Zone1 White on Black Crime.

A tiny segment of the population (young black men) cause 50% of the crime. Why?
I don’t know why, but the leftist idea of giving out lesser sentences - or no charges at all - to a criminal because he’s black isn’t going to help things.

So my question is: why are Democrats trying to increase black crime?
To the black racists, and leftists in general, what problem within the black community is the fault of blacks themselves - or is every single thing whiteys’ fault?
I’m still waiting for an answer to my question. Is there ANYTHING blacks do that is their own fault?
Facts supported by studies such as what I have shown. Racism causes chronic stress. You wouldn't know anything about this because you have never faced racism The continuing racism blacks face keeps blacks stressed out and creates chemical imbalances within our bodies, causing many health problems.

Studies show that consistent exposure to adversity and marginalization causes early health declines in black Americans. Racism is a stressor that triggers the body into allostasis or better understood, racism forces the body to adapt to stress. Allostasis is the process that helps us adapt to stress. Allostatic load is compiled damage to the body due to constant pressure. Such stress leads to allostatic overload, which is the point when the overall amount of stress causes health problems or death. For example, allostatic processes lead to increases in blood pressure, a leading cause of death in the black community.

So no I'm not leaving racism out of anything. When you turn black and live, I'll consider your opinion.
What you showed was Hypothesis and Theories, IM2.
You read what I posted, and you go right back to your the victim.....with a college degree,
and apparently a paying job being an activist. You have it so tough, and still want to work the system for free stuff.
I'm not black and your not white, you tell us this xxxx every xxxxxxx thread you start.
Mod edited for zone 1 clean discourse.
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What you showed was Hypothesis and Theories, IM2.
You read what I posted, and you go right back to your the victim.....with a college degree,
and apparently a paying job being an activist. You have it so tough, and still want to work the system for free stuff.
I'm not black and your not white, you tell us this shit every fucking thread you start.
PLUS….odds are 2:1 that IM2 got into his college due to racist preferences for blacks. And he’s still bitching about how blacks used to be slaves six generations ago.

Instead, he should be on his knees thanking the Lord above that his ancestors‘ slavery has bestowed upon him opportunities, and outright favoritism, he would never have had if he had been born in Africa - IF his ancestors didn’t die of the more common diseases in Africa before he was a twinkle in his daddy’s eye,

I thank my lucky stars that my Jewish ancestors made the trek across the ocean. The overwhelming odds are that had they not, I wouldn’t have been born at all.
What you showed was Hypothesis and Theories, IM2.
You read what I posted, and you go right back to your the victim.....with a college degree,
and apparently a paying job being an activist. You have it so tough, and still want to work the system for free stuff.
I'm not black and you’re not white, you tell us this shit every fucking thread you start.
Maybe we could have a limit? Only three race-baiting threads per day, and these rules would also apply to IM2Whiny.
85 percent of whites who are killed each year are killed by another white person. The majority of all crime in America is INTRARACIAL, not interracial. I keep reading posts by those who make claims about black on white crime. But you see there is a major problem with that thinking.

In 2014, “Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States,” a study by Alicia Lukachko, Mark Hatzenbuehler, & Katherine Keyes, was published in Social Science and Medicine Journal. Their research showed that structural racism was one cause of heart attacks in black people. “This study demonstrates adverse effects of structural racism— specifically state-level racial disparities disadvantaging Blacks in political representation, employment, and incarceration —on past 12-month myocardial infarction. These adverse effects, however, were specific to Blacks, and among Whites, indicators of structural racism appear to have a benign or even beneficial effect on cardiac health. It is important to note that individual-level risk factors including age, sex, education, income, and medical insurance do not account for these findings".

On June 3, 2020, SAMHSA’s Office of Behavioral Health Equity published a report titled, “Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans.” They found that racism contributed to poor mental health and chronic physical health problems. “Racism and associated trauma and violence contribute to mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and PTSD, and chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, maternal mortality/infant mortality and morbidity in African Americans. Racism is considered a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities and racial/ethnic inequities in health. The primary domains of racism - structural/institutional racism, cultural racism, and individual-level discrimination— are linked to mental and physical health outcomes. Racism and violence targeting a specific community is increasingly associated with complex trauma and intergenerational trauma, all of which have physical and behavioral health consequences."

Rav Arora wrote an article for the NY Post 2020 titled, “These Black Lives Didn’t Seem To Matter In 2020.” He points out that over 8,600 blacks were killed in 2020 and that 90 percent of those were killed by another black. He then goes on to say this: “Since more than 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders, the ghost of endemic white supremacy cannot be invoked to push racial grievance narratives. As a result, the media turns a blind eye. Black lives only seem to matter when racism is involved.”

Arora is right; the media, including him, turn a blind eye to the biggest killer of black people. For years we as black people have heard the constant lectures about black-on-black crime. For years we as black people have heard the constant lectures about black-on-black crime.

Arora cites 8,600 homicides of blacks, with ninety percent of those homicides committed by other blacks and believes he is making a compelling argument while calling out black organizations to take responsibility for what he views as THE problem in the black community. But when we talk about what the media doesn't show, or stats that get ignored there is this..

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension-related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018.

These numbers are twenty and thirty-one times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like Arora. Most of these people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper during the 1960's. That makes racism a crime. Racism is a crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. According to Arora, at least 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were by blacks. If you use Aroras claim as the basis, at least 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. He and others claim this is a number that blacks must immediately address.

More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension in 2020, judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just ten percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in 2020 were caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced by white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America and approximately 70 times more than blacks who killed whites. THAT, is white-on-black crime.
Another racist hate thread from our resident racist.
What you showed was Hypothesis and Theories, IM2.
You read what I posted, and you go right back to your the victim.....with a college degree,
and apparently a paying job being an activist. You have it so tough, and still want to work the system for free stuff.
I'm not black and your not white, you tell us this shit every fucking thread you start.
What I showed are facts derived from studies. I say what I do because it''s true. You ain't black and you have not been in any serious conversations with anyone black, nor have you lived in a black community.. Meanwhile I've been around whites my whole life including marriage.

You dismiss everything I say because you think your whiteness makes you an authority. Try shutting up and look at your entire history so you learn that white men have been given the most free stuff and you oppose equal opportinity for others because you want more. Then recognize that zone 1 is where you're not supposed to cuss because that's deemed inappropriate behavior. and since you're a moderstor you should follow the same rules you enforce on others.
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A tiny segment of the population (young black men) cause 50% of the crime. Why?
That's not true. Why do you guys continue to post untrue things?
It seems like our "experts" on black people don''t like it when the mirror is held to their faces.

The link between structural racism, high blood pressure and Black people's health​

High blood pressure. And structural racism.

What do they have in common?

Researchers say they are two of the biggest factors responsible for the gap in poor heart and brain health between Black and white adults in the United States. And they are inextricably linked.

Studies show high blood pressure, also called hypertension, affects Black adults – particularly women – earlier and more dramatically than their white peers. By age 55, research shows 3 of 4 Black adults have already developed the condition compared to about half of white men and 40% of white women.

Untreated, high blood pressure can lead to a range of disabling and potentially fatal chronic illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, dementia, kidney disease, sexual dysfunction and loss of vision.

Behind these elevated risks, researchers say, are a complex web of negative influences stemming from the multigenerational impacts of structural racism.

"These patterns and practices in turn reinforce discriminatory beliefs, values and the maldistribution of health-promoting or harming resources," she said. That is, they create the physical and social environments that make it easier for white families to grow up healthy and harder for Black families to do so.

For example, decades of discriminatory lending, called redlining, have kept Black families segregated in neighborhoods with fewer resources and greater chronic exposure to environmental hazards, such as unclean drinking water and noise and air pollution, Jackson said.

These neighborhoods also tend to lack quality health care facilities and providers, grocery stores that sell healthy and affordable foods, or open spaces where adults can exercise and children can play, she said. Discriminatory employment and educational systems result in higher levels of poverty that create financial strain, housing and food insecurity, strained relationships and less access to good health insurance.

All of this – along with the daily indignities of racial discrimination – increases stress. That, in turn, may be associated with increased blood pressure, said Augustine Kang, an investigator at Brown University School of Public Health in Rhode Island. "All these factors set up the perfect storm for disease."

Overall, Black men and women report higher levels of stress than their white counterparts.

Racism and Hypertension: A Review of the Empirical Evidence and Implications for Clinical Practice
Conclusions Overall the findings suggest that racism may increase risk for HTN; these effects emerge more clearly for institutional racism than for individual level racism. All levels of racism may influence the prevalence of HTN via stress exposure and reactivity and by fostering conditions that undermine health behaviors, raising the barriers to lifestyle change.

Open the pdf.
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Of course it’s true.
Not it isn't. Whites commit more than 50 percent of the crimes annually and are arrested for 70 percent. But this thread is about white on white crime that's killing thousands of blacks annually; the stress caused by white racism that was outlawed in 1964.
Not it isn't. Whites commit more than 50 percent of the crimes annually and are arrested for 70 percent. But this thread is about white on white crime that's killing thousands of blacks annually; the stress caused by white racism that was outlawed in 1964.
Black men and boys, a tiny segment of the overall population, commit 50% of the crime in this country. This has been true for decades.
Black men and boys, a tiny segment of the overall population, commit 50% of the crime in this country. This has been true for decades.
No, what has been true for the decades that I have looked at crime data is that whites have committed more than 50 percent of all crimes, 60 percent of violent crimes and make up 70 percent of the criminal arrests annually.
It's funny how the people who bark so loud about personal responsibility never take any for their behavior. This thread is about white on black crime that creates the number 1 killer of black people.

A lifetime of discrimination may boost high blood pressure risk in African Americans​

A lifetime of exposure to the stresses of discrimination may increase the risk of high blood pressure in African Americans, according to new research.

Previous studies have shown how inequity and bias affect the health of African Americans, but study author Allana T. Ford said in a news release that "this research is one of the first large, community-based studies to suggest an association between discrimination over a lifetime and the development of hypertension among a large sample of African American men and women."

"Traditional risk factors, such as diet and physical activity, have been strongly correlated with hypertension, yet important psychosocial factors like discrimination, which also have the potential to negatively impact health, are rarely considered when evaluating the risk for hypertension among African Americans in health care settings."

No, what has been true for the decades that I have looked at crime data is that whites have committed more than 50 percent of all crimes, 60 percent of violent crimes and make up 70 percent of the criminal arrests annually.
Yet young black men who represent a tiny minority of the population, still commit 50% of the crime in America.

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