White people adopting black children

I care not a jot who adopts these unwanted children as long as they are loved and cared for and there quality of life is improved.

Quality sex education, birth control + the freedom for women to chose to abort within 24 wks, are other criteria's that are having a positive effect on the number of unwanted children in the UK thank god.
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Because Madonna and Angelina Jolie are rushing to Appalachia to adopt poor white babies...

Have you ever noticed that the more truthful the observation, the more outraged people are that you noticed it?

Maybe because they see that the DESPERATION and STARVATION of foreign orphans is FAR worse that in the US.

You've obviously never seen the desperation and starvation right here at home--in Appalachia.

It's heartbreaking....and there are PLENTY of poor white children in need of good homes in the hills.

Go take a tour from N. Ga all the way up the Appalachian trail.....you'll run into plenty.

Geez. :rolleyes:
Jenitals, why not open a catholic church up there, the priest will put something in their mouths to keep the little buggers quite.
Maybe because they see that the DESPERATION and STARVATION of foreign orphans is FAR worse that in the US.

Sorry, I don't buy it. Madonna/Jolie very deliberately picked up a coterie of exotic-looking children from exotic foreign countries... you see the pictures in the magazines, and it's like they were trying to create a "Benetton" ad. They even they could have picked up some good ol' AMERICAN black babies up for adoption, but there's no GLAMOUR in that, right?

This notion that we can "save" Africa one child at a time is ABSURD. Typical human arrogance. The condition of Africa's population is mostly natural, given their breeding styles and intelligence levels. We as arrogant Westerners see them as "cute" little toys with big eyes that we want to cuddle, but it's kind of like wanting to adopt wild animals because as babies, they "look cute." Don't interfere too much with nature. And certainly don't do it because it's the popular thing to do.

Madonna/Jolie, anyway, aren't busting their asses all day long on these kids. They have teams of people hired by the oceans of money who do all the dirty work. They just get to parade with the Little United Nations in their cute outfits for the camera and preen as wonderful people. It's complete bullshit.
You've obviously never seen the desperation and starvation right here at home--in Appalachia.

It's heartbreaking....and there are PLENTY of poor white children in need of good homes in the hills.

If whites are suffering, nobody hears/sees/talks about it. It's "secret suffering."

If blacks are suffering, it's all we'll hear about.
In the UK for some years the goverment has been making adoption easier.

Roman Catholic adoption agencies have been warned if the descriminate against Gays and Lesbians, they will be closed.:clap2:

The Catholic Church is closing its adoption agencies in the UK. You think that's a good thing? Because I don't. Catholics who give their child up for adoption do so out of love for the child and they have the right to decide who raises that child. Your stupid laws about discrimination suck. The rights of gays do not outweigh the rights of others.
Maybe because they see that the DESPERATION and STARVATION of foreign orphans is FAR worse that in the US.

You've obviously never seen the desperation and starvation right here at home--in Appalachia.

It's heartbreaking....and there are PLENTY of poor white children in need of good homes in the hills.

Go take a tour from N. Ga all the way up the Appalachian trail.....you'll run into plenty.

Geez. :rolleyes:
Jenitals, why not open a catholic church up there, the priest will put something in their mouths to keep the little buggers quite.

I think JenyE equates 'good homes' with 'wealthy homes', the children you may see in Appalachia are just poor. So maybe JenyE thinks we should remove those children from their rightful parents and sell them to the highest bidder. She's an idiot.
In the UK for some years the goverment has been making adoption easier.

Roman Catholic adoption agencies have been warned if the descriminate against Gays and Lesbians, they will be closed.:clap2:

The Catholic Church is closing its adoption agencies in the UK. You think that's a good thing? Because I don't. Catholics who give their child up for adoption do so out of love for the child and they have the right to decide who raises that child. Your stupid laws about discrimination suck. The rights of gays do not outweigh the rights of others.
You abandon your child to Catholics and you get to decide no gay can raise it. Not.
In the UK for some years the goverment has been making adoption easier.

Roman Catholic adoption agencies have been warned if the descriminate against Gays and Lesbians, they will be closed.:clap2:

The Catholic Church is closing its adoption agencies in the UK. You think that's a good thing? Because I don't. Catholics who give their child up for adoption do so out of love for the child and they have the right to decide who raises that child. Your stupid laws about discrimination suck. The rights of gays do not outweigh the rights of others.
It's not about the rights of gays to adopt. It's about the rights of children to have the best possible opportunity to be placed in a loving home.
In the UK for some years the goverment has been making adoption easier.

Roman Catholic adoption agencies have been warned if the descriminate against Gays and Lesbians, they will be closed.:clap2:

The Catholic Church is closing its adoption agencies in the UK. You think that's a good thing? Because I don't. Catholics who give their child up for adoption do so out of love for the child and they have the right to decide who raises that child. Your stupid laws about discrimination suck. The rights of gays do not outweigh the rights of others.
You abandon your child to Catholics and you get to decide no gay can raise it. Not.

They don't abandon their children, they give them the best possible chance in life, even if that means being raised by someone else.... which, to me, is better than killing them. Catholics believe in traditional marriage... you may not agree with it but they are perfectly entitled to their beliefs as you are to yours. So, effectively, yea, it's their child and they have the right to decide who should raise it. The Catholic Adoption Agency places Catholic children with Catholic parents. Catholics have rights too.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.

As a parent, I would never take the chance of allowing my kids to be around a homo unattended.

Just the fact that they are a homo, indicates mental instability.

A child's safey should take preference over the current PC fad.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.

As a parent, I would never take the chance of allowing my kids to be around a homo unattended.

Just the fact that they are a homo, indicates mental instability.

A child's safey should take preference over the current PC fad.

You clearly have no understanding of gay people at all. That is your right, but because you refuse to educate yourself, your views on gay people are.... to be honest.... plain stupid.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.

While not all gays are peds, I did read a study somewhere at some point not too long ago that showed that they are more LIKELY to be pedophiles, and they have a higher rate of serial relationships than straight couples.

I've worked with pedophiles, and of those I've worked closely with, most were ambiguous about sexuality as well.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.

As a parent, I would never take the chance of allowing my kids to be around a homo unattended.

Just the fact that they are a homo, indicates mental instability.

A child's safey should take preference over the current PC fad.
I more worried about you being around children.
Ever since you said you'd let your wife take your daughter out of the country to have her genitals mutilated.
Allowing gays to adopt young children is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Plus, the children will grow up totally confused and an object of ridicule by other children.

Gay does not mean pedophile. I understand that you may believe it does but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your belief.

While not all gays are peds, I did read a study somewhere at some point not too long ago that showed that they are more LIKELY to be pedophiles, and they have a higher rate of serial relationships than straight couples.

I've worked with pedophiles, and of those I've worked closely with, most were ambiguous about sexuality as well.

Yep, and that's a legitimate concern. I don't challenge evidence, I challenge attitudes. I've read similar studies.... Obviously, that is a reasonable concern. However, it does not change the fact that not all gays are pedophiles, and not all pedophiles are gay.

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