-racial couples, mixed raced families, or all Black people. No, I'm not a racist, I just have functioning eyeballs. To me it appears to be clumsy pandering to BLM by advertisers.
Of course you are not a racist.
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
Oh that's easy....the inference here is that the white massa bangs the shit out of the girls off camera like they always did.
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
I have noticed a lot of commercials feature interracial couples. However most feature a white and black couple and rarely Asian or Hispanic individuals are included In any combination. Apparently the companies feel they will get more diversity brownie points for promoting white and black marriages or relationships.

Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s my father predicted racial problems before the Civil Rights Movement. He also predicted that in 100 hundred years almost all Americans would be a mixture of black and white and that would help end racial animosity, We do seem to be headed in that direction.
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
Yep...and tons of gay male couples.
I have noticed a lot of commercials feature interracial couples. However most feature a white and black couple and rarely Asian or Hispanic individuals are included In any combination. Apparently the companies feel they will get more diversity brownie points for promoting white and black marriages or relationships.

Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s my father predicted racial problems before the Civil Rights Movement. He also predicted that in 100 hundred years almost all Americans would be a mixture of black and white and that would help end racial animosity, We do seem to be headed in that direction.
I believe that will take longer than you think it will. Not that it's not a good idea.... But over the course of the last decade we seem to be heading in exactly the opposite direction frankly.

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