White supremacist isn't all "white"- video

People self-segregate all the time. No one seems to have a problem when NY Hasidic Jews separate themselves from the rest of society. No one seems to care that Chinese people have their own enclaves within cities, or Italians or Germans.

Learn the difference between supremacy and separatism. If you want to witness supremacy douchebaggery, talk to a Zionist Jew.

Wait! I thought ALL immigrants, except for Hispanics, assimulate smoothly and quickly.

They were forced to assimilate, not catered to like little children as the Mexican's and South Americas are. Huge difference.

And accounting for people wanting to be among "their own kind", wait til the mestizos are the majority minority. This country will be in a real culture war then, as the limp wristed faggots look at their belly buttons and those of us who understand our heritage prepare for war.,

You're one of the most ignorant I've ever read. I mean, you're friggin clueless.

those of us who understand our heritage prepare for war.,

Dumb twit. You really think you're gonna take on the US military.

All show and no go.
Racism does not equal supremacy, it equals intolerance and a desire to be separate. Not the same.

You people need to speak in proper English and not make dumb ass suppositions based on your own prejudices.

If you want to pick nits, racism does not necessarily entail a desire to be separate. Work on your own English before doling out free advice, professor.

In the case of the person being discussed, he wants separation. Dipshit. He doesn't claim anywhere that I can see that he thinks whites are superior. Work on your own ability to comprehend, doucher.
If someone makes a statement that "Racism is their religion" and advocates "a racial holy war". That sounds like a "supremacist" by every definition.

On the flip side, if his mantra was simply, "I harbor no resentment or sentiment of superiority towards any other ethnic or racial group, but prefer to live around people who look like me", that is much different.


Racism does not equal supremacy, it equals intolerance and a desire to be separate. Not the same.

You people need to speak in proper English and not make dumb ass suppositions based on your own prejudices.

Im not sure what you mean by "you people". You need to take your "dumb ass" argument up with the all of those who have written articles about this "person", the majority, if not all of whom define him as a "supremacist". Google him and that is what you will find.

Since you are a self appointed authority on what a "supremacist" is, feel free to name one, and then make a career out of correcting all of those who view him as one.

Or are you going to next state that there is no such thing, based on YOUR prejudices?

You people- you foolish children who cannot seem to understand the difference between separatism and supremacy.

I personally wouldn't live in this guy's concept of Utopia, but the arguments being made against his right to make his own choices are pedestrian and emotional, not logical. YOU PEOPLE, seem to not understand either, the difference in understanding the man's personal views while not personally endorsing them.
Racism does not equal supremacy, it equals intolerance and a desire to be separate. Not the same.

You people need to speak in proper English and not make dumb ass suppositions based on your own prejudices.

Im not sure what you mean by "you people". You need to take your "dumb ass" argument up with the all of those who have written articles about this "person", the majority, if not all of whom define him as a "supremacist". Google him and that is what you will find.

Since you are a self appointed authority on what a "supremacist" is, feel free to name one, and then make a career out of correcting all of those who view him as one.

Or are you going to next state that there is no such thing, based on YOUR prejudices?

You people- you foolish children who cannot seem to understand the difference between separatism and supremacy.

I personally wouldn't live in this guy's concept of Utopia, but the arguments being made against his right to make his own choices are pedestrian and emotional, not logical. YOU PEOPLE, seem to not understand either, the difference in understanding the man's personal views while not personally endorsing them.

I guess it went it right over your head that he is described as a "supremacist" in practically every article about him, and since you insist that he is not, I asked you to name someone who is, by YOUR definition.

Speaking for myself, I have no dog in the fight or any emotional investment as far as taking a position on what his beliefs are.

He can live where he wants to, and frankly, I am just fine with the fact that he wants to segregate.....very far from where I live.

So no, I am not one of "those people" who cares what he does or does not do.
Im not sure what you mean by "you people". You need to take your "dumb ass" argument up with the all of those who have written articles about this "person", the majority, if not all of whom define him as a "supremacist". Google him and that is what you will find.

Since you are a self appointed authority on what a "supremacist" is, feel free to name one, and then make a career out of correcting all of those who view him as one.

Or are you going to next state that there is no such thing, based on YOUR prejudices?

You people- you foolish children who cannot seem to understand the difference between separatism and supremacy.

I personally wouldn't live in this guy's concept of Utopia, but the arguments being made against his right to make his own choices are pedestrian and emotional, not logical. YOU PEOPLE, seem to not understand either, the difference in understanding the man's personal views while not personally endorsing them.

I guess it went it right over your head that he is described as a "supremacist" in practically every article about him, and since you insist that he is not, I asked you to name someone who is, by YOUR definition.

Speaking for myself, I have no dog in the fight or any emotional investment as far as taking a position on what his beliefs are.

He can live where he wants to, and frankly, I am just fine with the fact that he wants to segregate.....very far from where I live.

So no, I am not one of "those people" who cares what he does or does not do.

That was my point in my first post. Others can call him a pig fucker, it doesn't mean he fucks pigs. The use of the word SUPREMACIST is meant to make anyone who wishes to be among people most similar to them, some kind of fiend.

There are "supremacists" but the label is most often simply used to skew how people are viewed, so there can be no discussion of racial differences at all.

This guy is a creep and I have no interest in defending his views, but I am going to defend his right to make his views known without people putting labels on him that do not apply. It's bullshit. It's lazy. It's dishonest.
Racism does not equal supremacy, it equals intolerance and a desire to be separate. Not the same.

You people need to speak in proper English and not make dumb ass suppositions based on your own prejudices.

If you want to pick nits, racism does not necessarily entail a desire to be separate. Work on your own English before doling out free advice, professor.

In the case of the person being discussed...

You made a comment about general terms. Don't try to avoid the point just because you (rightly) feel stupid now.
You people- you foolish children who cannot seem to understand the difference between separatism and supremacy.

I personally wouldn't live in this guy's concept of Utopia, but the arguments being made against his right to make his own choices are pedestrian and emotional, not logical. YOU PEOPLE, seem to not understand either, the difference in understanding the man's personal views while not personally endorsing them.

I guess it went it right over your head that he is described as a "supremacist" in practically every article about him, and since you insist that he is not, I asked you to name someone who is, by YOUR definition.

Speaking for myself, I have no dog in the fight or any emotional investment as far as taking a position on what his beliefs are.

He can live where he wants to, and frankly, I am just fine with the fact that he wants to segregate.....very far from where I live.

So no, I am not one of "those people" who cares what he does or does not do.

That was my point in my first post. Others can call him a pig fucker, it doesn't mean he fucks pigs. The use of the word SUPREMACIST is meant to make anyone who wishes to be among people most similar to them, some kind of fiend.

There are "supremacists" but the label is most often simply used to skew how people are viewed, so there can be no discussion of racial differences at all.

This guy is a creep and I have no interest in defending his views, but I am going to defend his right to make his views known without people putting labels on him that do not apply. It's bullshit. It's lazy. It's dishonest.

It is your right to defend him, as much as it is HIS right to believe as he wishes. I am not even going to call him a "creep".

That being said, "who" by your definition would be an example of a "supremacist"?
I guess it went it right over your head that he is described as a "supremacist" in practically every article about him, and since you insist that he is not, I asked you to name someone who is, by YOUR definition.

Speaking for myself, I have no dog in the fight or any emotional investment as far as taking a position on what his beliefs are.

He can live where he wants to, and frankly, I am just fine with the fact that he wants to segregate.....very far from where I live.

So no, I am not one of "those people" who cares what he does or does not do.

That was my point in my first post. Others can call him a pig fucker, it doesn't mean he fucks pigs. The use of the word SUPREMACIST is meant to make anyone who wishes to be among people most similar to them, some kind of fiend.

There are "supremacists" but the label is most often simply used to skew how people are viewed, so there can be no discussion of racial differences at all.

This guy is a creep and I have no interest in defending his views, but I am going to defend his right to make his views known without people putting labels on him that do not apply. It's bullshit. It's lazy. It's dishonest.

It is your right to defend him, as much as it is HIS right to believe as he wishes. I am not even going to call him a "creep".

That being said, "who" by your definition would be an example of a "supremacist"?

I don't have a name for you if that's what you want, but I have seen supremacist views espoused from all walks of life. Maybe you can throw a name at me and I can offer a yea or nay.
Video Of White Supremacist Learning He Is 14 Percent Black May Be The Best Thing Ever

Craig Cobb, a 62-year-old man who has aimed to start a community for white supremacists and neo-Nazis, received some news that he wasn't too happy about, although we must admit, it gave us quite a chuckle.

During an appearance on The Trisha Goddard Show, Cobb was given the results of a DNA Diagnostics test and found out he is 14 percent Sub-Saharan African, and it was all caught on camera.

Very funny video as this bucket of slime learns he's part black.

You're a race-bating moron.
Video Of White Supremacist Learning He Is 14 Percent Black May Be The Best Thing Ever

Craig Cobb, a 62-year-old man who has aimed to start a community for white supremacists and neo-Nazis, received some news that he wasn't too happy about, although we must admit, it gave us quite a chuckle.

During an appearance on The Trisha Goddard Show, Cobb was given the results of a DNA Diagnostics test and found out he is 14 percent Sub-Saharan African, and it was all caught on camera.

Very funny video as this bucket of slime learns he's part black.

You're a race-bating moron.

How the hell is this race baiting? Is it forbidden to discuss anything to do with race unless you approve it? I think it's a funny situation, some guy being a white supremacist finding out he is 14 percent sub-Saharan African. Extremely ironic, and says something in very universal terms about the reality of basing our individual identity on one racial make-up or another. We are all one true race, the human race. The rest is totally superficial nonsense, and this topic, this situation brings that out. It's a very salient issue, nothing to do with race baiting.
That was my point in my first post. Others can call him a pig fucker, it doesn't mean he fucks pigs. The use of the word SUPREMACIST is meant to make anyone who wishes to be among people most similar to them, some kind of fiend.

There are "supremacists" but the label is most often simply used to skew how people are viewed, so there can be no discussion of racial differences at all.

This guy is a creep and I have no interest in defending his views, but I am going to defend his right to make his views known without people putting labels on him that do not apply. It's bullshit. It's lazy. It's dishonest.

It is your right to defend him, as much as it is HIS right to believe as he wishes. I am not even going to call him a "creep".

That being said, "who" by your definition would be an example of a "supremacist"?

I don't have a name for you if that's what you want, but I have seen supremacist views espoused from all walks of life. Maybe you can throw a name at me and I can offer a yea or nay.

I can certainly offer one, but it was you who insisted that this "person" is not a supremacist.

Surely, based on that opinion, you must have a living benchmark that would define what a real supremacist is.

Other than that, may he find his utopia among those like him.
It is your right to defend him, as much as it is HIS right to believe as he wishes. I am not even going to call him a "creep".

That being said, "who" by your definition would be an example of a "supremacist"?

I don't have a name for you if that's what you want, but I have seen supremacist views espoused from all walks of life. Maybe you can throw a name at me and I can offer a yea or nay.

I can certainly offer one, but it was you who insisted that this "person" is not a supremacist.

Surely, based on that opinion, you must have a living benchmark that would define what a real supremacist is.

Other than that, may he find his utopia among those like him.

Maybe I missed it, but has this man said minorities are inferior? If so, he's a supremacist. To throw another wrench in the works, if he believes as many racial realists do, that there is a sliding scale of intelligence, but that Asian's are at the top of the heap, he's not a supremacist.
I don't have a name for you if that's what you want, but I have seen supremacist views espoused from all walks of life. Maybe you can throw a name at me and I can offer a yea or nay.

I can certainly offer one, but it was you who insisted that this "person" is not a supremacist.

Surely, based on that opinion, you must have a living benchmark that would define what a real supremacist is.

Other than that, may he find his utopia among those like him.

Maybe I missed it, but has this man said minorities are inferior? If so, he's a supremacist. To throw another wrench in the works, if he believes as many racial realists do, that there is a sliding scale of intelligence, but that Asian's are at the top of the heap, he's not a supremacist.

From what I have read, his website called "Podblanc" is anti Semitic. As far as the sliding scale intelligence myth, I do not know if he subscribes to that or not. But one thing is for certain, if he does, and his African heritage is true, he will have to rethink that theory unless he wishes to assign himself to a lower rung of "innate intelligence".


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