White people are not dying, white losers are dying


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
There is talk that there is increased mortality amongst white people.

Specifically though, it's not white people generally which are dying. Successful people are living healthier and longer than ever. Rather, it's the white losers that are dying.

The reason is that white people are very competitive by nature. So many of them reach an age and they realize they are getting old and their dreams are not coming true, so they fall into despair.

Colored people are not as competitive, they are comfortable being losers their entire lives. So the no name middle aged colored person feels no despair, they have been that way their entire lives.

White people are always trying to prove themselves, to justify themselves. If they can't do it, they simply lose all hope.
My workplace, all white, there is a running joke here. People blurt out "where did all you whites (gringos, crackers bohunks) come from"? Because, an all white workplace is such a rare thing nowadays, like the buffalo or the passenger pigeon. It's my sense that American wants to annihilate whites and forget the past we built. People like Thomas Jefferson. He owned slaves, people like Einstein, father of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Nobody is perfect.
So what about this dindu cosby? 52 rapes . 50 White Women. Negrofication tuned to "just us"?
Racism is a lie, it's just an excuse. We are post racial aren't we?
I do not believe that racism is a lie. What exactly do you mean by post racial?
What do I mean by "POST RACIAL"? I didn't create that phrase, look it up. Let me say, racism is real, but rare nowadays. It's just that there are a lot of jerks that use race as an excuse to finesse being jerks, and that tired old accusation is being worn out. It's a lie most of the time, a ruse. A fib, a smokescreen. Like the boy that cried wolf a few too many times. Wolves are real too, seen any lately?

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