White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

That crap is
They don't have to legally say "No blacks in this area" because they take it off the books and they practice racism white supremacy in common law. They can hide it because the white supremacists are on code.

The most extreme example of common law in terms of stopping blk ppl moving to a certain area stories like this from black truck drivers over years.

But usually whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Common law is the way the insecurrections last year at the white house and the way the white ppl are getting smacks on the wrists


Where as 50 years ago the blk panthers who simply talked about storming the capitol. They were locked up immediately and are still in prison right now. That's common law.


Common law is the way white men can be rapists and not spend a day in prison.


This white guy raped multiple women, one was a pastors daughter and another rape victim died.

Please show me one case where a black person raped multiple women didn’t have to spend a day in prison or register as a sex offender.

I’ll wait.

That crap was fifty years in the past. Today a black can move And live anywhere he or she cares to.
There is your problem right there: “It’s the world against BLM ppl

Once again. You're putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned BLM.

As long as you believe that you will never succeed.

Once again. You're putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about beliveing that you will never succeed

It’s a paranoid belief that has no basis in reality.
That was my IPAD putting words into your mouth via auto-corrupt. I typed your exact quote and it should have read blk ppl just as you wrote it.
The fk u babbling about ?

Did I need to use smaller words?

Okay, I lived in a condo complex which used to be a nice place to live. Then the 2008 crash happened, and we had a bunch of foreclosures which were bought up by people who turned around and rented to Section 8 families. Six people in a one bedroom and shit like that. Cops coming around pretty much every weekend to break up fights.

They tried to pass maximum occupancy requirements, and got sued. They tried to require that all new owners live in their units. That also got shot down.

If I'm in court and I have 6 of you and 6 of @Lisa558 on the jury ? i;m fked.

You'd probably be f**ked no matter who is on the jury, because with your attitude, you don't seem like the type who makes friends.

I've never talked about using AA. Once again. Don't put words in my mouth.. I KEEP on saying this to the point were i'm sounding like a broken record.
Your buddy IM has. I doubt you'd be able to get a job without AA.

The guy in the video is Los Angeles Police Union boss Jamie McBride. Here are photos of McBride showing his white supremacist clover & skull tattoos that are generally associated with the skinheads & Aryan Brotherhood. How do we discuss "police reform" with THIS guy?

Um, McBride is a member of the board, not the boss. He is also an actor, and brother of Stone Cold Steve Austin. If Hollywood hasn't cancelled him yet, then he's probably not a white supremecist. I wouldn't condemn anyone on what a tattoo might mean.

Police agencies all over the country are taken over by open white supremacists. We DO NOT NEED POLICE REFORM. We need an executive order that makes cops killing an unarmed Blk person punishable by jail time

Either an officer is PUNISHED for racially harming people, or the officer is NOT punished.

Yeah, let's not take any of the FACTS into consideration.

You do realize that unarmed doesn't mean harmless, right? A guy who has been pumping iron for three years in the state penn and gets coked up on PCP his first week out isn't harmless.
A guy who has been pumping iron for three years in the state penn and gets coked up on PCP his first week out isn't harmless.

Harmless to who ? And in what situation ? If he's unarmed and in a cage with a Silverback or a Grizzly then yes he is harmless.

Practically everything in the world is harmless in the right context. More people get killed by falling out of bed than by killed by sharks as do more people get killed by vending machines than by sharks.

You do realize that unarmed doesn't mean harmless, right?

It depends on the situation. Stop PUSSYFOOTING around and just BRING IT

I guess this is your clumsy way of trying to crowbar in the narrative that unarmed blk men can be dangerous and often deserve to be killed by the police. Right ?

Stop being all scared and overly-careful with your words. Take the mask off and just talk that white supremacist venom that runs through your blood

Um, McBride is a member of the board, not the boss. He is also an actor, and brother of Stone Cold Steve Austin. If Hollywood hasn't cancelled him yet, then he's probably not a white supremecist. I wouldn't condemn anyone on what a tattoo might mean.


Your buddy IM has.

Well take that up with IM2 and If you approach black Americans – or anyone, for that matter – with the same kind of closed mind and dismissive stereotypes that you say in this forum, then yes, you will have a hard time. You cannot expect people to listen to you if you do not listen to them

I doubt you'd be able to get a job without AA.

Now your projecting because you know the system of white supremacy is AA for white people

Did I need to use smaller words?

No. Just need to make sense.

Okay, I lived in a condo complex which used to be a nice place to live. Then the 2008 crash happened, and we had a bunch of foreclosures which were bought up by people who turned around and rented to Section 8 families. Six people in a one bedroom and shit like that. Cops coming around pretty much every weekend to break up fights.

And what has that got to do with black people ?

They tried to pass maximum occupancy requirements, and got sued. They tried to require that all new owners live in their units. That also got shot down.

And what has that got to do with black people ?
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Paul, ghettos are not a black institution.

I never said they were. Once again you are not reading what I’m writing.

All the poor have lived in ghettos over the years.

I never said they haven’t.

No one is keeping blacks, even poor blacks in the ghettos.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas

They are free to move anywhere.

The system of white supremacy makes sure to keep blk ppl in the most economically deprived areas
No blacks live in affluent neighborhoods?
That crap is
That crap was fifty years in the past. Today a black can move And live anywhere he or she cares to.
That "crap" happens today. Stop pretending. And stop trying to tell us that what we see and live through doesn't happen.

The white boy not in prison on roids is a danger that you don't discuss. The roid rage that makes him have violent fits, you don't discuss. And as a white man who has lived in a system that has given you perpetual affirmative action, you really need to be quiet repeating that racist nonsense whites like you have made up. And if you're discussing something with Paul, keep my name out of your mouth. I don't tolerate the white --- tactic of using a black person against another black person. Especially because most of the time it's done, those like you use it to validate tour racist views.

Paul is a black man like me. He has experienced what black men experience in this country. And he is speaking the truth to whites like you, but you aren't man enough to face the reality that on matters of race you don't have the first clue about how things really are. Your white privilege is apparent in every discussion.

You are the white liberal Malcolm X described.
That "crap" happens today. Stop pretending. And stop trying to tell us that what we see and live through doesn't happen.
How about some real-world current examples of blacks being denied access to housing. Given the racial sensitivity today, if it's happening you should have no problem finding hundreds of examples to post.
How about some real-world current examples of blacks being denied access to housing. Given the racial sensitivity today, if it's happening you should have no problem finding hundreds of examples to post.
How about you do some research since you think it doesn't happen? I have shown you every example of how white racism manifests itself today and you still choose to deny it because you believe that simply being white and saying no is enough. So you go look, because I know it exists and you do too.
How about you do some research since you think it doesn't happen? I have shown you every example of how white racism manifests itself today and you still choose to deny it because you believe that simply being white and saying no is enough. So you go look, because I know it exists and you do too.
You're the one making the claim. prove it. I disproved your nonsense about claiming the white sailors capturing slaves in Africa, and as usual you didn't even have the moral courage to acknowledge it. All my evidence came from contemporary accounts from the Bristol maritime website so it can be proven by written evidence in the form of logbooks and written accounts by those involved. All you have a tall tale passed down for generations word of mouth without a shred of real evidence to support it.
You're the one making the claim. prove it. I disproved your nonsense about claiming the white sailors capturing slaves in Africa, and as usual you didn't even have the moral courage to acknowledge it. All my evidence came from contemporary accounts from the Bristol maritime website so it can be proven by written evidence in the form of logbooks and written accounts by those involved. All you have a tall tale passed down for generations word of mouth without a shred of real evidence to support it.
I've proven this and other forms of white racism in effect today countless times. You think it doesn't happen? Do the research. I've shown you racist acts, policies and studies. You haven't shown anything. The bristol maritime website is not evidence of anything. I've shown you recorded African history, but you want to discount that because your racist ass thinks that only white stuff can be true. Read the book: "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" by Walter Rodney, then come talk. Because white records on this matter have been distorted and in many cases are inaccurate.
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I've proven this and other forms of white racism in effect today countless times. You think it doesn't happen? Do the research. I've shown you racist acts, policies and studies. You haven't shown anything. The bristol maritime website is not evidence of anything. I've shown you recorded African history, but you want to discount that because your racist ass thinks that only white stuff can be true. Read the book: "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" by Walter Rodney, then come talk. Because white records on this matter have been distorted and in many cases are inaccurate.
No, you presented an African fairy tale passed down word of mouth. That's not accurate or verifiable, didn't your teachers ever have you play telephone in school? You claim blacks are prohibited from living anywhere, that should be easy for you to prove, do so. The Bristol accounts were written while the slave trade was going on. It's pretty hard to change a three-hundred-year-old handwritten ship's logbook. Even if you don't believe hard evidence, try to use common sense. Slave ships had crews of less than FIFTY men, usually far less, how are fifty men who don't know the country and are armed with pikes, cutlasses and flintlock muskets going to capture local tribesmen and women in the hundreds who know the country like the back of their hands?
Harmless to who ? And in what situation ? If he's unarmed and in a cage with a Silverback or a Grizzly then yes he is harmless.

Practically everything in the world is harmless in the right context. More people get killed by falling out of bed than by killed by sharks as do more people get killed by vending machines than by sharks.

Wow, that had nothing to do with the point. Let's try again, shall we?

It depends on the situation. Stop PUSSYFOOTING around and just BRING IT

I guess this is your clumsy way of trying to crowbar in the narrative that unarmed blk men can be dangerous and often deserve to be killed by the police. Right ?

Stop being all scared and overly-careful with your words. Take the mask off and just talk that white supremacist venom that runs through your blood

Unarmed white people can be JUST as dangerous if they've been pumping iron in the pen, and celebrate with some PCP. The real question is, would most people blame a cop if he shoots faced with that kind of threat.

Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

Here's the thing. Cops make 10 million arrests a year. Only in 1000 cases a year, do they need to use lethal force. Of those, you might have, what 10 that are questionable. Yes, improve training and raise professional standards so that we don't have those 10.

I'm actually trying to be reasonable, but frankly, dealing with you and your buddy IM, makes it kind of pointless.

Well take that up with @IM2 and If you approach black Americans – or anyone, for that matter – with the same kind of closed mind and dismissive stereotypes that you say in this forum, then yes, you will have a hard time. You cannot expect people to listen to you if you do not listen to them

I've been listening and when you make a good point, I agree with you. And when you say stupid shit, I'll call you on that, too.

Now your projecting because you know the system of white supremacy is AA for white people

Um, okay, see, this is the kind of shit I mean. If White Supremacy is a thing, then how come the Asians are doing so well? LIfe isn't fair, and people will try to screw you if they get a chance. Looking at nearly the end of my professional life, I've had by my count about six major setbacks that were beyond my control. I shrugged them off.

If some racist hurt you, get over it.

And what has that got to do with black people ?

They are the ones who pushed for the "Fair Housing" laws that made it impossible for communities to keep undesirables out.
The white boy not in prison on roids is a danger that you don't discuss. The roid rage that makes him have violent fits, you don't discuss.

I didn't specify ANY race for Mr. Roid Rage. If it were a white guy, and a cop drilled him in justified self defense, there really wouldn't be a question. Other white people would be happy he was taken out of our gene pool.

Now, you talk about a Laquan McDonald or George Floyd, where a cop used excessive force, absolutely that cop should be held to account.

Don't want to get shot by a cop? Don't do something that cop might perceive as a threat. Don't yell at him, don't make sudden moves, keep your hands where he can see them.

And as a white man who has lived in a system that has given you perpetual affirmative action, you really need to be quiet repeating that racist nonsense whites like you have made up.

I spent 11 years of my life protecting everyone else's freedoms, that gives me the right to express my opinion, thanks for asking.

And if you're discussing something with Paul, keep my name out of your mouth. I don't tolerate the white --- tactic of using a black person against another black person. Especially because most of the time it's done, those like you use it to validate tour racist views.

Hey, Paul thinks you don't need AA, you think they do. Personally, I think there should be some AA, because we aren't where we should be yet. I know I've lost at least two opportunities due to AA where I was far more qualified. (One for race, one for gender). And I'm good with it. A lot of people aren't, which is why you are going to see SCOTUS scrap it pretty soon.

Paul is a black man like me. He has experienced what black men experience in this country. And he is speaking the truth to whites like you, but you aren't man enough to face the reality that on matters of race you don't have the first clue about how things really are. Your white privilege is apparent in every discussion.

By "white privilege" you mean working hard all of my life to achieve what I have? Um, yeah. Funny that. I went to a state university and worked my way through working two minimum wage jobs and serving in the National Guard. Some privilege. Then I served 6 years on active duty... and worked hard and got promoted. Can't blame race on that one, the service is a true meritocracy. For the last 30 years, I've worked a series of civilian jobs. Key thing- worked... not waited for a handout, no "you owe me because someone called Grandpa a Kraut once".

You are the white liberal Malcolm X described.
But it wasn't a white person who put him out of our misery, was it? There's a message in there somewhere, isn't there?

The True History of Slavery and Slave Acquisition in Africa​

- March 01, 2016

Why you have the wrong version of the history of slave acquisition in Africa.
Below are the 3 main reasons you have the wrong story of slave acquisition in Africa.
(1). The tales of Africans selling our children to Europeans for money is a face-saving excuse that white people implanted in the history books to justify slavery.

(2). Moreover, the Euro-centric version of the story you have was achieved worldwide because the history books that disseminated the version of what happened during slavery were written by Europeans themselves, not by Africans!.

(3). It's normal that whenever someone commits a crime, he needs an excuse to justify why he did it. Even serial killers today always have reasons in court to justify why they committed heinous crimes, like; killing many people. Europeans needed an excuse as to why they engaged in slavery, so they came up with these outrageous false stories in the history books claiming we Africans were willingly selling our children to them.
The above 3 reasons are basically why you have the wrong version of the story.

The origin and evolution of forced labor/the origin of slavery

The first record of any form of forced labor was in Europe, not in Africa, not in Asia, not in Australia, not in America. As a matter of fact, Europeans were the first people in the world practicing a form of slave business model known as serfdom (a medieval type of slavery) that was already an established business model as far back as 332 AD, even before they made contact with Africa, even before they made contact with the Americas. Now, I am not saying that slavery haven't been heard before then but I am speaking about an established slave business model practiced widely in Europe.

During the era of serfdom, the Roman empire kept prisoners of war cum slaves!. Rome enslaved Britain. British people themselves were once enslaving themselves in Britain as serfs!. England enslaved Irish and Scottish people. Serfdom swept across Europe in Medieval times and tied thousands of serfs to lands where they labored in servitude!.

Slavery had been so old in Europe that it became a way of life. Till the 1800's, European and American churches, Christian missionaries, and priests still widely held the view that “slavery was ordained by God”. Bible passages were often being quoted to rebellious slaves to remind them to obey their masters, as it was the will of God for them to be enslaved. Popular bible passages used include the below:-

Ephesians 6 5:8 New International Version.
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

We have been miseducated by being taught CWST. It is CWST that has some whites today believing all of Africa was mud huts and primitive people before whites showed up.
No, you presented an African fairy tale passed down word of mouth. That's not accurate or verifiable, didn't your teachers ever have you play telephone in school? You claim blacks are prohibited from living anywhere, that should be easy for you to prove, do so. The Bristol accounts were written while the slave trade was going on. It's pretty hard to change a three-hundred-year-old handwritten ship's logbook. Even if you don't believe hard evidence, try to use common sense. Slave ships had crews of less than FIFTY men, usually far less, how are fifty men who don't know the country and are armed with pikes, cutlasses and flintlock muskets going to capture local tribesmen and women in the hundreds who know the country like the back of their hands?
No, you were presented fact of the slave trade from an African. Now go do the research, because I've shown how racism is systemic. And just like you claim what this African said was a fairy tale you dismissed what you were shown. I am not going to waste time showing you anything.

The first record of any form of forced labor was in Europe, not in Africa, not in Asia, not in Australia, not in America. As a matter of fact, Europeans were the first people in the world practicing a form of slave business model known as serfdom (a medieval type of slavery) that was already an established business model as far back as 332 AD, even before they made contact with Africa, even before they made contact with the Americas. Now, I am not saying that slavery haven't been heard before then but I am speaking about an established slave business model practiced widely in Europe.

Wow, did this person have academic credentials? Slavery LONG preceded the medieval world. The Greeks had slaves. The Egyptians had slaves. There have been slaves as long as there has been recorded history.

Africa had slavery long before Europeans showed up.

No, you were presented fact of the slave trade from an African. Now go do the research, because I've shown how racism is systemic. And just like you claim what this African said was a fairy tale you dismissed what you were shown. I am not going to waste time showing you anything.

I read the first article. It’s the usual bull written by a black based upon events ranging from eighty to a hundred a fifty years ago. Nothing stops a black family from moving into any neighborhood anywhere in the USA that they can afford to. The same barrier blocks whites, Latinos and Asians from some neighborhoods. To develop capital you have to work at it. I rented until I was in my mid thirties. Then I used my Cal Vet benefit to buy a house almost ninety minutes from my job. I lived in that house for fifteen years, until I was transferred another hour away. I sold that house for the same money I bought it for because the neighborhood had declined thanks to Bill Clinton’s “peace dividend” costing my aero-space neighbors their jobs so they all lost their houses. I then bought a small condo a few miles from my job and lived there for another twenty five years and paid it off. I then retired, sold that condo and used the proceeds to pay cash for my retirement home,
Anyone could do what I did by sacrificing and planning. No one gave me anything, I had no white privilege. The only privilege I had was hard work and sacrifice. I EARNED my veterans benefits by shedding sweat and blood protecting you and thirty million people like you. I served alongside Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians and you know what? The only colors we recognized were Army OD Green and the red of blood. I was raised as poor as any Black kid, there were plenty of months where there were days left after the money was gone. Weeks of Mac and cheese and hot dogs for food. My grandmother raised me and we were too proud to take welfare or any government assistance. We lived in cheap, cockroach infested apartments because that’s all we could afford. That’s why I’m totally intolerant of your bullshit; anyone of any race can do what I did.

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