White People Have A Heart of Gold

The things I worry about are absolutely essential for the continued existence of white people and the continued existence of European identity and culture.

The problems that Democrats and others have created in white communities extends far beyond what BLM claims to worry about.

You also don’t seem to understand that I am not the one who is scared of the future on a personal level. I am fully prepared to kill many people in ways that would make the most experienced serial killers sick to their stomachs. I will have my vengeance and I will make sure that those who are guilty cannot bring me down.

When I type these posts I am putting myself in the shoes of the most lost, most broken and the most scared white people who thought that everything would be ok for most of their lives. Even though I quite often wish for Boomers to die off, it is also out of compassion for the fate that they will suffer if they don’t die off soon. Lots of people who you thought would always be relatively safe are going to killed in the near future and that is just the world the Democrats and other leftists have created.

You need to check in with a psychiatrist buddy. You seem to have a personality disorder that is probably fucking with your life and making you miserable. That paranoia isn't normal. Get help.
In some western countries going to a “psychiatrist” about racial issues will get you arrested. The leaders of those countries are the ones who need psychiatrists.

People with paranoia can’t give you exact quotes that are readily available. Denial is nothing more than the opposite extreme of paranoia.

Try again.

You are projecting.

You literally think the night riders are going to carry you off any minute.

You encapsulate the word paranoia perfectly.

Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

– Racism has taught whites that we are members of a race which is superior, and that assumption creates false expectations and warped illusions.

Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease.
Unfounded fear? How many times do black posters say YOU WOULDN"T SAY THAT TO MY FACE? Insinuating the way to solve anything is through violence. Look at the violent crime committed on innocent people. Yes, whites commit the crimes too, but the stats show it is not whites committing most of the violent street crimes.
I have a son that was born in 1984 he is a radical republican minister truck driver...I raised him to be an electronic tech but nooooo....
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.

White men still hold the most leadership positions in tech
No people in the history of the world have ever been lied to, psychologically abused, divided, slandered, betrayed, and colonized as much as the European and yet we still are a merciful, humble, altruistic, charitable people to this day.

I'm pretty sure the people you psychologically abused, divided, slandered, betrayed, and colonized would disagree with you.
You mean because those people still exist?

Because they still have their culture?

Because they weren’t slandered or divided and reactionary dumbasses like you have no clue what you are talking about?

Because their existence as a community proves that we are in fact extremely kind people who invented the concept of human rights back when slavery was the norm for the rest of the world?

If the alt-right and the alt-left doesn’t win there will be no Europe or Europeans in the future.

Our enemies want to destroy every single last white person and every artifact of our history.

The fact that Ireland is being colonized just the same as the former colonial powers after Ireland fought so hard for their own independence and the Irish people are called “racists” for resisting it just like the British, just like the French, just like the Spaniards etc proves that this is FAR worse than anything any other people in history have ever gone through.

Calling white people “racists” is no different than calling black people or Native American “savages”, it is just a term created to justify unbelievably evil acts of imperialism.
Too many times black posters reply to whites as if they are responsible for the past.
And he is a fucking Asian and he is too stupid to see what is going on.
That's what it was about then getting freedom from the people that lived as I say the old way where you were told what you were going to be or doin your life like you was a kid all your life, now those that got the freedom are doing the same thing they had done to them.. And the govt. is acting like yer principle..My philosophy is this. Imma gonna do what I want to do, earn what I want being self employed, smoke weed and they can go to hell....oh and little trim now and then..
That no longer exists.

You might as well drown yourself in weed and cover your eyes because the days of the individual being able to live a free life without actual worries is completely gone.

You still live in the bygone age where it was almost all white people you had to interact with. Today your coworker or business client or whatever will read your supposedly racially insensitive posts on social media and get you thrown out in the street before you even knew you were no longer getting an income.

Even my moronic stepfather knows that white people walk on eggshells every second of their lives.

You're telling me you have a hard time posting on social media without being accused of racism?

I think, just maybe, the fault doesn't lie with society on that one.
You shouldn’t have shown me how low your IQ was with this stupid post. Now there is no doubt. I might as well be talking to a monkey in the case of most of you.

Find ONE fucking quote where I am racist in this entire forum.

Find ONE fucking quote from any of my posts and comments on the entire internet that would get a black academic fired or questioned or put on the news if they said the same things.

You can’t dumbass.

People in Europe get jailed for even defending themselves from personal racial attacks on social media if they are white.

People in America get shunned, fired and even physically attacked for defending themselves against personal racial attacks on social media if they are well known/influential enough and white.

Ignoring the problems isn’t even an option anymore. The ONLY option white people have is to gather whoever you can and fight this world head on until it buckles from a force that it is not used to enduring.

You really don’t understand how detached you are from the real world. You hang out with the overwhelmingly white coworkers that are your age, you watch old movies that are from a time completely different than even when I was born and have a personal connection to that time and those movies, you have grown kids who didn’t have to deal with the shit I did and kids do today, you live in your own bubble. This is why boomers and older people don’t understand anything, you have no connection to the recent past or present. Only Gen Xers and later either have kids who go through this shit or they personally went through it themselves.

Yikes ... you might need more than just medication. A lobotomy oughta do it. Don't want you shooting up a church or something.

By the way, I'm 29, white and I live in a town with a lot of black and latino people in it. In the year and a half I've lived here, no one has so much as mentioned my race in conversation. Ditch the social media and the right-wing websites. That shit's rotting your brain.
Yikes, you are shockingly naive and stupid for your age then. All I needed to do was go to freshman orientation at a “diverse” college and any childish beliefs about multiculturalism that I had remaining were washed away in a week.

What is it going to take for morons like you to get it?

How is it an accomplishment for black and Latino people not to antagonize you for no reason? Do you think that is an equivalent to having real neighbors? Do you think they will reject their culture to help you or your friends and family?

Did you ever think that maybe they just see you as a weak cucked out loser who is ultimately irrelevant in their community?

I've had friends of all kinds. Skin color never stopped me before. I admit, it hasn't always been easy. Some people do have hangups that they can't get over. You seem to be one of them. But most folks get along just fine. They have more important things to worry about at the end of the day.

I'm not really into the whole "diversity" thing myself ... I just don't really care all that much. That's what being fair and equal-minded is supposed to be like, to the extent that it's possible. I'm no saint (none of us are), but I do my best. You say I'm the ignorant one, but I'm not the one raging about things he can't control online, as though that is going to make your life any better.
I have a son that was born in 1984 he is a radical republican minister truck driver...I raised him to be an electronic tech but nooooo....
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.
I have a son that was born in 1984 he is a radical republican minister truck driver...I raised him to be an electronic tech but nooooo....
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
That no longer exists.

You might as well drown yourself in weed and cover your eyes because the days of the individual being able to live a free life without actual worries is completely gone.

You still live in the bygone age where it was almost all white people you had to interact with. Today your coworker or business client or whatever will read your supposedly racially insensitive posts on social media and get you thrown out in the street before you even knew you were no longer getting an income.

Even my moronic stepfather knows that white people walk on eggshells every second of their lives.

You're telling me you have a hard time posting on social media without being accused of racism?

I think, just maybe, the fault doesn't lie with society on that one.
You shouldn’t have shown me how low your IQ was with this stupid post. Now there is no doubt. I might as well be talking to a monkey in the case of most of you.

Find ONE fucking quote where I am racist in this entire forum.

Find ONE fucking quote from any of my posts and comments on the entire internet that would get a black academic fired or questioned or put on the news if they said the same things.

You can’t dumbass.

People in Europe get jailed for even defending themselves from personal racial attacks on social media if they are white.

People in America get shunned, fired and even physically attacked for defending themselves against personal racial attacks on social media if they are well known/influential enough and white.

Ignoring the problems isn’t even an option anymore. The ONLY option white people have is to gather whoever you can and fight this world head on until it buckles from a force that it is not used to enduring.

You really don’t understand how detached you are from the real world. You hang out with the overwhelmingly white coworkers that are your age, you watch old movies that are from a time completely different than even when I was born and have a personal connection to that time and those movies, you have grown kids who didn’t have to deal with the shit I did and kids do today, you live in your own bubble. This is why boomers and older people don’t understand anything, you have no connection to the recent past or present. Only Gen Xers and later either have kids who go through this shit or they personally went through it themselves.

Yikes ... you might need more than just medication. A lobotomy oughta do it. Don't want you shooting up a church or something.

By the way, I'm 29, white and I live in a town with a lot of black and latino people in it. In the year and a half I've lived here, no one has so much as mentioned my race in conversation. Ditch the social media and the right-wing websites. That shit's rotting your brain.
Yikes, you are shockingly naive and stupid for your age then. All I needed to do was go to freshman orientation at a “diverse” college and any childish beliefs about multiculturalism that I had remaining were washed away in a week.

What is it going to take for morons like you to get it?

How is it an accomplishment for black and Latino people not to antagonize you for no reason? Do you think that is an equivalent to having real neighbors? Do you think they will reject their culture to help you or your friends and family?

Did you ever think that maybe they just see you as a weak cucked out loser who is ultimately irrelevant in their community?

I've had friends of all kinds. Skin color never stopped me before. I admit, it hasn't always been easy. Some people do have hangups that they can't get over. You seem to be one of them. But most folks get along just fine. They have more important things to worry about at the end of the day.

I'm not really into the whole "diversity" thing myself ... I just don't really care all that much. That's what being fair and equal-minded is supposed to be like, to the extent that it's possible. I'm no saint (none of us are), but I do my best. You say I'm the ignorant one, but I'm not the one raging about things he can't control online, as though that is going to make your life any better.
Friendships are impossible when you know their limits before they even start, and skin color doesn’t really matter when it comes to friendships because politics will destroy most if not all of your supposed friendships with white people in this world too.

There is no not really being into this “diversity” thing either. The entirety of society is based on an unprincipled application of “diversity”.

If you get a job that pays well enough to put food on the table(and you bypasssed the diversity quotas somehow)you will go to seminars on diversity and you will learn what the company you work for is doing to keep your future kids or cousins or nieces and nephews out of the corporate world(and academic). There is no escaping this. That is why “redpilling” is a thing, because once your worldview changes to view this as a negative thing you realize that this shit is shoved in your face more and more and more every day without the ability to escape it other than going to sleep for 8 hours a day.
I have a son that was born in 1984 he is a radical republican minister truck driver...I raised him to be an electronic tech but nooooo....
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
I work as a part time forklift driver for UPS.

I make chump change.

Shrinking blue collar jobs will be all that is available for white people in the future after all the quotas are able to be enacted the same way they are in California.

Ironically many white people in my generation will indeed be fleeing to Asian countries once they realize how fucked they are. Some already have.
I have a son that was born in 1984 he is a radical republican minister truck driver...I raised him to be an electronic tech but nooooo....
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
I work as a part time forklift driver for UPS.

I make chump change.

Shrinking blue collar jobs will be all that is available for white people in the future after all the quotas are able to be enacted the same way they are in California.

Ironically many white people in my generation will indeed be fleeing to Asian countries once they realize how fucked they are. Some already have.

So are you are telling us that you can't get a full time job and it's because white men don't get hired for full time work?.

Most of America's Businesses Run by White Men


Whites have the lowest unemployment rate.

white unemployment rate, 3.8%,

White unemployment is lower than the national rate.

the overall unemployment rate, 4.4%

The gap between white and black unemployment in America is at a record low

"Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy."

So white racism is a thing of the past right?

Not everybody white talking like ptbw is a part time forklift driver.
So white racism is a thing of the past right?

Not everybody white talking like ptbw is a part time forklift driver.
If I am a “racist” then every black person in the country is even more so a racist.

The fact that you expect white people to bow down to you and only speak about race if they agree with you is evidence black racism is definitely the present.

And there are a lot of black people with power over white workers who talk and think like you.
Sounds like he knows what is actually going on in today’s world.

Tech companies don’t hire white males anymore btw.

White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
I work as a part time forklift driver for UPS.

I make chump change.

Shrinking blue collar jobs will be all that is available for white people in the future after all the quotas are able to be enacted the same way they are in California.

Ironically many white people in my generation will indeed be fleeing to Asian countries once they realize how fucked they are. Some already have.

So are you are telling us that you can't get a full time job and it's because white men don't get hired for full time work?.

Most of America's Businesses Run by White Men


Whites have the lowest unemployment rate.

white unemployment rate, 3.8%,

White unemployment is lower than the national rate.

the overall unemployment rate, 4.4%

The gap between white and black unemployment in America is at a record low

"Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy."

That is because white people spend much much more money on their kids and purposely have fewer kids to get them the best education possible so they are overly qualified for most jobs and therefore become more indispensable for companies looking for productivity despite the quotas.

Compare that to how much money black people spend on their kids’ educations.

Black people get much more for what they put in.
So white racism is a thing of the past right?

Not everybody white talking like ptbw is a part time forklift driver.
If I am a “racist” then every black person in the country is even more so a racist.

The fact that you expect white people to bow down to you and only speak about race if they agree with you is evidence black racism is definitely the present.

And there are a lot of black people with power over white workers who talk and think like you.

I expect whites to speak about race from a position of reality. Everything you say is wrong.
So white racism is a thing of the past right?

Not everybody white talking like ptbw is a part time forklift driver.
If I am a “racist” then every black person in the country is even more so a racist.

The fact that you expect white people to bow down to you and only speak about race if they agree with you is evidence black racism is definitely the present.

And there are a lot of black people with power over white workers who talk and think like you.

I expect whites to speak about race from a position of reality. Everything you say is wrong.
You are an old man who barely even knows what year it is.

You don’t know what reality is.
White males normally are at the helm of most tech companies. Tech support call centers have been outsourced, so IT support is normally provided from somewhere outside of the U.S.

For LESS than the national average wage.
Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
I work as a part time forklift driver for UPS.

I make chump change.

Shrinking blue collar jobs will be all that is available for white people in the future after all the quotas are able to be enacted the same way they are in California.

Ironically many white people in my generation will indeed be fleeing to Asian countries once they realize how fucked they are. Some already have.

So are you are telling us that you can't get a full time job and it's because white men don't get hired for full time work?.

Most of America's Businesses Run by White Men


Whites have the lowest unemployment rate.

white unemployment rate, 3.8%,

White unemployment is lower than the national rate.

the overall unemployment rate, 4.4%

The gap between white and black unemployment in America is at a record low

"Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy."
That is because white people spend much much more money on their kids and purposely have fewer kids to get them the best education possible so they are overly qualified for most jobs and therefore become more indispensable for companies looking for productivity despite the quotas.

Compare that to how much money black people spend on their kids’ educations.

Black people get much more for what they put in.

More dumb white supremacist bullshit.
So white racism is a thing of the past right?

Not everybody white talking like ptbw is a part time forklift driver.
If I am a “racist” then every black person in the country is even more so a racist.

The fact that you expect white people to bow down to you and only speak about race if they agree with you is evidence black racism is definitely the present.

And there are a lot of black people with power over white workers who talk and think like you.

I expect whites to speak about race from a position of reality. Everything you say is wrong.
You are an old man who barely even knows what year it is.

You don’t know what reality is.

You are a young ass punk still eating Gerber and sucking on a bottle of formula.

I know what reality is which is why I say you don't live in it.

Pray you make it to 57 little baby. And maybe by then you'll have a full time job.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

WHITE GUILT obama.jpg

Frankly, in my opinion most all white Americans are treacherous, uncaring, cold-hearted cretins for creating, funding, maintaining and then WILLFULLY IGNORING America's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures prevalent in far too many American communities.

I am referring to a Culture of Systemic and Generational CHILD ABUSE that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived Tupac and Kendrick, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.

Sadly, the traumatic, potentially life-scarring Criminal Child Abuse and Emotional Abandonment each of these men speaks about experiencing during a critical period of human/childhood development, resulted with them maturing into emotionally ill adults revealing in public they’ve been experiencing acute depression as well as Suic*dal Thoughts for most of their lives.

The same Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment that for near 40 years has been inspiring significant numbers of popular urban story-TRUTH-tellers to compose and promote American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human *itches, *hores, 'hoes' or "THOTS" unworthy of being treated with basic human respect. (THOT = "That Hoe Over There")

Unfortunately, it's plainly evident Kendrick, Tupac as well as untold numbers of American children are being raised, nurtured and socialized by moms experiencing some type of illness preventing and impeding them from embracing and following their innate, natural maternal instinct to protect their child or children from harm.

Perhaps I'm wrong but *something* is preventing significant numbers of black or American moms of African descent from recognizing that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*), as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

If I have incorrectly stated facts, please PROVE ME WRONG!

Having one white guy at the top and zero white people at the bottom is worse than having a bunch of white guys at the bottom and none at the top.

And how so? The call center grunts do not make a single hiring decision, impact company values or determine the direction of the organization.

The masses are just minimun wage, undervalued whores, scrounging for the bare necessities. They have no upward mobility, nor any hope for progressing into a management position.

How many white, silver spoon sucking millenials like you would pack up their worldly possessions and move to India to work in a call center for chump change, just to balance the shortfall of whites being visibly absent in the lower echelon of the tech industry?
I work as a part time forklift driver for UPS.

I make chump change.

Shrinking blue collar jobs will be all that is available for white people in the future after all the quotas are able to be enacted the same way they are in California.

Ironically many white people in my generation will indeed be fleeing to Asian countries once they realize how fucked they are. Some already have.

So are you are telling us that you can't get a full time job and it's because white men don't get hired for full time work?.

Most of America's Businesses Run by White Men


Whites have the lowest unemployment rate.

white unemployment rate, 3.8%,

White unemployment is lower than the national rate.

the overall unemployment rate, 4.4%

The gap between white and black unemployment in America is at a record low

"Racism has taught whites that we are entitled to privilege as a right of birth, undercutting the assumption of achieved merit which is one of the cornerstones of democracy."
That is because white people spend much much more money on their kids and purposely have fewer kids to get them the best education possible so they are overly qualified for most jobs and therefore become more indispensable for companies looking for productivity despite the quotas.

Compare that to how much money black people spend on their kids’ educations.

Black people get much more for what they put in.

More dumb white supremacist bullshit.
More facts that you can’t argue with because they debunk your sources.
More dumb white supremacist bullshit.

Is the concept of 'WHITE SUPREMACY' responsible for this criminal, child abusing maltreating mom of eight raising a perfectly healthy newborn maturing into an American DOMESTIC terrorist causing grave physical as well as psychological harm to his black or African American neighbors?

Is WHITE SUPREMACY responsible for American urban TRUTH teller Thirstin Howl's MOTHER raising her children to believe it's cool to COMMIT CRIMES against their neighbors?

My Mother's Whole Life Was Crime and Robbery

Dear American People Will Ending Racism.jpg

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