White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

Okay so just so we are clear, you are saying that Trump and white supremacy had nothing to do with this and the SOLE reason he did this was what candidates said at a goddamn debate? Don’t you realize how retarded you sound?
Sorry, but I asked you first >>
You got a quote (on video) showing him saying Trump was his reason for doing it ?

If so, Lets see it. Otherwise, :anj_stfu:

When you answer my question which came first then I'll consider answering yours which came second.
Crusius ended the manifesto by saying he expected to be killed in the attack he would allegedly carry out on Saturday. As it turned out, the shooter was not, and he is now behind bars, charged with killing 22 people and wounding 26 others. He said his actions would be misunderstood as being tied to Trump.

"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."

That was the only time Trump appeared in the manifesto, and it appears clear that Crusius borrowed his "fake news" characterization of the news media from the president. But that is not what Trump's critics have charged. They have charged that Trump inspired Crusius to kill. They have charged it so often in the last few days that it has hardened into a general perception that Crusius was inspired by the president. But read the manifesto. It's just not there.

*The word "invasion" has been used in connection with illegal immigration since long before the president ran for office. In the 1990s, for example, the state of California unsuccessfully sued the federal government, claiming the government did not protect states from an "invasion" of illegal immigrants. In 2010, the state of Arizona also unsuccessfully challenged the federal government over a similar "invasion." The word was also used, well before Trump, in general commentary, usually by those who sought to restrict immigration levels into the United States. And more generally, too: Bobby Jindal, the son of immigrants and governor of Louisiana who ended his 2016 presidential campaign with a bitter attack on Trump, used to say that "immigration without assimilation is invasion."
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Nope! As usual White MAGA Man is right. The Democrat debate sent him over the edge when they agreed to free health care for illegals.

FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
Hey moron, this guy deliberately attacked Mexicans and cited Trump has his reason for doing it..
Nope! Once again the proud patriotic White MAGA Man is correct again. Trump was not his reason for doing it. He admits he had already had this ideology several years before Trump became president. Read the last part of the manifesto:

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?
Oh gee that’s convenient. He was racist before Trump. Yeah no shit he was, but because he is part of the long list of RW hate crimes committed since 2018, it’s obvious that Trump’s rhetoric drove him to pull the trigger.
Nope! Once again it was the Democrats rhetoric at the debate of giving illegals free Health Care that drove him to pull the trigger.

In case you missed it!
FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.
Your denial doesn’t fool anyone.

Oh, the one that proves there are other races in your DNA besides white.
I don't need a DNA test to prove there are other race in me besides white. I'm half Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently, as everyone in this forum has known for 6 years.

So once again, I ask you >> "WHAT message of hatred ?" YOu got any WORDS to this so-called "message" ? Got a sentence ? Got anything ?
Oh gee that’s convenient. He was racist before Trump. Yeah no shit he was, but because he is part of the long list of RW hate crimes committed since 2018, it’s obvious that Trump’s rhetoric drove him to pull the trigger.
WHAT "long list of RW hate crimes committed since 2018" ? I challenged you to post that, and you couldn't so it. Now you have the nerve, after that, to claim there's a long list ? Sheeesh!

You're a JOKE.

Lol you pretending I didn’t provide proof both statistical and through a list of offenses of my claim doesn’t change anything. You know you’ve been beat.
Your denial doesn’t fool anyone.

Oh, the one that proves there are other races in your DNA besides white.
I don't need a DNA test to prove there are other race in me besides white. I'm half Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently, as everyone in this forum has known for 6 years.

So once again, I ask you >> "WHAT message of hatred ?" YOu got any WORDS to this so-called "message" ? Got a sentence ? Got anything ?
Sure that’s easy “Mexico is sending rapists”
Lol dude you and I both know you failed this thread miserably.

Lol dude you and I both know you failed this thread miserably. And so does anybody who saw your pathetic excuse for a "list" of white supremacist terrorist acts. You got schooled and owned, and you know it.

Dude why are you denying what I actually posted? I even held your hand and told you what post number it was. Man you’re a pussy.
Okay so just so we are clear, you are saying that Trump and white supremacy had nothing to do with this and the SOLE reason he did this was what candidates said at a goddamn debate? Don’t you realize how retarded you sound?
Sorry, but I asked you first >>
You got a quote (on video) showing him saying Trump was his reason for doing it ?

If so, Lets see it. Otherwise, :anj_stfu:

When you answer my question which came first then I'll consider answering yours which came second.
On video? Please. The text evidence is abundant he worshipped Trump like a little bitch. You moving the goal posts to “video” doesn’t do jack shit. It’s also really funny to me because when we started this debate your standard of evidence was “link”, then “list” and now it’s “video”. God you’re pathetic lol.
Crusius ended the manifesto by saying he expected to be killed in the attack he would allegedly carry out on Saturday. As it turned out, the shooter was not, and he is now behind bars, charged with killing 22 people and wounding 26 others. He said his actions would be misunderstood as being tied to Trump.

"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."

That was the only time Trump appeared in the manifesto, and it appears clear that Crusius borrowed his "fake news" characterization of the news media from the president. But that is not what Trump's critics have charged. They have charged that Trump inspired Crusius to kill. They have charged it so often in the last few days that it has hardened into a general perception that Crusius was inspired by the president. But read the manifesto. It's just not there.

*The word "invasion" has been used in connection with illegal immigration since long before the president ran for office. In the 1990s, for example, the state of California unsuccessfully sued the federal government, claiming the government did not protect states from an "invasion" of illegal immigrants. In 2010, the state of Arizona also unsuccessfully challenged the federal government over a similar "invasion." The word was also used, well before Trump, in general commentary, usually by those who sought to restrict immigration levels into the United States. And more generally, too: Bobby Jindal, the son of immigrants and governor of Louisiana who ended his 2016 presidential campaign with a bitter attack on Trump, used to say that "immigration without assimilation is invasion."
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Nope! As usual White MAGA Man is right. The Democrat debate sent him over the edge when they agreed to free health care for illegals.

FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
Hey moron, this guy deliberately attacked Mexicans and cited Trump has his reason for doing it..
Nope! Once again the proud patriotic White MAGA Man is correct again. Trump was not his reason for doing it. He admits he had already had this ideology several years before Trump became president. Read the last part of the manifesto:

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?
Oh gee that’s convenient. He was racist before Trump. Yeah no shit he was, but because he is part of the long list of RW hate crimes committed since 2018, it’s obvious that Trump’s rhetoric drove him to pull the trigger.
Nope! Once again it was the Democrats rhetoric at the debate of giving illegals free Health Care that drove him to pull the trigger.

In case you missed it!
FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
And “stop the invasion” is not the same as the “kill the illegals” bullshit libs are selling
what metric is used to determine how dangerous a group is?
Body count?

If we go with body count Muslim extremist are 10 times more dangerous then white supremacist but we don't see you liberals our your lap dog media go into hysterics over Muslim extremist

White supremacist attacks are a greater menace than Islamic terrorism. The Washington Times admitted that in 2015. White supremacists have killed more people than Islamic terrorists in the US. since 9/11.

Animal attacks pose a greater threat to Americans than both, combine!

"....the CDC has mortality data for animals back to 1968. This period includes the 9/11 attacks, the deadliest terrorist attacks in world history, which helps to take account of the fat-tailed distribution of actual terrorist attacks. From 1975 through the end of 2016, 7,548 people have been killed by animals while 3,438 have been killed by all terrorists. Even during this time, the annual chance of being killed by an animal is far higher than being killed in a terrorist attack (Table 1).

More Americans Die in Animal Attacks than in Terrorist Attacks

Killers from both extremes are really little better than rabid dogs anyway.
So you can show examples of white supremacy that has harmed America ? Mass shooting attacks ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

I disagree with all that.

You need to respect the officer, no matter what. This "well I don't have to respect him, because he doesn't do whatever", is the reason we are having these problems. If you have a problem with an officer, you take it up with the authorities or in court. But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Second, no we have not seen "too many cases". You have over a million police in this country. How many examples do you have of bad police? What a handful at most? You drive down to Mexico, and you have a handful of good police. You go to some of the African countries, and the police stop your car for nothing, and hold you there until you pay a bribe. You go to Russia, and you piss the police off, and then just beat the living crap out of you for no reason.

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world. People are just too spoiled and have this American Arrogance about them, to realize how good you have it in this country.

Officers are held accountable in this country, and more so here than in most countries. Go talk to immigrants, like I have. They tell you the police here are like a dream compared to where they came from.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

That's the point. You made my point.

Terrorism, if you look it up, is to have a political agenda.

Screen Shot 2019-08-09 at 9.44.04 AM.png

Terrorism has a political agenda. That is part the whole definition of terrorism.

You are correct that many of these lone crazy people are not trying to push for political change, they just want to harm people.

Antifa is terrorism. They have a stated political goal, to eliminate opposing views from public discussion. They try and shut down gatherings of people who have a different ideological view from them. Which is ironic given their name. They are supposedly 'anti-facist' while acting exactly like fascists.

Regardless, you have correctly pointed out that the FBI is treating a politically driven agenda killings in Dayton, with less concern than the other guy in El Paso, or the Bernie Sanders shooter, or the hundreds of other violent crimes perpetrated by Antifa.

That in and of itself, is exactly what I would cite as proof of what is more dangerous.

The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should. And that is how you know that in the long run these people will be stopped, and are less of a long term concern.

But the fact they are deliberately down-playing and ignoring the real terrorism by Antifa, shows a real big danger to this country. That's how Lenin and Hitler gain control of their countries. That's how Hugo Chavez gained control of Venezuela. You have politically motivated actors, who are being ignored by the authorities, and allowed to continue terrorism on the public.

That is the real long term danger.
Many...but the one that trump lives to use us "invasion." The shooter saw himself defending the borders....just as trump ordered...
1. I use the word "invasion" every day. So do thousands of others. That's exactly what it is. No reason to not call it that.

2. No, NOT "just as trump ordered". Trump did not order anyone to conduct a mass shooting.
How do you respond to an invasion?

Oh yea...you kill people
Sam Houston did the same thing when Mexicans invaded the Republic of Texas. You'd think the Mexicans would learn.

So you bring up a classic White Supremacist land theft victory.

That's fucking funny.

White Supremacist Terrorism and the History of Anti-Latino Racism in Texas

Accounting for Texas’ long history of anti-Latino racism situates today’s violent cruelty — both at the hands of the government and white supremacist terrorists — and contextualizes the El Paso massacre, the mass detention of immigrants at our borders, the 77 white supremacist groups in Texas, and fear over the “Hispanic invasion” as more than just a byproduct of the Trump era.
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.

Illegal immigrants with children primarily use food assistance programs and Medicaid, with little or no cash or housing assistance.

Insurance subsidies are a State issue.

We don't let the children go hungry and we've been doing that for a long time. The only thing that has changed is the fierce, hate filled rhetoric from the WH.
You need to respect the officer, no matter what.

Well you certainly should show them respect. They have a loaded gun.

But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Did I mention gun? Yessir, nosir, CanIgosir?

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world.

Yeah well like every occupation, there are good ones and bad ones. Most of them are good, honest, hard working people who want to do their jobs and go home at the end of the day.
Crusius ended the manifesto by saying he expected to be killed in the attack he would allegedly carry out on Saturday. As it turned out, the shooter was not, and he is now behind bars, charged with killing 22 people and wounding 26 others. He said his actions would be misunderstood as being tied to Trump.

"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."

That was the only time Trump appeared in the manifesto, and it appears clear that Crusius borrowed his "fake news" characterization of the news media from the president. But that is not what Trump's critics have charged. They have charged that Trump inspired Crusius to kill. They have charged it so often in the last few days that it has hardened into a general perception that Crusius was inspired by the president. But read the manifesto. It's just not there.

*The word "invasion" has been used in connection with illegal immigration since long before the president ran for office. In the 1990s, for example, the state of California unsuccessfully sued the federal government, claiming the government did not protect states from an "invasion" of illegal immigrants. In 2010, the state of Arizona also unsuccessfully challenged the federal government over a similar "invasion." The word was also used, well before Trump, in general commentary, usually by those who sought to restrict immigration levels into the United States. And more generally, too: Bobby Jindal, the son of immigrants and governor of Louisiana who ended his 2016 presidential campaign with a bitter attack on Trump, used to say that "immigration without assimilation is invasion."
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Nope! As usual White MAGA Man is right. The Democrat debate sent him over the edge when they agreed to free health care for illegals.

FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
Hey moron, this guy deliberately attacked Mexicans and cited Trump has his reason for doing it..
Nope! Once again the proud patriotic White MAGA Man is correct again. Trump was not his reason for doing it. He admits he had already had this ideology several years before Trump became president. Read the last part of the manifesto:

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?
Oh gee that’s convenient. He was racist before Trump. Yeah no shit he was, but because he is part of the long list of RW hate crimes committed since 2018, it’s obvious that Trump’s rhetoric drove him to pull the trigger.

Really? He was became a racists and angry enough to kill people while Obama was president? I thought you idiots on the left-wing told us Obama was going to unite people and bring the country together? Isn't that what all of you people said?

By the way, I love how he went on a long winded rant on the environment. That's a typical right-wing ideological position isn't it?
Truth telling costs you business and fantastic lies gets you business. Really screwed up and bringing it to an end is tough and costly.
Hey moron, this guy deliberately attacked Mexicans and cited Trump has his reason for doing it. Don’t you realize how retarded it would be to be solely inspired by a goddamn debate this early in the political season? This moron would have carried about this mass shooting regardless of how this debate went. My god you people are stupid.
You got a quote (on video) showing him saying Trump was his reason for doing it ?

If so, Lets see it. Otherwise, :anj_stfu:

Okay so just so we are clear, you are saying that Trump and white supremacy had nothing to do with this and the SOLE reason he did this was what candidates said at a goddamn debate? Don’t you realize how retarded you sound?

What caused all this foolish harmful stuff is crooked media .. Crooked educators and crooked democrats

The unwise are rising up because of the crooked brainwashing by the crooks

Nothing wrong with not having some abilities because all humans have some great abilities .. What's wrong is the low logical ability people has been brainwashed to get upset if they cannot vote or to make logic decisions

Then when upset the unwise elects crooks that destroys the nation

The unwise must be stopped from getting brainwashed by crooks

A logic test for voters will solve this grave situation we are in

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