White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

Nothing racist about what I said. Coming from you, it means nothing given you call everybody racist that does not agree with you. You watered down the term.

Everything you said was racist and you're called a racist for making these kinds of statements.I'm black so when I talk about things that affect blacks, I speak from lived experience and expertise on being black. Your disagreement is based only on you being white and saying so. And that goes for the majority of the racist whites here. You have no basis of disagreement and from this point on since you think racist is a watered down term, each time you make a racist comment, you will be reported.

You have never been black, studied, worked or anything else so shut your mouth about what blacks do. I've seen blacks you call thuugs telling black A students to stay away from them because they have a future. Ad I've seen it often. So shut the f---- up with youuurr racist crap.
Well, let's look at that one. In the 1970's, Marquette Park was divided from a black neighborhood by Western Avenue. And there was resistence to desegregation.

Someone had a simple enough solution to "White Flight". It was called equity insurance. Do you know who opposed it? The Harold Washington Caucus in the city council. So white people just got the hell out of dodge.

If anything, even that doesn't hold neighborhoods together, because HUD just hands out section 8 vouchers to anyone who wants them...

Yeah, people are rushing out for those jobs. The thing is, I'd agree with you, the Prison-Industrial Complex sucks. But the progressive prosecutors like Foxx and Boudin fucked it up and there's been a backlash.

Again, whose fault is that? You guys tolerate the gangs, and you treat the cops as the enemy. As the saying goes, you make your bed, you lie down in it.

Um, didn't you just say you believed in "Free Markets"? This sounds like free markets in action.

Sorry, man, the stats speak for themselves. Instead of whining "Whitey did me Wrong", how about FIXING THOSE STATS?
Stop !!!



"Good day sir" (JoeB131 continues babbling his nonsense)......... "I SAID GOOD DAY !"
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Everything you said was racist and you're called a racist for making these kinds of statements.I'm black so when I talk about things that affect blacks, I speak from lived experience and expertise on being black. Your disagreement is based only on you being white and saying so. And that goes for the majority of the racist whites here. You have no basis of disagreement and from this point on since you think racist is a watered down term, each time you make a racist comment, you will be reported.

You have never been black, studied, worked or anything else so shut your mouth about what blacks do. I've seen blacks you call telling black A students to stay away from them because they have a future. Ad I've seen it often. So shut the f---- up with youuurr racist crap.
Now you are changing what I said. I said you use the term racist so much you have watered it down. As for Blacks avoiding gangs, studying hard and being told they are “acting white”, that is based on conversations I’ve had with Black friends based on their experience as well as having read and listened to Blacks telling what they have experienced. A racist is someone who views someone else beneath them based on their race. Where, when and how have I done that? Criticizing behavior of someone regardless of their race is not racist.
Now you are changing what I said. I said you use the term racist so much you have watered it down. As for Blacks avoiding gangs, studying hard and being told they are “acting white”, that is based on conversations I’ve had with Black friends based on their experience as well as having read and listened to Blacks telling what they have experienced. A racist is someone who views someone else beneath them based on their race. Where, when and how have I done that? Criticizing behavior of someone regardless of their race is not racist.

When you declare that blacks beat u other blacks because hard work and study is acting white, you assume that blacks don't value such things therefore blacks are lower than whites. For you not to understand this is evidence of how deeply racism is ingrained in your character.

I don't give a damn what blacks you claimed to talk to. I AM BLACK. I don't need to go find blacks who tell me what I want to believe then use them as representation for all blacks. Whites beat up white nerds, blacks beat up black nerds. Both are wrong and whites beating up white nerds is not used to claim how whites don't work hard and study. So what you said was racist plain and simple and 99.999 percent of the blacks in this country do not beat black kids up for acting white because they work hard, study and stay out of gangs.
When you declare that blacks beat u other blacks because hard work and study is acting white, you assume that blacks don't value such things therefore blacks are lower than whites. For you not to understand this is evidence of how deeply racism is ingrained in your character.

I don't give a damn what blacks you claimed to talk to. I AM BLACK. I don't need to go find blacks who tell me what I want to believe then use them as representation for all blacks. Whites beat up white nerds, blacks beat up black nerds. Both are wrong and whites beating up white nerds is not used to claim how whites don't work hard and study. So what you said was racist plain and simple and 99.999 percent of the blacks in this country do not beat black kids up for acting white because they work hard, study and stay out of gangs.
You don’t give a damn about what Blacks I’ve spoken to or listened to with empathy and support. And stop lying your ass off that I sought out Blacks to tell me what I want to hear. I listen to all voices, including yours. Clearly, you don’t care unconditionally about all ALL Blacks. Don’t be quoting stats you can’t or won’t back up.
In fact the white population the world over is on a decline. They have YouTube videos of them bitching and crying over it. High cancer rates, lowest sperm count in the world, low birth rates, high suicide rates and of course racial mixing. There is even talks that white people will be almost gone in a 100 years or so… Africans have largest population of youth and as a whole numbering a billion now. As a whole population decline won’t have a detrimental effect on black people.
I'll have to come back with more posts if I want to reply to more of what you said. It'll take a long weekend before I can read the whole thing.

But as for the above, all I can say is imagine where the black population would be if black mothers quit letting racist leftist Democrats kill black babies in the womb.

Abortion in America has contributed to the greatest decline in black population since the first black slaves arrived in the Americas in the 1600s. According to U.S. census data, there were 18,871,831 black American citizens in 1960. Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973, abortion has killed an estimated 20 million black babies — more than the entire black population of 1960.

More from the article:

Joining Planned Parenthood’s deception are the many legislators who benefit from the organization’s largesse. This month, several Democratic U.S. senators incredibly cited race when opposing a bill requiring medical aid for babies born alive after a botched abortion. One stated that black babies are three times more likely to die in their first year, which is an odd reason to withhold care from them. Another senator cited racial disparities in the healthcare industry to justify not giving lifesaving aid to already-born infants. A third Democratic senator cited abortion as a means of lowering the 700 maternal mortality cases each year in the United States.

And yet you and other black men, on and off this site, continue to vote for Democrats, continue to defend them. You sell out literally millions of black babies, black mothers, and black families in the hope of getting a windfall settlement from the Democrats.

You have done more to hurt the black population and the black community than all of the slave holders combined.
So if you created 50 of them, why are you whining that the one in Tulsa was such a disaster.

Rare color film of Tulsa, Oklahoma's "Black Wall Street" in 1921. An affluent Black American community, seen as threat to jealous White people. An angry racist mob destroyed 40 blocks of Greenwood and killed hundreds of Black men, women and children.

I always show this to anyone who says "Well you know, if blk people just done for themselves and stop begging, and clean up your neighbourhood and stop committing crime and pulled up your pants"

Black degradation is essential to White supremacists.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.
Those events are older than anyone in my family. I didn't do it and neither did anyone in my family. It was and is terrible that those things happened but there has been a huge change in attitudes and laws since then. You need to try to give America a chance. Or you can whine about things that happened before your time by people who aren't alive today. In your mind, there will never, ever, be a time when America moves on - at least not when you move on.

You say over and over again that you're a conservative but you are not. When have you voted Republican? When have you voted for any of those things you list as conservative that would help black Americans? Trump or Biden? Trump or Hillary?

The most important conservative value you didn't mention: personal responsibility and accountability. Yes, bad things happened to black people in the past. You can cry and scream and complain forever or you can change your future and the future of your progeny. But you don't want to work to end the lack of generational wealth in the black community or even your own family; you just want to play the litigation lottery.

Regardless of whether or not your claim for reparation is valid, what happens if it takes another 40, 60, 100 years to get reparations? How many more generations of poor black people continue to be poor black people? You don't really care at all about black people or the black communities or you would be promoting doing what they can do now, what they can do for themselves in today's world, even while waiting for the jackpot to come through.

If you think you have reparations coming (I don't) then keep fighting for them; it's your right. I will certainly speak out against it but I'm just one man, one voice. But while you're fighting, why aren't you spending your time working to help black people pick themselves up. Why aren't you spending your time leading marches of law-abiding inner city people, all hours of day and night, to take back their streets? Instead, you spend your time here, telling white people how much you hate them and how they're all evil. You don't just hate white people, you hate black people. You just hate everyone.
Or we could discuss Marquette Park, where the neighborhood resisted immigration and got painted as Nazis in the National Press. Today it's a slum.

Well if it's a slum then the white supremacists made it a slum. Due to confluence of factors, including white flight, the widespread use of racial restrictive covenants and, later, after they were made illegal, de facto racial steering and exclusion and, urban renewal. End of the day. All the problems you describe are created by your people.
Wow. You really do hate black people; you're a white supremacist who believes in black inferiority. Whites caused a slum by moving out and leaving it to black people? Seriously? You actually posted that you believe white people made Marquette Park better and that black people, left to their own devices, were incapable - not that they made bad choices but that they were incapable - of maintaining it without white people to lead the way? Amazing.

You know, after slavery was ended, after the Civil War, there were a lot of blacks that chose to stay on the plantations and serve the very masters who had owned them just a few years before. They were actually happier being subjugated than being equal. You would have stayed on the plantation. And, in fact, you do today.
Racism didn't start with slavery either.

I really don't know what you expect.

Are you so naïve that you actually believe you can somehow end racism?

He can't end racism. As long as IM2 is alive, no matter what happens to the rest of the world, there will be at least one racist.
Funny how you say racist crap like this then claim you're not a racist.

I chose to study hard, work, avoided gangs, and was never beat up or told I was acting white. 99.9999 percent of blacks who do this don't have that happen to them. Your racism ignore the fact that whites who study hard, get good grades and avoid gangs/cliches, get beat up.

They are called nerds and we all know white nerds get bullied. So drop your racism.
What do you call Ben Carson?
What do you call Ben Carson?
A sellout. And it's not because he studied and worked hard.

Those who think like you feel its great for a black person to deny racism and tell other blacks how they are the problem. But that is not true. Furthermore there are plenty of blacks who had accomplished things who have not sold out. Why don't you try using one of them as an example instead of a puppet?

Oprah has done better than Carson and no one calls her a sellout.

Except right wing whites trying to gaslight.
He can't end racism. As long as IM2 is alive, no matter what happens to the rest of the world, there will be at least one racist.
If there is just one racist, then racism will be irrelevant. Thefore it would basically be gone. But the exsuse tgat there will always be racists is generally used by racist whites as an excuse for why they can't work to reduce racism to irrelevance.
Wow. You really do hate black people; you're a white supremacist who believes in black inferiority. Whites caused a slum by moving out and leaving it to black people? Seriously? You actually posted that you believe white people made Marquette Park better and that black people, left to their own devices, were incapable - not that they made bad choices but that they were incapable - of maintaining it without white people to lead the way? Amazing.

You know, after slavery was ended, after the Civil War, there were a lot of blacks that chose to stay on the plantations and serve the very masters who had owned them just a few years before. They were actually happier being subjugated than being equal. You would have stayed on the plantation. And, in fact, you do today.

What makes whites like you believe such silly mess?

No, that's not what happened after slavery. Blacks did choose that and you really need to quit telling us that we are on plantations because we reject what republicans are doing. You are nothing more than a modern serf who repeats what your feudal masters tell you.

Go study government housing policy.

Here let me help you.

Wow. You really do hate black people; you're a white supremacist who believes in black inferiority. Whites caused a slum by moving out and leaving it to black people?

Cmon man. Your better than this dude or maybe you ain't

I just stopped reading after this. If your gonna reply to me then raise the bar ok ? Stop being stupid
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Wow. You really do hate black people; you're a white supremacist who believes in black inferiority. Whites caused a slum by moving out and leaving it to black people?

Cmon man. Your better than this dude or maybe you ain't

I just stopped reading after this. If your gonna reply to me then raise the bar ok ? Stop being stupid
Seriously? You actually posted that you believe white people made Marquette Park better and that black people, left to their own devices, were incapable - not that they made bad choices but that they were incapable - of maintaining it without white people to lead the way? Amazing.

No. Read carefully to what I write and try to respond to what I write. And this is an issue because like JoeB131 and Lisa558 you need to improve your reading skills.

I've been on USMB five years now and wrote over 5 thousand posts and I've come to realize that sometimes people DON'T WANT TO understand what is being said, as it might require them to take responsibility and do something. In fact, sometimes it seems the clearer I am and the more obvious the issue, the more people act like I’m speaking a different language they can’t understand.

Look - A ghetto isn't a a free-standing cultural space, the ghetto is a creation of political and economic elites who sought to restrict black residential mobility to the urban core, even as whites were being subsidized to move to the suburbs.

The ghetto is not the product of the people who live there, but those who don’t.

You know, after slavery was ended, after the Civil War, there were a lot of blacks that chose to stay on the plantations and serve the very masters who had owned them just a few years before. They were actually happier being subjugated than being equal. You would have stayed on the plantation.

Of course there were some blk people who wanted to stay with "Massa" There were some Stephen from Django types

There were black slave owners in the South, and what of it? American slavery was a racist institution because it subordinated people based on racial identity, and was predicated on the notion of black inhumanity and white supremacy.

That there were some black people who bought into both sets of lies does not acquit the institution of the charge of racism, nor those among the African American community who participated in it.

So too, that there are blk ppl who are just as anti-black in their thinking as many whites, pathetic though it may be, means nothing.................and truthfully, should surprise no one.

And the blk ppl you describe were outnumbered by the blk people who had a "Freedom or Death" mentality and wanted to kill or be free of "massa"

Those events are older than anyone in my family. I didn't do it and neither did anyone in my family.

OK, Your just repeating an argument JoeB131 has said before and one which I answered before

It was and is terrible that those things happened but there has been a huge change in attitudes and laws since then. You need to try to give America a chance.

There is has been no change in attitudes.

Beliefs about black people
  • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
  • White Supremacists in 2022 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control

Or you can whine about things that happened before your time by people who aren't alive today. In your mind, there will never, ever, be a time when America moves on - at least not when you move on.

When will blacks “move on”? When whites get over their racism and move on. They created it to excuse their crimes; they can also destroy it.

You say over and over again that you're a conservative but you are not. When have you voted Republican? When have you voted for any of those things you list as conservative that would help black Americans? Trump or Biden? Trump or Hillary?

I am conservative.

The most important conservative value you didn't mention: personal responsibility and accountability. Yes, bad things happened to black people in the past.

You can cry and scream and complain forever or you can change your future and the future of your progeny.

Why do people in here always wanna talk about blk ppl's feelings ? Crying and screaming ? What are you on about ?

Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind

For any other social issue – eg: domestic violence, drunk driving, etc. – the issue itself gets discussed.

Imagine how absurd it would be if I said we need to find ways to address child abuse and my audience responded with “Well you can cry and scream forever or you can change your future and the future of your program.”

But you don't want to work to end the lack of generational wealth in the black community or even your own family; you just want to play the litigation lottery.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

You don't really care at all about black people or the black communities or you would be promoting doing what they can do now, what they can do for themselves in today's world, even while waiting for the jackpot to come through.

You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

Instead, you spend your time here, telling white people how much you hate them and how they're all evil.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth.

Why aren't you spending your time working to help black people pick themselves up. Why aren't you spending your time leading marches of law-abiding inner city people, all hours of day and night, to take back their streets?

So black people are 100% responsible for cleaning up your mess ?

OK. Got it.

If whites were willing to stand up and condemn the racism in your community - perhaps blks wouldn’t have to be the ones leading the rally. .

But most whites do nothing in the face of racism.

Most don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues, or anyone else.

It's white silence that has always made racism possible.

If whites had, in larger numbers challenged white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained.

There is no way that racist persons would be able to spew their venom without fear of reprisal, in most cases. They would know that racist actions would be met forcefully, and that those engaging in such things would be ostracized.

But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

It has emboldened them to act out, since they have long had little reason to believe anything would happen.
Last edited:
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Seriously? You actually posted that you believe white people made Marquette Park better and that black people, left to their own devices, were incapable - not that they made bad choices but that they were incapable - of maintaining it without white people to lead the way? Amazing.

No. Read carefully to what I write and try to respond to what I write. And this is an issue because like JoeB131 and Lisa558 you need to improve your reading skills.

I've been on USMB five years now and wrote over 5 thousand posts and I've come to realize that sometimes people DON'T WANT TO understand what is being said, as it might require them to take responsibility and do something. In fact, sometimes it seems the clearer I am and the more obvious the issue, the more people act like I’m speaking a different language they can’t understand.

Look - A ghetto isn't a a free-standing cultural space, the ghetto is a creation of political and economic elites who sought to restrict black residential mobility to the urban core, even as whites were being subsidized to move to the suburbs.

The ghetto is not the product of the people who live there, but those who don’t.

You know, after slavery was ended, after the Civil War, there were a lot of blacks that chose to stay on the plantations and serve the very masters who had owned them just a few years before. They were actually happier being subjugated than being equal. You would have stayed on the plantation.

Of course there were some blk people who wanted to stay with "Massa" but they were outnumbered by the blk people who had a "Freedom or Death" mentality and wanted to kill or be free of "massa"

Those events are older than anyone in my family. I didn't do it and neither did anyone in my family.

OK, Your just repeating an argument JoeB131 has said before and one which I answered before

It was and is terrible that those things happened but there has been a huge change in attitudes and laws since then. You need to try to give America a chance.

There is has been no change in attitudes.

Beliefs about black people
  • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
  • White Supremacists in 2022 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control

Or you can whine about things that happened before your time by people who aren't alive today. In your mind, there will never, ever, be a time when America moves on - at least not when you move on.

When will blacks “move on”? When whites get over their racism and move on. They created it to excuse their crimes; they can also destroy it.

You say over and over again that you're a conservative but you are not. When have you voted Republican? When have you voted for any of those things you list as conservative that would help black Americans? Trump or Biden? Trump or Hillary?

I am conservative.

The most important conservative value you didn't mention: personal responsibility and accountability. Yes, bad things happened to black people in the past.

You can cry and scream and complain forever or you can change your future and the future of your progeny.

Why do people in here always wanna talk about blk ppl's feelings ? Crying and screaming ? What are you on about ?

Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind

For any other social issue – eg: domestic violence, drunk driving, etc. – the issue itself gets discussed.

Imagine how absurd it would be if I said we need to find ways to address child abuse and my audience responded with “Well you can cry and scream forever or you can change your future and the future of your program.”

But you don't want to work to end the lack of generational wealth in the black community or even your own family; you just want to play the litigation lottery.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

You don't really care at all about black people or the black communities or you would be promoting doing what they can do now, what they can do for themselves in today's world, even while waiting for the jackpot to come through.

You're putting words in my mouth. Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

Instead, you spend your time here, telling white people how much you hate them and how they're all evil.

Again - You're putting words in my mouth.

Why aren't you spending your time working to help black people pick themselves up. Why aren't you spending your time leading marches of law-abiding inner city people, all hours of day and night, to take back their streets?

So black people are 100% responsible for cleaning up your mess ?

OK. Got it.

If whites were willing to stand up and condemn the racism in your community - perhaps blks wouldn’t have to be the ones leading the rally. .

But most whites do nothing in the face of racism.

Most don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues, or anyone else.

It's white silence that has always made racism possible.

If whites had, in larger numbers challenged white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained.

There is no way that racist persons would be able to spew their venom without fear of reprisal, in most cases. They would know that racist actions would be met forcefully, and that those engaging in such things would be ostracized.

But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

It has emboldened them to act out, since they have long had little reason to believe anything would happen.
Paul, you've got someone else's posts mixed up with mine. Those comments you attribute to me weren't written by me.

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