White men in T.V. Ads with young black girls. What message is being put forth.?

I believe that will take longer than you think it will. Not that it's not a good idea.... But over the course of the last decade we seem to be heading in exactly the opposite direction frankly.
That may depend on where you live.
Take your own random sample of 10 American TV commercials. I guarantee you at least 7 of them will have some representation of either inter-racial couples, mixed raced families, or all Black people. No, I'm not a racist, I just have functioning eyeballs. To me it appears to be clumsy pandering to BLM by advertisers.
Yes, fhere's a ton of disgusting social engineering going on. I use the mute button and have things to occupy me during the awful five minute commercial breaks. That way I even avoid looking at the screen.

Sadly, most of our TV commercials and programs now look as though they're coming out of some African shithole. The remote control/mute button is now worth its weight in gold. Lol...
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Take your own random sample of 10 American TV commercials. I guarantee you at least 7 of them will have some representation of either inter-racial couples, mixed raced families, or all Black people. No, I'm not a racist, I just have functioning eyeballs. To me it appears to be clumsy pandering to BLM by advertisers.
You bleev 70 percent of all TV ads are interracial couples or black couples, eh?

You need to get those "functioning eyeballs" checked, or are you watching a lot of BET?

Did you pay it forward by donating your hood to your fellow democrats - the founders of the kkk?

Honk if you love Obama!
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
Don't worry, women aren't ignoring you because of your race. They are ignoring you because you are a paranoid, racist idiot.
Miscegenation is heavily promoted in the west.

Populations watered down means less cohesion.

Less cohesive populations are easier to control.

Combine that with a stifling of nationalism over globalism and populations are more akin to cattle than free men.

Corporations control all...corporations want mindless...careless...consumers.
How's the internet service on your commune for mentally defective racists, comrade?
I have been seeing a few T.V. ads featuring adult white males with young black females. I guess their supposed to be father figures?. What message are the advertisers trying to promote.? That a black male father is not needed? Whats going on with these T.V. Ads.? Your responses please.
Back in the 90's the main stream advocated that Black women should be told to look for husbands and mates in other races besides black men because there wasn't enough GOOD black men to become good mates for black women. Crime, lack of jobs, drugs, not sticking around to raise their own kids were often cited----

The commercials are a carry over----maybe caused by old marketers or the younger more successful offspring of the 90's mixed unions.
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Yes, fhere's a ton of disgusting social engineering going on. I use the mute button and have things to occupy me during the awful five minute commercial breaks. That way I even avoid looking at the screen.

Sadly, most of our TV commercials and programs now look as though they're coming out of some African shithole. The remote control/mute button is now worth its weight in gold. Lol...
:lmao: I can just imagine you chickenshit racist ass scrambling for the remote and covering your eyes in terror when a Cheerios commercial comes on! :lol: What a clown.
You bleev 70 percent of all TV ads are interracial couples or black couples, eh?

You need to get those "functioning eyeballs" checked, or are you watching a lot of BET?

If you watch TV and you have functional eyeballs, you would have noticed a large increase in the percentage of TV ads with Black people or Black inter-racial families. Instead of coming after me, maybe see for yourself and report back what you see. I'm sure I won't be hearing from you or any of the Liberals I challenged.
The message is not about buy our shit. It's not about any of the things mentioned so far in this thread. It's about one thing: Corporations claiming to not be racist and saying that if you notice that they're pretending to be not being racist then you are a racist.

It's the corporations actually getting to be very racist by making selections based solely on a racist message but saying that if you say anything about them showing their racism by pretending to be not racist then it's actually you that is the racist.

Yes, that actually is the twisted logic.

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