White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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And last time I checked --- the OFFICIAL alt-right had net assets of $2700 and couldn't fill a Holiday meeting room with their most intense membership.. You've been punked on this "alt-right" labeling from the time that Bannon and Milo Yiannoupolus were labeled. A gay jew with a burly black lover is NOT a racist or hater. A guy who WORKED for the Jewish founder Breitbart is NOT your biggest immediate threat.

The alt-right is largely conservative mirroring of the far left tactics of labeling and provocation. Hence Keke the frog and the flag of Kekeistan.. You just were never informed of the satire..
Right. These bigots don't exist.
View attachment 184072
View attachment 184073
I got your number, boy.
I have yours too. Zero.
The bigotry and racism of Trump has given rightwing hate groups license to act on their rhetoric of bigotry and hate.

Indeed, but keep in mind that their ranks include "many very fine people"

Rule of thumb: People who show up at protests with little round war shields and Nazi flags ARE NAZI'S
Special Report:

The Year in Hate: Trump buoyed white supremacists in 2017, sparking backlash among black nationalist groups

“President Trump in 2017 reflected what white supremacist groups want to see: a country where racism is sanctioned by the highest office, immigrants are given the boot and Muslims banned,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project. “When you consider that only days into 2018, Trump called African countries ‘shitholes,’ it’s clear he’s not changing his tune. And that’s music to the ears of white supremacists.”

It was a year that saw the “alt-right,” the latest incarnation of white supremacy, break through the firewall that for decades kept overt racists largely out of the political and media mainstream.

  • Trump appointed key administration advisers with ties to the radical right, including Stephen Bannon, the head of Breitbart News who boasted of turning the website into “the platform for the alt-right.” The president thrilled white supremacists with his policy initiatives, such as revving up the country’s deportation machinery and curtailing civil rights enforcement.
  • Reinvigorated white supremacists staged their largest rally in a decade – the demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left an anti-racist counterprotester dead and Trump equivocating over condemning racism. Former Klan boss David Duke called the rally a “turning point” and vowed that white supremacists would “fulfill the promises of Donald Trump” to “take our country back.”
  • White supremacist groups ramped up their recruiting of college students. White nationalist leader Richard Spencer – who previously had prompted Nazi salutes from a post-election audience in Washington when he shouted “Hail Trump” – held a rally at the Lincoln Memorial and appeared on college campuses. The SPLC documented some 300 incidents of racist flyers being distributed on more than 200 campuses.

Read the whole article!!

A note on hate crimes

Hate Crimes On The Rise In The Age Of Trump But They Remain Difficult To Prosecute (VIDEO)

A hate crime is a usually violent crime often motivated by race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors. The FBI defines a hate crime as a:

“… Criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”

Benjamin Wagner, former U.S. Attorney for California’s Eastern District, has prosecuted many hate crimes during his 25-year career. He said:

“You need to prove not just the incident, but the state of mind of the defendant — that what they intended was hate-motivated. That’s never easy and often involves not just looking at the incident, but going back and investigating the background of the defendant.”

There are many ways to find evidence of a hateful motivation behind a crime. Some of those methods include:

  • Defendant’s involvement with any hate groups
  • Possession of hateful literature
  • Hateful graffiti or tattoos
  • The date of the incident
  • The criminal’s history

SPLC are just out of their minds IMAGINING hate and bigotry. I don't see it their way. And I'm nominally jewish and I don't see all the "anti-semitism" that the ADL sees either...

Your problem is --- these orgs are POLITICAL first --- and objective reporters of hate and bigotry last..
Well my friend, I'm not surprised at all. As I recall, you don't see anything any other way but your own way. BTW, I'm "nominally Jewish" also

Then you ought to see that the ADL tends to exaggerate when it's convenient to their political leanings. The SPLC just makes a lot of shit up. Like labeling everything "alt-right' even tho that whole "movement" is satirical street theater..
Millions of whites have seen what has been happening in Europe. 100% certainty they will not be letting it happen here. Only the progressives are going to be shocked when shit REALLY starts hitting the fan!!! I'll be laughing my balls off.:113:
And last time I checked --- the OFFICIAL alt-right had net assets of $2700 and couldn't fill a Holiday meeting room with their most intense membership.. You've been punked on this "alt-right" labeling from the time that Bannon and Milo Yiannoupolus were labeled. A gay jew with a burly black lover is NOT a racist or hater. A guy who WORKED for the Jewish founder Breitbart is NOT your biggest immediate threat.

The alt-right is largely conservative mirroring of the far left tactics of labeling and provocation. Hence Keke the frog and the flag of Kekeistan.. You just were never informed of the satire..
Right. These bigots don't exist.
View attachment 184072

Never SAID that. What I said is that the SPLC is just another biased, self-righteous fact-checking organization with primarily a POLITICAL agenda. Not objective at all. And ANYONE that thinks the "alt-right" is a serious threat doesn't have a sense of great satire.

SPLC and ADL took a deep dive into the conspiracy pool when they started to label people/orgs as "alt-right".
The bigotry and racism of Trump has given rightwing hate groups license to act on their rhetoric of bigotry and hate.

Indeed, but keep in mind that their ranks include "many very fine people"


Except that he never called white supremacists "very fine people". There were indeed some "very fine people" opposing the PURGE of Civil War history from this nation when Charlottesville was happening. I'm one of them. I will protest ANY PURGES of historical, scientific heritage..
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
White people aren't being replaced. They are simply being asked to move over.

Great protest sign you have there. HOW FAR are we being "asked" to move over? You talking just a lane on the freeway or like jacking my car?? :777:Do we need a 14% blacks only lane as part of new infrastructure plan or somethin'?
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
White people aren't being replaced. They are simply being asked to move over.
Definition of replace

transitive verb

1 : to restore to a former place or position

  • replace cards in a file

2 : to take the place of especially as a substitute or successor

3 : to put something new in the place of

Definition of REPLACE

As I stated...

What? The Right is finally getting vocal ?

About time.
We've been vocal since Nov 8, 2016...and we're still not done.

WTF are you talking about? You’ve lost almost every election since then, with Democrats flipping 40 Republican seats so far while Republicans haven’t taken a single Democrat seat.

40 Republican seats? Can we have some of what you are smoking? You must be high to believe that tripe!

There have been four (4) seats in Congress up for special elections. One Senator and three House seats. The last election was a microscopic win for the Dims and the others were not all that impressive ether.
WTF are you talking about? You’ve lost almost every election since then, with Democrats flipping 40 Republican seats so far while Republicans haven’t taken a single Democrat seat
So 40 Republican dog-catchers lost their jobs to Democrats. You're not going to take control of the House or Senate. The People love our tax cuts.

You think just because you say something you made up off the top of your head, that it's true??


CBS News Poll. March 8-11, 2018. N=1,223 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
  • Approve: 38%
  • Disapprove: 47%

Quinnipiac University Poll. March 3-5, 2018. N=1,122 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.
  • Approve: 36%
  • Disapprove: 50%

Monmouth University Poll. March 2-5, 2018. N=803 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.
  • Approve: 41%
  • Disapprove: 42%

Gallup Poll. Feb. 26-March 4, 2018. N=1,509 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
  • Approve: 39%
  • Disapprove: 48%


How well did those polls work for you in November 2016?
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.
The demographics are changing. Whites represented 80% of the population in 1980...but 2000 it had dropped to 69%...2013 63%

"Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019. The total minority population has grown 21 times faster than the white population"
US percentage of non-Hispanic whites hits all-time low of 63%

A main contributor to this demographic change? The 1965 Hart/Celer Immigration Reform Act.
Good read.
The High Price Today of Immigration Reform in 1965
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.

No, we're just going to be left at the mercy of a new demographic majority that hates us and our way of life.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.

If one lives in a grove of tall green trees, surrounded by harsh desert, but never leaves, the world is green place. Most people never leave the grove.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.
The demographics are changing. Whites represented 80% of the population in 1980...but 2000 it had dropped to 69%...2013 63%

"Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019. The total minority population has grown 21 times faster than the white population"
US percentage of non-Hispanic whites hits all-time low of 63%

A main contributor to this demographic change? The 1965 Hart/Celer Immigration Reform Act.
Good read.
The High Price Today of Immigration Reform in 1965
Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019.
Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick!


You responded to me with a remark that is tantamount to saying "non-whites get laid more, so they're having more babies; therefore whites' numerical advantage is shrinking!" Seriously, dude!!!

"I don’t think..."
"Then you shouldn’t talk," said the Hatter.
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.
The demographics are changing. Whites represented 80% of the population in 1980...but 2000 it had dropped to 69%...2013 63%

"Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019. The total minority population has grown 21 times faster than the white population"
US percentage of non-Hispanic whites hits all-time low of 63%

A main contributor to this demographic change? The 1965 Hart/Celer Immigration Reform Act.
Good read.
The High Price Today of Immigration Reform in 1965
Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019.
Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick!


You responded to me with a remark that is tantamount to saying "non-whites get laid more, so they're having more babies; therefore whites' numerical advantage is shrinking!" Seriously, dude!!!

"I don’t think..."
"Then you shouldn’t talk," said the Hatter.
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
No...I didn't, but I am glad I made you laugh today.
Read the second link.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
So white people worried about being replaced
  • The U.S. population is some 325 million.
  • Of those 325M people, between 61% and 76% are white. That's some 200M+ people.
  • Nobody's got a magic spell that replaces white people with anything.
  • White individuals aren't going to self-implode.
  • White individuals aren't going to spontaneously self-immolate.
  • White individuals aren't going to en masse drop dead.
White people worrying about being replaced is a dumbass waste of time.
The demographics are changing. Whites represented 80% of the population in 1980...but 2000 it had dropped to 69%...2013 63%

"Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019. The total minority population has grown 21 times faster than the white population"
US percentage of non-Hispanic whites hits all-time low of 63%

A main contributor to this demographic change? The 1965 Hart/Celer Immigration Reform Act.
Good read.
The High Price Today of Immigration Reform in 1965
Nearly half of American children younger than 5 are minorities, and the number of minorities under 18 is expected to surpass the number of white children by 2019.
Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick!


You responded to me with a remark that is tantamount to saying "non-whites get laid more, so they're having more babies; therefore whites' numerical advantage is shrinking!" Seriously, dude!!!

"I don’t think..."
"Then you shouldn’t talk," said the Hatter.
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

"Non whites get laid more" is how you choose to interpret the data?
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101
White people aren't being replaced. They are simply being asked to move over.
Moved over to where exactly?
You already have your AA policies that legitimise racism against Asian, Jews and whites.
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