White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

She wasn't "beaten up". She didn't have a mark on her. She was attacked, and shoved around, but she wasn't "beaten", and had no cuts, bruises or injuries. She requiried no medical treatment.

"Savages"??? Every time you talk about non-whites, you use dehumanizing language, like "savages" or "filth". Refugees are "invaders". Yet you complain about anti-Semitism. 0ne would think that, given the amount you complain about discrimination and hate against your tribe, you'd treat other minorities classes better.
Don't you ever get tired of lying like this?
So, it was 10 black women. Same issue applies. If a mob of whites beat up some defenseless black lady, you lefties would be screaming racism, Biden would invite the lady to the WH, and he’d be talking about the white supremacists.

But because the savages were black, you’re arguing that it was only 10 blacks, and they were women. The mayor defends them. And Biden doesn’t say a word.

There WAS N0 "M0B", and the woman was not "beat up". Again, she required no medical attention, and had no marks of a beating on her.

The teenagers who pushed and shoved her were ill behaved, and should be charged, but they were not "savages".

Last but not least, none of the people you have named have said one word in their defense.

But Y0U have lied, misrepresented these young people and made false and misleading allegations against the entire Democratic leadership of your country.
She wasn't "beaten up". She didn't have a mark on her. She was attacked, and shoved around, but she wasn't "beaten", and had no cuts, bruises or injuries. She requiried no medical treatment.

There you go again, defending a mob they’re black. “Waaa.,..they didn’t really hurt her.” She was scared to death by the Lord of the Flies savages, and they did indeed hurt her. You wouldn’t be saying the same thing if a bunch of savage whites attacked a black.
"Savages"??? Every time you talk about non-whites, you use dehumanizing language, like "savages" or "filth". Refugees are "invaders". Yet you complain about anti-Semitism. 0ne would think that, given the amount you complain about discrimination and hate against your tribe, you'd treat other minorities classes better.
Yes, any one who behaves the way those black teens did are savages. And the people violating our laws at the southern border are indeed invading. You leftists always defend bad people if they belong to one of your “protected” minorities.
Don't you ever get tired of lying like this?

Where exactly did this senator mention this incident or these attacks?

He made a sweeping statement about the protests and the violence, and you make the claim that he defended this attack.

Law and order is a compact that government and the people make. You make sure we our rights and freedoms are protected, and we'll obey the law. When the law is skewed so that no one is getting a fair shake, the compact is broken.

Your stores are selling $200 sneakers, and $1000 purses, but the shop clerks need food stamps to feed their children. Your waitress is paid $2.50 per hour plus tips, so she has to wear low cut tops and endure sexual harassment by her customers in hopes of getting a tips to pay her rent, that compact is being broken.

This is no different than the Chinese people rioting over lockdowns. When the government doesn't hold up their end of things, and gives young people no hope for their future, social unrest is the result. We saw it in the 1960's, and the 1970's. This is no different.

You keep blaming poor people for getting pissed off over being exploited and abused.
There you go again, defending a mob they’re black. “Waaa.,..they didn’t really hurt her.” She was scared to death by the Lord of the Flies savages, and they did indeed hurt her. You wouldn’t be saying the same thing if a bunch of savage whites attacked a black.

Yes, any one who behaves the way those black teens did are savages. And the people violating our laws at the southern border are indeed invading. You leftists always defend bad people if they belong to one of your “protected” minorities.

I'm not defending their behaviour. I said they should be charged for what they did. But I will continue to call you out for your entire misrepresentation of this incident as a "savage beating of a white woman by a black mob". I'm calling out your lies and racism, and your attempt to blame this on Democrats.

You never mentioned in your rant that the black man who was with the white woman actually was injured, and did require medical attention, or how terrible it was that these black girls attacked HIM. You called them "savages" because they pushed and shoved his white girlfriend.

The people at your southern border are running for their lives, in large part because of your government's policies and failure to address global warming. They're asking for help.

Yesterday, a 6 year old was shot when she went to get her basketball off her neighbour's lawn. Two cheerleaders in Texas were shot when they accidentally got into the wrong car, a couple of days ago. Last week a girl was killed when the car she was in pulled into the wrong driveway. The home owner shot at them as they were backing out of the drive way.

You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed of your nation.
I'm not defending their behaviour. I said they should be charged for what they did. But I will continue to call you out for your entire misrepresentation of this incident as a "savage beating of a white woman by a black mob". I'm calling out your lies and racism, and your attempt to blame this on Democrats.

You never mentioned in your rant that the black man who was with the white woman actually was injured, and did require medical attention, or how terrible it was that these black girls attacked HIM. You called them "savages" because they pushed and shoved his white girlfriend.

The people at your southern border are running for their lives, in large part because of your government's policies and failure to address global warming. They're asking for help.

Yesterday, a 6 year old was shot when she went to get her basketball off her neighbour's lawn. Two cheerleaders in Texas were shot when they accidentally got into the wrong car, a couple of days ago. Last week a girl was killed when the car she was in pulled into the wrong driveway. The home owner shot at them as they were backing out of the drive way.

You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed of your nation.
It was a savage beating by a bunch of ferals out having a good time. Only a racist would object to black people entertaining themselves.
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

Democrats have already made the gestures to change this funky baboon violence: RFK Jr. 2024.
Yes you did you raving lunatic.

Why do you keep trying to goad me into engaging with you? You have no interest in engaging in political discussion, and no ability to do so.

You have to do better than abuse and insults fuck boy
Now the pro BLM far left is calling for another flash mob to cause chaos in downtown Chicago. Within a few days or a week it’s supposed to happen again let’s see if the black mayor of Chicago stops being a racist and wakes up and does something about this madness. Let’s see if the Democratic Party and even some Republicans like Kinzinger, Romney and Cheney can wake up and start being leaders start preaching pro American views.

No wonder why in Chicago young black men and women are going around committing violence against people, mass looting and causing damage to peoples cars pulling people out of cars beating them up in Chicago ….they’re being told by their mayor by their president how racist America is. You see when you are a young man and a young woman in this country and you’re being told by politicians, celebrities and athletes who are all millionaires or billionaires how racist the country is toward them why would you care about the country. ? Well why not just go on a rampage, looting taking food at grocery markets. No wonder why Walmart closed four of eight stores in Chicago.

It is just shocking to see well maybe not shocking par for the course to see far left-wing Democrats make all sorts of crazy excuses about the 20 + young black men and some women who beat the living hell out of the white woman. Noticed that the far left hasn’t said anything about that heroic black woman who rescued the white woman and her boyfriend from that crowd of blm maniacs and gave them shoes. Because the white woman and her boyfriend were robbed of their her shoes and cell phone and the leftist don’t say anything about it

There is not one single case of 20 young white men or girls beating the living hell out of a black woman. Not a single case of a mob of 50 or 500 Trump supporters going to downtown Chicago or going to rampage across cities like we saw tens of thousands of pro BLM people do in the summer of 2020. Hundreds maybe over 1000 separate cases of these radical
left-wing pro BLM supporters going completely crazy in the summer of 2020 and the riots that caused billions of dollars of damage and 25 murders. You know this did not occur folks in the American Past like it is today. We see these flash mobs being formed on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter …social media did not exist in the 1940s in the 1950s well back in those days our middle class was much stronger and we had better Democratic leader ship.

and far left-wing Democrats they don’t care about black on black crime. That’s why Chicago continues to see all these problems. And now we have a major threat of businesses closing in Chicago , Chicago losing tourism because of how weak the mayor of Chicago is along with the left-wing Democrats who are weak on crime.

And Democrats simply don’t care they’re excuses in this thread are par for the course. It shows how radical there terroristic thinking is and how evil they have become. Some of them yes they have been duped they don’t know any better or maybe they’re just scared to oppose Democrats …it is crystal clear that some of them though are evil racists and they just laugh at this they don’t care about it. They don’t care the Democrats are allowing man to get dressed in women’s locker rooms man to go into women’s bathrooms, allowing man to compete in women’s sports taking away rights from women. Whatever happened to Woodrow Wilson and the suffragists giving women the right to vote. ? And whatever happened to the 1940s the great Democrats like Frances Perkins the labor leader and Walter Reuther pushing for more women in the workplace which happened by the millions. What a great history the Democratic Party has but how ugly and anti-American they have become today. Maybe just maybe Robert F Kennedy Junior can change the ways of the Democrat party
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Where exactly did this senator mention this incident or these attacks?

He made a sweeping statement about the protests and the violence, and you make the claim that he defended this attack.

Law and order is a compact that government and the people make. You make sure we our rights and freedoms are protected, and we'll obey the law. When the law is skewed so that no one is getting a fair shake, the compact is broken.

Your stores are selling $200 sneakers, and $1000 purses, but the shop clerks need food stamps to feed their children. Your waitress is paid $2.50 per hour plus tips, so she has to wear low cut tops and endure sexual harassment by her customers in hopes of getting a tips to pay her rent, that compact is being broken.

This is no different than the Chinese people rioting over lockdowns. When the government doesn't hold up their end of things, and gives young people no hope for their future, social unrest is the result. We saw it in the 1960's, and the 1970's. This is no different.

You keep blaming poor people for getting pissed off over being exploited and abused.

Should we become like CUBA? No goods for sale....everyone standing around? No Doctors or Dental available.
There WAS N0 "M0B", and the woman was not "beat up". Again, she required no medical attention, and had no marks of a beating on her.

The teenagers who pushed and shoved her were ill behaved, and should be charged, but they were not "savages".

Last but not least, none of the people you have named have said one word in their defense.

But Y0U have lied, misrepresented these young people and made false and misleading allegations against the entire Democratic leadership of your country.

Should MOB attacks be made legal if they don't draw too much Blood from the victims?
I'm not defending their behaviour. I said they should be charged for what they did. But I will continue to call you out for your entire misrepresentation of this incident as a "savage beating of a white woman by a black mob". I'm calling out your lies and racism, and your attempt to blame this on Democrats.

You never mentioned in your rant that the black man who was with the white woman actually was injured, and did require medical attention, or how terrible it was that these black girls attacked HIM. You called them "savages" because they pushed and shoved his white girlfriend.

The people at your southern border are running for their lives, in large part because of your government's policies and failure to address global warming. They're asking for help.

Yesterday, a 6 year old was shot when she went to get her basketball off her neighbour's lawn. Two cheerleaders in Texas were shot when they accidentally got into the wrong car, a couple of days ago. Last week a girl was killed when the car she was in pulled into the wrong driveway. The home owner shot at them as they were backing out of the drive way.

You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed of your nation.
And you should be ashamed of going on an American website, as a foreigner, and condemning my nation.
Democrats have already made the gestures to change this funky baboon violence: RFK Jr. 2024.
Ha! I just got called on the carpet for calling the teens in that black mob “savages” - let’s see how Dragon Lady likes “baboon.”
Should MOB attacks be made legal if they don't draw too much Blood from the victims?
Yes, new rules.

If whitey draws an ounce, and his victim black, he will be called a white supremacist, and put in jail.

If a black draws anything less than 2 pints, he gets a remark from his city’s mayor that “he doesn’t have opportunities in America” and that’s why he’s angry.
Be fair about this! It's going to take thousands of white women getting beat up to come close to being able to legitimately complain about one white 'women' getting a licking for most likely being uppity.

Think of it as society receiving it's comeuppance, on account of America's racism and refusal to fix it.
Gee, and we wonder why the jungle savages behave like jungle savages in all diverse blue shitholes. The purple hair woke white guilt whackos keep them convinced that law and order doesn’t apply to them because slavery n’stuff.
That black woman pictured in the above video in the original post is an American hero. After the white woman who was beat down with her black boyfriend who was also beat down and robbed of his cell phone and shoes. …. The black woman pictured in the above video drove the couple to her house and gave them shoes and helped out as she could

Just imagine that that white woman and her black boyfriend were there in Chicago to enjoy themselves but what happens, they get ruthlessly beat down by a Black Lives Matter mob and robbed of their shoes and cell phone.
A BLM Mob? Where did that come from?
Gee, and we wonder why the jungle savages behave like jungle savages in all diverse blue shitholes.
You're a filthy racist of the sort I mentioned, who lately feel an increased need to be noticed.

It could take a lynching to get the notice you're seeking.

just expressing racism and hate doesn't seem to do it anymore.

Will 'they' return the though by leaving their victims in back allies to get the notice 'they're' seeking?
You're a filthy racist of the sort I mentioned, who lately feel an increased need to be noticed.

It could take a lynching to get the notice you're seeking.

just expressing racism and hate doesn't seem to do it anymore.

Will 'they' return the though by leaving their victims in back allies to get the notice 'they're' seeking?
However far these ferals need to go before they face a fed up, had it with your shit, white people that's how far they need to go.
However far these ferals need to go before they face a fed up, had it with your shit, white people that's how far they need to go.
Ferals? Are you implying that you're a racist?

The more I can coax out of their closets the better.

Are you one of them?
Blacks have demanded safe spaces. They have gotted black only benefits. They have successfully excluded whites so they can be comfortable without the irritating white devils, that they can now cry over segregation.

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