White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

What are all these imagined “crimes against black people”? They’re getting prioritized for college admissions, for jobs (including the VP and the Press Secretary, who never would have been considered if they were white), and for job promotions. Elected leaders are afraid to criticize even the worst behavior if committed by blacks, and DAs are working to get felonies reduced to misdemeanors because blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of felonies.
I don't doubt that is all true, but there is 'something' that is the cause of their bad behaviour and violence.
The objective is to discover that cause of their grievances and then to address it.
They are NOT the poor, oppressed victims you leftists want us to believe.
I think you are at least right to a small degree, in that they are reacting to oppression in the past in part.

In any case, attitudes on both sides appear to be reaching the critical point at which much more gun violence is about to erupt in America on a scale that has never been seen before.

I really don't like the sound of a black man thinking he too can stand his ground!

Something terrible could be in the air!
Oooooo, the alphabet cabal would never lie.
The proof of what Yuri Bezmenov warned us about is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES!
Look! They got YOU!!!!
You're of the cabal. People that behave like you have a lot to lose if justice is served and the people take control. You serve your stomach at the expense of everyone else.
You're of the cabal. People that behave like you have a lot to lose if justice is served and the people take control. You serve your stomach at the expense of everyone else.
That's a good subvert. Way to go, slugger. :itsok:
She wasn't "beaten up". She didn't have a mark on her. She was attacked, and shoved around, but she wasn't "beaten", and had no cuts, bruises or injuries. She requiried no medical treatment.

"Savages"??? Every time you talk about non-whites, you use dehumanizing language, like "savages" or "filth". Refugees are "invaders". Yet you complain about anti-Semitism. 0ne would think that, given the amount you complain about discrimination and hate against your tribe, you'd treat other minorities classes better.
And you are minimizing the attack on the woman because the attackers are Black. People of all colors and creeds have a right to not be physically harassed by a mob. This woman was physically harassed yet you are more concerned about the WORDS used to describe their behavior.
That's the truth, you're a brainwashed drone.
That's called PROJECTION.
But, you're a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie with no sense of self=awareness, so you probably don't recognize it.
Anyway, have fun with your revolution, but beware the ice axe.....
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

Where's the ice cream POTUS? Oh, wait. The Democrats can do no wrong including inserting in an incompetent old fool who can't remember where he is, who he's talking to, whose rants are lies, and who is hurting himself and the America he ignores by letting over 300,000 American citizenss and an even greater number of foreign border crossers die of fentanyl poisoning. On this side of the border, Democrat policies are the elephants sitting in the living room: taxation without representation, taxation that picks the pockets of poor single moms, and inflation that has reached the Great Depression level. The Democrats need to throw the bums out that are ruining police who put their lives on the line, decimating mom and pop businesses, and turning New York City into a ghost town instead of the best city in the world it used to be. Los Angeles and the city by the sea are next.
I don't doubt that is all true, but there is 'something' that is the cause of their bad behaviour and violence.
The objective is to discover that cause of their grievances and then to address it.
A toddler screaming for ice cream he’s being denied has a grievance too. Doesn’t mean it’s legitimate.

As far as the “cause” of their bad behavior and violence, why does it have to be something else causing it that, of course, isn’t their fault? They’re having 73% of their babies out of wedlock, and that is correlated with low educational attainment, poverty, and crime.
I think you are at least right to a small degree, in that they are reacting to oppression in the past in part.
Well, why now? Things were much better in the 80s and 90s before liberals started in with their “poor, oppressed victims” agenda. They have it better NOW than they did decades ago. Why do they need to react to oppression from centuries back? Jews suffered the worse type of oppression, for millenia, and they were able to move beyond it and become quite successful.
In any case, attitudes on both sides appear to be reaching the critical point at which much more gun violence is about to erupt in America on a scale that has never been seen before.

Back to guns, I see. The savage who ran down all those white people in the parade didn’t need a gun. All those BLM barbarians setting cities a’blaze didn’t need guns. The mob of teens terrorizing the white lady didn’t need guns. The monsters walking up to elderly and smacking them to the cement didn’t need guns.

Guns are not the problem. The problem is that liberals are soft on crime.
I really don't like the sound of a black man thinking he too can stand his ground!

Something terrible could be in the air!

Not sure what you mean by this, unless you’re saying that black men are more violent and out-of-control than white men.
What crimes against Black people? Being shot at a Black funeral by other Blacks? That sort of crime?
That too is the violence that results, from many years of discrimination and racism by white America.

It's gone on for so long and is so egregious that now there is probably no will to change it.

Other countries chose to accept the other races much more readily than did America.

Your racism has been a part of your lives since you were born!

Now it looks like some of the chickens are going to come home in more convincing ways than just burning down white people's 'stuff'.
That too is the violence that results, from many years of discrimination and racism by white America.

It's gone on for so long and is so egregious that now there is probably no will to change it.

Other countries chose to accept the other races much more readily than did America.

Your racism has been a part of your lives since you were born!

Now it looks like some of the chickens are going to come home in more convincing ways than just burning down white people's 'stuff'.
Wow. You are sure a leftist! Blacks charge into a store like raving maniacs and steal and damage everything in sight, and it’s due to racism?

You are part of the problem, with your excuses.
Wow. You are sure a leftist! Blacks charge into a store like raving maniacs and steal and damage everything in sight, and it’s due to racism?
Yes, they are what they are because of racism.

And many of America's blacks compared to Canada and other countries are the proof of why the problem in America is about to explode.

A new born infant isn't born a gun murderer but America makes then into one more than any other modern civilized country.
Yes, they are what they are because of racism.

And many of America's blacks compared to Canada and other countries are the proof of why the problem in America is about to explode.

A new born infant isn't born a gun murderer but America makes then into one more than any other modern civilized country.
Yeah, yeah….it’s America’s fault! You’re too much of a leftist to even discuss this with.
BLM people are very, very angry at white people and they may take it over the bounds of what society can tolerate this time.

Fine. I'll be more than happy to shoot me some commies.

Maybe I'll build one of those necklaces with a buncha ears on it.

Wouldn't that be grand?

Shouldn't we all be thinking in those terms, instead of placing blame as the 'equivalent' of the WTC towers could come crashing down?

Fuck BLM. They're liars and thieves. Buncha fuckin commies.

How many more blacks guys murdered before they burn the whole joint down White?
That's your excuse?

So next time a white boy gets picked off you're okay with a little genocide, right?

You seem like a major asswipe.
But Y0U have lied, misrepresented these young people and made false and misleading allegations against the entire Democratic leadership of your country.
We all know about the Democratic party leadership.

They're the most corrupt bunch of evil fucktards ever to disgrace Capitol Hill.

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