White on White crime

One thing we do know is whites, specifically white conservatives, really need to quit trying to talk about blacks being racists.

gipper, I want you to go back and show me where I have said that white do not think they commit any crimes. I said you can't admit the fact you have a problem with crime and that it is worse then the one blacks have,

Boedicca, Sowell is not brilliant. Not to us black folks. .He's an idiot. His degree is in economics not sociology. So when he starts off on the social condition of blacks or in America he speaks at amateur status. When you read his stuff and then go back and examine the facts , he is severely missing several important things almost every single time in making his argument. This is why I say he is an idiot. You don't take the time to critically analyze his work, because he says what you like hearing and that's all you need.

I'm searching for solutions to a problem and I figured out a man like Sowell could be of some help. But he is not.

Kosher girl,

I'm a man.

It's just this simple folks. White on .white crime exists. And yo have a bigger problem with crime than we do. I said crime, meaning all crime, not just murder.

Crime is down in all categories nationwide...with the exception of a few black areas.

That should tell you something, but it won't.

Actually that is incorrect..
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....

Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of you dopes to name the white neighborhood anywhere in America where white criminal thugs murder one another in the streets as blacks do in hoods all over the country every day of the year.

How many shootings and deaths in Chicago hoods again over the 4th of July weekend? Last I read 114 shot, 10 dead.

Black...ha, ha Lives...ha, ha, ha Matter...ha, ha, ha,ha...

White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.

So your saying everything is just fine in the black communities around the country? I'm sure the underlying factor of most crimes wether they be white or black, would have something to do with education and opportunity. While I'm all for helping white kids get ahead and have an education, what do you want? you want us to have special funds and scholarships for white kids only? I don't think so because you already believe that whites have an unfair advantage.
All this time now I was under a great impression that minority kids mainly in big cities were at much higher risk of going straight from school to jail or prison if they drop out of school. Well, personally Ive always been for minority kids getting some extra help in education if thats what it takes to make lives better,whether that be by charter schools or other means but unfortunatly, the school systems waste and steal a good amount of the funds, filtered out by the corrupt teachers unions and democrats are quite against choice in education.
But now, your saying everything's ok, right? as white people we should just ignore a large segment of our own society based on race. We should just stick to helping and educating other white people. Actually no, I don't think so, this is America.

You are ignoring s larger problem that exists in a segment of society and you do it based upon a belief i the superiority of your race., I did not say anything about the black community being OK, I said that the problem of crime exists in the white community and its a bigger problem. It's a bigger problem not just numerically but because given the fact that you have more economic opportunities and get more money for education since school funding is based on property value, that the problem you have is huge. I'm talking about crime, not economic opportunity which are 2 different things. C'mon man you can't be this damn dumb.
Someone is a little touchy about blacks exterminating themselves.
Wait a while. We may not hear from him again.

I am not the one having problems discussing white on white crime. Seems that we have a bunch of white folks who at a little touchy about whites exterminating themselves.
Someone is a little touchy about blacks exterminating themselves.
Wait a while. We may not hear from him again.

I am not the one having problems discussing white on white crime. Seems that we have a bunch of white folks who at a little touchy about whites exterminating themselves.

Blacks are the ones exterminating themself. In proven record numbers. Don't let that stop you from making up more crap though, it keeps us entertained.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....

Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of you dopes to name the white neighborhood anywhere in America where white criminal thugs murder one another in the streets as blacks do in hoods all over the country every day of the year.

How many shootings and deaths in Chicago hoods again over the 4th of July weekend? Last I read 114 shot, 10 dead.

Black...ha, ha Lives...ha, ha, ha Matter...ha, ha, ha,ha...

White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.

So your saying everything is just fine in the black communities around the country? I'm sure the underlying factor of most crimes wether they be white or black, would have something to do with education and opportunity. While I'm all for helping white kids get ahead and have an education, what do you want? you want us to have special funds and scholarships for white kids only? I don't think so because you already believe that whites have an unfair advantage.
All this time now I was under a great impression that minority kids mainly in big cities were at much higher risk of going straight from school to jail or prison if they drop out of school. Well, personally Ive always been for minority kids getting some extra help in education if thats what it takes to make lives better,whether that be by charter schools or other means but unfortunatly, the school systems waste and steal a good amount of the funds, filtered out by the corrupt teachers unions and democrats are quite against choice in education.
But now, your saying everything's ok, right? as white people we should just ignore a large segment of our own society based on race. We should just stick to helping and educating other white people. Actually no, I don't think so, this is America.

You are ignoring s larger problem that exists in a segment of society and you do it based upon a belief i the superiority of your race., I did not say anything about the black community being OK, I said that the problem of crime exists in the white community and its a bigger problem. It's a bigger problem not just numerically but because given the fact that you have more economic opportunities and get more money for education since school funding is based on property value, that the problem you have is huge. I'm talking about crime, not economic opportunity which are 2 different things. C'mon man you can't be this damn dumb.

There is a correlation between education and career criminals. Secondly, i don't believe in the superiority of the white race, I don't know where you get that from. What you consider to be white is made up of many peoples, is it that as a black man you cant see that?
If you want to address crime you also have to consider other social factors. Crime doesn't happen in a vaccuum. I thought you were supposed to be a social worker, why don't you know the fundamentals?
When you see people here discussing Black on black crime, maybe you see it as racist but it could also be that people are stressing more about the failure of the Liberal/ progressive leadership and what they have done to certain communities. They have encouraged broken families and dependency on government instead of self dependence. It's not racist or white suppremist to point out these things on a political forum.

So you are laughing while whites are killing each other. You laugh while you are 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than anyone black. This is how stupid you conservatives are in your racism.

Apparently white lives don't matter to whites.
Your logic is what i was laughing at. You are fucking dumb dude. Seriously.

No, it is you who is dumb.
And yet over 1000 more people are killed by blacks then whites. Not only is the percentage against you the raw numbers are.
See? Now that is not nice.

You dispute my post, but offer nothing to back your position.

I'm grumpy because before 8 a.m. I was being called anti-American. I'm a terror prior to coffee and it hasn't quite worn off. Besides, I HATE math and I particularly hate questions like this where every article you go to gives you different numbers for the same issue. So you glaum onto 52% and I seem to recall something more in line with TN's first study that said something like 30%. For something. I don't recall if it was murder or crime or what in hell they were measuring, but it's all a tricky bullshit waste of time and your numbers aren't any more trustworthy than mine, truth be told.

What is probably more to the point is that the black community still has a poverty level three times that of the white community and I know from years of social work in an all white community that poor is where the majority of crime comes from.

Like I said a lot of posts ago, breaking the cycle of poverty is a big one but breaking the drug cartels that prey on our people and finding a way to reform our justice system to TREAT addicts rather than incarcerate them is one way to stop ruining poor people's lives. Once you've done time, your chances of EVER getting a decent job tank. Meaning a life of repeated crime. People gonna eat. You can't stop them until you shoot them.
The issue was black crime. Not poverty or the causes of crime.

However, I generally agree with your point that poverty can cause crime, though during the Great Depression very little crime was committed...so there may be an argument to be made to dispute that.

I refer you to Thomas Sowell.

The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities’ Social Breakdown

The real cause of Poverty and Crime is culture and values. As has been proven over again, the path that reduces poverty and crime is: get an education, get a decent job, get married and then have children (and stay married).

Fuck Thomas Sowell. Sowell is wrong.

The fact here is that whites commit more crimes.
The fact is that Blacks as a percentage of the Population commit more crimes per capita then whites do by a large margin.
One thing we do know is whites, specifically white conservatives, really need to quit trying to talk about blacks being racists.

gipper, I want you to go back and show me where I have said that white do not think they commit any crimes. I said you can't admit the fact you have a problem with crime and that it is worse then the one blacks have,

Boedicca, Sowell is not brilliant. Not to us black folks. .He's an idiot. His degree is in economics not sociology. So when he starts off on the social condition of blacks or in America he speaks at amateur status. When you read his stuff and then go back and examine the facts , he is severely missing several important things almost every single time in making his argument. This is why I say he is an idiot. You don't take the time to critically analyze his work, because he says what you like hearing and that's all you need.

I'm searching for solutions to a problem and I figured out a man like Sowell could be of some help. But he is not.

Kosher girl,

I'm a man.

It's just this simple folks. White on .white crime exists. And yo have a bigger problem with crime than we do. I said crime, meaning all crime, not just murder.

It's just this simple, you half wit.
Nobody said white on white crime didn't exist.
And no, we don't. The #1 cause of death among your men is murder.

LCOD Black Males 2014 - Men's Health - CDC
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....


Absolutely, since early on there has been organized crime comprised of mostly whites, power always attracts the criminal element, and early on in the foundation of the country there would have been somewhat of a vaccuum to be filled. Then you had Irish and Italian crime families etc, right up to current times, as well as Russian mafia. But as true in most parts of the world, most people are trying to work and raise a family. Most people don't hold these places of power. So if you go to most countries in the world you will probably find the most corrupt, thieving people being either in Government or closely associated with people in government. A great example would be the Kennedy family who made a fortune in illegal alcohol sales and who knows what else.
Obviously this thread is about countering what you see as "whites" labeling the black community as crime ridden and thinking that whites are pure as the driven snow, but it could be that the reason there has been so much talk about black crime in recent years is because of the constant news cycle and internet stories, police and black interactions always on the front page news is pretty much put in peoples face every day, like the Ferguson Mo. incident for example. Its not really some sort of competition over who is better than the other, but to me you have to look at the country as a whole, and look at causes and solutions to what is affecting our cities. It always comes back eventually to the youth and education, and their view of what they think their future is. I don't think its wrong to say that the black youth by a larger percentage live in a more dangerous environment and are probably one step closer to becoming a statistic than others.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....

Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of you dopes to name the white neighborhood anywhere in America where white criminal thugs murder one another in the streets as blacks do in hoods all over the country every day of the year.

How many shootings and deaths in Chicago hoods again over the 4th of July weekend? Last I read 114 shot, 10 dead.

Black...ha, ha Lives...ha, ha, ha Matter...ha, ha, ha,ha...

White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.
Of those 100+ shootings in Chicago last weekend, how many were white?

Keep in mind that Chicago has about 1.2 million whites and about 900,000 blacks.

So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....

Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of you dopes to name the white neighborhood anywhere in America where white criminal thugs murder one another in the streets as blacks do in hoods all over the country every day of the year.

How many shootings and deaths in Chicago hoods again over the 4th of July weekend? Last I read 114 shot, 10 dead.

Black...ha, ha Lives...ha, ha, ha Matter...ha, ha, ha,ha...

White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.
Of those 100+ shootings in Chicago last weekend, how many were white?

Keep in mind that Chicago has about 1.2 million whites and about 900,000 blacks.

So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.

And I am saying that is incorrect. In 2015 4.5 percent of the black population were arrested for crimes. That number is less than 1 percent of the overall American population. This argument that you get to commit more crime because there are more of you is juvenile. There are not more violent crimes committed by blacks. The actual numbers show this.

But this thread is not about the comparison, it is about the problem of white on white crime. And none of you have the balls or ovaries to address the problem of crime you have within your own community.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.

The overwhelming facts show that whites commit the most crimes.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, .arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.

The overwhelming facts show that whites commit the most crimes.
It's delusional if NOT underwhelming. Nice try kid, I live with blacks, and, from my perspective, this is just absurd. It's great to bash whites, they commit crimes like frauds, big time frauds like Ponzi schemes that cost us millions. But the white on white violence, I am not seeing THAT as a overwhelming issue. What Is an issue is black on black violence or high black crime rates. THAT is an overwhelming fact of life, for most of US that live in the real world.
One thing we do know is whites, specifically white conservatives, really need to quit trying to talk about blacks being racists.

gipper, I want you to go back and show me where I have said that white do not think they commit any crimes. I said you can't admit the fact you have a problem with crime and that it is worse then the one blacks have,

Boedicca, Sowell is not brilliant. Not to us black folks. .He's an idiot. His degree is in economics not sociology. So when he starts off on the social condition of blacks or in America he speaks at amateur status. When you read his stuff and then go back and examine the facts , he is severely missing several important things almost every single time in making his argument. This is why I say he is an idiot. You don't take the time to critically analyze his work, because he says what you like hearing and that's all you need.

I'm searching for solutions to a problem and I figured out a man like Sowell could be of some help. But he is not.

Kosher girl,

I'm a man.

It's just this simple folks. White on .white crime exists. And yo have a bigger problem with crime than we do. I said crime, meaning all crime, not just murder.
I dont even lock my car or house where i live. White people do commit crime, but its super rare.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.

The overwhelming facts show that whites commit the most crimes.
Those same facts prove that blacks commit the most VIOLENT crimes, and those are the crimes that people are most worried about.
Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of you dopes to name the white neighborhood anywhere in America where white criminal thugs murder one another in the streets as blacks do in hoods all over the country every day of the year.

How many shootings and deaths in Chicago hoods again over the 4th of July weekend? Last I read 114 shot, 10 dead.

Black...ha, ha Lives...ha, ha, ha Matter...ha, ha, ha,ha...

White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.
Of those 100+ shootings in Chicago last weekend, how many were white?

Keep in mind that Chicago has about 1.2 million whites and about 900,000 blacks.

So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.

And I am saying that is incorrect. In 2015 4.5 percent of the black population were arrested for crimes. That number is less than 1 percent of the overall American population. This argument that you get to commit more crime because there are more of you is juvenile. There are not more violent crimes committed by blacks. The actual numbers show this.

But this thread is not about the comparison, it is about the problem of white on white crime. And none of you have the balls or ovaries to address the problem of crime you have within your own community.

OK this is the FBI website, table 43 for 2015. murders and manslaughter by whites ( 3,908) by blacks (4,347)
thats 45 % vs 51% actually blacks by percentage were convicted by less than one percent of their total population in the US but whites were convicted by even a smaller percentage of their total white population.
also less than 1 %

Table 43

Actually when your having a conversation with people, you don't dictate the terms. This is not your high school class. I actually already did bring up a point earlier. We can stop the drugging of our youth with psych meds.
Most of these mass shootings had this component affecting the shooters. It's something to be looked at.
Now many people have made recomendations of what may be done to help kids in the black community.
So whats your solution to help white kids from turning to a life of crime?

need to make one correction. the table is for arrests, not convictions
White people got shot in Chicago also. Like they get shot in NYC, PhIlly, St. Louis, KC, Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas and Houston just to name a few. By other whites. And they die too.
Of those 100+ shootings in Chicago last weekend, how many were white?

Keep in mind that Chicago has about 1.2 million whites and about 900,000 blacks.

So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.

And I am saying that is incorrect. In 2015 4.5 percent of the black population were arrested for crimes. That number is less than 1 percent of the overall American population. This argument that you get to commit more crime because there are more of you is juvenile. There are not more violent crimes committed by blacks. The actual numbers show this.

But this thread is not about the comparison, it is about the problem of white on white crime. And none of you have the balls or ovaries to address the problem of crime you have within your own community.

OK this is the FBI website, table 43 for 2015. murders and manslaughter by whites ( 3,908) by blacks (4,347)
thats 45 % vs 51% actually blacks by percentage were convicted by less than one percent of their total population in the US but whites were convicted by even a smaller percentage of their total white population.
also less than 1 %

Table 43

Actually when your having a conversation with people, you don't dictate the terms. This is not your high school class. I actually already did bring up a point earlier. We can stop the drugging of our youth with psych meds.
Most of these mass shootings had this component affecting the shooters. It's something to be looked at.
Now many people have made recomendations of what may be done to help kids in the black community.
So whats your solution to help white kids from turning to a life of crime?

need to make one correction. the table is for arrests, not convictions

Well when you are the OP in a thread in this forum you are held responsible for keeping the thread on topic. So yes, I do dictate the terms of this conversation.

The has not been one recommendation of what may be done here to help kids in the back community. I say that because not ne of the so called recommendations addresses the problem that exists in the black community.

As for what white people not just kids can do, recognize that you have major problem with crime and stop "suggesting" to others what they should do until you clean up your own communities. Because of you white adults, your kids are running around with a sense of entitlement. The same entitlement you guys believe you have as white people.

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.

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