White People Doing Good

Racism is not an American invention, but baseball is. The banner infers that there is something uniquely American about Racism and that is not true. You can find Racism in every corner of the world. You can also find good people in every corner of the world. If you are determined to find Racism in everything and you try hard enough, you will.
Its probably alluding to the fact that so many whites deny racism is an issue. When you have a group of people telling you for decades about things like police brutality and you deny it even when shown video evidence you realize how much damage racism does.

Oh. Sadly racism is alive and kicking.
LOL Well, enjoy your misery. I would hate to be you if that was all I thought about. We're all just people. You'll be much happier if you would awaken to that.
I dont feel miserable.

We are definitely not all people. Some whites are absolutely sub-human. What else explains the protracted racism that abounds here and in this country?

I wish I knew the answer. And I wish I could make it all go away. At the same time I do not believe fighting and name calling does anything but make it worse.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Don't be so arrogant as to try and put words in my mouth. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.
LOL Well, enjoy your misery. I would hate to be you if that was all I thought about. We're all just people. You'll be much happier if you would awaken to that.
I dont feel miserable.

We are definitely not all people. Some whites are absolutely sub-human. What else explains the protracted racism that abounds here and in this country?

I wish I knew the answer. And I wish I could make it all go away. At the same time I do not believe fighting and name calling does anything but make it worse.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Don't be so arrogant as to try and put words in my mouth. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.
It was a question. See the question mark?
LOL Well, enjoy your misery. I would hate to be you if that was all I thought about. We're all just people. You'll be much happier if you would awaken to that.
I dont feel miserable.

We are definitely not all people. Some whites are absolutely sub-human. What else explains the protracted racism that abounds here and in this country?

I wish I knew the answer. And I wish I could make it all go away. At the same time I do not believe fighting and name calling does anything but make it worse.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Don't be so arrogant as to try and put words in my mouth. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.
It was a question. See the question mark?

Generally when a person starts with ''So'', it is not a true question. In your statement you are assuming what I think, when in fact I have never given such an indication.
I dont feel miserable.

We are definitely not all people. Some whites are absolutely sub-human. What else explains the protracted racism that abounds here and in this country?

I wish I knew the answer. And I wish I could make it all go away. At the same time I do not believe fighting and name calling does anything but make it worse.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Don't be so arrogant as to try and put words in my mouth. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.
It was a question. See the question mark?

Generally when a person starts with ''So'', it is not a true question. In your statement you are assuming what I think, when in fact I have never given such an indication.
Generally that is true but there are no words in my post that point to an assumption. Its simply a question. if it was an assumption i would have phrased it like this....

So you honestly believe that Black people should turn the other cheek and deal with it for another 400 years?

I would appreciate an answer to my first question.
I wish I knew the answer. And I wish I could make it all go away. At the same time I do not believe fighting and name calling does anything but make it worse.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Don't be so arrogant as to try and put words in my mouth. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.
It was a question. See the question mark?

Generally when a person starts with ''So'', it is not a true question. In your statement you are assuming what I think, when in fact I have never given such an indication.
Generally that is true but there are no words in my post that point to an assumption. Its simply a question. if it was an assumption i would have phrased it like this....

So you honestly believe that Black people should turn the other cheek and deal with it for another 400 years?

I would appreciate an answer to my first question.

Sorry I was busy with other things going on.
My reply is..........:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

And no I most certainly do not think black people should (as you put it) turn the other cheek for 400 years.
I also think that and you are absurd for even asking such a question.
You DO know me well enough to already know the answer.
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

You're a hate filled tard. Nobody really cares about your opinion
Racism is not an American invention, but baseball is. The banner infers that there is something uniquely American about Racism and that is not true. You can find Racism in every corner of the world. You can also find good people in every corner of the world. If you are determined to find Racism in everything and you try hard enough, you will.
Its probably alluding to the fact that so many whites deny racism is an issue. When you have a group of people telling you for decades about things like police brutality and you deny it even when shown video evidence you realize how much damage racism does.
There are policemen who are Racists. There are many more who are not. The Police as an entity are not Racists just as America as an entity is not Racist. You will always be able to find individuals who are Racists. Fortunately they are becoming more and more scarce with each generation.
So you think Blacks should turn the other cheek and deal with it for say another 400 years?

Nope. You should go wilding, playing the knockout game, raping, looting, murdering whites and each other....wait, you're already doing that. Hey mutt.....there's racism because of the way many of your people act....why wouldn't there be?

So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
The people that hung that banner absolutely feel the same way I do.

I never get tired of pointing out racism. Its not in my nature to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesnt exist. When you do that racism wins.

Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
So pointing out. White racism means he hates white people?
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
So pointing out. White racism means he hates white people?

I dunno, does it? He's pretty much admitted he does........albeit only certain types...whatever that means.
Racism is not an American invention, but baseball is. The banner infers that there is something uniquely American about Racism and that is not true. You can find Racism in every corner of the world. You can also find good people in every corner of the world. If you are determined to find Racism in everything and you try hard enough, you will.
Its probably alluding to the fact that so many whites deny racism is an issue. When you have a group of people telling you for decades about things like police brutality and you deny it even when shown video evidence you realize how much damage racism does.

Oh. Sadly racism is alive and kicking.
Thanks in part to our first black POTUS, who did much to inflame racial tensions. Many voted for him in the deluded hope he would unite us, rather than divide us.
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So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

You hate everything that is not far left and cheer when cops die, so you can take your old 60's far left racism and stick it!

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