White privilege

As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. .

So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
Question, how many white people do you think are third generation college graduates? How many blacks? How about third generation doctors, lawyers, business owners? Think On that for a second
It is sad that you think this is such an extraordinary point to make.

This is like asking how many first and second generation white NBA or NFL players there are.
Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.
Says the guy who is worried about the dropping number of white children who are the ones responsible for progressing and shaping our society. To me it sounds like you are scared of having to deal with some the struggles and challenges that most blacks deal with on a daily basis.
That's a question you should ask yourself.
I did ask myself that question. I have no need to make excuses for anything. What part of I control my own destiny did you not understand?

You on the other hand is another subject. Why would you think anyone would need to make excuses unless you yourself see a need for making excuses? Ask yourself that question.

Aww, you tried to troll me! Thats cute.
Ummm... no, I pointed out the logical conclusion of your external locus of control. No trolling necessary, but I do like how you try to accuse others of what you do.

So after you accuse me of shit twice THEN YOU complain about accusations? Rofl...hilarious!
This isn't going well for you.

Aww :itsok:
I did ask myself that question. I have no need to make excuses for anything. What part of I control my own destiny did you not understand?

You on the other hand is another subject. Why would you think anyone would need to make excuses unless you yourself see a need for making excuses? Ask yourself that question.

Aww, you tried to troll me! Thats cute.
Ummm... no, I pointed out the logical conclusion of your external locus of control. No trolling necessary, but I do like how you try to accuse others of what you do.

So after you accuse me of shit twice THEN YOU complain about accusations? Rofl...hilarious!
This isn't going well for you.

Aww :itsok:
I know. You'll think twice next time. These things are very Darwinian that way.
Aww, you tried to troll me! Thats cute.
Ummm... no, I pointed out the logical conclusion of your external locus of control. No trolling necessary, but I do like how you try to accuse others of what you do.

So after you accuse me of shit twice THEN YOU complain about accusations? Rofl...hilarious!
This isn't going well for you.

Aww :itsok:
I know. You'll think twice next time. These things are very Darwinian that way.

You're raising your own hand in victory. Thats cool and original.
So, when do you begin helping instead of hindering?

I mean, since you are the one pushing the entire notion that one race has some imagined advantage over another as hard as you have.

The truth of the matter is that all this bluster is really all about making excuses for bad behavior and bad choices. The day the black community, as a whole starts, to embrace values like parental responsibility, education, hard work and lawfulness will be the day they cast of the shackles they have imposed upon themselves through the creation of this excuse.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
And yet you refuse to understand anything about any humans and continue to spout crap that came straight out of McIntosh's uneducated ass.
If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?

"White Privilege" is simply one more spin, one more corollary of Leftist hate-America propaganda geared toward identity politics, victimology, and keep-Democrats-in-power agitprop.
I just don't get why you think playing ignorant to the situation helps things. You're arguement would be so much stronger if you displayed understanding and acknowledgment of the factual elements of your opponents arguement. You can still have a different methodology to approach the problem. But to deny that the problem even exists doesnt do anything productive to advance the debate.

Soooo....how about you make an attempt to answer the question:

If the county is built on white privilege....how do you explain the fact that the most economically successful, most highly educated, and least affected by police, racial group is not white?
What race are you talking about? Asian?

Is that a serious question??????
I could say that about your question, but im not as much as an asshole I guess... Your point has nothing to do with what we are talking about, which just supports your lack of understanding. Asians were not shipped over to this country in chains and oppressed for hundreds of years. The story of black culture and black history is quite different from the story of other races in this country. Perhaps the term "white privilege" isn't the most accurate, "black socioeconomic disadvantage" is probably more accurate to describe what the discussion is about.

I'm not saying that the disadvantages the black culture have as a result of our history is a valid excuse for individuals to not strive for success or for them to be content with living off the government... However, from a LEADERSHIP perspective these factors need to be understood and considered.... let me try this example:
Take a school in a wealthy area where most kids have rich parents who are married with a majority of stay at home moms. Versus a school in the ghetto where many of the children have single mothers on food stamps, gang problems, and even some kids that need to work after school to help support their family. It is true that in both cases the children have the same rules. Listen to teachers, read books, study hard, get good grades, apply for scholarships go to college, find success... However, from a leadership standpoint, it is obvious that the wealthy kids at the wealthy school have many more advantages that help them achieve success, so considering different measures on how to approach the education and career opportunities at both schools is the smart and logical move. You following?
It is hilarious how you acknowledge that there are many black people and other "minorities" who live off the dole and irresponsibly have many children without any money or resources to support them, but yet you can't see how beneficial it is for those parents(and those communities) compared to the struggling white parents with fewer children and much more financial burdens.
What I don't think you realize is that your attitude and the attitude of many on the right only pours fuel on the fire. Its like the BLM movement. I don't support the extremity of that group and definitely see a lot of damage caused by their methods, but I also see their actions being provoked by people like you who outright ignore and deny the things they are speaking out against. When they say Black Lives Matter and your response is All Lives Matter, it is a passive way of saying "we don't acknowledge what you are saying". This only makes them scream louder. The fault lies on both sides... So while I am not make excuses for black people who hide behind "white privilege" to justify thinking they are owed something from our government, I also place responsibility on you and the rest of us to act in an understanding/productive way instead of a provoking way.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
And yet you refuse to understand anything about any humans and continue to spout crap that came straight out of McIntosh's uneducated ass.
I don't know who McIntosh is... What exactly am I not understanding about humans? Are you talking about the fact I don't accept the notion whites are a naturally superior race?
It is sad that you think this is such an extraordinary point to make.

This is like asking how many first and second generation white NBA or NFL players there are.
Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.
Says the guy who is worried about the dropping number of white children who are the ones responsible for progressing and shaping our society. To me it sounds like you are scared of having to deal with some the struggles and challenges that most blacks deal with on a daily basis.
I could easily deal with what blacks go through if I had their social and institutional advantages. Black people wouldn't have a prayer of dealing with the problems that are destroying European/western culture.

Blacks know how bad it will get for the average white person, and most of them are relieved beyond relief that the number of black children isn't going down worldwide like the number of white children.
[you can't see how beneficial it is for those parents(and those communities) compared to the struggling white parents with fewer children and much more financial burdens.
I can't see how beneficial what is?
That their expenses are paid for while the middle class white parents are struggling to put food on the table with their own hard earned money.
Child, rejecting extremist left dogma does not make a person a right winger.

I studied political science over four decades ago at the university level.

If a person finds notions like responsibility and valuing education to be provocative, that says more about their dysfunctional mind set than it does anything about me.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
And yet you refuse to understand anything about any humans and continue to spout crap that came straight out of McIntosh's uneducated ass.
I don't know who McIntosh is... What exactly am I not understanding about humans? Are you talking about the fact I don't accept the notion whites are a naturally superior race?
You want to talk about "white privilege" and you don't even know about the bitch who created the concept?

Whites comprise what 70% of our citizens and blacks are what 12%?? I just don't get why you even go down this road? Who cares? As long as the % of bigots who really care about race demographics reduce with time, that's what will help our country. People like you who can't understand basic history and socioeconomic effects.
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.
Says the guy who is worried about the dropping number of white children who are the ones responsible for progressing and shaping our society. To me it sounds like you are scared of having to deal with some the struggles and challenges that most blacks deal with on a daily basis.
I could easily deal with what blacks go through if I had their social and institutional advantages. Black people wouldn't have a prayer of dealing with the problems that are destroying European/western culture.

Blacks know how bad it will get for the average white person, and most of them are relieved beyond relief that the number of black children isn't going down worldwide like the number of white children.
You are delusional if you think the birthrate is some masterminded conspiracy to overtake the white race. We can talk about welfare reforms and better sexual education and healthcare and the many other possible solutions to help the problems you bring up, but that is a different conversation.
[you can't see how beneficial it is for those parents(and those communities) compared to the struggling white parents with fewer children and much more financial burdens.
I can't see how beneficial what is?
That their expenses are paid for while the middle class white parents are struggling to put food on the table with their own hard earned money.
Again you bring up welfare which doesn't have anything to do with the conversation. I believe that our welfare system is a mess and it creates a unhealthy culture of dependency instead of helping poor people become more self dependent. But that is another conversation... We are talking about an underlying series of events that have driven an entire race of people into a more impoverished, less educated, less wealthy, set of circumstances. Recent laws have tried to even the playing field and efforts are being made to help make up for the disparity, some of these efforts have been helpful and others counterproductive. But you are denying the existence of the problem altogether.
Well, you've definitely got spin and deflection down... either that or you aren't understanding what i'm writing. I've made many statements about the importance of personal responsibility... The provocation comes from ignoring, denying and deflecting the concerns of your opponents. Like I said, doing so only makes them scream louder.

I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
And yet you refuse to understand anything about any humans and continue to spout crap that came straight out of McIntosh's uneducated ass.
I don't know who McIntosh is... What exactly am I not understanding about humans? Are you talking about the fact I don't accept the notion whites are a naturally superior race?
You want to talk about "white privilege" and you don't even know about the bitch who created the concept?

So what? I don't need to get talking points from other people... I can look at our society, history, and our culture and draw conclusions of my own. You may need to be spoon fed from others but I have the ability to think for myself.
I'm not the one spinning and deflecting, child.

You, on the other hand, are a true believer. Like your religious fundie counterpart who screams "Liberal!!" at the sight of anybody who believes in evolution, your simple-minded framing devise allows for no nuance. It's either buy in to all the ridiculous racialist claptrap or you will call them a right winger.
Here you go taking the conversation to the partisan level. If I said right winger or offended you by calling you a right winger then I take it back. It doesn't have to be a partisan issue, although it largely is, this is about human understanding
And yet you refuse to understand anything about any humans and continue to spout crap that came straight out of McIntosh's uneducated ass.
I don't know who McIntosh is... What exactly am I not understanding about humans? Are you talking about the fact I don't accept the notion whites are a naturally superior race?
You want to talk about "white privilege" and you don't even know about the bitch who created the concept?

So what? I don't need to get talking points from other people... I can look at our society, history, and our culture and draw conclusions of my own. You may need to be spoon fed from others but I have the ability to think for myself.
My ideas and beliefs are all personalized and are predicated on very modern circumstances that are barely even acknowledged yet. "White privilege" and every loopy idea associated with it stopped being original in the 80s, and before that it was "counter-racism" owned by the black supremacist circles in the 60s and 70s:
What makes you think the percentage of bigots is going down at all? You do realize that society is primarily ignoring or justifying bigotry from the growing non-white population, right?

You do realize that all of my counter-argument so far is socioeconomic based, right? It is not my fault that you can't comprehend how much bigger and wider in scope this debate is than simple worldviews like "white privilege".
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.
Says the guy who is worried about the dropping number of white children who are the ones responsible for progressing and shaping our society. To me it sounds like you are scared of having to deal with some the struggles and challenges that most blacks deal with on a daily basis.
I could easily deal with what blacks go through if I had their social and institutional advantages. Black people wouldn't have a prayer of dealing with the problems that are destroying European/western culture.

Blacks know how bad it will get for the average white person, and most of them are relieved beyond relief that the number of black children isn't going down worldwide like the number of white children.
You are delusional if you think the birthrate is some masterminded conspiracy to overtake the white race. We can talk about welfare reforms and better sexual education and healthcare and the many other possible solutions to help the problems you bring up, but that is a different conversation.
The birth rate problem is what it is, but the fact is that white'people aren't allowed to organize as a people to even attempt to fix it.
[you can't see how beneficial it is for those parents(and those communities) compared to the struggling white parents with fewer children and much more financial burdens.
I can't see how beneficial what is?
That their expenses are paid for while the middle class white parents are struggling to put food on the table with their own hard earned money.
Again you bring up welfare which doesn't have anything to do with the conversation. I believe that our welfare system is a mess and it creates a unhealthy culture of dependency instead of helping poor people become more self dependent. But that is another conversation... We are talking about an underlying series of events that have driven an entire race of people into a more impoverished, less educated, less wealthy, set of circumstances. Recent laws have tried to even the playing field and efforts are being made to help make up for the disparity, some of these efforts have been helpful and others counterproductive. But you are denying the existence of the problem altogether.
Recent laws always fuck over white people, regardless of whether there is some nominal benefit to non-whites that they don't even take advantage of.

If you keep subtracting from the "white" side, the "black" side eventually catches up regardless of whether there is addition going on or not.
It is obvious that you think of yourself as a smart person who is in the right, but I see that as very far from the truth. I'm sure you think of me in the exact same way. We've gone back and forth enough for me to realize that there is nothing that I can say that will get through to you, so why waste my time? It appears we are at a stalemate. You go ahead and continue to promote your hateful blubber and I'll promote mine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I don't claim to be all that smart, I am just saying that you and the assholes who created the concept of "white privilege" are dumb.

Being mediocre is a privilege in a world of retards.
Says the guy who is worried about the dropping number of white children who are the ones responsible for progressing and shaping our society. To me it sounds like you are scared of having to deal with some the struggles and challenges that most blacks deal with on a daily basis.
I could easily deal with what blacks go through if I had their social and institutional advantages. Black people wouldn't have a prayer of dealing with the problems that are destroying European/western culture.

Blacks know how bad it will get for the average white person, and most of them are relieved beyond relief that the number of black children isn't going down worldwide like the number of white children.
You are delusional if you think the birthrate is some masterminded conspiracy to overtake the white race. We can talk about welfare reforms and better sexual education and healthcare and the many other possible solutions to help the problems you bring up, but that is a different conversation.
The birth rate problem is what it is, but the fact is that white'people aren't allowed to organize as a people to even attempt to fix it.
What kind of campaign would you want to see organized?
[you can't see how beneficial it is for those parents(and those communities) compared to the struggling white parents with fewer children and much more financial burdens.
I can't see how beneficial what is?
That their expenses are paid for while the middle class white parents are struggling to put food on the table with their own hard earned money.
Again you bring up welfare which doesn't have anything to do with the conversation. I believe that our welfare system is a mess and it creates a unhealthy culture of dependency instead of helping poor people become more self dependent. But that is another conversation... We are talking about an underlying series of events that have driven an entire race of people into a more impoverished, less educated, less wealthy, set of circumstances. Recent laws have tried to even the playing field and efforts are being made to help make up for the disparity, some of these efforts have been helpful and others counterproductive. But you are denying the existence of the problem altogether.
Recent laws always fuck over white people, regardless of whether there is some nominal benefit to non-whites that they don't even take advantage of.

If you keep subtracting from the "white" side, the "black" side eventually catches up regardless of whether there is addition going on or not.
Honest question, do you consider yourself a racist or a white supremacist?

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