White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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Look at how the media and politicians reacted to the Ferguson riots as opposed to Charlottesville.

Ferguson went on and on for weeks, absolute chaos. Someone was set on fire and killed. Time magazine wondered if they should declare the rioters as person of the year and justified violent protest.
Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting

Charlottesville was over before it even started, peaceful until the mask wearing left wing troublemakers showed up. One person died after a car crashed into some people. The media lost their goddamn minds and even some republican politicians got in on the action.
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.

See the trick is ---- you have to go at them on the Prez debate stage and BULLY them into promising to RESPECT the outcome of the election.. Like Ms Clinton did. You can see how her thinking was going. She was playing in a death grudge match. Not an election... Hence --- her now more than a year world-wide excuse tour.. Filled with hate for everyone that didn't vote for her...

Nothing worse then an leftist being denied "their turn" I guess...
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.

They've been trying to revoke democracy for a year now with this Russia farce. This is the new normal. Expect this sort of thing from now on whenever the left doesn't get what they want.
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.

They've been trying to revoke democracy for a year now with this Russia farce. This is the new normal. Expect this sort of thing from now on whenever the left doesn't get what they want.
Oh? How is this any different from the way the right tried to take down Clinton with Whitewater?
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.

See the trick is ---- you have to go at them on the Prez debate stage and BULLY them into promising to RESPECT the outcome of the election.. Like Ms Clinton did. You can see how her thinking was going. She was playing in a death grudge match. Not an election... Hence --- her now more than a year world-wide excuse tour.. Filled with hate for everyone that didn't vote for her...

Nothing worse then an leftist being denied "their turn" I guess...

They blame social media for allowing citizens to get around the corporate media’s propaganda. The last year has seen them kill any account to the right of Stalin on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and even tumblr.
And they pretend surprise it is moving to real life?
I hasn’t started yet.
Nothing worse then an leftist being denied "their turn" I guess...

Nostalgia. Hillarybeast explaining how people who won’t accept the election results are “terrifying” and a “danger to democracy”. For your edification she even pontificates on the cowardice of losers who make excuses and blame outside forces for their loss.
You can’t make this up!

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In regard to the thread title

I once read about a German king who hundreds of years ago wisely let his subjects post in public critical remarks about him. He realized that they only want to blow off steam.


Well, the powers that be in our country have removed the so-called supremacists' websites from the World Wide Web.

Well, the powers that be have banned those so-called supremacists from social media.

Really, is it that surprising that those so-called supremacists are now being forced to blow off steam in the streets?

what on earth are you babbling about? stormfront, daily stormer, infowars, breitbart.... all online. what white supremacist lying sites have been removed? the bots coming from Russia?

Say Comrade, leaving aside that you tossed Jewish owned and operated Breitbart in their (Hey, you're a fucking Nazi, demagoguery is your way), and leaving aside the fact that ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and Alternet serve up FAR more hatred with calls for violence than any of those other sites - did you forget that dailystormer was CENSORED and outlawed as hate speech by our Oligarch elites?

I never went there and never would, but the FACT that you Maoist pigs crushed speech you don't like tells us all we need to know about you Jihadi loving scum..
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?

Just feeding a pandamonium of threats. Many highly visible ones. Like Women's rally that have Madonna screaming about dreaming of blowing up the White House. Or the B list comedian with the bloody Trump head. It's systemic violence and it goes unopposed largely.

Start here..

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

“The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

And since you mentioned ThinkProgress --- here's how their editor handles his opposites in the Media biz..

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke
Ok. Point taken. They sound like conservatives. Send them all to Antarctica.
good --fight fire with fire---the black supremacists hate so give them some hate back
Went to check some of the links -- and here's another pisser.. Seems that YouTube takes down vids depicting violence by the left, but seems to LOVE neo-nazi rally footage.

December 2016:
-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

The fact that the media and many politicians on both sides of the aisle are complicit with the rabid left, that they turn a blind eye to their violence or worse, attempt to justify it really upsets me. This is probably the main reason why we're seeing so many so called "white supremacist" and right wing "extremist" groups cropping up. When you realize that there's these huge media corporations out to get you, and politicians are either too weak or brainwashed to speak in your defense, well.. only an idiot would not start taking on a defensive posture.

I felt a year ago this was gonna lead to larger confrontations. It's still winding up. People are abandoning their senses. And the political circus is just getting started. Clowns don't even have their make-up on yet. Wait for the dueling special counsels and the realizations that WE (you partisan tribal warriors) did FAR more damage to this country screwing with election results than Putin ever dreamed he could do.

It's gonna get dark and downright scary when the indictments start coming out...

Well we tried elections. Doesn’t seem to be working. Next step is finding a better way of making sure they understand defeat.

They've been trying to revoke democracy for a year now with this Russia farce. This is the new normal. Expect this sort of thing from now on whenever the left doesn't get what they want.
Oh? How is this any different from the way the right tried to take down Clinton with Whitewater?

I was in highschool when Bill Clinton was president and I don't really know much about whitewater nor do I care to learn. I find the goofy antics of republican partisans almost as repugnant as democrat partisan scheming but I think the latter is more effective and dangerous.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77 --since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
blacks commit more crime per capita
blacks graduate less
blacks are more of a threat than white supremacists

White genocide? What the hell...whites are thriving in America. There are no pograms...no state orchestrated slaughter...no destruction of culture. Genocide? Hardly.

Well Diversity is Code Word for Ant-White Peoples. I mean you never hear do you of them saying "Nigeria is TOO BLACK, they NEED Diversity, let's import MILLIONS of White peoples into Black Nigeria for Diversity"

But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

No destruction of Culture? They deny the very existence of White Culture, White Culture aka Western Civilisation. At the same time that crowd babble about Black Culture, Muslim Culture, Indian Culture etc EVERYTHING as long as it involves NO White peoples.

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

No state orchestrated slaughter. No that will come to America when the Globalists have disarmed enough of America that ANY person who disagrees with The Globalist Agenda will just be dragged off and never seen again, like what happened under Stalin in Soviet Russia and under Mao in China etc, there is a REASON why therefore in the picture on the right they have the NO COMMUNISM symbol:


Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!

Here in Los Angeles, St. Patrick's day parades have been outlawed because it offends Mexicans. You Stalinists have really done a number on Columbus and Columbus day.

What you Communists want is an enslaved populace that will not resist. White culture is based on liberty, hence it must be eradicated, as you are decades into doing. To pretend that you Maoists are not waging war to utterly destroy white culture is absurd. You lack the power of the Nazis, but you are every bit as voracious in your war to expel anything white.

Those Mexicans must not know about Saint Patrick's Battalion who fought on the Mexican side in the Mexican-American War?
Well Diversity is Code Word for Ant-White Peoples. I mean you never hear do you of them saying "Nigeria is TOO BLACK, they NEED Diversity, let's import MILLIONS of White peoples into Black Nigeria for Diversity"

But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

No destruction of Culture? They deny the very existence of White Culture, White Culture aka Western Civilisation. At the same time that crowd babble about Black Culture, Muslim Culture, Indian Culture etc EVERYTHING as long as it involves NO White peoples.

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

No state orchestrated slaughter. No that will come to America when the Globalists have disarmed enough of America that ANY person who disagrees with The Globalist Agenda will just be dragged off and never seen again, like what happened under Stalin in Soviet Russia and under Mao in China etc, there is a REASON why therefore in the picture on the right they have the NO COMMUNISM symbol:


Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?

"Is there an American White Culture?"

Yes it is European in nature because the European Immigrants brought their RICH cultures with them the immigrants that went to America from 1900 and continuing for decades UNTIL that was replaced by the 1965 immigration thing of DISCRIMINATING against Europeans in favour of Third World Shit Holes.

If Leftists gave a SHIT about HUMAN BEINGS in GENERAL then they would be DEMANDING that those White South African Farmers were en masse imported into America, but of course they are WHITE and Leftists only care about Browns and Blacks because they can be encouraged to vote Leftist and at the same time they already have the In-Built Hate Whitey thing so they are double useful to Leftist Activists to pit against American Whites in the ongoing Leftist Race Baiting Agenda that started in the late 1960s and continues.

What is Black American Culture? Of course originally it was something USEFUL and POSITIVE like Jazz and Blues, what is it now? Gangsta, Bling Bling, Crack Dealing and Gang Wars.
Specifically, what defines American white culture that makes it unique to white Americans?

Gang wars are not solely black...and they have along history. The Mafia, the gangs during prohibition (Capone), the Irish gangs...

What defines American black culture involves music, cuisine, language, clothing styles, etc.

African-American culture - Wikipedia

Some of the most vicious gangs were Jewish founded, and still are, from Murder INC by Jew Louis Bulchalter, to the Russian Mafia by Jew Semion Mogilevich.

But, I guess it's oh so anti-Semitic to point out such.

But, it's totally "Cool" to point out such against Italians, or Irish (White Catholic groups)

I think this kind of anti-White Christian hypocrisy is the kind of thing drawing people into White Supremacism in larger numbers than seen in decades.

The irony is...the very diversity they decry is what allowed them to come to America in the first place.

Well yes but that was because up until 1965 you ONLY allowed immigrants from Non Third World Shit Holes, I mean if you would have for example had had immigration from predominantly Third World Shit Holes beginning in eg. 1910 you would have already become a fucked up mixture of Liberia, Haiti, El Salvador and The Congo decades ago.

That isn't true.

But it is and before the below in 1965 you had the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 and that was the one that prohibited those from Third World Shit Holes from entering America, IF you would have had the below policy from 1910 and therefore the 1921 immigration restriction would not have happened then America by approx 1980 would have already become a Third World Shit Hole itself.


Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

But we still had immigrants from those countries. That act was in effect only from 1920 - 1965, and it lowered but did not eliminate immigration from non-northern European countries. U.S. Immigration Trends

We had many waves of immigration - for example turn of the century saw huge numbers of East European Jews.

It's been good for our country.

Yeah well, at the turn of the century we also saw huge numbers of not just Jews, but also Italians, and Catholic Poles.

Out of the 3, I wouldn't necessarily say that the "Jewish" one is the best.

Considering that while Jewish American achievements maybe higher, than Italians, or Poles but not necessarily, Italians, and Poles still have had some amazing contributions, some which include the American helicopter industry being founded by 2 people of Polish heritages being Igor Sikorsky, and Frank Piasecki, or that Italian Enrico Fermi invented nuclear reactors.

But, then we have to also look at the detriments of these groups as well, and Jews by far have been more detrimental.

Jews have had some massive criminals, including Meyer Lansky, Bernie Madoff, Bugsie Siegel, Ludwig Fainberg, Irv Rubin, Louis Bulchalter, Scott Rothstein, Jonathan Pollard, or Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg's.

Then we look at Jews having major control of Hollywood, and media degeneracy, and Liberal manipulations.

Then no, the Jews aren't so great for America to me, I mean they've manipulated our society to be suicidal, how is this good?
The Jewish ADL has been Anti-White for years, just like the corrupt SPLC, also run by Jews.

Makes no sense; most Jews are white. It's why the leftist hate the Jews.

Do those Leftist Globalists consider themselves as being White though? I mean except when they want to push the White Guilt Meme on Western White people as a means to you know flood Western White nations with Third World waste.

Leftists hate whites, no question about it.

But being Jewish has no part in it.
Mark Lavine, a Jew is fully pro-America and hasn't a racist bone in his body.

Nancy Pelosi is supposedly Catholic, a total fucking racist who would love to see genocide of whites.

A lot of Italians aren't like Pelosi, in fact in Italy they're probably more anti-Abortion, and anti-Immigrant than U.S.A Southern Whites are, and Italians in the U.S.A were big Trump supporters too.

As for Jews, they contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding, and voted nearly 80% for Obama, and Hillary, Jews also dominate media, and Hollywood, they've contributed a lot to many Liberal organizations be it the ACLU, SPLC, or the NAACP.

Then there's the fact that the AJC called for open borders, this is mainstream American Jewish.
In regard to the thread title

I once read about a German king who hundreds of years ago wisely let his subjects post in public critical remarks about him. He realized that they only want to blow off steam.


Well, the powers that be in our country have removed the so-called supremacists' websites from the World Wide Web.

Well, the powers that be have banned those so-called supremacists from social media.

Really, is it that surprising that those so-called supremacists are now being forced to blow off steam in the streets?

what on earth are you babbling about? stormfront, daily stormer, infowars, breitbart.... all online. what white supremacist lying sites have been removed? the bots coming from Russia?

Say Comrade, leaving aside that you tossed Jewish owned and operated Breitbart in their (Hey, you're a fucking Nazi, demagoguery is your way), and leaving aside the fact that ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and Alternet serve up FAR more hatred with calls for violence than any of those other sites - did you forget that dailystormer was CENSORED and outlawed as hate speech by our Oligarch elites?

I never went there and never would, but the FACT that you Maoist pigs crushed speech you don't like tells us all we need to know about you Jihadi loving scum..
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?

Just feeding a pandamonium of threats. Many highly visible ones. Like Women's rally that have Madonna screaming about dreaming of blowing up the White House. Or the B list comedian with the bloody Trump head. It's systemic violence and it goes unopposed largely.

Start here..

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

“The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

And since you mentioned ThinkProgress --- here's how their editor handles his opposites in the Media biz..

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke
Ok. Point taken. They sound like conservatives. Send them all to Antarctica.

They would all kill each other over Global Warming down there with nothing else to do.. :19:

They're not conservatives.. There are party zealots on BOTH sides. That see politics now more a Pro Team sporting event. And we're about to see the zealots become soccer hoodlums and escalate from violent rhetoric to actual violence. It's inevitable now given the abuse of the Fed Govt during the last election cycle and all the brainwashing TARGETED specifically towards the radical wings of BOTH old, corrupt, and failing parties.
what on earth are you babbling about? stormfront, daily stormer, infowars, breitbart.... all online. what white supremacist lying sites have been removed? the bots coming from Russia?

Say Comrade, leaving aside that you tossed Jewish owned and operated Breitbart in their (Hey, you're a fucking Nazi, demagoguery is your way), and leaving aside the fact that ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and Alternet serve up FAR more hatred with calls for violence than any of those other sites - did you forget that dailystormer was CENSORED and outlawed as hate speech by our Oligarch elites?

I never went there and never would, but the FACT that you Maoist pigs crushed speech you don't like tells us all we need to know about you Jihadi loving scum..
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?

Just feeding a pandamonium of threats. Many highly visible ones. Like Women's rally that have Madonna screaming about dreaming of blowing up the White House. Or the B list comedian with the bloody Trump head. It's systemic violence and it goes unopposed largely.

Start here..

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

“The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

And since you mentioned ThinkProgress --- here's how their editor handles his opposites in the Media biz..

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke
Ok. Point taken. They sound like conservatives. Send them all to Antarctica.

They would all kill each other over Global Warming down there with nothing else to do.. :19:

They're not conservatives.. There are party zealots on BOTH sides. That see politics now more a Pro Team sporting event. And we're about to see the zealots become soccer hoodlums and escalate from violent rhetoric to actual violence. It's inevitable now given the abuse of the Fed Govt during the last election cycle and all the brainwashing TARGETED specifically towards the radical wings of BOTH old, corrupt, and failing parties.

:lol: There is that...but maybe they'd freeze first...little zealot icecubes.
Say Comrade, leaving aside that you tossed Jewish owned and operated Breitbart in their (Hey, you're a fucking Nazi, demagoguery is your way), and leaving aside the fact that ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and Alternet serve up FAR more hatred with calls for violence than any of those other sites - did you forget that dailystormer was CENSORED and outlawed as hate speech by our Oligarch elites?

I never went there and never would, but the FACT that you Maoist pigs crushed speech you don't like tells us all we need to know about you Jihadi loving scum..
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?

Just feeding a pandamonium of threats. Many highly visible ones. Like Women's rally that have Madonna screaming about dreaming of blowing up the White House. Or the B list comedian with the bloody Trump head. It's systemic violence and it goes unopposed largely.

Start here..

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

“The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

And since you mentioned ThinkProgress --- here's how their editor handles his opposites in the Media biz..

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke
Ok. Point taken. They sound like conservatives. Send them all to Antarctica.

They would all kill each other over Global Warming down there with nothing else to do.. :19:

They're not conservatives.. There are party zealots on BOTH sides. That see politics now more a Pro Team sporting event. And we're about to see the zealots become soccer hoodlums and escalate from violent rhetoric to actual violence. It's inevitable now given the abuse of the Fed Govt during the last election cycle and all the brainwashing TARGETED specifically towards the radical wings of BOTH old, corrupt, and failing parties.

:lol: There is that...but maybe they'd freeze first...little zealot icecubes.

FCT is always so sensible, we should have candidates for World President FCT can be World President and miketx can be Vice World President and I will run the campaign and also be Senior Presidential Advisor :smoke:
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