White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

This is the future, get used to it.
This country made it through two world wars, the great depression, the dust bowl I think we can get past this far left wing evil and anti-Americanism. We the American people will save this country.
Those radical 60's hippies are the old white Dems driving us off a cliff today.
Why did they switch from "don't trust the man" & "make love, not war" to: do everything you're told & let's instigate a war with Russia?

I don't know how you can stand to call yourself a Democrat since you clearly realize how radical & far left they are now.
Do you still buy the BS that Repubs hate blacks & only care about rich people?
Well I never believe that Republicans hated Black people and only cared about the rich. I think that there are Democrats and Republicans who only care about themselves. But the problem is crystal clear today it is with the Democrat party and their lunacy their clear-cut immoral behavior. And I do wonder if Joe Biden has dementia I didn’t wanna believe that at first but now I think it is perhaps an issue because of how for example he does nothing at all to address black on white crime and to address the black mayor of Chicago who is a clear-cut racist. He does not address the fact that we have a police sergeant in Chicago saying they can’t do their job because of the mayor of Chicago.

You look at how the far left wing US message board posters react to this. They simply do not care that a black woman helped out these people who were robbed attack including that white lady who was surrounded by young black men and viciously beat up.

And when the black lady in the video in the original post said that she went to a police sergeant and the police sergeant said we can’t do anything about this crime because of the newly elected mayor….. that should be an immediate red flag for every Democrat on the US message board and some of them are waking up I think but others like those on the far left who are racist towards white people they don’t give a shit about it so they ignore it or in the most evil way they like it.
Biden was quick to demonize the white teen who defended himself against the (also white) attacker threatening his life as a “white supremacist,” but when a mob of savage blacks do this to a lone white woman, he doesn’t say a word.
So every time someone is beaten the President needs to comment on it? You've lost your mind.
They have given themselves over to a spirit of pure evil that comes disguised as tribalism. Unless they repent of it and ask forgiveness, they WILL stand before God and answer for it someday. All of us who fall into that trap will pay in due time.

I believe that our government has fallen to Marxists and their goal now is to foment a level of violence between groups that will allow them (government) to send in forces to crush what few rights we have left. Meanwhile, the only remaining protections we can count on for our families is to exact vengeance if the law ignores atrocities against us. When the "legal" system no longer exists, there is no other choice. SO BE IT...

Best projection every. Evil disguised as tribalism is today's right winger.

Women bleeding out in the bathroom because life saving medical treatments are illegal. 6 year olds bringing guns to school because owning a gun isn't illegal. A new mass shooting every day. People ringing the wrong doorbell, pulling into the wrong driveway, or getting into the wrong car by mistake are getting shot.

Drag shows are banned because right wingers think they're creepy.
Think any time something horrible happens to one citizen here we should blame it on who ever the president is!
Because??? Makes zero sense.
Best projection every. Evil disguised as tribalism is today's right winger.

Women bleeding out in the bathroom because life saving medical treatments are illegal. 6 year olds bringing guns to school because owning a gun isn't illegal. A new mass shooting every day. People ringing the wrong doorbell, pulling into the wrong driveway, or getting into the wrong car by mistake are getting shot.

Drag shows are banned because right wingers think they're creepy.

Worst deflection ever. This is about those Rabid dogs in Chicago that should be put down.
Well I never believe that Republicans hated Black people and only cared about the rich. I think that there are Democrats and Republicans who only care about themselves. But the problem is crystal clear today it is with the Democrat party and their lunacy their clear-cut immoral behavior. And I do wonder if Joe Biden has dementia I didn’t wanna believe that at first but now I think it is perhaps an issue because of how for example he does nothing at all to address black on white crime and to address the black mayor of Chicago who is a clear-cut racist. He does not address the fact that we have a police sergeant in Chicago saying they can’t do their job because of the mayor of Chicago.

You look at how the far left wing US message board posters react to this. They simply do not care that a black woman helped out these people who were robbed attack including that white lady who was surrounded by young black men and viciously beat up.

And when the black lady in the video in the original post said that she went to a police sergeant and the police sergeant said we can’t do anything about this crime because of the newly elected mayor….. that should be an immediate red flag for every Democrat on the US message board and some of them are waking up I think but others like those on the far left who are racist towards white people they don’t give a shit about it so they ignore it or in the most evil way they like it.

It YOU who needs a wake up call. Since when do the police get to tell the citizens who should or should not be mayor.???? WHY IS THIS A WAKE UP CALL FOR DEMOCRATS???

No this is about racist asshole posting hate and lies against black people in Chicago. Rabid racists should be put down just like rabid dogs.

Let me help you out. Blacks beat a white woman

The perps should be put down like dogs? Yes?

You can't have it both ways
Is Joe Biden too busy getting plastic surgery? Or might be the case that Mr. Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do. He only seems to go to black victims. He rightfully invited the young black boy who was shot by a white man to the White House. This is now time for Joe Biden to invite this white woman who was horrifically beaten by 20 black young men, robbed and scarred for life by a mob of pro-BLM maniacs.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre has got to be grilled about this every day until she stops being a coward until she stops being racist against white people ….and she starts to answer why pro BLM crowds are beating the living hell out of white people, they pull people out of cars, they use mass mobs to rob convenient markets .

If a young black woman was mercilessly beat down by 20 white people it would be in the news every single day for a year. That does not exist though. Part of the result of why those young black men were beating down and robbing that white woman and they robbed her black boyfriend ….it’s because of horrendous leader ship by the racist black mayor elect of Chicago and the racist Democrat party who preach anti-American ism. No wonder why it happened when young black men believe that there is no good jobs for them and that they are being told by the media how racist America is toward blacks….when they know that they won’t even have to go to jail for what they do ….this is what we see in the above video.

This young white woman also had a black boyfriend who attempted to come to her defense as a man of honor. There was also a black woman who is pictured in the video above a good Samaritan who attempted to approach the police to rectify the situation and then the Chicago police drove right past her.

This is no longer a joke this is a criminal behavior. And you notice how I’m not using rude language in this post …this separates me from the far left which represents maybe 10 percent of Democrats they lie their brains out, they simply do not care about the visual evidence staring them in the face every day, they just keep on lying and misrepresenting…

The Democrats on the US message board can no longer turn a blind eye to this. They claim to stand up for Black people ….you people are being told by this black woman in the above video that the Chicago police because of a black racist mayor cannot do their job. This black woman pictured above in the video went to the Chicago police and filed a police report and the Chicago detective said they were try their best…. but the police Lieutenant said they can’t do much because of the newly elected black mayor who is a racist.

Hey listen my fellow Democrats please stop supporting BLM, stop being anti-American please my brothers do the right thing you know you have it inside of you.

Why is the color of the victim's and attacker's skin germaine to this story?
Why mention it?
Thank you Lisa. The question I have is how many Americans are on the far left. I don’t think it’s any more than 5% remember it’s a country over 330 million people we have. Those on the far left are very loud they are small in numbers but they’re very loud and violent. We certainly saw this in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots that cost billions of dollars worth of damage and 25 murders …including the murder of an innocent black pawnshop security officer.
That innocent black pawnshop security officer was a retired police captain, and he was gunned down by a black looter who obviously didn’t think that Black Lives Matter.

So where was his trial? Why wasn’t it televised? Why didn’t we have moments of silence for the murdered police captain? Where are the statues to him? The funeral fit for a head of state?

That more was made of the life of a deadbeat dad, ex-felon violent thug than that of a law-abiding police captain disgusts me.
No this is about racist asshole posting hate and lies against black people in Chicago. Rabid racists should be put down just like rabid dogs.

This thread is about Rabid Black Children beating people. They should be shot.

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