White privilege

White privilege hasn't prevent me from accomplishing anything... The fact that you are asking that means you are completely missing the point. Try looking at this situation with open eyes and not defensive debate
I'm not being defensive. We live in a merit based society. Anyone can accomplish anything that they can earn. And no, the fact that I am asking you that question does not mean I have missed the point. I don't accept your point that people are not in control of their own destinies. You are missing my point. For you to believe that "white privilege" unfairly advantages some, must mean that you believe that it unfairly disadvantages others. That my friend is what we call an external locus of control. Life is what it is, to argue that there are circumstances beyond our control is a fatalistic attitude. While it is true that not everyone has the same starting point that does not mean that their lot will hold them back. There are plenty of rags to riches examples out there to prove that it is possible to succeed, even if your skin is not white or come from a family of wealth.
Agreed... i never said that people are not in control of their own destinies, I actually said the exact opposite of that. I'm simply explaining a reality which is true in our country. Acknowledgement of this reality goes a long way.
Which reality is that?
That the history of our nation in regards to the oppression of the black race has led to socioeconomic disadvantages that are still being felt today
That sounds exactly like what I have been talking about. Let's make an excuse for why they can blame someone else for their failure to adapt, improvise and overcome. You do realize that the only ones holding them back are themselves, right?
I don't think being ignored by the group that has benefitted from their disadvantages helps things. I'm not advocating that we need to really do much at all. I think we've done a good job making the playing field fair, however empathy and understanding of the situation is going to help things much more than the denial and debate like we are engaged in. With the right kind of campaign and mindset it is possible to take the excuses and turn the situation into a motivating force
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

Is that a serious question??????
As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
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I had the privilege of being born in a remote logging camp where we lived in a two room cabin.

I sure feel sorry for the underprivileged like Jaden Smith who didn't have all of that because of his skin color. .
Question, how many white people do you think are third generation college graduates? How many blacks? How about third generation doctors, lawyers, business owners? Think On that for a second
It is sad that you think this is such an extraordinary point to make.

This is like asking how many first and second generation white NBA or NFL players there are.
Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
Not the percentage, the absolute number. White people are having fewer children every generation while the non-white birth rate remains fairly stagnant, despite significant upward economic mobility for non-whites (which should have caused a heavy drop in birth rates for non-white populations, but it doesn't because non-whites have many "privileges" of their own). By and large non-white couples don't worry about if they have exactly enough money and resources to support 2 or 3 or even 4 kids(that is for the government(Obama)to fix, aka the white tax payer), and they largely don't worry about sending their kids to expensive private schools or paying for expensive extra activities("white" sports)that white parents are pretty much pressured into paying for by society because of racial stereotypes and cultural norms. White couples are never not squeezed for cash unless they make significantly more than the average income(often times this means they skipped having kids and opted to work even more hours anyway), and that means you typically see white couples in the middle income bracket with one or no kids, while their black neighbors(upward mobility) have 2 or 3.

Without white children to shape the culture, fill up classrooms etc, non-whites will dominate everything in this country(and in Europe), and you can bet your ass they will use their political might to take away power from the few white CEOs that remain(South Africa comes to mind). "White privilege" will be nothing compared the racism a much older and much smaller white population will face in the likely future that "progressive" dumbasses have created.

Once you dig into the true causes of the birth rate gap, the political racial double standards, the extent of the gender divide in white communities compared to non-white communities, the extent of the generational divide in white communities compared to non-white communities, the extent of the political divide in white communities compared to non-white communities etc, the concept of white privilege becomes nothing more than an evil prank played on white people in America and across the globe.
Wow, I knew you were disconnected from reality but not to this extent. I don't think your garbage of a statement even deserves a response, but I will say that you are completely missing the point of what the term "white privilege" is and your obvious bigotry towards minority races is quite sickening. Best to stick to your pointless empty insults, when you actually try to sound smart you just highlight how much of an ignorant asshole you are.
I knew you would run like a chickenshit after that.
Nothing to run from dude, you are sick in the head. It's pretty clear
Everything I said was factual. It is not my fault that you and society at large literally have no answer for it.
I have a great answer for it. Who gives a fuck... its irrelevant
It's more relevant than "white privilege" ever will be.
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

By race
  1. Asian American : $68,088[1]
  2. Pacific Islands American : $ 58,859[1]
  3. White American : $ 54,857[1] (includes White Hispanics)
  4. Total Population : $ 51,914[1]
  5. Native American : $ 38,806[1]
  6. African American : $ 35,341[1] List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And so ends the 'White Privilege' meme.
Many want to believe there is something wrong with a white majority in the U.S. Huh only in America :uhoh3:.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

Is that a serious question??????
I could say that about your question, but im not as much as an asshole I guess... Your point has nothing to do with what we are talking about, which just supports your lack of understanding. Asians were not shipped over to this country in chains and oppressed for hundreds of years. The story of black culture and black history is quite different from the story of other races in this country. Perhaps the term "white privilege" isn't the most accurate, "black socioeconomic disadvantage" is probably more accurate to describe what the discussion is about.

I'm not saying that the disadvantages the black culture have as a result of our history is a valid excuse for individuals to not strive for success or for them to be content with living off the government... However, from a LEADERSHIP perspective these factors need to be understood and considered.... let me try this example:
Take a school in a wealthy area where most kids have rich parents who are married with a majority of stay at home moms. Versus a school in the ghetto where many of the children have single mothers on food stamps, gang problems, and even some kids that need to work after school to help support their family. It is true that in both cases the children have the same rules. Listen to teachers, read books, study hard, get good grades, apply for scholarships go to college, find success... However, from a leadership standpoint, it is obvious that the wealthy kids at the wealthy school have many more advantages that help them achieve success, so considering different measures on how to approach the education and career opportunities at both schools is the smart and logical move. You following?
As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
I had the privilege of being born in a remote logging camp where we lived in a two room cabin.

I sure feel sorry for the underprivileged like Jaden Smith who didn't have all of that because of his skin color. .
Question, how many white people do you think are third generation college graduates? How many blacks? How about third generation doctors, lawyers, business owners? Think On that for a second
It is sad that you think this is such an extraordinary point to make.

This is like asking how many first and second generation white NBA or NFL players there are.
Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

Is that a serious question??????
I could say that about your question, but im not as much as an asshole I guess... Your point has nothing to do with what we are talking about, which just supports your lack of understanding. Asians were not shipped over to this country in chains and oppressed for hundreds of years. The story of black culture and black history is quite different from the story of other races in this country. Perhaps the term "white privilege" isn't the most accurate, "black socioeconomic disadvantage" is probably more accurate to describe what the discussion is about.

I'm not saying that the disadvantages the black culture have as a result of our history is a valid excuse for individuals to not strive for success or for them to be content with living off the government... However, from a LEADERSHIP perspective these factors need to be understood and considered.... let me try this example:
Take a school in a wealthy area where most kids have rich parents who are married with a majority of stay at home moms. Versus a school in the ghetto where many of the children have single mothers on food stamps, gang problems, and even some kids that need to work after school to help support their family. It is true that in both cases the children have the same rules. Listen to teachers, read books, study hard, get good grades, apply for scholarships go to college, find success... However, from a leadership standpoint, it is obvious that the wealthy kids at the wealthy school have many more advantages that help them achieve success, so considering different measures on how to approach the education and career opportunities at both schools is the smart and logical move. You following?


I accept the Left's version of the white flag.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

Is that a serious question??????
I could say that about your question, but im not as much as an asshole I guess... Your point has nothing to do with what we are talking about, which just supports your lack of understanding. Asians were not shipped over to this country in chains and oppressed for hundreds of years. The story of black culture and black history is quite different from the story of other races in this country. Perhaps the term "white privilege" isn't the most accurate, "black socioeconomic disadvantage" is probably more accurate to describe what the discussion is about.

I'm not saying that the disadvantages the black culture have as a result of our history is a valid excuse for individuals to not strive for success or for them to be content with living off the government... However, from a LEADERSHIP perspective these factors need to be understood and considered.... let me try this example:
Take a school in a wealthy area where most kids have rich parents who are married with a majority of stay at home moms. Versus a school in the ghetto where many of the children have single mothers on food stamps, gang problems, and even some kids that need to work after school to help support their family. It is true that in both cases the children have the same rules. Listen to teachers, read books, study hard, get good grades, apply for scholarships go to college, find success... However, from a leadership standpoint, it is obvious that the wealthy kids at the wealthy school have many more advantages that help them achieve success, so considering different measures on how to approach the education and career opportunities at both schools is the smart and logical move. You following?


I accept the Left's version of the white flag.
what are you talking about?
As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.
As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
I had the privilege of being born in a remote logging camp where we lived in a two room cabin.

I sure feel sorry for the underprivileged like Jaden Smith who didn't have all of that because of his skin color. .
Question, how many white people do you think are third generation college graduates? How many blacks? How about third generation doctors, lawyers, business owners? Think On that for a second
It is sad that you think this is such an extraordinary point to make.

This is like asking how many first and second generation white NBA or NFL players there are.
Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.

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