White on White crime


You assertion fails in these areas.

In 2015 there were 4347 arrests of blacks for murder. That's less than 1/10,000th of the black population, You say that 521 of those arrested were convicted. So then you claim that since 12 percent of those were arrested it makes your case. But the problem with that is that these 521 people who were convicted do not represent even 1/10,000th of the black population either. 2,197,140 lacks were arrested in 2015. there are 40 million backs here.. The Number of blacks arrested equals 5.5 percent of the over all back population Almost 95 percent of all backs live by the law and do not commit crimes. Fewer than 1/10,000 percent of all blacks commit murder.

And spare me the conviction argument when it has been shown to us all how there is a several racial bias in the justice system. Ignoring that renders your argument meritless and whatever small bit of credibility you have gone. Whites have lied to each other on this matter for, well since 1776. You guys continue that long tradition of lies.

The white community has a serious problem with crime . And it is far more serious because white communities have everything necessary for there to be ZERO crime in far too many of them to have such a high rate of crime. I know what is needed to fix the problem in the black community. But in the white community it most certainly involves a change in morals and values more than economic or educational opportunity.

So if we want to look at crime as a societal problem fine, but to asses blame on one group as to being more violent and crime prone than another one well no. In the history of this nation it has been whites who have been the most violent and ruthless criminals and that includes the structures of governing, of all the races here.

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.

Ahhhh, so the real point of your thread is to get revenge on and try to balance out the other racist threads on this board. I figured you didn't really believe that white crime is worse than black crime. Not even you could really believe that.

You assertion fails in these areas.

In 2015 there were 4347 arrests of blacks for murder. That's less than 1/10,000th of the black population, You say that 521 of those arrested were convicted. So then you claim that since 12 percent of those were arrested it makes your case. But the problem with that is that these 521 people who were convicted do not represent even 1/10,000th of the black population either. 2,197,140 lacks were arrested in 2015. there are 40 million backs here.. The Number of blacks arrested equals 5.5 percent of the over all back population Almost 95 percent of all backs live by the law and do not commit crimes. Fewer than 1/10,000 percent of all blacks commit murder.

And spare me the conviction argument when it has been shown to us all how there is a several racial bias in the justice system. Ignoring that renders your argument meritless and whatever small bit of credibility you have gone. Whites have lied to each other on this matter for, well since 1776. You guys continue that long tradition of lies.

The white community has a serious problem with crime . And it is far more serious because white communities have everything necessary for there to be ZERO crime in far too many of them to have such a high rate of crime. I know what is needed to fix the problem in the black community. But in the white community it most certainly involves a change in morals and values more than economic or educational opportunity.

So if we want to look at crime as a societal problem fine, but to asses blame on one group as to being more violent and crime prone than another one well no. In the history of this nation it has been whites who have been the most violent and ruthless criminals and that includes the structures of governing, of all the races here.

Im not sure why your looking for an argument. I found a data table put out by the FBI. So why is my argument meritless? what's your problem when I simply posted raw data ? yes I said , according to the table 4,347 black people were arrested for murder or what comes out to be .010 % of 42,975,959 people in the black population.

Arrest records for whites for the same thing comes out to 3,908 out of 248,485,057 white people.
that comes out to be .0015% . Please show me how murder and manslaughter is epidemic in the white community, when it is much lower by percentage than in the black community.
If your talking total crime including non violent offenses by percentage of those same population numbers, it comes out to 2.3% for whites and .051% for blacks.
Of those 100+ shootings in Chicago last weekend, how many were white?

Keep in mind that Chicago has about 1.2 million whites and about 900,000 blacks.

So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.

And I am saying that is incorrect. In 2015 4.5 percent of the black population were arrested for crimes. That number is less than 1 percent of the overall American population. This argument that you get to commit more crime because there are more of you is juvenile. There are not more violent crimes committed by blacks. The actual numbers show this.

But this thread is not about the comparison, it is about the problem of white on white crime. And none of you have the balls or ovaries to address the problem of crime you have within your own community.

OK this is the FBI website, table 43 for 2015. murders and manslaughter by whites ( 3,908) by blacks (4,347)
thats 45 % vs 51% actually blacks by percentage were convicted by less than one percent of their total population in the US but whites were convicted by even a smaller percentage of their total white population.
also less than 1 %

Table 43

Actually when your having a conversation with people, you don't dictate the terms. This is not your high school class. I actually already did bring up a point earlier. We can stop the drugging of our youth with psych meds.
Most of these mass shootings had this component affecting the shooters. It's something to be looked at.
Now many people have made recomendations of what may be done to help kids in the black community.
So whats your solution to help white kids from turning to a life of crime?

need to make one correction. the table is for arrests, not convictions

Well when you are the OP in a thread in this forum you are held responsible for keeping the thread on topic. So yes, I do dictate the terms of this conversation.

The has not been one recommendation of what may be done here to help kids in the back community. I say that because not ne of the so called recommendations addresses the problem that exists in the black community.

As for what white people not just kids can do, recognize that you have major problem with crime and stop "suggesting" to others what they should do until you clean up your own communities. Because of you white adults, your kids are running around with a sense of entitlement. The same entitlement you guys believe you have as white people.

There has not been one recommendation? when I began to mention opportunity and education for black youth and problems with the school system, you said I was OFF topic, so you really don't allow for recommendations. I wasn't really talking about this thread though, I meant there have been recommendations on the board in general here over time.

When you tell White people to clean up their "own communities" you have to remember, though we throw around the term white community and black community. We actually share the SAME communities in a lot of places. Of course here I'm talking personally. where I live whites are a minority.

I don't think you really want to have a conversation. You came here just wanting to make a point.

You assertion fails in these areas.

In 2015 there were 4347 arrests of blacks for murder. That's less than 1/10,000th of the black population, You say that 521 of those arrested were convicted. So then you claim that since 12 percent of those were arrested it makes your case. But the problem with that is that these 521 people who were convicted do not represent even 1/10,000th of the black population either. 2,197,140 lacks were arrested in 2015. there are 40 million backs here.. The Number of blacks arrested equals 5.5 percent of the over all back population Almost 95 percent of all backs live by the law and do not commit crimes. Fewer than 1/10,000 percent of all blacks commit murder.

And spare me the conviction argument when it has been shown to us all how there is a several racial bias in the justice system. Ignoring that renders your argument meritless and whatever small bit of credibility you have gone. Whites have lied to each other on this matter for, well since 1776. You guys continue that long tradition of lies.

The white community has a serious problem with crime . And it is far more serious because white communities have everything necessary for there to be ZERO crime in far too many of them to have such a high rate of crime. I know what is needed to fix the problem in the black community. But in the white community it most certainly involves a change in morals and values more than economic or educational opportunity.

So if we want to look at crime as a societal problem fine, but to asses blame on one group as to being more violent and crime prone than another one well no. In the history of this nation it has been whites who have been the most violent and ruthless criminals and that includes the structures of governing, of all the races here.
Your numbers are all screwed up. Why are you basing your premise off of "4327 arrests for murder"? That doesnt tell us anything about how many violent black people there are.

You are leaving out unsolved murder cases where there was no arrest. You are also leaving out the cases where a person was shot, but they survived. You are also leaving out the cases where shots were fired, but no one was hit. Yo u are also leaving out the thousands of unreported incidents. For the black community, the number of reported incidents of gun violence was around 15,000 in 2015.

Furthermore, what about assaults, robbery, etc? Blacks were victims of an estimated 805,000 nonfatal violent crimes in 2005. These numbers leave out the unreported minor assaults that happen every day, which total millions each year.

I havent even included all the crimes blacks committed on WHITE people either. Those are just the black on black statistics!

Black people are notoriously violent for a reason.. Im not sure why you would try to deny what everyone already knows. You guys have severe cultural problems that you need to address, but it seems like youd rather just pretend that everything is fine than actually tackle your rampant violence.

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You assertion fails in these areas.

In 2015 there were 4347 arrests of blacks for murder. That's less than 1/10,000th of the black population, You say that 521 of those arrested were convicted. So then you claim that since 12 percent of those were arrested it makes your case. But the problem with that is that these 521 people who were convicted do not represent even 1/10,000th of the black population either. 2,197,140 lacks were arrested in 2015. there are 40 million backs here.. The Number of blacks arrested equals 5.5 percent of the over all back population Almost 95 percent of all backs live by the law and do not commit crimes. Fewer than 1/10,000 percent of all blacks commit murder.

And spare me the conviction argument when it has been shown to us all how there is a several racial bias in the justice system. Ignoring that renders your argument meritless and whatever small bit of credibility you have gone. Whites have lied to each other on this matter for, well since 1776. You guys continue that long tradition of lies.

The white community has a serious problem with crime . And it is far more serious because white communities have everything necessary for there to be ZERO crime in far too many of them to have such a high rate of crime. I know what is needed to fix the problem in the black community. But in the white community it most certainly involves a change in morals and values more than economic or educational opportunity.

So if we want to look at crime as a societal problem fine, but to asses blame on one group as to being more violent and crime prone than another one well no. In the history of this nation it has been whites who have been the most violent and ruthless criminals and that includes the structures of governing, of all the races here.
Your numbers are all screwed up. Why are you basing your premise off of "4327 arrests for murder"? That doesnt tell us anything about how many violent black people there are.

You are leaving out unsolved murder cases where there was no arrest. You are also leaving out the cases where a person was shot, but they survived. You are also leaving out the cases where shots were fired, but no one was hit. Yo u are also leaving out the thousands of unreported incidents. For the black community, the number of reported incidents of gun violence was around 15,000 in 2015.

Furthermore, what about assaults, robbery, etc? Blacks were victims of an estimated 805,000 nonfatal violent crimes in 2005. These numbers leave out the unreported minor assaults that happen every day, which total millions each year.

I havent even included all the crimes blacks committed on WHITE people either. Those are just the black on black statistics!

Black people are notoriously violent for a reason.. Im not sure why you would try to deny what everyone already knows. You guys have severe cultural problems that you need to address, but it seems like youd rather just pretend that everything is fine than actually tackle your rampant violence.


Nope my numbers are right. This is 2017 not 2005. The numbers I cited were from the 2015 UCR I believe that's the latest information on these matters. We guys don't have any more severe cultural problems than yo do. On fact we have fewer. Our problems are economic.

We are talking about white on white crime. You do not live in utopia. You do have a high rate of crime in the white community. You have the highest numbers of violent crimes committed. . You can face that and man/woman up or you can keep lying to yourselves.
So? You guys always look for excuses. How many blacks were shot? You assumed all the shootings are black but now that it is sad that whites got shot too now you need a number. You didn't need one when the comment was made you won't get one now.

And still this thread is about white on white crime and you still can't find it in yourself to discuss that problem.
Of course there is white on white crime. Nobody is saying otherwise. What we are saying is that there are more murders, robberies, and violent crimes committed by blacks, considering percentages, there are more whites than blacks.

And I am saying that is incorrect. In 2015 4.5 percent of the black population were arrested for crimes. That number is less than 1 percent of the overall American population. This argument that you get to commit more crime because there are more of you is juvenile. There are not more violent crimes committed by blacks. The actual numbers show this.

But this thread is not about the comparison, it is about the problem of white on white crime. And none of you have the balls or ovaries to address the problem of crime you have within your own community.

OK this is the FBI website, table 43 for 2015. murders and manslaughter by whites ( 3,908) by blacks (4,347)
thats 45 % vs 51% actually blacks by percentage were convicted by less than one percent of their total population in the US but whites were convicted by even a smaller percentage of their total white population.
also less than 1 %

Table 43

Actually when your having a conversation with people, you don't dictate the terms. This is not your high school class. I actually already did bring up a point earlier. We can stop the drugging of our youth with psych meds.
Most of these mass shootings had this component affecting the shooters. It's something to be looked at.
Now many people have made recomendations of what may be done to help kids in the black community.
So whats your solution to help white kids from turning to a life of crime?

need to make one correction. the table is for arrests, not convictions

Well when you are the OP in a thread in this forum you are held responsible for keeping the thread on topic. So yes, I do dictate the terms of this conversation.

The has not been one recommendation of what may be done here to help kids in the back community. I say that because not ne of the so called recommendations addresses the problem that exists in the black community.

As for what white people not just kids can do, recognize that you have major problem with crime and stop "suggesting" to others what they should do until you clean up your own communities. Because of you white adults, your kids are running around with a sense of entitlement. The same entitlement you guys believe you have as white people.

There has not been one recommendation? when I began to mention opportunity and education for black youth and problems with the school system, you said I was OFF topic, so you really don't allow for recommendations. I wasn't really talking about this thread though, I meant there have been recommendations on the board in general here over time.

When you tell White people to clean up their "own communities" you have to remember, though we throw around the term white community and black community. We actually share the SAME communities in a lot of places. Of course here I'm talking personally. where I live whites are a minority.

I don't think you really want to have a conversation. You came here just wanting to make a point.

When we are talking about white on white crime and you talk about opportunities for black youth, you are off topic, We have more than half the threads on this page alone were whites are not trying to have discussions but are simply filling bandwidth with white racist bullshit and slamming backs. I made this thread to point out the fact that white on white crime exists. Not that we need to provide opportunities to black youth.

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

Per capita is a bunch of bullshit. OK? Actual numbers are the truth. Whites commit more CRIMES. And murder is just one crime out of many. There are 30 categories of crime as defined by the FBI. In the 2015 UCR, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories. You white folks have a crime problem You aren't the first idiot to try arguing per capita either. I am sure that more will because this is embedded in your systems as an excuse. There was a time in US history that if there was an internet you would have had a man like me arguing that drapetomania was not a disease and a nutjob like you would try arguing that drapetomania was real.
Whites legalized a drug and celebrate a culture of drug use.


There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

Per capita is a bunch of bullshit. OK? Actual numbers are the truth. Whites commit more CRIMES. And murder is just one crime out of many. There are 30 categories of crime as defined by the FBI. In the 2015 UCR, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories. You white folks have a crime problem You aren't the first idiot to try arguing per capita either. I am sure that more will because this is embedded in your systems as an excuse. There was a time in US history that if there was an internet you would have had a man like me arguing that drapetomania was not a disease and a nutjob like you would try arguing that drapetomania was real.
When you have 13 percent of the population committing 50 percent of murders you have a problem. When you have 13 percent of the population committing 30 to 40 percent of violent crimes over all you have a BIG problem. You can pretend other wise but that is fact. And it is NOT racist to point it out, what is racists is to claim that blacks are little darlings that are just misunderstood and cheated by the courts.

You assertion fails in these areas.

In 2015 there were 4347 arrests of blacks for murder. That's less than 1/10,000th of the black population, You say that 521 of those arrested were convicted. So then you claim that since 12 percent of those were arrested it makes your case. But the problem with that is that these 521 people who were convicted do not represent even 1/10,000th of the black population either. 2,197,140 lacks were arrested in 2015. there are 40 million backs here.. The Number of blacks arrested equals 5.5 percent of the over all back population Almost 95 percent of all backs live by the law and do not commit crimes. Fewer than 1/10,000 percent of all blacks commit murder.

And spare me the conviction argument when it has been shown to us all how there is a several racial bias in the justice system. Ignoring that renders your argument meritless and whatever small bit of credibility you have gone. Whites have lied to each other on this matter for, well since 1776. You guys continue that long tradition of lies.

The white community has a serious problem with crime . And it is far more serious because white communities have everything necessary for there to be ZERO crime in far too many of them to have such a high rate of crime. I know what is needed to fix the problem in the black community. But in the white community it most certainly involves a change in morals and values more than economic or educational opportunity.

So if we want to look at crime as a societal problem fine, but to asses blame on one group as to being more violent and crime prone than another one well no. In the history of this nation it has been whites who have been the most violent and ruthless criminals and that includes the structures of governing, of all the races here.
Your numbers are all screwed up. Why are you basing your premise off of "4327 arrests for murder"? That doesnt tell us anything about how many violent black people there are.

You are leaving out unsolved murder cases where there was no arrest. You are also leaving out the cases where a person was shot, but they survived. You are also leaving out the cases where shots were fired, but no one was hit. Yo u are also leaving out the thousands of unreported incidents. For the black community, the number of reported incidents of gun violence was around 15,000 in 2015.

Furthermore, what about assaults, robbery, etc? Blacks were victims of an estimated 805,000 nonfatal violent crimes in 2005. These numbers leave out the unreported minor assaults that happen every day, which total millions each year.

I havent even included all the crimes blacks committed on WHITE people either. Those are just the black on black statistics!

Black people are notoriously violent for a reason.. Im not sure why you would try to deny what everyone already knows. You guys have severe cultural problems that you need to address, but it seems like youd rather just pretend that everything is fine than actually tackle your rampant violence.


Nope my numbers are right. This is 2017 not 2005. The numbers I cited were from the 2015 UCR I believe that's the latest information on these matters. We guys don't have any more severe cultural problems than yo do. On fact we have fewer. Our problems are economic.

We are talking about white on white crime. You do not live in utopia. You do have a high rate of crime in the white community. You have the highest numbers of violent crimes committed. . You can face that and man/woman up or you can keep lying to yourselves.
Black crime is many times higher than any other group in the nation. What the fuck are you talking about? :laugh:

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

Per capita is a bunch of bullshit. OK? Actual numbers are the truth. Whites commit more CRIMES. And murder is just one crime out of many. There are 30 categories of crime as defined by the FBI. In the 2015 UCR, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories. You white folks have a crime problem You aren't the first idiot to try arguing per capita either. I am sure that more will because this is embedded in your systems as an excuse. There was a time in US history that if there was an internet you would have had a man like me arguing that drapetomania was not a disease and a nutjob like you would try arguing that drapetomania was real.
When you have 13 percent of the population committing 50 percent of murders you have a problem. When you have 13 percent of the population committing 30 to 40 percent of violent crimes over all you have a BIG problem. You can pretend other wise but that is fact. And it is NOT racist to point it out, what is racists is to claim that blacks are little darlings that are just misunderstood and cheated by the courts.
I dont understand how a person can become so delusional that they think black crime isnt rampant. I guess if you live in a shit hole, you must think everywhere else is the same.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.

The overwhelming facts show that whites commit the most crimes.
Not the violent crimes

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

Per capita is a bunch of bullshit. OK? Actual numbers are the truth. Whites commit more CRIMES. And murder is just one crime out of many. There are 30 categories of crime as defined by the FBI. In the 2015 UCR, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories. You white folks have a crime problem You aren't the first idiot to try arguing per capita either. I am sure that more will because this is embedded in your systems as an excuse. There was a time in US history that if there was an internet you would have had a man like me arguing that drapetomania was not a disease and a nutjob like you would try arguing that drapetomania was real.

I live in Little Rock. The violent crimes committed here are mostly by blacks.
Last time I was violently attacked by a white was in 1968. But I have passed through minority communities many times over the years. I have been assaulted assailed and other wise intimidated by blacks until I escaped that strange world of theirs. This is the unspoken elephant in the room: Blacks are hateful and angry people. Nobody wants to live with them because of that, it's not racism, it's just self protection.

There are 45 thread son this page below the blue line. At least 17 are anti black racist .garbage where all you rea did how blacks suck, and other associated white racist bullshit. MaryL you have contributed to many of these threads. There are no threads that paint whites in the same manner as blacks are being portrayed. What has been presented about whites is what they have done, not some opinion based upon racism. So then you will deal with these threads to put the mirror up to white people. And if you don't like it, then don't enter the thread.
Pointing out actual facts does not make one a racists and the ACTUAL facts are that per capita blacks commit more murders and raw numbers wise they do too. Further it is a fact that black crime per capita is higher the white crime per capita. Those simply are facts and you are not the first dumb ass to claim that because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks and that the over all numbers are higher with whites then blacks you get to ignore the reality that per capita blacks commit more crimes.

Per capita is a bunch of bullshit. OK? Actual numbers are the truth. Whites commit more CRIMES. And murder is just one crime out of many. There are 30 categories of crime as defined by the FBI. In the 2015 UCR, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories. You white folks have a crime problem You aren't the first idiot to try arguing per capita either. I am sure that more will because this is embedded in your systems as an excuse. There was a time in US history that if there was an internet you would have had a man like me arguing that drapetomania was not a disease and a nutjob like you would try arguing that drapetomania was real.

I live in Little Rock. The violent crimes committed here are mostly by blacks.

Sure Molly. Yeah.
Last time I was violently attacked by a white was in 1968. But I have passed through minority communities many times over the years. I have been assaulted assailed and other wise intimidated by blacks until I escaped that strange world of theirs. This is the unspoken elephant in the room: Blacks are hateful and angry people. Nobody wants to live with them because of that, it's not racism, it's just self protection.

Sure MaryL. Right.
Last time I was violently attacked by a white was in 1968. But I have passed through minority communities many times over the years. I have been assaulted assailed and other wise intimidated by blacks until I escaped that strange world of theirs. This is the unspoken elephant in the room: Blacks are hateful and angry people. Nobody wants to live with them because of that, it's not racism, it's just self protection.

Sure MaryL. Right.
At least you are using words instead of cartoons, baby steps. Don't push it.
It's funny how white conservatives think. They live in a lie and think they have the right to lecture us black folks on how to live. Do it as we do they tell us. They don't seem to understand what that means. I guess to be white is to grow up with amnesia. They live in communities full of crime and criminals, and when I talk about criminals, I am not talking small time crack dealers riding bicycles. I am talking about white men and women living in in huge homes with Mercedes and Rolls Royces who control the shipment and distribution of nearly every illegal drug known to man into this nation or they produce it. They proudly own liquor stores and liquor companies and then preach to black people about how they should not be selling drugs. They kill each other at a high rate, but are too busy pointing fingers at us. The lead in almost every crime statistic, then get online lecturing us about terrible we are when we lead in one category like it's the only one.

It's called psychosis.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It

9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It - Atlanta Black Star

That's the "liberal" media for you!

Here come the excuses. You guys are 13 percent of the population....
Finally it's about time somebody said it, groundbreaking stuff here, NOBODY ever said things to be contradictory about Caucasians before, here is an issue I never get tired of: bashing whites. But mean while, back at the ranch, BLACKS have way bigger murder/crime rates. But, let's ignore that. Let's look at the wallaby on wallaby violence issue, instead. Let's distract people from the overwhelming facts. I know, Whites suck and everything we say is delusional. Yadda yadda yadda.

The overwhelming facts show that whites commit the most crimes.
Not the violent crimes

Yes the violent crimes Molly


As you see by the numbers, whites had over 4 million violent crime victimizations in this reporting year. Blacks 955,000. Whites committed more violent crime.

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