White People only stickers in Texas.

...A Black POTUS tends to upset racists. They are coming out of the woodworks over this injustice.
Yes. For once, you may actually be right. But we would be remiss to overlook the Black Racism that has blossomed and flourished during that same time frame.
Reaction to white racism. This isnt the 1950's. Todays Black youth will stomp a mudhole in your ass.
Yer a funny, angry wee little boggit, aint'cha?
Oh, you don't say. I thought you were a racist because you hate black folks. Thanks for clearing that up.

You don't "think" anything. You're not capable of thought.

You figured that demagoguery was a good way to approach, so you stupidly started spewing shit - you're a dumbfuck, so that's just your way.

I'm not fond of liars and scumbags, so you and I will clash every time. In addition, you're dumb as a dog turd and can't string anything more than a single line together.

I know some great black people, and I've run into some shitty ones. I know some great white people, and I've run into some shitty ones (you come to mind.)

Are those great black people appropriately deferential to your wisdom?
Dont let Censored fool you. His back is furry and he has fleas with rabies. One of the biggest cave chimps on this site.

Oh, I thought he was just some asshole.
Well he's an asshole as well but thats just part of the whole racist persona.

I don't think you can really separate those two attributes.
...A Black POTUS tends to upset racists. They are coming out of the woodworks over this injustice.
Yes. For once, you may actually be right. But we would be remiss to overlook the Black Racism that has blossomed and flourished during that same time frame.
Reaction to white racism. This isnt the 1950's. Todays Black youth will stomp a mudhole in your ass.
Yer a funny, angry wee little boggit, aint'cha?
What you said made no sense. I just said the reaction to white cave chimps wiling out will be a severe ass beating.
Actually the odds I personally have experienced were 1 on 3 and the 3 white boys wimped out.

Any white guy here would kick your ass into orbit, boy.
Telling that you think someone safe on the internet could kick my ass. :laugh:

I can almost imagine a lynch mob of shut in nerds.
I think calling them nerds is an insult to nerds. These guys are all pale basement dwellers with low intellect.
Oh, I thought he was just some asshole.

That I may be, sploogy.

Yet I shit out more IQ points every morning than you ever even dreamed of having.

You add nothing to this, or any conversation. Even the racist fuck Asslips tried to post on the topic of the thread. Yes, Asslips can only spew racist horseshit, so pretty sad that even he adds more quality than you.
Here's a typical negro bad ass in action :badgrin:

White boys post these one in a million incidents because they are news worthy. Black guys could care less because everyone knows white guys usually run or beg for forgiveness.
Shouldnt you be out on the res drinking cheap whiskey?

Is how you and the other stupid fucks like to spend your afternoon?

I was right,you are drunk. You can't even string together a coherent sentence for Christ sake.
Never sell whiskey to an indian.....

Obviously, you didn't like what I wrote. Why? Did I touch a nerve? Over to you, for Christ sake. :dance:

I know you're new and all but you really need to work on your quoting skills.

You need to skip with the insults and start debating with what is being posted. Iny spiling erros founed, teacha?

PS:I have been around here for years. Wakeup, zombiehead.

Sigh.....do I have to spell it out for you?
You quoted a post that had nothing to do with you or what was said.
Pay attention.
Oh, I thought he was just some asshole.

That I may be, sploogy.

Yet I shit out more IQ points every morning than you ever even dreamed of having.

You add nothing to this, or any conversation. Even the racist fuck Asslips tried to post on the topic of the thread. Yes, Asslips can only spew racist horseshit, so pretty sad that even he adds more quality than you.

You shit IQ points, that makes perfect sense. Now I know where all your best ideas come from.

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