White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

This is just another day of the Democrats calling people racist.
It's all that they ever do.
They have very very limited debate skills.
Iā€™m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

OK, first of all, Iā€™m pretty sure I never said that ā€œDemsā€ are pushing for anything. I was speaking about leftists in general, historically. If you really need specific examples, then I get the feeling that youā€™re very youngā€¦ you seem so surprised to hear about this.

I didnā€™t say that they claimed ā€œitā€ is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they canā€™t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennonā€™s song ā€˜Imagineā€™ is sort of an example of that.

You claimed it was a selling point. Who was it that said a world without the scourge of another world war would be one of utopia where we would all hold hands and sing Kumbiyah or John Lennon's Imagine? I don't think that ever happened. The UN and the allies in NATO have fucked up many times but they have done some good as well. Life is just messy.

Whether you believe this or not, there are actually people who advocate for world government. Sometimes theyā€™re called world federalists, or internationalists, or one worlders. Walter Cronkite was one. And apparently Albert Einstein was one too. There are many more. And of course there are many who arenā€™t famous. But even regular people who like the idea of a world government will often say things like ā€œwell, there wonā€™t be any more wars if we only have one government.ā€

Iā€™m kind of surprised I have to spell all of this out for you guys. Again, Iā€™m wondering how old you guys are.

Well it's true you didn't say dems, but the board is "politics" and leftists is code speak for dems with some posters. No offense.

But what John Lennon or Einstein believed ..... I honestly thought you were going in the direction of Ocasio-Cortez. But Lennon and Einstein have no seat in the dem party.

Convesely, Bannon and the Alt-R are deeply engrained in the current admin that hijacked the gop and turned it into a populist social movement, while the party establishment still controls the senate and possibly the house.

PS, I'm old. and hate it. (-:

Yes, I know that on this site people mostly talk about American politics only. I was talking more about the bigger picture.

I donā€™t want to take this thread off-topic, but I definitely believe that there is an agenda to subvert our government and take us all toward a one world government. It may not happen in our lifetime, but I believe it will happen, eventually. Thatā€™s why my first comment on this thread was, ā€˜they are trying to discredit the word nationalist because the ultimate goal of the PTSB is no nations. Global government. But thatā€™s a topic for another thread.
Well "nationalist" is a discredited term. See George Orwell. Patriotism though should be nurtured. And what Trump pushes is "white nationalism."
Where specifically did Trump promote ā€œwhite nationalismā€? He said he was a nationalist, but Iā€™m pretty sure he has condemned racism on either side, whether itā€™s from whites or others. But FYI, I donā€™t watch TV, I donā€™t even keep up with politics much anymore (and Iā€™m not a Trump supporter) so youā€™ll have to give me a specific quote.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. Itā€™s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".

I've made some threads addressing "Tired points" by forum idiots.

A.) Fascists correctly identified Capitalists as an enemy of Nationalism.

Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.

B.) It's not Fascistic , and anti-Semitism which is even the problem as I pointed out that Poland had similar Fascist & anti-Semitic laws in place as Nazis, and didn't do the same thing what-so-ever.

Non-Violent Authoritarian/Anti-Semite regime.

Capitalism and nationalism are perfectly compatible. National Socialism and global Socialism are incompatible with capitalism. Socialism itself is incompatible with capitalism. A modicum of reading would make that crystal clear to you.

A Capitalist Nationalist makes about as much sense as an Ararchist Communist.

The parameters are set against such.

Nationalism would support outlawing foreigners buying out your businesses & property, restricting outsourcing jobs to foreigners & restricting hiring foreigners pushing away from Capitalist freedom & towards Socialist regulation.

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines nationalism:
: loyalty and devotion to a nation especially : a sense of national consciousness (see consciousness sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.
How is that incompatible with capitalism? How is that incompatible with freedom? Get your head out of your ass wipe your eyes and look around there is a world of logic out there. Don't waste my time with more of your socialist bullshit.

I've seen definitions of Nationalism to include Pride & Sovereignty of nation before foreigners.

Basically a system of Free-Market Capitalism which promotes "Capitalist Freedom" in allowing foreigners to buy your nations property, and your nations businesses, which allows outsourcing the nations jobs to foreigners, and allows companies to hire foreigner immigrants, particularly Illegals.
anti-Nationalist, and the exact opposite of pride & Sovereignty.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. Itā€™s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".
What you just said doesnā€™t counter what I said. I didnā€™t say anything about parties. I just brought up the historical context of the term nationalism
Are you dense it puts the term National Socialist in its proper context. The term National Socialist did not exist until it was invented by the founders of the National Socialist German Workers Party. It is used to associate those it names National Socialist with the National Socialist German Workers Party. In other words those so named are Hitler lovers.

Fascist regimes like Franco's, Mussolini's, and Hitler's all hated Liberal Socialist.
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

Iā€™m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

The UN is to Global Government what Obabblecare is to Nationalized Healthcare.

The Left uses the UN as the training wheels to break down our borders. Note the kowtowing to UN Climate change nonsense and Pro-Palestinian propaganda.

Like when Obama used the UN to halt aid to Israel during the middle of the last Gaza war. No wait, that didn't happen he pledged to resupply them. Never mind.

Thank god for the USA and the UN because Ebola didn't recognize borders.
EBOLA, thanks that's what I couldn't remember. After this election and the caravan hysteria ends, I figure Trump will scream at rallies that the dirty rapist Mexicans may infect our precious children with EBOLA

And yet all the racist and really ignorant verbage comes from people like you....

Those of us who oppose liquid borders recognize that it isn't "mexican children" who are the problem. It's the Hondoruans and the Guatemalans. But fools like you can't seem to distinguish brown people. To you theyr'e all dirty mexicans.

And they're already infecting us. We said they would, and they have.

Another 10 cases of polio-like disease confirmed | Daily Mail Online
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

OK, first of all, Iā€™m pretty sure I never said that ā€œDemsā€ are pushing for anything. I was speaking about leftists in general, historically. If you really need specific examples, then I get the feeling that youā€™re very youngā€¦ you seem so surprised to hear about this.

You claimed it was a selling point. Who was it that said a world without the scourge of another world war would be one of utopia where we would all hold hands and sing Kumbiyah or John Lennon's Imagine? I don't think that ever happened. The UN and the allies in NATO have fucked up many times but they have done some good as well. Life is just messy.

Whether you believe this or not, there are actually people who advocate for world government. Sometimes theyā€™re called world federalists, or internationalists, or one worlders. Walter Cronkite was one. And apparently Albert Einstein was one too. There are many more. And of course there are many who arenā€™t famous. But even regular people who like the idea of a world government will often say things like ā€œwell, there wonā€™t be any more wars if we only have one government.ā€

Iā€™m kind of surprised I have to spell all of this out for you guys. Again, Iā€™m wondering how old you guys are.

Well it's true you didn't say dems, but the board is "politics" and leftists is code speak for dems with some posters. No offense.

But what John Lennon or Einstein believed ..... I honestly thought you were going in the direction of Ocasio-Cortez. But Lennon and Einstein have no seat in the dem party.

Convesely, Bannon and the Alt-R are deeply engrained in the current admin that hijacked the gop and turned it into a populist social movement, while the party establishment still controls the senate and possibly the house.

PS, I'm old. and hate it. (-:

Yes, I know that on this site people mostly talk about American politics only. I was talking more about the bigger picture.

I donā€™t want to take this thread off-topic, but I definitely believe that there is an agenda to subvert our government and take us all toward a one world government. It may not happen in our lifetime, but I believe it will happen, eventually. Thatā€™s why my first comment on this thread was, ā€˜they are trying to discredit the word nationalist because the ultimate goal of the PTSB is no nations. Global government. But thatā€™s a topic for another thread.
Well "nationalist" is a discredited term. See George Orwell. Patriotism though should be nurtured. And what Trump pushes is "white nationalism."
Where specifically did Trump promote ā€œwhite nationalismā€? He said he was a nationalist, but Iā€™m pretty sure he has condemned racism on either side, whether itā€™s from whites or others. But FYI, I donā€™t watch TV, I donā€™t even keep up with politics much anymore (and Iā€™m not a Trump supporter) so youā€™ll have to give me a specific quote.
He's white, and he believes in America First. So according to the party of slavery, that makes him a racist.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. Itā€™s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".

I've made some threads addressing "Tired points" by forum idiots.

A.) Fascists correctly identified Capitalists as an enemy of Nationalism.

Capitalism & Nationalism incompatible.

B.) It's not Fascistic , and anti-Semitism which is even the problem as I pointed out that Poland had similar Fascist & anti-Semitic laws in place as Nazis, and didn't do the same thing what-so-ever.

Non-Violent Authoritarian/Anti-Semite regime.

Capitalism and nationalism are perfectly compatible. National Socialism and global Socialism are incompatible with capitalism. Socialism itself is incompatible with capitalism. A modicum of reading would make that crystal clear to you.

A Capitalist Nationalist makes about as much sense as an Ararchist Communist.

The parameters are set against such.

Nationalism would support outlawing foreigners buying out your businesses & property, restricting outsourcing jobs to foreigners & restricting hiring foreigners pushing away from Capitalist freedom & towards Socialist regulation.
You could have a capitalist that doesnā€™t want to engage with markets outside their own country, could you not?
That is true and he/she would be a poor capitalist on the way out. Being a nationalist does not make one stupid it makes one proud of country and culture.
B'loney. You are promoting the Guilty Until Proven Innocent crap that the Left is using as the New Rules.

I don't have to prove my innocence. If you feel guilty, that's your own problem, ot mine.
You expect Muslims to have to prove their innocence for what other people calling themselves muslims do --- anytime there is a muslim attack -- you demand those other muslims do something about it...and they do...

In fact, those muslims actually make efforts to distinguish themselves by fighting and shedding blood against those same radical muslims....

You so-called white nationalists don't feel a need to do anything to confront those "racist" white nationalists -- you don't even confront them at all -- you simply say "of course we don't condone what they stand for" -- yea? how? you basically parrot everything they support in policy, you just don't like the fact they are more overt with it

I reject your moral equivalency of a few white supremacists holding a tiny parade with Islamic Terrorists flying hijacked jets into the WTC and Pentagon.

There is no global religion called White Supremism that calls for a Holy War against Infidels.
Yea, its called nationalism...and its global......we just covered the reason why white supremacists don't call themselves that in public -- at least not the ones who want to be taken seriously in the political space...

I'll note that the Left's obsession with "White Nationalism" is fomented to draw attention from the real FASCISM which their ANTIFA vanguard promotes.
White supremacists never did figure out what fascism is.......that's probably why they keep doing fascist shit then wondering why everyone is calling them fascist...

In America, that's kind of correct, yes absolutely White Nationalists in the U.S.A tend to not be Fascists, but rather Paleo-Conservatives.

However, in Europe there's basically no Paleo-Conservatives, but basically just Fascists, Social Democrats & those in between.

Although, a lot of people on this forum with White Nationalist beliefs are mega-Zionists, for big military, so that's kind of more like Neoconservative.
"Nationalism" can be construed as a positive or a negative, depending on how it's used, and the specific behaviors involved. Obviously.

But it's clear that the PC zealots are using it as a weapon to do the same thing that RACIST used to do: Put your target on the defensive and control the conversation. This is like breathing for them. They have to do it, because it's all they know.
This is just another day of the Democrats calling people racist.
It's all that they ever do.
They have very very limited debate skills.

Yet, a lot of Republicans GIVE IN, yourself included tend to make swipes against Prejudices be it Racism, or Anti-Semitism.

Why do Republicans tend to cave into Democrats every time?

We have the most Republican government in many decades, and YOU Still have Abortion, Gay Marriage, Illegals in mass, Refugees in mass.

It seems Republicans are just Democrats who cut taxes, that's ALL That basically Republicans have to show for in the past few decades.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. Itā€™s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".
What you just said doesnā€™t counter what I said. I didnā€™t say anything about parties. I just brought up the historical context of the term nationalism
Are you dense it puts the term National Socialist in its proper context. The term National Socialist did not exist until it was invented by the founders of the National Socialist German Workers Party. It is used to associate those it names National Socialist with the National Socialist German Workers Party. In other words those so named are Hitler lovers.
Ok so whatā€™s your point? How does that refute modern terminology for nationalists and white nationalists?

The modern terminology for nationalism:
: loyalty and devotion to a nation especially : a sense of national consciousness (see consciousness sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups
The modern terminology for nationalist :
: an advocate of or believer in nationalism

2 : a member of a political party or group advocating national independence or strong national government
Merriam Webster dictionary
What did you think the modern terminology is? Anything other than the definition is a lie. Just a bit of research and reading
would keep your "alligator mouth from overloading your hummingbird ass".
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Love of ones nation is a good thing.
I'll tell you what IS a dirty word... LIBERALISM... so is DEMOCRAT.

NAZI: We're gonna kill you, Jew boy!

JEW: You people are racist.

NAZI: Takes one to know one!

Racist is as racist does.
Takes one to know one.
So those dead Jews from this past weekend are racists, eh?

Man, your TardLogic is priceless! :lol:

Why is it this is basically an "American phenomenon"???????? One of the most Liberal & pro-Jewish countries in the World.

There's probably more anti-Semites & anti-Muslims & Fascists in Poland than in the U.S.A in total numbers, and definitely by far per-capita.

Yet, Poland NEVER in the modern era, seems to have these kind of explosive shoot-outs on Jews, or on Muslims like the U.S.A seems to have every few years.

The biggest news in Poland that's anti-Semitic is what's pretty routine in America, a vandalized Synagogue, or vandalized Jewish grave-yard every so often.

I tend to think there's just a lot of wack-jobs in the U.S.A.

It's NOT guns, it's NOT Fascism, it's NOT anti-Semitism.

It's bad genes, people who are racial scums are much more prevalent in the nations West of Poland.
Racist is as racist does.

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