White woman shot to death in front of her 2 year old child in Kroger parking lot by black woman on Valentine’s Day.

There are roughly 55 gun related homicides in the US every single day. How many of them do you hear about?

Only the white on black ones, especially if the whitey was a cop. Which is the point of this thread, in case you didn't grasp that.
I just read an update to this story reporting how the mother SPIT on the 'suspect' who shot and killed her.

If true, you can file this story under:

'Things You REALLY Wish You Could Take Back But Can't Because You're DEAD Now.'

For everyone out there, here is a refresher course / 2 books that, if taken to heart and implemented, would solve a MASSIVE amout of crime and violence and would ensure THIS never happens again:



If you read Cliff Notes to get by in school / college, this is for you:

1. LOVE one another

2. Treat others the way you want to be treated

3. Don't disrespect others.

4. You NEVER have the right to touch / hit / spit on ANYONE. WALK AWAY!

In today's society, if you publicly violate the simple rules we learned in kindergarten and Sunday School growing up it can get you killed.

(This is also why Sunday School is still important for your kids...more important than CRT, 'Lets Play I've Got a Secret' in-school Trans-grooming, and 'liberal indoctrination 101' for your 4 -6 year olds.)
How could she be "illegally" carrying a pistol when according to you clowns, everyone has a God-given right to have a gun?
This is the world you want, don't bitch that you have to live in it.

Uh, no, the dick is someone who thinks everyone should have a gun and then expresses horror when people are shot in the back over a parking spot.

The gun was angry over losing a parking spot and shot a mother in the back killing her?
Nishe non-answer.

It was a stupid question, homicide is not normally the word used when the shooting was justified.

But really, who gives a fuck? Even if half of them are justified that is 20 plus gun murders a day of which less than 1 makes the news.
Meh, I've "fixed" myself to live and move about in this Clown World your ilk have created.....Sorry that you are "inadequate" in that regard.....Maybe you can find someone that can hold your hand as you muddle about.

Well, since that gun is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy, probably not.

Are you so ignorant as to believe, that there are not laws governing gun ownership you twit.
Not effective ones, no.
I saw this clip of a guy asking people in NYC how many unarmed black men the police kill per year. Many said 1000, some said 10,000…they looked shocked when they were told it really was.

2020. 24 unarmed black men were killed by police in the US
2021. 26
2022. 20


The media and Dems are blowing this issue way out of proportion to divide the nation into a race war. They laugh at us plebes fighting it out while they steal our tax money.

You cult fucks need to wake up.

The 2020 ANTIFABLM riots killed more people than cops killed unarmed black men in 2020.

Well, that's not entirely true, because no one can give us accurate figures of how many people died during demonstrations in 2020. Do you count the people killed by police? Or someone like Rittenhouse who just wanted to shoot him some darkies (but could only find white allies).

The point is the police DO kill 1000 civilians a year. And by armed, they count anyone who has a baseball bat or a pocket knife.

Meanwhile, in the UK, they only kill 5 people a year. Imagine that.
Well, since that gun is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy, probably not.

Not effective ones, no.
B.S First of all that gun kills no one it's the person using the gun, secondly no laws enacted would have changed the outcome of these mass shootings as the weapons used are illegally obtained.
B.S First of all that gun kills no one it's the person using the gun, secondly no laws enacted would have changed the outcome of these mass shootings as the weapons used are illegally obtained.
Actually most mass shooters buy their guns legally, because the background check system is a joke by design.
Well, that's not entirely true, because no one can give us accurate figures of how many people died during demonstrations in 2020. Do you count the people killed by police? Or someone like Rittenhouse who just wanted to shoot him some darkies (but could only find white allies).

The point is the police DO kill 1000 civilians a year. And by armed, they count anyone who has a baseball bat or a pocket knife.

Meanwhile, in the UK, they only kill 5 people a year. Imagine that.

UK is what? 70million? on an island. We are 330million with out of control Black and Brown savages running amok. do math.
Quit committing VIOLENT CRIMES across the USA and then whine when you must be eliminated.

~180 Police are assassinated annually in the US (mostly by guess who?). Until that drops to zero.....they don't kill enough.
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The black bitch, wow. Are you saying the black bitch shot a white bitch who spat at her.
so you defend a person for killing someone for supposedly spitting at them? Ohh wait no you defend her because of the color of her skin if it were reversed you would be howling like a stuck pig.
SPITTING?? that's the newest story from the street vermin? LOL!
what about the NWORD? Couldn't use that one this time?
<a href="People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2023 | Statista" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.statista.com/graphic/1/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race.jpg" alt="Statistic: Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2023, by race | Statista" style="width: 100%; height: auto !important; max-width:1000px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;"/></a><br />Find more statistics at <a href="Statista - The Statistics Portal" rel="nofollow">Statista</a>

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