White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.

People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.

People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”
Is Einstein to blame for this unfair attack on nationalism?

He was a Jew you know.....what did he ever do for this country?
View attachment 226108

I never claimed that the attacks are only recent. He was probably one of those leftists who actually wants a one world government, which just goes to show that even intelligent people can be extremely unwise in some ways.
What is this one world govt? I really don't get it. And I'm never going to be voting for Trump or the Gop again unless it repudiates its racism.
Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.

People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

And we've pretty much had a donor class since the advent of the DNC in the late 80s. But now with citizens united, the donors can even be anonymous. Not that I disagree with people being able to donate, but openly.
Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.

People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”
Is Einstein to blame for this unfair attack on nationalism?

He was a Jew you know.....what did he ever do for this country?
View attachment 226108

I never claimed that the attacks are only recent. He was probably one of those leftists who actually wants a one world government, which just goes to show that even intelligent people can be extremely unwise in some ways.
What is this one world govt? I really don't get it. And I'm never going to be voting for Trump or the Gop again unless it repudiates its racism.
Apparently, If he were living back in Einstein's time -- he would think the world unifying to defeat the Nazis was the early beginning of one world government...

Since Einstein was addressing that type of nationalism -- the kind that sought out to actually form a one world government..

the more white nationalists talk, the more they self project what they want to do themselves, onto others...
Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.

People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
Just the same utopian aspirations that the founding fathers had for this country -- do you mock them for having aspirations too? Do you mock Lincoln for wanting to form a more perfect union?
Why do you folks have children if you have such a dismal outlook on the future? Must be a sad place your psyche dwells in
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Does that mean your in the party of Lincoln?
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Does that mean your in the party of Lincoln?

A meme with three guys in it doesn't mean anything.
My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
Just the same utopian aspirations that the founding fathers had for this country -- do you mock them for having aspirations too? Do you mock Lincoln for wanting to form a more perfect union?

There is a difference between having high hopes for a country, and wanting a utopian global government. And I actually don’t have anything against people who have good intentions, even if I disagree with their politics. I was just telling the other guy that the future world government is not going to be the Utopia that leftists have been longing for for many years.
Why do you folks have children if you have such a dismal outlook on the future? Must be a sad place your psyche dwells in
I don’t have a dismal outlook at all. I haven’t even stated on this thread what I believe. But most likely it’s very unpopular around here, so I usually only talk about it on appropriate threads, ha ha.
People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.
If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
Just the same utopian aspirations that the founding fathers had for this country -- do you mock them for having aspirations too? Do you mock Lincoln for wanting to form a more perfect union?

There is a difference between having high hopes for a country, and wanting a utopian global government. And I actually don’t have anything against people who have good intentions, even if I disagree with their politics. I was just telling the other guy that the future world government is not going to be the Utopia that leftists have been longing for for many years.
What is the utopian global govt and who in the dem party is advocating it?
My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?
People who are offended by the word nationalism believe that we shouldn't have a nation in the first place.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.

You claimed it was a selling point. Who was it that said a world without the scourge of another world war would be one of utopia where we would all hold hands and sing Kumbiyah or John Lennon's Imagine? I don't think that ever happened. The UN and the allies in NATO have fucked up many times but they have done some good as well. Life is just messy.
And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

The UN is to Global Government what Obabblecare is to Nationalized Healthcare.

The Left uses the UN as the training wheels to break down our borders. Note the kowtowing to UN Climate change nonsense and Pro-Palestinian propaganda.
Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

The UN is to Global Government what Obabblecare is to Nationalized Healthcare.

The Left uses the UN as the training wheels to break down our borders. Note the kowtowing to UN Climate change nonsense and Pro-Palestinian propaganda.
The United Nations and every treaty we're a signatory of allow us to interpret it under our domestic law. That is our law covers what we do inside our borders. If we agree to do something outside our borders, that is our choice. There are some issues in international criminal law where a US citizen abroad may have difficulty.

If we ever end up with single payer HC, it'll be because the gop refused to create a policy that allowed all Americans access to affordable care. And even then, it won't be the end of the republic.
I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

The UN is to Global Government what Obabblecare is to Nationalized Healthcare.

The Left uses the UN as the training wheels to break down our borders. Note the kowtowing to UN Climate change nonsense and Pro-Palestinian propaganda.
The United Nations and every treaty we're a signatory of allow us to interpret it under our domestic law. That is our law covers what we do inside our borders. If we agree to do something outside our borders, that is our choice. There are some issues in international criminal law where a US citizen abroad may have difficulty.

If we ever end up with single payer HC, it'll be because the gop refused to create a policy that allowed all Americans access to affordable care. And even then, it won't be the end of the republic.

If we end up with single payer, it will be because the Prog destruction of our education system rendered the population brain damaged.
And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.
John Lennon? LOL. I mean I laugh at Bernie leaving Brooklyn in the 70s "to have a piece of land." But, Christ on a stick.

I’m not sure what your point is.
My point is just that I'm trying to figure out yours: what is this "global utopian govt" you seem to be saying some dems are pushing?

OK, first of all, I’m pretty sure I never said that “Dems” are pushing for anything. I was speaking about leftists in general, historically. If you really need specific examples, then I get the feeling that you’re very young… you seem so surprised to hear about this.

My guess (and this might sound crazy, but bear with me) is that the powers-that-be have been trying to completely discredit the word “nationalist” because their ultimate goal is a one world government (internationalism, the New World Order.) And their most effective way of destroying that word is by conflating it with white racism and those who happen to call themselves “white nationalists.”

If the new world order, which was set up by victors after WWII, helps avoid another World War, count me against the neo-nationalist movement.

And that is exactly one of their selling points. But don’t fall for it, it’s not going to be the utopia that leftists have been longing for, for centuries. Unless a totalitarian government ruled by a small amount of elites is your idea of Utopia.

Please list some of the leftist you speak of who claimed it was going to be a utopia. We're already governed by a small group of elitist, called the donor class. Those who made major capital gains with Trumps tax cuts designed to help them and hurt everyone else.

I didn’t say that they claimed “it” is going to be a utopia. I was saying that many leftists always talk about a future utopia that they can’t wait for, one where everyone will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ is sort of an example of that.

You claimed it was a selling point. Who was it that said a world without the scourge of another world war would be one of utopia where we would all hold hands and sing Kumbiyah or John Lennon's Imagine? I don't think that ever happened. The UN and the allies in NATO have fucked up many times but they have done some good as well. Life is just messy.

Whether you believe this or not, there are actually people who advocate for world government. Sometimes they’re called world federalists, or internationalists, or one worlders. Walter Cronkite was one. And apparently Albert Einstein was one too. There are many more. And of course there are many who aren’t famous. But even regular people who like the idea of a world government will often say things like “well, there won’t be any more wars if we only have one government.”

I’m kind of surprised I have to spell all of this out for you guys. Again, I’m wondering how old you guys are.

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