White People Doing Good

So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
So pointing out. White racism means he hates white people?
Its a great deflection from the point. If they claim youre racist they dont have to address the issue. If you notice white people always say youre racist if you...

1. Celebrate your heritage.
2. Say Black Lives Matter.
3. Point out racism.

They want you to make them feel comfortable with the system they have set up for themselves. Any deviation from that mantra means youre racist.

Not at all, Celebrating your heritage is great, The Italians and Irish do that also. Saying black lives matter is fine, I think black lives matter, but you know its just not that, its the part of saying you want cops dead, then they dont really have people speaking, but rather, blocking freeways streets and breaking shop windows etc.
Point out racism when there is racism... not just pointing out some kid is racist because hes born white.

We can see what this is really all about, there is a radical part of the left wing who would like to do away with the US constitution, and symbols like the US flag, then replace it with something more representative in their minds, something more socialist in nature. Once they convince everyone that everything in the US is racist, because the people who created the country was racist, all white people have unfair privileges and advantages, are evil by virtue of genetics it will be so much easier to accomplish that.

No I have no issue with people being proud of their African Heritage whatsoever.... Only people who use that as a trojan horse to accomplish something else.
You always give yourself away. No one has ever said they want all cops dead and even if a few have thats not an accurate representation of BLM or its agenda. Their only error is expecting whites to listen to them complaiing. Again your replies are simply full of deflections and racist blame. Something I have come to expect of whites that feel uncomfortable facing reality.

Get rid of the constitution? You mean the same one that stated Blacks were not fully human? Written by slave owners with the hypocrisy to claim all men are created equal? You dont need to convince everyone else that the US is racist. People all over the world know its racist and they see the effects even in their countries.

You arent evil because your ancestors were racists. Youre only ignorant and racist if you claim they were not or that what your ancestors did by setting up a racial caste system is not directly responsible for your present privileges and advantages.

What people celebrate their African heritage and attempt to use it as a trojan horse? This is a new on on me.
pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
The people that hung that banner absolutely feel the same way I do.

I never get tired of pointing out racism. Its not in my nature to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesnt exist. When you do that racism wins.

Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better

So are you basically saying Black people should wait for white peoples perspective to change? I want to make sure you dont view this as an accusation but thats exactly the meaning I got from your post.

Heres the problem. If Black people waited on whites things would never change. I personally dont see any honor or sense in the long suffering role it appears white people want Blacks to play. I could give less than a damn about how whites feel about my stance. If it bothers whites that I wont wait for whites to get their shit together then thats a white issue that they may need counseling for. The hypocrisy of whites is incredibly unbelievable. You have had 400 plus years with things in your favor and you still have the nerve to tell someone to wait? :laugh:

I'm not saying WAIT,... I'm just saying that is ONE positive way of moving things forward. vs moving things backwards. And its only my opinion AND who's talking about suffering anyway? I'm talking about helping black kids get education and careers, and I wouldn't mind if their school was paid for 100 % if they wern't being taught hatred and intolerance over skills inside of so called Black studies classes.
You yourself learned I.T. skills and look how far it got you.

thats only ONE means of reducing Racism, that doesn't mean black people shouldn't take other actions. If there is injustice in the courts, then that needs to be addressed then. Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless.
Again I'm all for black americans standing up and speaking their minds, but I havnt even seen BLM do that yet.
So far its been pretty incoherent.

I didn't have things in my favor for 400 years , what the fuck you talking about? I haven't been alive that long.
My family wasnt in the US until much later.
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
He said there were white people that agreed with him. You said there aren't. Your point is the only one that a been invalidated since I never implied there were no whites that disagree with him.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills or did they go bye bye too?
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
The people that hung that banner absolutely feel the same way I do.

I never get tired of pointing out racism. Its not in my nature to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesnt exist. When you do that racism wins.

Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better

So are you basically saying Black people should wait for white peoples perspective to change? I want to make sure you dont view this as an accusation but thats exactly the meaning I got from your post.

Heres the problem. If Black people waited on whites things would never change. I personally dont see any honor or sense in the long suffering role it appears white people want Blacks to play. I could give less than a damn about how whites feel about my stance. If it bothers whites that I wont wait for whites to get their shit together then thats a white issue that they may need counseling for. The hypocrisy of whites is incredibly unbelievable. You have had 400 plus years with things in your favor and you still have the nerve to tell someone to wait? :laugh:

I'm not saying WAIT,... I'm just saying that is ONE positive way of moving things forward. vs moving things backwards. And its only my opinion AND who's talking about suffering anyway? I'm talking about helping black kids get education and careers, and I wouldn't mind if their school was paid for 100 % if they wern't being taught hatred and intolerance over skills inside of so called Black studies classes.
You yourself learned I.T. skills and look how far it got you.

thats only ONE means of reducing Racism, that doesn't mean black people shouldn't take other actions. If there is injustice in the courts, then that needs to be addressed then. Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless.
Again I'm all for black americans standing up and speaking their minds, but I havnt even seen BLM do that yet.
So far its been pretty incoherent.

I didn't have things in my favor for 400 years , what the fuck you talking about? I haven't been alive that long.
My family wasnt in the US until much later.
Actually you are saying wait. You may not want to recognize that due to it making you feel uncomfortable but thats exactly what youre saying. The racism should stop now. Not in 20 years. Not until you feel better about BLM, people protesting the anthem, or people protesting the income gap. Any resolution that doesnt lead to racism stopping this instant is a resolution based on waiting. Its not up for debate. I dont allow whites to dictate to me how long I am supposed to wait.

"Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless."

Again youre saying wait. Every single demonstration has a message and say alot. They are useless to racist or in denial whites for obvious reasons and harmful to a lot of Blacks if all they do is demonstrate.

Of course you have had things in your favor for over 400 years. Your white family made sure of that. Dont play stupid.
I have no issue with these type of white people. I dont hate the other type I just know they are beneath me.

pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I think the point is that there are some whites that do agree with me. Like the ones in photo hanging the banner and the ones in my family and others that post on this forum.
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
So pointing out. White racism means he hates white people?
Its a great deflection from the point. If they claim youre racist they dont have to address the issue. If you notice white people always say youre racist if you...

1. Celebrate your heritage.
2. Say Black Lives Matter.
3. Point out racism.

They want you to make them feel comfortable with the system they have set up for themselves. Any deviation from that mantra means youre racist.

Not at all, Celebrating your heritage is great, The Italians and Irish do that also. Saying black lives matter is fine, I think black lives matter, but you know its just not that, its the part of saying you want cops dead, then they dont really have people speaking, but rather, blocking freeways streets and breaking shop windows etc.
Point out racism when there is racism... not just pointing out some kid is racist because hes born white.

We can see what this is really all about, there is a radical part of the left wing who would like to do away with the US constitution, and symbols like the US flag, then replace it with something more representative in their minds, something more socialist in nature. Once they convince everyone that everything in the US is racist, because the people who created the country was racist, all white people have unfair privileges and advantages, are evil by virtue of genetics it will be so much easier to accomplish that.

No I have no issue with people being proud of their African Heritage whatsoever.... Only people who use that as a trojan horse to accomplish something else.
You always give yourself away. No one has ever said they want all cops dead and even if a few have thats not an accurate representation of BLM or its agenda. Their only error is expecting whites to listen to them complaiing. Again your replies are simply full of deflections and racist blame. Something I have come to expect of whites that feel uncomfortable facing reality.

Get rid of the constitution? You mean the same one that stated Blacks were not fully human? Written by slave owners with the hypocrisy to claim all men are created equal? You dont need to convince everyone else that the US is racist. People all over the world know its racist and they see the effects even in their countries.

You arent evil because your ancestors were racists. Youre only ignorant and racist if you claim they were not or that what your ancestors did by setting up a racial caste system is not directly responsible for your present privileges and advantages.

What people celebrate their African heritage and attempt to use it as a trojan horse? This is a new on on me.

So there you go, you are for getting rid of the Constitution. And it is false that it stated Blacks were not fully human there was a reason for the 3/5ths clause. Please educate yourself. It was a political measure because of conflict between the Northern and Southern delgates

3/5th Clause in the Constitution. What is it and why was it put in?

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 hotly debated the issue of slavery. George Mason of Virginia argued eloquently against slavery, warning his fellow delegates:

“Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven on a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
Southern delegates, on the other hand, argued strenuously that the new government should not be allowed to interfere with the institution of slavery. Delegate John Rutledge of South Carolina, for example, told delegates that “religion and humanity have nothing to do with the questions” of whether the Constitution should protect slavery–it was simply a question of property rights.

The Constitution that the delegates proposed included several provisions that explicity recognized and protected slavery. Without these provisions, southern delegates would not support the new Constitution–and without the southern states on board, the Constitution had no chance of being ratified. Provisions allowed southern states to count slaves as 3/5 persons for purposes of apportionment in Congress (even though the slaves could not, of course, vote), expressly denied to Congress the power to prohibit importation of new slaves until 1808, and prevented free states from enacting laws protecting fugitive slaves.

Celebrating Black Heritage is a Trojan Horse when it doesn't actually do that. When it becomes a platform to just say how racist whites are, then it becomes a Trojan Horse. Its pretty simple actually.
pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
He said there were white people that agreed with him. You said there aren't. Your point is the only one that a been invalidated since I never implied there were no whites that disagree with him.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills or did they go bye bye too?
He says a lot of things. Don't go worrying about me. And smarting off accomplishes nothing, now does it?
pfffttttt dream on.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I think the point is that there are some whites that do agree with me. Like the ones in photo hanging the banner and the ones in my family and others that post on this forum.

LOL We can line up sides! See who has the most. I am not one like you that thinks and talks race all the time, so go after someone else. Cuz I don't worry about it, nor do my friends that happen to be black. ;)
They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
The people that hung that banner absolutely feel the same way I do.

I never get tired of pointing out racism. Its not in my nature to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesnt exist. When you do that racism wins.

Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better

So are you basically saying Black people should wait for white peoples perspective to change? I want to make sure you dont view this as an accusation but thats exactly the meaning I got from your post.

Heres the problem. If Black people waited on whites things would never change. I personally dont see any honor or sense in the long suffering role it appears white people want Blacks to play. I could give less than a damn about how whites feel about my stance. If it bothers whites that I wont wait for whites to get their shit together then thats a white issue that they may need counseling for. The hypocrisy of whites is incredibly unbelievable. You have had 400 plus years with things in your favor and you still have the nerve to tell someone to wait? :laugh:

I'm not saying WAIT,... I'm just saying that is ONE positive way of moving things forward. vs moving things backwards. And its only my opinion AND who's talking about suffering anyway? I'm talking about helping black kids get education and careers, and I wouldn't mind if their school was paid for 100 % if they wern't being taught hatred and intolerance over skills inside of so called Black studies classes.
You yourself learned I.T. skills and look how far it got you.

thats only ONE means of reducing Racism, that doesn't mean black people shouldn't take other actions. If there is injustice in the courts, then that needs to be addressed then. Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless.
Again I'm all for black americans standing up and speaking their minds, but I havnt even seen BLM do that yet.
So far its been pretty incoherent.

I didn't have things in my favor for 400 years , what the fuck you talking about? I haven't been alive that long.
My family wasnt in the US until much later.
Actually you are saying wait. You may not want to recognize that due to it making you feel uncomfortable but thats exactly what youre saying. The racism should stop now. Not in 20 years. Not until you feel better about BLM, people protesting the anthem, or people protesting the income gap. Any resolution that doesnt lead to racism stopping this instant is a resolution based on waiting. Its not up for debate. I dont allow whites to dictate to me how long I am supposed to wait.

"Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless."

Again youre saying wait. Every single demonstration has a message and say alot. They are useless to racist or in denial whites for obvious reasons and harmful to a lot of Blacks if all they do is demonstrate.

Of course you have had things in your favor for over 400 years. Your white family made sure of that. Dont play stupid.

How can you stop racism by legislation? you cant. racism is something that is in peoples minds. Laws are good. laws that defend against discrimination, but you can't stop racism NOW. It doesnt work that way. You have to change peoples minds. Sorry If im being to realistic for you. Could be you are not for stopping racism at all but rather maybe your in the reparations crowd, which would be my guess.

And no I have not had things in my favor for 400 years. I wasn't born with a life manual. None of us were. My life as a child was a scary place, so I guess my white family fucked that up .... but oh wait. How do you know the color of the family I was raised in? you don't, but you sure can assume I was raised on white bread and peanut butter sandwiches and my family made sure I went to college. Well, fuck you then if you don't realize its a much more diverse world out there than White and Black. Those of us who have struggled to make something of life can see through the 400 years crap. There are plenty of black families who have done well and continue too, and they offer advantages to their kids as well. There are a hell of a lot more poor whites in this country than Blacks, so please explain how the 400 years of advantage failed them.
Racism is not an American invention, but baseball is. The banner infers that there is something uniquely American about Racism and that is not true. You can find Racism in every corner of the world. You can also find good people in every corner of the world. If you are determined to find Racism in everything and you try hard enough, you will.
Its probably alluding to the fact that so many whites deny racism is an issue. When you have a group of people telling you for decades about things like police brutality and you deny it even when shown video evidence you realize how much damage racism does.
There are policemen who are Racists. There are many more who are not. The Police as an entity are not Racists just as America as an entity is not Racist. You will always be able to find individuals who are Racists. Fortunately they are becoming more and more scarce with each generation.
I find the opposite to be true. I grew up in the hood and all the cops were racists. There was no hiding that fact. When I became an adult I met my first white cop that wasnt a racist. I later had cops marry into my family. One common prevailing theme they have all without exception told to me is that most white cops are racist.
Ok I get that. To a large extent our opinions are shaped by our experience. I would still say that you are deriving a broad conclusion based on a very small sample set, those cops that you had run-ins with as a youth and the ones that you now know that tell you white cops are racist.
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I think the point is that there are some whites that do agree with me. Like the ones in photo hanging the banner and the ones in my family and others that post on this forum.

LOL We can line up sides! See who has the most. I am not one like you that thinks and talks race all the time, so go after someone else. Cuz I don't worry about it, nor do my friends that happen to be black. ;)
That would be totally unfair on this conservative infested board and you know it lol
I'm wide awake with inner eyelids glued open. How do you think i able to see the racism so clearly? What do you think of the white people that feel the same as i do?

They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I think the point is that there are some whites that do agree with me. Like the ones in photo hanging the banner and the ones in my family and others that post on this forum.

LOL We can line up sides! See who has the most. I am not one like you that thinks and talks race all the time, so go after someone else. Cuz I don't worry about it, nor do my friends that happen to be black. ;)
No need to line up sides. Just one white person agreeing with me invalidates your claim.
So sad, too bad, you hate white people so much. Until my times comes, I am not going anywhere. So bark away. Your racism is OLD.
So pointing out. White racism means he hates white people?
Its a great deflection from the point. If they claim youre racist they dont have to address the issue. If you notice white people always say youre racist if you...

1. Celebrate your heritage.
2. Say Black Lives Matter.
3. Point out racism.

They want you to make them feel comfortable with the system they have set up for themselves. Any deviation from that mantra means youre racist.

Not at all, Celebrating your heritage is great, The Italians and Irish do that also. Saying black lives matter is fine, I think black lives matter, but you know its just not that, its the part of saying you want cops dead, then they dont really have people speaking, but rather, blocking freeways streets and breaking shop windows etc.
Point out racism when there is racism... not just pointing out some kid is racist because hes born white.

We can see what this is really all about, there is a radical part of the left wing who would like to do away with the US constitution, and symbols like the US flag, then replace it with something more representative in their minds, something more socialist in nature. Once they convince everyone that everything in the US is racist, because the people who created the country was racist, all white people have unfair privileges and advantages, are evil by virtue of genetics it will be so much easier to accomplish that.

No I have no issue with people being proud of their African Heritage whatsoever.... Only people who use that as a trojan horse to accomplish something else.
You always give yourself away. No one has ever said they want all cops dead and even if a few have thats not an accurate representation of BLM or its agenda. Their only error is expecting whites to listen to them complaiing. Again your replies are simply full of deflections and racist blame. Something I have come to expect of whites that feel uncomfortable facing reality.

Get rid of the constitution? You mean the same one that stated Blacks were not fully human? Written by slave owners with the hypocrisy to claim all men are created equal? You dont need to convince everyone else that the US is racist. People all over the world know its racist and they see the effects even in their countries.

You arent evil because your ancestors were racists. Youre only ignorant and racist if you claim they were not or that what your ancestors did by setting up a racial caste system is not directly responsible for your present privileges and advantages.

What people celebrate their African heritage and attempt to use it as a trojan horse? This is a new on on me.

So there you go, you are for getting rid of the Constitution. And it is false that it stated Blacks were not fully human there was a reason for the 3/5ths clause. Please educate yourself. It was a political measure because of conflict between the Northern and Southern delgates

3/5th Clause in the Constitution. What is it and why was it put in?

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 hotly debated the issue of slavery. George Mason of Virginia argued eloquently against slavery, warning his fellow delegates:

“Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven on a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
Southern delegates, on the other hand, argued strenuously that the new government should not be allowed to interfere with the institution of slavery. Delegate John Rutledge of South Carolina, for example, told delegates that “religion and humanity have nothing to do with the questions” of whether the Constitution should protect slavery–it was simply a question of property rights.

The Constitution that the delegates proposed included several provisions that explicity recognized and protected slavery. Without these provisions, southern delegates would not support the new Constitution–and without the southern states on board, the Constitution had no chance of being ratified. Provisions allowed southern states to count slaves as 3/5 persons for purposes of apportionment in Congress (even though the slaves could not, of course, vote), expressly denied to Congress the power to prohibit importation of new slaves until 1808, and prevented free states from enacting laws protecting fugitive slaves.

Celebrating Black Heritage is a Trojan Horse when it doesn't actually do that. When it becomes a platform to just say how racist whites are, then it becomes a Trojan Horse. Its pretty simple actually.
I'm going to ignore your wild accusation regarding the constitution and address why your deflection doesnt change the point. I've heard all the claims that the 3/5 issue was an attempt to not be racist but please give me a break. You cant claim all men are created equal, give Blacks the worth of 3/5ths a human, allow slavery, and somehow not be racist. Its pretty much absurd and silly to think otherwise. :laugh:
You have an issue with the Constitution, A? the 3/5 thing has been changed, according to rules provided by the Constitution for changing the law and the government based on changing times.
What specifically is wrong with the Constitution? What would you put in its place if you were to get rid of it?
The people that hung that banner absolutely feel the same way I do.

I never get tired of pointing out racism. Its not in my nature to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesnt exist. When you do that racism wins.

Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better

So are you basically saying Black people should wait for white peoples perspective to change? I want to make sure you dont view this as an accusation but thats exactly the meaning I got from your post.

Heres the problem. If Black people waited on whites things would never change. I personally dont see any honor or sense in the long suffering role it appears white people want Blacks to play. I could give less than a damn about how whites feel about my stance. If it bothers whites that I wont wait for whites to get their shit together then thats a white issue that they may need counseling for. The hypocrisy of whites is incredibly unbelievable. You have had 400 plus years with things in your favor and you still have the nerve to tell someone to wait? :laugh:

I'm not saying WAIT,... I'm just saying that is ONE positive way of moving things forward. vs moving things backwards. And its only my opinion AND who's talking about suffering anyway? I'm talking about helping black kids get education and careers, and I wouldn't mind if their school was paid for 100 % if they wern't being taught hatred and intolerance over skills inside of so called Black studies classes.
You yourself learned I.T. skills and look how far it got you.

thats only ONE means of reducing Racism, that doesn't mean black people shouldn't take other actions. If there is injustice in the courts, then that needs to be addressed then. Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless.
Again I'm all for black americans standing up and speaking their minds, but I havnt even seen BLM do that yet.
So far its been pretty incoherent.

I didn't have things in my favor for 400 years , what the fuck you talking about? I haven't been alive that long.
My family wasnt in the US until much later.
Actually you are saying wait. You may not want to recognize that due to it making you feel uncomfortable but thats exactly what youre saying. The racism should stop now. Not in 20 years. Not until you feel better about BLM, people protesting the anthem, or people protesting the income gap. Any resolution that doesnt lead to racism stopping this instant is a resolution based on waiting. Its not up for debate. I dont allow whites to dictate to me how long I am supposed to wait.

"Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless."

Again youre saying wait. Every single demonstration has a message and say alot. They are useless to racist or in denial whites for obvious reasons and harmful to a lot of Blacks if all they do is demonstrate.

Of course you have had things in your favor for over 400 years. Your white family made sure of that. Dont play stupid.

How can you stop racism by legislation? you cant. racism is something that is in peoples minds. Laws are good. laws that defend against discrimination, but you can't stop racism NOW. It doesnt work that way. You have to change peoples minds. Sorry If im being to realistic for you. Could be you are not for stopping racism at all but rather maybe your in the reparations crowd, which would be my guess.

And no I have not had things in my favor for 400 years. I wasn't born with a life manual. None of us were. My life as a child was a scary place, so I guess my white family fucked that up .... but oh wait. How do you know the color of the family I was raised in? you don't, but you sure can assume I was raised on white bread and peanut butter sandwiches and my family made sure I went to college. Well, fuck you then if you don't realize its a much more diverse world out there than White and Black. Those of us who have struggled to make something of life can see through the 400 years crap. There are plenty of black families who have done well and continue too, and they offer advantages to their kids as well. There are a hell of a lot more poor whites in this country than Blacks, so please explain how the 400 years of advantage failed them.

You can stop racism by legislation because racism is a system not a person. There are any number of things you can do starting with some of the things MLK requested like reparations. I think you mean you cant stop people from being racist which I could care less about. If someone wants to be racist go ahead just get the fuck out of my way before I smash you. Its none of my business if someone likes or dislikes me I just want to make sure I get every opportunity to excel on my own merits with those someones putting road blocks in my way based off of my race.

Yes you have had things in your favor for 400 years. You were born white. Being born white you benefit in ways you probably havent even fully realized yet. If you belong to a group that owns all the opportunities and keeps others out systematically based on race then you benefit regardless of if you want to admit it or not.
You have an issue with the Constitution, A? the 3/5 thing has been changed, according to rules provided by the Constitution for changing the law and the government based on changing times.
What specifically is wrong with the Constitution? What would you put in its place if you were to get rid of it?
I have an issue with racist writers of the original constitution. Yardogs accusation was a wild attempt at a deflection.
They don't...trust me. Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing, and and thinking nothing but about race? I pity your misery.
I'm white. I agree with him. There goes your point.. it's flying out the window. Bye bye.

I am white. I do not agree with him. There goes your point....it's flying out the window. Bye bye.
I think the point is that there are some whites that do agree with me. Like the ones in photo hanging the banner and the ones in my family and others that post on this forum.

LOL We can line up sides! See who has the most. I am not one like you that thinks and talks race all the time, so go after someone else. Cuz I don't worry about it, nor do my friends that happen to be black. ;)
No need to line up sides. Just one white person agreeing with me invalidates your claim.

It wasn't a claim, racist.
Im pretty sure Kat doesnt pretend racism does not exist. It does exist and should be addressed when it does happen. You may think other people are denying racism exists just because they view America differently from you but its not necessarily so. I believe racism exists but I don't believe everything revolves around racism. What you don't understand is that many people are just tired of those assertions and see that as really not accomplishing anything positive except drive people apart from each other. They are not denying racism, and for example, I believe one way of eliminating racism as it pertains to white on black racism is by making black people more prosperous through having hope, and having hope by having an education (other than the constant education of how bad whites are screwing them), an education that allows them to have better careers and families. Which would then change many whites perspectives on black people as well.

Some of us you say are denying racism, see that that hope is not possible, because academia is filling their head full of negativity. There is plenty of that everyday in the real world to deal with but the very place that gives them a chance to focus on something else, just piles it on. Negativity breeds more negativity which doesnt move you ahead. Just because I'm pragmatic about it doesnt mean i dont believe racism exists.
I already know black youths get harsher sentences in court rooms for non-violent offenses than white youths,
But how much of that did Obama correct in all his 8 years? the only way you can make real change is by changing peoples perspective , not by asserting constantly that everything they do is based on white supremecy and unfair advantage simply because they are also judged by skin color.
But I understand most people are all about instant gratification so, unfortunately things will probably get worse before they get better

So are you basically saying Black people should wait for white peoples perspective to change? I want to make sure you dont view this as an accusation but thats exactly the meaning I got from your post.

Heres the problem. If Black people waited on whites things would never change. I personally dont see any honor or sense in the long suffering role it appears white people want Blacks to play. I could give less than a damn about how whites feel about my stance. If it bothers whites that I wont wait for whites to get their shit together then thats a white issue that they may need counseling for. The hypocrisy of whites is incredibly unbelievable. You have had 400 plus years with things in your favor and you still have the nerve to tell someone to wait? :laugh:

I'm not saying WAIT,... I'm just saying that is ONE positive way of moving things forward. vs moving things backwards. And its only my opinion AND who's talking about suffering anyway? I'm talking about helping black kids get education and careers, and I wouldn't mind if their school was paid for 100 % if they wern't being taught hatred and intolerance over skills inside of so called Black studies classes.
You yourself learned I.T. skills and look how far it got you.

thats only ONE means of reducing Racism, that doesn't mean black people shouldn't take other actions. If there is injustice in the courts, then that needs to be addressed then. Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless.
Again I'm all for black americans standing up and speaking their minds, but I havnt even seen BLM do that yet.
So far its been pretty incoherent.

I didn't have things in my favor for 400 years , what the fuck you talking about? I haven't been alive that long.
My family wasnt in the US until much later.
Actually you are saying wait. You may not want to recognize that due to it making you feel uncomfortable but thats exactly what youre saying. The racism should stop now. Not in 20 years. Not until you feel better about BLM, people protesting the anthem, or people protesting the income gap. Any resolution that doesnt lead to racism stopping this instant is a resolution based on waiting. Its not up for debate. I dont allow whites to dictate to me how long I am supposed to wait.

"Those things can all be brought into peoples consciousness , but demonstrations that don't say anything or have any message are useless."

Again youre saying wait. Every single demonstration has a message and say alot. They are useless to racist or in denial whites for obvious reasons and harmful to a lot of Blacks if all they do is demonstrate.

Of course you have had things in your favor for over 400 years. Your white family made sure of that. Dont play stupid.

How can you stop racism by legislation? you cant. racism is something that is in peoples minds. Laws are good. laws that defend against discrimination, but you can't stop racism NOW. It doesnt work that way. You have to change peoples minds. Sorry If im being to realistic for you. Could be you are not for stopping racism at all but rather maybe your in the reparations crowd, which would be my guess.

And no I have not had things in my favor for 400 years. I wasn't born with a life manual. None of us were. My life as a child was a scary place, so I guess my white family fucked that up .... but oh wait. How do you know the color of the family I was raised in? you don't, but you sure can assume I was raised on white bread and peanut butter sandwiches and my family made sure I went to college. Well, fuck you then if you don't realize its a much more diverse world out there than White and Black. Those of us who have struggled to make something of life can see through the 400 years crap. There are plenty of black families who have done well and continue too, and they offer advantages to their kids as well. There are a hell of a lot more poor whites in this country than Blacks, so please explain how the 400 years of advantage failed them.

You can stop racism by legislation because racism is a system not a person. There are any number of things you can do starting with some of the things MLK requested like reparations. I think you mean you cant stop people from being racist which I could care less about. If someone wants to be racist go ahead just get the fuck out of my way before I smash you. Its none of my business if someone likes or dislikes me I just want to make sure I get every opportunity to excel on my own merits with those someones putting road blocks in my way based off of my race.

Yes you have had things in your favor for 400 years.
You were born white. Being born white you benefit in ways you probably havent even fully realized yet. If you belong to a group that owns all the opportunities and keeps others out systematically based on race then you benefit regardless if you want to admit it or not.

WOW You're old. How was it being a slave btw??

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