White people are guilty, but not in the way you think

The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires

You might want to edit this..

Your opinion on Africa is sorely lacking and comes from a white racist Eurocentric position. African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..
The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.
The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.
Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Colonialism couldn't possibly explain the African condition, just look at Ethiopia, or Liberia which are poor, and backwards by African standards, and weren't really colonized.
Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Colonialism couldn't possibly explain the African condition, just look at Ethiopia, or Liberia which are poor, and backwards by African standards, and weren't really colonized.

Colonialism can explain and is the reason for such things. Africa was taken to what your stupid racist white ass calls backwards because of colonization.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


You are welcome to work and save your money and head to some African Nation and try to help those in need but as usual you do not and blame the white society for your failure in life.

The OP'er had a point that without the good Samaritan from the white society those like you would let the poor starve and how pathetic is that?

So stop passing the buck and own reality that you are part of the problem and if it were not for white guilt you could not hide behind it...
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


You are welcome to work and save your money and head to some African Nation and try to help those in need but as usual you do not and blame the white society for your failure in life.

The OP'er had a point that without the good Samaritan from the white society those like you would let the poor starve and how pathetic is that?

So stop passing the buck and own reality that you are part of the problem and if it were not for white guilt you could not hide behind it...

You got thiings ass backwards son.
Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Africans sold their own into slavery, so get over it!

When a tribe sell the tribe they defeated in a war into slavery you never see any Progressive like you comment on that historical part but you will rant on and on about how whites were pure evil and should feel guilt for what they did.

Also it is funny to me that Progressive posters like you never give back to the Native American community but then tell those like me I should share your guilt in life, but of course you have no sympathy for the Native American population like you do with ISIS and African communities and hell if you were put to the test it would be shown that you never did a damn thing for any minority group while demanding everyone else do for you.

So save your nonsense for those that will fall for your nonsense because the real world is not just black and white and Africans also raped their own society and still do in today time but alas you will blame whitey for their bad behavior because you are the typical Progressive that see everything black and white!

Now enjoy my bin!
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


You are welcome to work and save your money and head to some African Nation and try to help those in need but as usual you do not and blame the white society for your failure in life.

The OP'er had a point that without the good Samaritan from the white society those like you would let the poor starve and how pathetic is that?

So stop passing the buck and own reality that you are part of the problem and if it were not for white guilt you could not hide behind it...

You got thiings ass backwards son.

I do not know who the hell you think you are writing to because I know the bastard that was my father, so shove that son comment!

Also if you have a problem with the way the African community is treated then give up all your money, land and rights to them and if not then go fly a kite!
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Colonialism couldn't possibly explain the African condition, just look at Ethiopia, or Liberia which are poor, and backwards by African standards, and weren't really colonized.

Colonialism can explain and is the reason for such things. Africa was taken to what your stupid racist white ass calls backwards because of colonization.

LOL, some nations in Eastern Europe were colonized for thousands of years.

Take Estonia, it was basically colonized for 1,000 years, until 1992 by Soviets.

Estonia's doing pretty well, it might be quite behind Western Europe in income a gap which is narrowing, but it is quite far ahead of Africa in income, a gap which is growing.

But, when it comes to educational PISA scores, Estonia has become #1 in Europe in PISA scores.

Estonia also invented Skype, and Kazaa, what about Africa?
Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
Before the 188!s+ most 2frican countries were either uncoloni"ed or the colonial power held onl/ small trading posts. <nl/ the =ortuguese colonies+ 'outh 2frica and the plantation island economies &Mauritius+ 7>union+ etc.* had been coloni"ed earlier. 0ence the ma5orit/ of 2fricans born during the 18)!s and 18?!s grew up before the ad%ent of direct coloni"ation. 4e see in ,igure 1 that their heights were declining during the period of the :scramble;+ reaching a low point during the 18(!s. Thereafter+ we obser%e a mild reco%er/ and more or less stagnating height until the 1(!s. ,rom the 1(!s onwards heights in the colonies of the British and ,rench Empires expanded until the 1()!s.

Human Stature as a Health Indicator in Colonial Empires
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Africans sold their own into slavery, so get over it!

When a tribe sell the tribe they defeated in a war into slavery you never see any Progressive like you comment on that historical part but you will rant on and on about how whites were pure evil and should feel guilt for what they did.

Also it is funny to me that Progressive posters like you never give back to the Native American community but then tell those like me I should share your guilt in life, but of course you have no sympathy for the Native American population like you do with ISIS and African communities and hell if you were put to the test it would be shown that you never did a damn thing for any minority group while demanding everyone else do for you.

So save your nonsense for those that will fall for your nonsense because the real world is not just black and white and Africans also raped their own society and still do in today time but alas you will blame whitey for their bad behavior because you are the typical Progressive that see everything black and white!

Now enjoy my bin!

Africa is fucked up today because of what whites dd. That's the way it is and no amount of excuses you make changes what was done damage created because of it. Throwing childish tantrums on the internet certainly doesn't change history son.

Given that I worked 30 plus years in the black community while I could have worked as a financial planner and have gotten rich, I can say I have given plenty. Don't lecture me about giving boy. And spare me the ignorant stupid ass right wing maggot references to sympathy for ISIS.

Africans did not sell their own into slavery. Whites never say this about different white nations or tribes. For example I can say whites sold each other into slavery using the tall tale of Irish slavery. But you wouldn't see it like that. You would see it as the British sold the Irish, But when t comes to Africans The Nigerian could not have sold the Ugandan. Instead it's the ta tale of black selling each other.

Now the issue is not about blacks selling each other into slavery it is about the whites who made slavery legal and who would arm one tribe with guns to go get others for money.

You talk about not wanting to talk about parts of history, that's exactly what you've done.

Then there is this little matter of America after slavery and blacks did not create Jim Crow or northern segregation.

The problem here has been white racism. Stop crying about someone trying to make you feel guilty. Whites should not have done what they did.

So shove your excuses son.
African nations were doing quite fine before they were colonized..

Most of Africa didn't even have wheels when Europeans had invaded.

Well we don't know that. But we do know that the white racist description of Africa is highly inaccurate.

All whites did for Africa was enter in and rape the land of its resources. Resources whites did not have. So much for the Africans did not have wheels bullshit.

Colonialism couldn't possibly explain the African condition, just look at Ethiopia, or Liberia which are poor, and backwards by African standards, and weren't really colonized.

Colonialism can explain and is the reason for such things. Africa was taken to what your stupid racist white ass calls backwards because of colonization.

LOL, some nations in Eastern Europe were colonized for thousands of years.

Take Estonia, it was basically colonized for 1,000 years, until 1992 by Soviets.

Estonia's doing pretty well, it might be quite behind Western Europe in income a gap which is narrowing, but it is quite far ahead of Africa in income, a gap which is growing.

But, when it comes to educational PISA scores, Estonia has become #1 in Europe in PISA scores.

Estonia also invented Skype, and Kazaa, what about Africa?

Yawn! Try as you might there is no equivalence to be made between your false claims and what happened to Africa. The Soviets did not colonize anything for 1,000 years because there were no Soviets 1000 years before 1992.

Much better educated than you I bet, and a whole lot more successful. So, if we are comparing idiots, the rich successful one is much less of an idiot, then a ur0 posting on some board. Just sayin..

Well since you know nothing about my education or finances and if I repeated your racist gibberish like Carson does, you'd be hailing how great and successful I have been. Ben Carson is an idiot.

Just sayin.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Just because you are a black loser that doesn't mean anyone kept your down. He are responsible for your own dire situation. You CHOOSE to be a victim then to better your situation.

In the US and Europe, the only color that matter is green! Everyone has a shot at getting the green. Your skin color doesn't matter!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Just because you are a black loser that doesn't mean anyone kept your down. He are responsible for your own dire situation. You CHOOSE to be a victim then to better your situation.

In the US and Europe, the only color that matter is green! Everyone has a shot at getting the green. Your skin color doesn't matter!

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Now why is it that you white racist conservatives can cry about every conceivable thing and not say you do so because you are making excuses for your failures or that you're losers? How is it that you can blame democrats for all the evil of humanity but not one time be told you are doing this because you are losers or looking for reasons to validate your failing, but for us to bring up real legitimate fact based complaints about racism that we have to be losers or failures?
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Much better educated than you I bet, and a whole lot more successful. So, if we are comparing idiots, the rich successful one is much less of an idiot, then a ur0 posting on some board. Just sayin..

Well since you know nothing about my education or finances and if I repeated your racist gibberish like Carson does, you'd be hailing how great and successful I have been. Ben Carson is an idiot.

Just sayin.

No need. That you are stuck in racist land, tells me a bit about your IQ. It's your crutch.
Saying Ben Carson doesn't make me racist. Neither does calling you out. You played the race card when you accused whites of something that could apply to any race. Even black.
Stick it up your ass. I'm tired of it.

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