White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

No, your attempt is to get whitey to shut up about the VERY obvious double standards being applied when a black is victimized and a white is victimized. Your silencing tactics can’t work when the different treatment is so obvious.
Violence happens.
Cities can be violent places.
End of story.
Thoughts and prayers.
They have given themselves over to a spirit of pure evil that comes disguised as tribalism. Unless they repent of it and ask forgiveness, they WILL stand before God and answer for it someday. All of us who fall into that trap will pay in due time.

I believe that our government has fallen to Marxists and their goal now is to foment a level of violence between groups that will allow them (government) to send in forces to crush what few rights we have left. Meanwhile, the only remaining protections we can count on for our families is to exact vengeance if the law ignores atrocities against us. When the "legal" system no longer exists, there is no other choice. SO BE IT...
Yes, destabilization, and normalization, is in the playbill of this EVIL agenda, and it's happening right before our eyes.

I don't see that happening. The Dems are relaxing, while the Pubs are at each other's throats. Politics as usual.
Black and white business owners are having their convenient stores robbed by mass mobs. BLM type rioters are doing whatever the hell they want in major cities and you think everything is just normal. You’re way off brother. The Democrats are going to be on an uphill climb in 2024. American people have had enough of this trash.
This country made it through two world wars, the great depression, the dust bowl I think we can get past this far left wing evil and anti-Americanism. We the American people will save this country.
Whatever you are smoking, put it on the market, you’ll make millions. Then the government can steal most and redistribute it.
I see.
So it's a story mainly designed to whip up the righteous ire of the White Nationalists among us.
I hope you get the help you need buddy. These words are not used lightly

It’s clear you don’t give one darn about that black woman in the original post in the video who said she took this story of a crime that she witnessed right in front of her eyes , that we all witness on camera to the Chicago police department and the desk surgeon said there’s nothing he can do about it because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

What you witnessed on camera in the original post is new to America. It’s called a flash mob organized by BLM thugs on Twitter and Instagram …. that did not happen like it is now on a daily basis in the American past. We had some racial issues in the American past nothing like what other countries had. But now you see social media and the worst parts of it are playing a role in this terrorism from the far left. And with the American people black and white won’t have it anymore.

You are willingly believing the lies and propaganda the far left is telling you, or you were just straight up evil and you just don’t give a shit about hate crimes against white people like that Democrat monster in the Strad who said “hey at least the white woman wasn’t killed”..

The president of United States goes way out of his way to invite black victims to his house but never does it for the white victims of black hate violence against white people…. which is happening in part because of the horrendous anti-Americanism in the media and the propagation of lies and distortions of the history of America by the far left.

Why are you doing this man come on man you can do better than this. Have a nice day
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Violence happens.
Cities can be violent places.
End of story.
Thoughts and prayers.
Yeah, and I’m so sure that would be your response if a mob of savage white teens beat up a defenseless black lady. You’d be screaming racism from the hilltops, Biden would invite the lady to the White House while holding a news conference about white suoremacists, and the video would be played in an endless loop on MSM.

But black barbarians beat up on whitey? Eh. Violence happens.Shrug.
Yes, destabilization, and normalization, is in the playbill of this EVIL agenda, and it's happening right before our eyes.


true ^^^


Nope. The nasty attempts by the leftists to suppress conservatives from revealing the double-standards favoring blacks and treating whites as less valuable won’t work.
Why? Because Biden didnt invite a white person that was beat up to the White House? What about Asians, Latinos, and every other race on the planet? He supposed to invite all of them too? You really are a bunch of cry baby snowflakes.
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

You keep confusing the far left with liberals. The American "far left" is practically non-existent. Actual Marxists, and communists, are extremely tough on crime. These wet-bread, limp-wristed liberals aren't true "leftists", much less "far leftists", they're in a category of their own.

Modern American "progressivist" liberalism is a unique phenomenon, that is extremely nihilistic and unscientific. They hate science, reality, and authority. Actual Marxists recognize the value and importance of authority, social order, and security. Mobs of unruly, violent youth would be rounded up and detained, then placed in re-education work camps until they prove they can be law-abiding citizens. Their parents i.e. legal guardians would also be punished and forced to be re-educated in how to raise good citizens (members of society).
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All praise be to God

This courageous black American this proud woman …Lenora Dennis intervened and was able to rescue the white woman and her black boyfriend who were mercilessly beat up by mostly young black men. Yeah I said before she was able to get a couple to her car and then fled to a police station where a desk Sergeant said there’s nothing we can do to help because of the newly elected mayor. And of course the newly elected mayor of Chicago is a black man who is racist.

The white woman and her boyfriend were robbed of their cell phone and shoes and beat up savagely. And To think that some of the far left wingers on this thread don’t give a single darn about it they say things like “oh well she’s not dead is she”. Or they will say “hey this was also black on black crime”, as if they give a single darn about black on black violence which they don’t not at all.

What we’re dealing with when it comes to the far left wing democrats are evil people. Truly racist evil maniacs. None of these words are used lightly there’s no other words to be used. And if the far left thinks they can take over America they’re gonna lose, we won both world wars we beat the Great Depression, we will beat the extreme far left in America.

Positivity, belief in our Lord, good values always defeats evil.

Thanks lenora hopefully there’s a go fund me for this courageous American patriot
And to think last summer I was there in the loop in downtown Chicago staying at a hotel that was pretty pricey and probably not worth the money. I walked around the neighborhood and nighttime walked around the bars it was all black folks they were nice they were cool and those Black people live today in a bad area…. because of this newly elected racist mayor who doesn’t care about crime. I was there in the loop the same place that saw this crazy rioting where Hundreds of young men and women blm type thugs who get together in “ flash mobs” and cause chaos just like we saw in the 2020 BLM riots…. they are trying to ruin things for the good Black people and the good white people of downtown Chicago but in the end they’re going to fail because this just doesn’t hold up in our country.

There’s too many good people in America like Lenora that won’t let our country turn to garbage. the far left Democrats will lose
You keep confusing the far left with liberals. The American "far left" is practically non-existent. Actual Marxists, and communists, are extremely tough on crime. These wet-bread, limp-wristed liberals aren't true "leftists", much less "far leftists", they're in a category of their own.

Modern American "progressivist" liberalism is a unique phenomenon, that is extremely nihilistic and unscientific. They hate science, reality, and authority. Actual Marxists recognize the value and importance of authority, social order, and security. Mobs of unruly, violent youth would be rounded up and detained, then placed in re-education work camps until they prove they can be law-abiding citizens. Their parents i.e. legal guardians would also be punished and forced to be re-educated in how to raise good citizens (members of society).
Marxist authority is just like freedom and hotdogs!
How can you be so weak minded to advocate for such STUPIDITY?
Guess I gotta do it again...
Ladies and Gentlemen, here's Uncle Yuri outlying the Marxist ROT throughout the 20th century...

I hope that CommunistFront doesn't get the TROTSKY ICE AXE!
Good luck!
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

Looks like a hate crime to me.
I hope you get the help you need buddy. These words are not used lightly

It’s clear you don’t give one darn about that black woman in the original post in the video who said she took this story of a crime that she witnessed right in front of her eyes , that we all witness on camera to the Chicago police department and the desk surgeon said there’s nothing he can do about it because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

What you witnessed on camera in the original post is new to America. It’s called a flash mob organized by BLM thugs on Twitter and Instagram …. that did not happen like it is now on a daily basis in the American past. We had some racial issues in the American past nothing like what other countries had. But now you see social media and the worst parts of it are playing a role in this terrorism from the far left. And with the American people black and white won’t have it anymore.

You are willingly believing the lies and propaganda the far left is telling you, or you were just straight up evil and you just don’t give a shit about hate crimes against white people like that Democrat monster in the Strad who said “hey at least the white woman wasn’t killed”..

The president of United States goes way out of his way to invite black victims to his house but never does it for the white victims of black hate violence against white people…. which is happening in part because of the horrendous anti-Americanism in the media and the propagation of lies and distortions of the history of America by the far left.

Why are you doing this man come on man you can do better than this. Have a nice day
What I find interesting is that our inner cities in America are full of black on black violent crime.
All day long, everyday, all the time.
Yet I don't see our resident white nationalist members on this board whining because they're not hearing about each of THOSE cases in the press?
Why not?
Because this isn't really a story about violence.
It is a dog whistle to MAGAt racists to trigger their anger at blacks....and at the free press.
it was more than a fist fight: it was a violent hate crime.

Lock them up until age 21.

The victim of this violence didn't have a mark on her. Not a bruise, or a cut. Yes, she was attacked, but at the end of it, she didn't even need medical attention.

Hardly the "brutal beating" you and the 0P are complaining occurred.
You can't possibly expect liberals to do much with black-on-white crime. Race, sexuality, and politics are more important than the law to them.
Black and white business owners are having their convenient stores robbed by mass mobs. BLM type rioters are doing whatever the hell they want in major cities and you think everything is just normal. You’re way off brother. The Democrats are going to be on an uphill climb in 2024. American people have had enough of this trash.

What exactly are BLM type rioters, Franklin?

If you're planning on banning abortion, and carrying on with the anti-American authoritiarian bullshit, you don't have a hope in hell of getting your hate fuelled criminals back into office. They were rejected in the last election. You had a chance in the House but you blew that by continuing to back Trump.
What exactly are BLM type rioters, Franklin?

If you're planning on banning abortion, and carrying on with the anti-American authoritiarian bullshit, you don't have a hope in hell of getting your hate fuelled criminals back into office. They were rejected in the last election. You had a chance in the House but you blew that by continuing to back Trump.
Yep, tell us your story after you become the next victim.

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