White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

Seriously? You actually posted that you believe white people made Marquette Park better and that black people, left to their own devices, were incapable - not that they made bad choices but that they were incapable - of maintaining it without white people to lead the way? Amazing.

No. Read carefully to what I write and try to respond to what I write. And this is an issue because like JoeB131 and Lisa558 you need to improve your reading skills.

I've been on USMB five years now and wrote over 5 thousand posts and I've come to realize that sometimes people DON'T WANT TO understand what is being said, as it might require them to take responsibility and do something. In fact, sometimes it seems the clearer I am and the more obvious the issue, the more people act like I’m speaking a different language they can’t understand.

Look - A ghetto isn't a a free-standing cultural space, the ghetto is a creation of political and economic elites who sought to restrict black residential mobility to the urban core, even as whites were being subsidized to move to the suburbs.

The ghetto is not the product of the people who live there, but those who don’t.

You know, after slavery was ended, after the Civil War, there were a lot of blacks that chose to stay on the plantations and serve the very masters who had owned them just a few years before. They were actually happier being subjugated than being equal. You would have stayed on the plantation.

Of course there were some blk people who wanted to stay with "Massa" There were some Stephen from Django types

There were black slave owners in the South, and what of it? American slavery was a racist institution because it subordinated people based on racial identity, and was predicated on the notion of black inhumanity and white supremacy.

That there were some black people who bought into both sets of lies does not acquit the institution of the charge of racism, nor those among the African American community who participated in it.

So too, that there are blk ppl who are just as anti-black in their thinking as many whites, pathetic though it may be, means nothing.................and truthfully, should surprise no one.

And the blk ppl you describe were outnumbered by the blk people who had a "Freedom or Death" mentality and wanted to kill or be free of "massa"

Those events are older than anyone in my family. I didn't do it and neither did anyone in my family.

OK, Your just repeating an argument JoeB131 has said before and one which I answered before

It was and is terrible that those things happened but there has been a huge change in attitudes and laws since then. You need to try to give America a chance.

There is has been no change in attitudes.

Beliefs about black people
  • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
  • White Supremacists in 2022 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control

Or you can whine about things that happened before your time by people who aren't alive today. In your mind, there will never, ever, be a time when America moves on - at least not when you move on.

When will blacks “move on”? When whites get over their racism and move on. They created it to excuse their crimes; they can also destroy it.

You say over and over again that you're a conservative but you are not. When have you voted Republican? When have you voted for any of those things you list as conservative that would help black Americans? Trump or Biden? Trump or Hillary?

I am conservative.

The most important conservative value you didn't mention: personal responsibility and accountability. Yes, bad things happened to black people in the past.

You can cry and scream and complain forever or you can change your future and the future of your progeny.

Why do people in here always wanna talk about blk ppl's feelings ? Crying and screaming ? What are you on about ?

Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind

For any other social issue – eg: domestic violence, drunk driving, etc. – the issue itself gets discussed.

Imagine how absurd it would be if I said we need to find ways to address child abuse and my audience responded with “Well you can cry and scream forever or you can change your future and the future of your program.”

But you don't want to work to end the lack of generational wealth in the black community or even your own family; you just want to play the litigation lottery.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

You don't really care at all about black people or the black communities or you would be promoting doing what they can do now, what they can do for themselves in today's world, even while waiting for the jackpot to come through.

You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

Instead, you spend your time here, telling white people how much you hate them and how they're all evil.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth.

Why aren't you spending your time working to help black people pick themselves up. Why aren't you spending your time leading marches of law-abiding inner city people, all hours of day and night, to take back their streets?

So black people are 100% responsible for cleaning up your mess ?

OK. Got it.

If whites were willing to stand up and condemn the racism in your community - perhaps blks wouldn’t have to be the ones leading the rally. .

But most whites do nothing in the face of racism.

Most don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues, or anyone else.

It's white silence that has always made racism possible.

If whites had, in larger numbers challenged white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained.

There is no way that racist persons would be able to spew their venom without fear of reprisal, in most cases. They would know that racist actions would be met forcefully, and that those engaging in such things would be ostracized.

But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

It has emboldened them to act out, since they have long had little reason to believe anything would happen.

Paul, ghettos are not a black institution. All the poor have lived in ghettos over the years. The very word is Eastern European, not American. No one is keeping blacks, even poor blacks in the ghettos. They are free to move anywhere. If they stay in the ghetto, it’s because that’s where they are comfortable living.
Paul, ghettos are not a black institution.

I never said they were. Once again you are not reading what I’m writing.

All the poor have lived in ghettos over the years.

I never said they haven’t.

No one is keeping blacks, even poor blacks in the ghettos.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas

They are free to move anywhere.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas
Why aren't you spending your time working to help black people pick themselves up. Why aren't you spending your time leading marches of law-abiding inner city people, all hours of day and night, to take back their streets?

So black people are 100% responsible for cleaning up your mess ?
Most of what you posted in that wasn't worth responding to. You have your opinion, or perhaps your lies, and I have mine - opinion and, perhaps from your view, lies.

But this part I quoted needs a response. Black people don't have to clean up a thing. You are certainly right that it's not 100% their fault (the Democrats, Biden, Byrd, Johnson, all have a part).

Black people can absolutely choose to sit in their homes afraid every time a car or even a bicycle goes past that it's a drive-by-shooter. They can make sure the little ones stay in the back of the house so they aren't as likely to get shot. They can cry for the government to bury their babies when they do get shot and they can hang out with Joe Biden if the shooter turns out to be white.

Or, they can get out en masse and take back their streets. They can make sure their own 15 year old is not on the street at 4:00 AM to get shot. Or their 14-year-old out playing with real guns at 2:30 and getting shot by the po-po.

They can tell the police what they saw and whodunit. They can gather in large numbers to protect those who do help the police.

If their child is out at all hours of the night it should be because they're in a take-back-the-streets march with thousands of their neighbors, letting the gangs know that there is no place in the neighborhood where they can rest and no hour of the day where they can run the neighborhood.

Or.. It's whitey's fault so they can lay down and wait for the bullet to come and kill the ones they love. Completely up to black people.

Edit to add: A black conservative would lead the marches and work to save the lives of those around him, regardless of fault. A black liberal would point fingers at whitey and say, "Why should I fix it; it's whitey's fault."
Blacks are the most racist race in this entire country! Fact

We'll be a third world country pretty soon because of blacks and their hatred of everything that sustains this nation.

Paul, ghettos are not a black institution.

I never said they were. Once again you are not reading what I’m writing.

All the poor have lived in ghettos over the years.

I never said they haven’t.

No one is keeping blacks, even poor blacks in the ghettos.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas

They are free to move anywhere.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas
You're lying. Blacks can move anywhere they want to. Just like Latinos, Indians and Asians.
You're lying.

Lying about what ?

Blacks can move anywhere they want to.

No. You said that I said "Black can't move anywhere they want"

Don't put words in my mouth,

Just like Latinos, Indians and Asians.

I'm not Asian. I'm not Indian. I'm not Latino

They have nothing to do with black people. So why the fk are you bring them up ?
Most of what you posted in that wasn't worth responding to.

OK I'll stop right here.

If you are going to be disrespectful and not read a word I wrote then I'm going to do the same and not read a word you wrote.
You know what you call racism is what we call standards and a belief in maintaining civilization. We believe in laws and rules. It is necessary to maintain a first world society.

You can't be going around raping, killing and screwing up institutions and expect society to accept you. Racism we show you is really just us wanting better then the crap house and joke that you aim to turn our society into.
Look - A ghetto isn't a a free-standing cultural space, the ghetto is a creation of political and economic elites who sought to restrict black residential mobility to the urban core, even as whites were being subsidized to move to the suburbs.

The ghetto is not the product of the people who live there, but those who don’t.

Funny, I moved the suburbs years ago. I missed that part where I got a "You are white" subsidy. I did get a "You served your country" loan, but that just meant a smaller down payment.

What did happen at my last condo complex is that we had a lot of Section 8 families move in after the crash of 2008 made it easy for speculators to snap up those properties. We actually TRIED to pass a rule that you had to occupy your unit, but that didn't pass.

Beliefs about black people
  • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
  • White Supremacists in 2022 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control

Um, have you listened to any rap recently? If you want to really put those stereotypes to rest, maybe don't sing about them?

It's white silence that has always made racism possible.

If whites had, in larger numbers challenged white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained.

There is no way that racist persons would be able to spew their venom without fear of reprisal, in most cases. They would know that racist actions would be met forcefully, and that those engaging in such things would be ostracized.

Now funny that you say this. I remember when Eric Holder said "We need to have an honest conversation about race." But by Honest Conversation, he meant, "Don't say anything we don't like."

So we've gotten to the absurd point where we avoid talking about race at all.

Odd thing, you want to lump me in with Lisa, but I actually agree with you on some key points. We still need affirmative action because of the bias in hiring and academia, and to help people catch up. I believe we do need poverty relief programs, but we need to do them a lot smarter than we are doing them now. (This applies to ALL races.) We absolutely need to reform law enforcement and criminal justice.

What I won't do. I won't apologize for things I had nothing to do with, and I won't pay for wrongs I didn't commit.
The more you make our lives hell and don't agree to work within our legal system the more racist we will be too you. That is how we tell you that we don't like what you're doing.
Funny, I moved the suburbs years ago. I missed that part where I got a "You are white" subsidy. I did get a "You served your country" loan, but that just meant a smaller down payment.


What did happen at my last condo complex is that we had a lot of Section 8 families move in after the crash of 2008 made it easy for speculators to snap up those properties. We actually TRIED to pass a rule that you had to occupy your unit, but that didn't pass.

The fk u babbling about ?

you want to lump me in with Lisa, but I actually agree with you on some key points.

If I'm in court and I have 6 of you and 6 of Lisa558 on the jury ? i;m fked.

We still need affirmative action because of the bias in hiring and academia, and to help people catch up. I believe we do need poverty relief programs but we need to do them a lot smarter than we are doing them now. (This applies to ALL races.)

I've never talked about using AA. Once again. Don't put words in my mouth.. I KEEP on saying this to the point were i'm sounding like a broken record.

We absolutely need to reform law enforcement and criminal justice

The guy in the video is Los Angeles Police Union boss Jamie McBride. Here are photos of McBride showing his white supremacist clover & skull tattoos that are generally associated with the skinheads & Aryan Brotherhood. How do we discuss "police reform" with THIS guy?



Police agencies all over the country are taken over by open white supremacists. We DO NOT NEED POLICE REFORM. We need an executive order that makes cops killing an unarmed Blk person punishable by jail time

Either an officer is PUNISHED for racially harming people, or the officer is NOT punished.


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You know what you call racism is what we call standards and a belief in maintaining civilization. We believe in laws and rules. It is necessary to maintain a first world society.

You can't be going around raping, killing and screwing up institutions and expect society to accept you. Racism we show you is really just us wanting better then the crap house and joke that you aim to turn our society into.
No, it's called racism.

Everything in your second paragraph is what whites have done to get what they have now. You can't be going around raping, killing and screwing up institutions and expect society to accept you. This is why whites like you are getting what you are. We won't let you continue making the crap house you have built on the basis of the lie of white supremacy.
The more you make our lives hell and don't agree to work within our legal system the more racist we will be too you. That is how we tell you that we don't like what you're doing.
What you say is what you have done to us. Racism is a mental disorder and your posts are examples of it.
“Although white supremacist groups have historically engaged in strategic efforts to infiltrate and recruit from law enforcement communities, current reporting on attempts reflects self-initiated efforts by individuals, particularly among those already within law enforcement ranks, to volunteer their professional resources to white supremacist causes with which they sympathize.”

Alice Speri, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration Of Law Enforcement, The Intercept, January 31 2017, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Michael German, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement, August 27, 2020, Brennan Center for Justice, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement

Vanessa Romo, Ghost Skins' And Masculinity: Alt-Right Terms, Defined, NPR, September 6, 2017, 'Ghost Skins' And Masculinity: Alt-Right Terms, Defined

Federal Bureau of Investigation, “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement,” October 17, 2006, pg.3, https://oversight.house.gov/sites/d...premacist_Infiltration_of_Law_Enforcement.pdf
You're lying.

Lying about what ?

Blacks can move anywhere they want to.

No. You said that I said "Black can't move anywhere they want"

Don't put words in my mouth,

Just like Latinos, Indians and Asians.

I'm not Asian. I'm not Indian. I'm not Latino

They have nothing to do with black people. So why the fk are you bring them up ?
Because they are also minorities and face the same claimed racism that you claim you do. And yes blacks can move and live anywhere they want to.
Because they are also minorities and face the same claimed racism that you claim you do.

Asian and Latinos are fine with racism just as long as it’s aimed at blk ppl.

It’s the world against blk ppl.

And yes blacks can move and live anywhere they want to.

You’re saying that. Not me.
Because they are also minorities and face the same claimed racism that you claim you do.

Asian and Latinos are fine with racism just as long as it’s aimed at blk ppl.

It’s the world against blk ppl.

And yes blacks can move and live anywhere they want to.

You’re saying that. Not me.
Show me an example of anywhere a black person can legally be stopped from moving to. There aren’t any.
Because they are also minorities and face the same claimed racism that you claim you do.

Asian and Latinos are fine with racism just as long as it’s aimed at blk ppl.

It’s the world against blk ppl.

And yes blacks can move and live anywhere they want to.

You’re saying that. Not me.
There is your problem right there: “It’s the world against BLM ppl”. As long as you believe that you will never succeed. It’s a paranoid belief that has no basis in reality.
Show me an example of anywhere a black person can legally be stopped from moving to. There aren’t any.
They don't have to legally say "No blacks in this area" because they take it off the books and they practice racism white supremacy in common law. They can hide it because the white supremacists are on code.

The most extreme example of common law in terms of stopping blk ppl moving to a certain area stories like this from black truck drivers over years.

But usually whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Common law is the way the insecurrections last year at the white house and the way the white ppl are getting smacks on the wrists


Where as 50 years ago the blk panthers who simply talked about storming the capitol. They were locked up immediately and are still in prison right now. That's common law.


Common law is the way white men can be rapists and not spend a day in prison.


This white guy raped multiple women, one was a pastors daughter and another rape victim died.

Please show me one case where a black person raped multiple women didn’t have to spend a day in prison or register as a sex offender.

I’ll wait.
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There is your problem right there: “It’s the world against BLM ppl

Once again. You're putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned BLM.

As long as you believe that you will never succeed.

Once again. You're putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about beliveing that you will never succeed

It’s a paranoid belief that has no basis in reality.

The last 400 years says differently

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