White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

That too is the violence that results, from many years of discrimination and racism by white America.

It's gone on for so long and is so egregious that now there is probably no will to change it.

Other countries chose to accept the other races much more readily than did America.

Your racism has been a part of your lives since you were born!

Now it looks like some of the chickens are going to come home in more convincing ways than just burning down white people's 'stuff'.
You puny little fucktard, come get in my shit and I'll show you what's what.

I've never owned slaves, you lying fucktard from hell. Fuck you and your brainless destructive mudslinging.

I hope YOU are on the butt end of some of that violence you so lightly excuse.
What are all these imagined “crimes against black people”? They’re getting prioritized for college admissions, for jobs (including the VP and the Press Secretary, who never would have been considered if they were white), and for job promotions. Elected leaders are afraid to criticize even the worst behavior if committed by blacks, and DAs are working to get felonies reduced to misdemeanors because blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of felonies.

They are NOT the poor, oppressed victims you leftists want us to believe.
But they DO want to treat white women in ways too horrible to contemplate. With the full approval of the left making such treatment a completely legal activity.
I don't doubt that is all true, but there is 'something' that is the cause of their bad behaviour and violence.
The objective is to discover that cause of their grievances and then to address it.

I think you are at least right to a small degree, in that they are reacting to oppression in the past in part.

In any case, attitudes on both sides appear to be reaching the critical point at which much more gun violence is about to erupt in America on a scale that has never been seen before.

I really don't like the sound of a black man thinking he too can stand his ground!

Something terrible could be in the air!
The sooner the better.
That's called PROJECTION.
But, you're a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie with no sense of self=awareness, so you probably don't recognize it.
Anyway, have fun with your revolution, but beware the ice axe.....

Ironically you're the one projecting.
Wow. You are sure a leftist! Blacks charge into a store like raving maniacs and steal and damage everything in sight, and it’s due to racism?

You are part of the problem, with your excuses.
What you were dealing with my friend Are far left lunatics, either that or people who are high on drugs, or they are intentionally evil and racist. As always none of these words are used lightly I’m not here to hurt other peoples feelings merely reporting on and responding to the very statements that you and I see in front of our eyes from the far left.

There’s no excuse for them. If they’re on drugs they’re still wrong, if they are crazy they’re still wrong but they’re just insane. And then of course some of them are openly racist against white people and American history. Much of it is a product of watching CNN, the view and MSNBC and living a weak life living a life filled with racism against white people, intentionally choosing to live in a bubble and never get out into the real world.

The far left never responds to the fact that slavery was always a worldwide issue so they have no right whatsoever to say American history was racist and imperialistic…. considering they claim to care about Black people if they actually did which they say they do but in reality how they talk and how they act means that they don’t. But if they actually cared about Black people they would talk about the fact that blacks own slaves including owning white people in North Africa.

Some portion of the Democrats on the US message board are evil and racist against white people. They don’t care about video evidence there so sick in the head when they see that white women getting beat up and then robbed of her cell phone and her shoes they’re so brainwashed again or evil intentionally they just don’t care about it , just make up lies about it. We can pray for them that they see the way to become better people
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

This only stops when everybody goes all Charles Bronson Death Wish on their asses.

All you gotta do is drop 1-2 of them and the rest will scatter.

LMAO! The DNC convention is being held in Chicago this next year.
This only stops when everybody goes all Charles Bronson Death Wish on their asses.

All you gotta do is drop 1-2 of them and the rest will scatter.

LMAO! The DNC convention is being held in Chicago this next year.
They’ll be plenty of police presence at that time….
This only stops when everybody goes all Charles Bronson Death Wish on their asses.

All you gotta do is drop 1-2 of them and the rest will scatter.

LMAO! The DNC convention is being held in Chicago this next year.
Wouldn’t it be great if the DNC announced a change in plans, given the out-of-control crime being enabled by the Democrat mayor?

Instead, they’re doing the opposite - condoning the Democrat mayor’s soft-on-crime approach and his excuse-making for a violent mob of black teens.
This only stops when everybody goes all Charles Bronson Death Wish on their asses.

All you gotta do is drop 1-2 of them and the rest will scatter.

LMAO! The DNC convention is being held in Chicago this next year.
To your point that crowd of blacks that viciously beat the white woman threaten to kill her so that white woman and her black boyfriend would’ve been with well within their rights to defend themselves and use lethal force. As said before it was a black woman who came to rescue of that white woman and her black boyfriend from being killed. She got into her car and drove to the police station …at the police station she was told by a desk sergeant “hey we can’t do anything about these crimes because the black mayor elect of Chicago is in control” and there’s nothing we can do about it now. It’s shocking but that is the state of affairs in America in many major cities. Chicago is ran by a racist mayor and who would’ve thought that this would happen look at all of those hundreds of thousands of brave men who died in the United States Civil War fighting to end slavery look…. at how their legacy is being tarnished by that black racist mayor and people like him across the country white people and Black people who are Democrats and who denigrate American history and who are racist toward American history.

And of course believe it man The left-wing Democrats on this US message board view that black woman as the uncle Tom type figure. They would view her as subservient to the white man all because she rescued a white woman from a black crowd of criminals.

do you see how Democrats in this thread are acting. They are either again deluded, on drugs or intentionally racist against white people. And of course the only reason why this thread talks about skin color is because of the far left and Democrats. It’s their fault they are the ones who propagated in the past few years racism against white people through support of a group called Black Lives Matter. And through their support of left wing Democrats who are racist towards white people and American history

It was maybe 10 years ago 15 years ago even during the days of Obama we did not have this type of relationship among American people that the media is trying to craft the mass media is trying to put white people against Black people and vice versa. It wasn’t like this 10 years ago it was not like this 20 years ago.

Race relations have degressed in the past few years…. there is no greater example then Don Lemon of CNN telling an Indian American you don’t know what you’re talking about because you’re not black and I’m a black American and you can’t talk to me this way or that way. This is the hallmark of insanity.

we are all Americans no matter what our skin color is…. A white man and a black man can say whatever they want to each other in America. But we are in a moment in American history where let’s say if you’re a white man and you’re talking to a trans person or a black person or an LGBT person some of those people will freak out and start to lose their minds if the white man says something that they perceive to be bigoted.

I am white I am extremely proud of white Christian European history which has built the civilized world. I am extremely proud of the Spanish explorers and the Portuguese explorers, certainly of Christopher Columbus as an Italian American. I am also in great admiration and respect of the Africans, the Arabs, the Jewish people, the Asian people which have also built the civilized world in other areas of the world. In the eastern part of the world for example for the longest time the Arab people ushered in the Arab golden age. And so that’s mutual respect. Unfortunately today so many racist Democrats have no respect toward white Christian history they denigrate it. And so we need to have mutual respect in America we don’t have it now and we won’t have it until we start to rebuild those statues of Christopher Columbus and St. Louis and other Christian men of the middle ages and the age of exploration that were torn down by racists and criminals.
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To your point that crowd of blacks that viciously beat the white woman threaten to kill her so that white woman and her black boyfriend would’ve been with well within their rights to defend themselves and use lethal force. As a spin said before it was a black woman who came to rescue that white woman and her black boyfriend from being killed. She got into her car and drove to the police station with the police action said hey we can’t do anything about these crimes because the black mayor of Chicago is in control and there’s nothing we can do about it now. It’s shocking but that is the state of affairs in America in many major cities.

And of course believe it man The fire left-wing Democrats on this US message board with you that black woman as the uncle Tom type figure. They would do her as subservient to the white man all because she rescued a white woman from a black crowd of criminals.

How do you see how Democrats in this thread are acting. They are either again diluted, on drugs or intentionally racist against white people. And of course the only reason why this thread talks about skin color is because of the far left and Democrats. It’s their fault they are the ones who propagated in the past few years racism against white people through support of a group called Black Lives Matter. And through their support of left wing Democrats who are racist towards white people and American history

It was maybe 10 years ago 15 years ago even during the days of Obama we did not have this type of relationship among American people that the media is trying to craft the mass media is trying to put white people against Black people and vice versa. It wasn’t like this 10 years ago it was not like this 20 years ago.

Race relations have degressed in the past few years…. there is no greater example then down the Mont of CNN telling an Indian American you don’t know what you’re talking about because you’re not black and I’m a black American and you can’t talk to me this way or that way. This is the hallmark of insanity.

we are all Americans no matter what our skin color is…. A white man and a black man can see whatever they want to each other in America. But we are in a moment in American history where let’s say if you’re a white man and you’re talking to a trans person or a black person or an LGBT person some of those people will freak out and start to lose their minds if the white man says something that they perceive to be bigoted.

I am white I am extremely proud of white Christian European history which is built a civilized world. I am extremely proud of the Spanish explorers and the Portuguese explorers, certainly of Christopher Columbus is an Italian American. I am also in great admiration and respect of the Africans, the Arabs, the Jewish people, the Asian people which have also built the civilized world and other areas of the world. In the eastern part of the world for example for the longest time the Arab people ushered in the Arab golden age. And so that’s mutual respect. Unfortunately today so many racist Democrats have no respect toward white Christian history they denigrate it. And so we need to have mutual respect in America we don’t have it now and we won’t have it until we start to rebuild those statues of Christopher Columbus and St. Louis and other Christian men of the middle ages and the age of exploration that were torn down by racists and criminals.
Why are we capitalizing Black and lower-casing white? (It does it on auto-correct.) The subliminal message is that blacks deserve an honorific of some sort and the lowly whites do not.

We should all choose a day to capitalize our discussions about a White person while keeping any discussions of a black person lower-cased, and see what happens.
Why are we capitalizing Black and lower-casing white? (It does it on auto-correct.) The subliminal message is that blacks deserve an honorific of some sort and the lowly whites do not.

We should all choose a day to capitalize our discussions about a White person while keeping any discussions of a black person lower-cased, and see what happens.
There’s something perhaps going on with Apple or Google regards to that. I know most of you probably type out your messages with your keyboard or with your cell phone but I use a speaker application so I don’t know how the speaker application responds to capitalizing black or white… see there in my case it was both lowercase

Well there’s no doubt whatsoever that entities like Wikipedia, Google search are now slanted toward the far left to favor them. We already know that for quite some time Twitter and YouTube banned Donald Trump he is back but other conservatives have still been banned off of that platform for no good reason.
Be fair about this! It's going to take thousands of white women getting beat up to come close to being able to legitimately complain about one white 'women' getting a licking for most likely being uppity.

Think of it as society receiving it's comeuppance, on account of America's racism and refusal to fix it.
it's dumb fks like you to keep promoting violence against women. amazing.
We all saw all the racists on this message board responded and tried to say that “well we don’t see any bruises on the white woman. “ These people are crazy you see she could’ve had tons of bruises underneath her clothing that we just didn’t see as she was on the ground getting brutally kicked and assaulted. What is wrong with the far left wing racist on the US message board? …. That white woman and her black boyfriend were robbed of their cell phone and shoes. How do you think that happened people? … It’s due to a physical altercation …..to my fellow Democrats I think most of you recognize this but to the far left Democrats you gotta be better people.
We all saw all the racists on this message board responded and tried to say that well we don’t see any bruises on the white woman. These people are crazy you see she could’ve had tons of bruises underneath her clothing that we just didn’t see if she was on the ground getting brutally kicked and assaulted. What is wrong with the far left wing racist on the US message board…. That white woman and her black boyfriend were robbed of their cell phone and shoes. How do you think that happened people… It’s due to a physical altercation to my fellow Democrats I think most of you recognize this put the far left Democrats you gotta be better people
I do know this, Chicago will be doomed soon.
It’s really a shame! You’re totally correct. Ruth’s Chris is our favorite.
That's the one I was thinking of! :aargh:

These corporate franchises don't age their beef or anything. I highly doubt they do.

AFAIK, only the old school private establishments do it the right way.

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