White woman shot to death in front of her 2 year old child in Kroger parking lot by black woman on Valentine’s Day.

Except, he didn't attack him....

He protected his fiancé..

But I get it, you feel a white guy should be able to walk up to any black woman he sees and talk to her like he runs the place -- and her man is supposed to sit there and say "yes massa, no massa"
Maybe that is why folks like Dreijka feel so empowered when they are armed...but would have never did any of it if he didn't have a gun.... because as most men like him (black or white) are cowards...which is why he is getting his ass whooped now....

Markeis McGlockton's fiancé Jacobs was not in danger or being attacked. Michael Drejka was exercising his freedom of speech warning her that she was breaking the law.

It was McGlockton who felt empowered to attack little defenseless Drejka, until he pulled his gun.

Bitch fiancé Jacobs still sayin "But I had my right to park anywhere I want to park."
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As I understand it:

The Caucasian lady and the African American lady had an argument in the parking lot over the right of way.

The Caucasian lady spat at the African American lady and then turned around and returned to her car.

The African American lady then shot the Caucasian lady in the back.

The Caucasian lady had made a fatal mistake: Never ever argue with a person of the killer's ethnicity. If you value your life in a parking lot or on the sidewalk or on public transportation or in a store, just keep your mouth shut and immediately leave the scene as soon as you can.
The mom shouldn't have lowered herself to spitting on people. Still ----------

I'm not sure that gives the black the right to shoot her in the back. Leftists are probably applauding and will quickly get the killer off, however.
Maybe you should have said that to the guy I was responding to..

Since he calls this a "black crime" -- but you won't because pussies are inconsistent like that
By posting it I said it to everyone. I agreed with you. Sorry you are so touchy.
The mom shouldn't have lowered herself to spitting on people. Still ----------

I'm not sure that gives the black the right to shoot her in the back. Leftists are probably applauding and will quickly get the killer off, however.


Fry that bitch in the electric chair!
When 3 black officers beat a young black man to death why did a large number of blacks call the murder racist and even dome claim the tiun man died because of 'White Supremacy' when no whites were involved?

Conditioning from the constant racial division and hatred being pushed on us every day?

The fact is anyone murdering anyone else is a horrific crime. Every life is equally precious and should be protected.

People - everyone - need a break from the intentional racial division being peddled in this country.

MILLIONS of dollars are made pushing racism, racial division, and hate. Politicians, the NAACP, CON MEN like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton make very good livings at it.

I guarantee there was no issue, no dispute, in that parking lot worth a confrontation that led to one person spitting on another and the other shooting and kiling the other in front of her kids.

Discipline, self-control, respect for one another, free your mind from the racial division being peddled, rise above, and, as Jesus taugt, love one another.
Racism and discrimination have been a part of this country since it was founded, I find it amazing that white folks sit around and try to lay racism and discrimination at the feet of black folks when we have been the recipients of it.
Markeis McGlockton's fiancé Jacobs was not in danger or being attacked. Michael Drejka was exercising his freedom of speech warning her that she was breaking the law.

It was McGlockton who felt empowered to attack little defenseless Drejka, until he pulled his gun.

Bitch fiancé Jacobs still sayin "But I had my right to park anywhere I want to park."
What authority did Michael Drejka have to tell her to move or say any damn thing to her? You think just because he is white man he has the right to tell someone black whatever the hell he wants to. If you are bad enough to confront someone's girlfriend or wife over some bullshit, then be man enough to deal with her husband or boyfriend.
Racism and discrimination have been a part of this country since it was founded, I find it amazing that white folks sit around and try to lay racism and discrimination at the feet of black folks when we have been the recipients of it.

Again, like how black folk's' sit around thinking of ways they can blame anything and everything on whites, racism, and 'White Supremacy' ... even the murder of a young black male by 3 black cops.

Again, like how black folk's' sit around thinking of ways they can blame anything and everything on whites, racism, and 'White Supremacy' ... even the murder of a young black male by 3 black cops.

Hmmm, I don't know any black folks who sit around thinking of ways we can blame white folks. Who was/is responsible for racism and discrimination in this country?

Black cops are in many cases worse than white cops, why? Because they have to make the white cops feel like they are of the same mindset as they are, so in many cases they take on the mindset of the oppressor.
Racism and discrimination have been a part of this country since it was founded, I find it amazing that white folks sit around and try to lay racism and discrimination at the feet of black folks when we have been the recipients of it.
You Lie! - Racism was here long before this country was founded.

The founders, the Declaration of Independence & US constitution started to end racism & slavery with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
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Hmmm, I don't know any black folks who sit around thinking of ways we can blame white folks. Who was/is responsible for racism and discrimination in this country?

1. WHO?

2. WHO?
- Which time?

3. WHO?
- In the case of the 3 black officers killing the young black man - BLACKS.
You Lie! - Racism was here long before this country since was founded.
You're right because slaves were brought to these shores before America became a country.
The founders, the Declaration of Independence & US constitution started to end racism & slavery with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Really? The founders of the D of I and US Constitution didn't even seen black folks as human beings. Those documents were created and written by white men, for white men.
Hmmm, I don't know any black folks who sit around thinking of ways we can blame white folks. Who was/is responsible for racism and discrimination in this country?

Black cops are in many cases worse than white cops, why? Because they have to make the white cops feel like they are of the same mindset as they are, so in many cases they take on the mindset of the oppressor.

Wrong! - Black cops are way more sick & tired of blacks rape, rob & murder crime that hurts their community. White cops don't have nearly the ratio those problems in white areas.
Wrong! - Black cops are way more sick & tired of blacks rape, rob & murder crime that hurts their community. White cops don't have nearly the ratio those problems in white areas.
You're right because slaves were brought to these shores before America became a country.

Really? The founders of the D of I and US Constitution didn't even seen black folks as human beings. Those documents were created and written by white men, for white men.

Wrong! - After founding, it just took 74 years for whites to start killing each-other in a civil war to make sure the rest of the southern blacks were free & equal.
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Wrong! - After founding, it just took 74 years for whites to start killing each-other in a civil war to make sure the rest of the southern blacks were free & equal.
Slavery ended 89yrs later and then we had to deal with almost 100yrs of Jim Crow and we still had to deal with racism and discrimination. Your argument is asinine.
You are mostly correct.

Closer to 83 per year (2021) when you add up Gunshot, stabbed, vehicle assault etc. Data a bit messed up since they launched man-made virus.

Still too many. That means they shot 80 too few Criminals in my book. Fire first...go home safe. Don't play with street vermin.

80 police officers vs 1000 civilians shot. The claims that every last one of those was a life or death situation is a bit hard to accept.

Now, to the police credit, they mostly get it right. You have 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops every year, and the police handle nearly all of those professionally.

But the numbers killed are too high, especially compared to other industrialized country where they don't list gun ownership as a right.

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