White women horrifically beaten by 20 young black men- where is Joe Biden on this, where is Kamala Harris? Do something about this Democrats

Ferals? Are you implying that you're a racist?

The more I can coax out of their closets the better.

Are you one of them?
Ohhh WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM, wayciss, Waycisss. Everybody who is anybody is a wayciss. De wayciss gonna git Dat wascally black wabbit and put him Inna pot time for wayciss black stew. Haul Dat tar baby right out o de bramble patch. Wayyyyyccccisssm, taday, WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM fo eber!
There's too much hatred in this world. We need to figure out how to be peaceful and live together in harmony. Sex, drugs and rock in roll is said to be one way but I wonder what's your solution?

Batons, dogs, arrests and convictions. Used to work, would work again. Tho' I know it won't happen.
Ohhh WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM, wayciss, Waycisss. Everybody who is anybody is a wayciss. De wayciss gonna git Dat wascally black wabbit and put him Inna pot time for wayciss black stew. Haul Dat tar baby right out o de bramble patch. Wayyyyyccccisssm, taday, WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM fo eber!
Some will still stay in their closets but there are always a few that no longer fear expressing their racism openly and proudly.
Marxist authority is just like freedom and hotdogs!
How can you be so weak minded to advocate for such STUPIDITY?
Guess I gotta do it again...
Ladies and Gentlemen, here's Uncle Yuri outlying the Marxist ROT throughout the 20th century...

I hope that CommunistFront doesn't get the TROTSKY ICE AXE!
Good luck!

For every "Yuri", we have several more former CIA officers admitting that much of what your uncle is saying is nothing more than cheap, cold war propaganda:

Scholar Michael Parenti:

Scholar Grover Furr:

Tjen Folket: Grover Furr talk on his book "Khrushchev Lied"

All you have is cheap rhetoric against Marxism and Communism. Back to the original topic of law and order, and street crime, if actual leftists were in charge, all of this street thuggery would be eliminated overnight, so the continual charge that leftists are responsible for all of this chaos is ridiculous. You American right-wingers, just don't know what actual leftism is. Communists, Marxists establish law and order, quickly. Street thugs are put in front of a wall and dispatched or sent to a re-education work-camp ("summer camp"), where they can come to their senses. You obviously are confused about the far-left.
If the crimes against black people don't stop, the crimes against white women will become too horrible to even contemplate.
If the crimes against black people don't stop, the crimes against white women will become too horrible to even contemplate.
Then white women will take full advantage of their second amendment rights. They might make a mistake now and then blowing away that papa of five but hey, they asked for it.

Perhaps the best thing to come out of the increase in black violence is open race warfare.
What does your post have to do Franklin's attempt to gin up racial hate with false claims that a white woman was brutally beaten by a gang of 20 young black males?

In reality she was attacked, roughed up and frightened, by a group of young black women, but not injured or "beaten", brutally or otherwise.

You're a very good leftist. They teach how to misdirect and displace accountability. My post has everything to do with what occurred, and you helped prove my point of...

Order of accountability under the left's doctrine aimed at destroying this country, from highest accountability to little or no accountability. My gut says you're #5.

1. White conservative males
2. White conservative females
3. Black conservative males ("traders")
4. Every other conservative
5. White "liberals"
6. Non-white "liberals", excluding blacks
7. Black "liberals".
Last edited:
Because the word has lost all meaning and become an object of mockery.
You are an admitted filthy evil racist, but surprisingly you're trying to duck back in your closet. That's only because you're not getting the unconditional support that you expected to come.

So for now you get to stand alone in your filth.
You are an admitted filthy evil racist, but surprisingly you're trying to duck back in your closet. That's only because you're not getting the unconditional support that you expected to come.

So for now you get to stand alone in your filth.
Awww is de baby all upset because I wasn't sufficiently upset at being called a racist? Change your diaper and look around. You are officially outnumbered.

Waycism is fo all de civilized folk rejecting rule by orangutan. See, what happened is that blacks and their sycophants saw Rise of Planet of the Apes and thought wow, we can really do that.
Then white women will take full advantage of their second amendment rights. They might make a mistake now and then blowing away that papa of five but hey, they asked for it.

Perhaps the best thing to come out of the increase in black violence is open race warfare.

That's what your god wants? Race warfare? If law enforcement did its job in Chicago, none of this would happen. Also, allowing good law-abiding citizens to own and carry firearms would also eliminate this street thuggery. In that mob of criminals, maybe a couple of them would've had firearms, but all of the good, law-abiding adults, would be armed and would disperse the mob quickly, perhaps sending a few of them to Tartarus, where they belong.
For every "Yuri", we have several more former CIA officers admitting that much of what your uncle is saying is nothing more than cheap, cold war propaganda:

Scholar Michael Parenti:

Scholar Grover Furr:

Tjen Folket: Grover Furr talk on his book "Khrushchev Lied"

All you have is cheap rhetoric against Marxism and Communism. Back to the original topic of law and order, and street crime, if actual leftists were in charge, all of this street thuggery would be eliminated overnight, so the continual charge that leftists are responsible for all of this chaos is ridiculous. You American right-wingers, just don't know what actual leftism is. Communists, Marxists establish law and order, quickly. Street thugs are put in front of a wall and dispatched or sent to a re-education work-camp ("summer camp"), where they can come to their senses. You obviously are confused about the far-left.

Oooooo, the alphabet cabal would never lie.
The proof of what Yuri Bezmenov warned us about is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES!
Look! They got YOU!!!!
We could certainly in some way Live and learn from the era of the 1960s peace and love.
lol they were mostly self-indulgent narcissistic bourgeois Burb Brats; most working class kids made fun of them, and college professors fed them a lot of idiotic tripe. Real liberals, like Patrick Moynihan, weren't afraid to tell the facts, and were punished for it. Everything he predicted came true re the radicals who took over the Party.

Most of those 'peaceloving hippies' went on to Wall Street and pouring big bux into the pockets of murdering psycho drug cartels and street gangs,conspicuous consumption, mindless self-indulgence, and rampant corruption. Now they vote GOP and blame everybody else for their stupid self-inflicted problems. Da Evul Guvmint forced them to be assholes n stuff.
Awww is de baby all upset because I wasn't sufficiently upset at being called a racist? Change your diaper and look around. You are officially outnumbered.

Waycism is fo all de civilized folk rejecting rule by orangutan. See, what happened is that blacks and their sycophants saw Rise of Planet of the Apes and thought wow, we can really do that.
I have you out of your closet, but the support for you is still cautious and tepid. You get to carry the ball for a while at least until some other racists get their balls.
I have you out of your closet, but the support for you is still cautious and tepid. You get to carry the ball for a while at least until some other racists get their balls.
De WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM is de BEST. Gits to sing fum Porgy n Bess!
If the crimes against black people don't stop, the crimes against white women will become too horrible to even contemplate.
What are all these imagined “crimes against black people”? They’re getting prioritized for college admissions, for jobs (including the VP and the Press Secretary, who never would have been considered if they were white), and for job promotions. Elected leaders are afraid to criticize even the worst behavior if committed by blacks, and DAs are working to get felonies reduced to misdemeanors because blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of felonies.

They are NOT the poor, oppressed victims you leftists want us to believe.

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