White woman shot to death in front of her 2 year old child in Kroger parking lot by black woman on Valentine’s Day.

Because the black bitch shot the white girl and killed her..over what, huh? What, huh?!
Because the white bitch spat at her.
Nothing worth taking a life over. That's what.
No, she shouldn't have shot the white bitch for spitting at her.
Punkass. She had no right to take that woman's life like that. She should be hanged publicly within 2 weeks of her inevitable guilty verdict.
So why is it Fuckboy, you didn't want the white punk ass, coward hung in public when he shot and murdered an 8yr old black kid.
America's gone fucking sideways, but some people still have perspective.
Only when it doesn't benefit white folks, right fuckboy.
Guns aren't likely or even capable of killing anyone, you stupid fucktarded leftist shitbag.

No, but they do make it easy to kill people. That's kind of the point.

If this woman hadn't had a gun, she might have scratched or hit this woman who spit on her, until someone broke it up.

Instead... she had a gun... and she shot this woman and will spend the rest of her life in jail.

Everyone loses but the gun makers.
Because the white bitch spat at her.

No, she shouldn't have shot the white bitch for spitting at her.

So why is it Fuckboy, you didn't want the white punk ass, coward hung in public when he shot and murdered an 8yr old black kid.

Only when it doesn't benefit white folks, right fuckboy.

When 3 black officers beat a young black man to death why did a large number of blacks call the murder racist and even dome claim the tiun man died because of 'White Supremacy' when no whites were involved?

Conditioning from the constant racial division and hatred being pushed on us every day?

The fact is anyone murdering anyone else is a horrific crime. Every life is equally precious and should be protected.

People - everyone - need a break from the intentional racial division being peddled in this country.

MILLIONS of dollars are made pushing racism, racial division, and hate. Politicians, the NAACP, CON MEN like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton make very good livings at it.

I guarantee there was no issue, no dispute, in that parking lot worth a confrontation that led to one person spitting on another and the other shooting and kiling the other in front of her kids.

Discipline, self-control, respect for one another, free your mind from the racial division being peddled, rise above, and, as Jesus taugt, love one another.
Maybe NewsVine_Mariyam can respond to this injustice. She seems incapable of acknowledging these.
That is terrible. The black woman just shot her in the back, in the parking lot.

A lot of black women seem to be completely out of control, just screaming, shooting, knocking things over, hitting people, whenever anyone crosses them in any way. Like all the videos we see of violent black women in airports and stores, shrieking and hitting and pulling everything over.

I don't know why Dems make such heroes of these awful types!
Sad story.....prayers to her family and that baby for having to witness it...

Glad the person who did it was arrested..and I am confident she will be sentenced....

But if there is a larger point you are trying to make, you should just make it instead of beating around the bush like a bitch...

Now if you are urging that legislation needs to needs to be passed to crack down on those darkies because of how scary and dangerous they all are -- you should say it......
Officers killed 2
Line of duty means you could die of a heart attack while on the job. Cause of death - donuts!

Point is, the numbers are nowhere near the 180 you claimed.

You are mostly correct.

Closer to 83 per year (2021) when you add up Gunshot, stabbed, vehicle assault etc. Data a bit messed up since they launched man-made virus.

Still too many. That means they shot 80 too few Criminals in my book. Fire first...go home safe. Don't play with street vermin.
Sad story.....prayers to her family and that baby for having to witness it...

Glad the person who did it was arrested..and I am confident she will be sentenced....

But if there is a larger point you are trying to make, you should just make it instead of beating around the bush like a bitch...

Now if you are urging that legislation needs to needs to be passed to crack down on those darkies because of how scary and dangerous they all are -- you should say it......

First good idea you have ever had on this board!
Now if you are urging that legislation needs to needs to be passed to crack down on those darkies because of how scary and dangerous they all are -- you should say it......
Why would we need legislation??

We HAVE legislation against all these black crimes!!

What we need is a government that enforces the law and that puts adequately deterrent penalties against such behavior. THAT we definitely do not have.
Why would we need legislation??

We HAVE legislation against all these black crimes!!

What we need is a government that enforces the law and that puts deterrent penalties against such behavior. THAT we definitely do not have.
Crimes are crime...

Can you tell me the specific legislation that applies to "black crime" -- do they carry the same punishment as "white crime"?

I am just kidding...there is no such thing as white crime..in that case, its just crime....
It's great that everyone can have a gun to settle arguments like these women. Now taxpayers get to foot all their bills.
It's great that everyone can have a gun to settle arguments like these women. Now taxpayers get to foot all their bills.

Correction: One Criminal had a gun (most likely illegally?). We need more guns out there. Good guys need to fire first. Go home safe.
Don't fool with street vermin such as this Black one. Now, I really must do my work.
Correction: One Criminal had a gun (most likely illegally?). We need more guns out there. Good guys need to fire first. Go home safe.
Don't fool with street vermin such as this Black one. Now, I really must do my work.
Q - How many criminals get legally shot per year by a good citizen defending life or property?????

A - Very Few! A few hundred.

Q - How many non-prior criminals get into arguments & shoot a good citizen per year?????

A - A heck of a lot! Over 100,000 US citizens get shot every year.
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As I understand it:

The Caucasian lady and the African American lady had an argument in the parking lot over the right of way.

The Caucasian lady spat at the African American lady and then turned around and returned to her car.

The African American lady then shot the Caucasian lady in the back.

The Caucasian lady had made a fatal mistake: Never ever argue with a person of the killer's ethnicity. If you value your life in a parking lot or on the sidewalk or on public transportation or in a store, just keep your mouth shut and immediately leave the scene as soon as you can.
There is no Black murder, white murder, hispanic murder, etc...

Murder is murder.
Maybe you should have said that to the guy I was responding to..

Since he calls this a "black crime" -- but you won't because pussies are inconsistent like that
Arguing over a parking spot or whatever this argument was over should never lead to someone being killed...especially in front of their child....

Reminds me of this guy shooting someone over a parking spot......and this guy didn't even spit on him.....but the shooter felt he would be protected by Stand your Ground laws...he was wrong...

Police killed 20 unarmed black men in 2022.

There we probably more people who died slipping in the shower.
Arguing over a parking spot or whatever this argument was over should never lead to someone being killed...especially in front of their child....

Reminds me of this guy shooting someone over a parking spot......and this guy didn't even spit on him.....but the shooter felt he would be protected by Stand your Ground laws...he was wrong...

Markeis McGlockton did attack Michael Drejka, but Drejka shot & killed McGlockton while he was retreating. So obviously he was found guilty. Drejka should have wait until that thug attacked again.
Markeis McGlockton did attack Michael Drejka, but Drejka shot & killed McGlockton while he was retreating. So obviously he was found guilty. Drejka should have wait until that thug attacked again.
Except, he didn't attack him....

He protected his fiancé..

But I get it, you feel a white guy should be able to walk up to any black woman he sees and talk to her like he runs the place -- and her man is supposed to sit there and say "yes massa, no massa"
Maybe that is why folks like Dreijka feel so empowered when they are armed...but would have never did any of it if he didn't have a gun.... because as most men like him (black or white) are cowards...which is why he is getting his ass whooped now....


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