White student attacks teacher . Very disturbing

I assure you I can. I have three pair of nunchakus and know how to use them very well.

The nunchakus are easier and a lot more fun. Plus, you can stick the one stick down the inside of your coat sleeve letting the other hang free down your side and no one can tell you are even armed and they don't show up to an x-ray or metal detector.

The kid knows the teacher cant do squat or he'd lose his teachers certificate.
He's nothing but a punk that needs a good ass whipping.
I am guessing the kid was on meth ??
Was it another one of those troublesome jew kids? I propose arming teachers with nunchakus. My personal non-firearm weapon of choice. Those will take care of any student. First you hit them in the solar plexus hard with the blunt end of the sticks, that folds them over in pain so you can then wrap the sticks around the neck like a nutcracker and use the cord or chain to choke them down cutting off their air. Or crush the windpipe if you go too far.

Octagon Nunchaku with Cord - Octagon Nunchucks with Cord - Octagonal ...
Jews to concern about law and med school to do that crap
Jews to concern about law and med school to do that crap

Naw--- Law school is good so you always know all the legal angles to kick royal ass with and still skirt prosecution, and med school is a great way to learn all of the vulnerable spots, joint locks and pressure points and how to attack without leaving any marks on the body.

They can always blame it on Covid.
Can't find a way to blame this on the teacher?

Maybe you could send your daughter in to tutor this gem. She's have him straightened up in what, 30 minutes? She's 15 right?
I said she could teach him math.

I didn't say she could teach him how to be a human being.

(Which is not her job anyway, and not one she'd be dumb enough to undertake).
I said she could teach him math.

I didn't say she could teach him how to be a human being.

(Which is not her job anyway, and not one she'd be dumb enough to undertake).

This is what you said:

My 15 year old daughter can teach math to ANYONE.

If she can do it, you can do it too.

If you can't, don't. Don't even try.

That means even the big mouthed punk here. ANYONE. 15.

You're a blowhard. And we all can see it.

This is what you said:

That means even the big mouthed punk here. ANYONE. 15.

You're a blowhard. And we all can see it.

You're pretty dimwitted for a teacher.

Read my lips: ANYONE.

Even you.
You're pretty dimwitted for a teacher.

Read my lips: ANYONE.

Even you.

Send her in then. After she teaches the smart-mouthed white kid, she can go to the group home of the 6'6 kid who beat down his paraprofessional.

I'm sure it will be fine. "Anyone". Remember if she can't do it, she's not equipped.
Send her in then. After she teaches the smart-mouthed white kid, she can go to the group home of the 6'6 kid who beat down his paraprofessional.

I'm sure it will be fine. "Anyone". Remember if she can't do it, she's not equipped.
You're just jealous cause YOU couldn't do it.

Your mad because my 15 year old is better and smarter than you are

If I was teacher
It’s shin bone kick to the balls

I had a couple of teachers who had fought in WWII. They didn’t take any shit from students.

However times were different back in the 1960s when I went to high school. We had good discipline. Consequently we actually learned.
Says the one who's always complaining.

That her job is OH SO DIFFICULT.


My particular job takes a lot of energy, and is stressful, but I'm well-equipped for it. We DO have a teaching crisis in that teachers are leaving in record numbers and no young people are going into it.

But no big deal, maybe they can staff those CA schools with all the illegals pouring over the border. No biggie, who cares? Or better yet, send your daughter in. She can teach ANYONE
My particular job takes a lot of energy, and is stressful, but I'm well-equipped for it. We DO have a teaching crisis in that teachers are leaving in record numbers and no young people are going into it.

Which is not surprising at all, as long as you're potty training 5 year olds.

But no big deal, maybe they can staff those CA schools with all the illegals pouring over the border. No biggie, who cares? Or better yet, send your daughter in. She can teach ANYONE

You are a shining example of what's wrong with teachers today.

How about you STOP complaining and START getting the job done?

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