White Women and Affirmative Action

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
There are truth the republican right wing refuses to understand.

White women and affirmative action is one of them.

A while back Molly said this:

"It isn't Affirmative Action when a women decided she needed or wanted to work outside of the household. If a women isn't qualified she will not hold a position long at a job. Women have fought for their rightful place in the workforce, equal pay for equal skills, etc. You talk of laws that should have been given to blacks long before they were, I agree, but women were also denied many things in the past. Giving them the same rights as men is not being given an advantage, such as AA."

Her comment is a prime example of how thorough the right wing race baiting has been.

“Hoping to create in white men and women a shared sense of victimization at the hands of people of color, conservatives have made sure to ignore whatever gains have come to women through affirmative action and have sought to “racialize” the debate and its attendant imagery.”

Tim Wise
Since 1972, all federal contractors and first-tier subcontractors with 50 or more employees (or a contract worth $50,000 or more) have been required to maintain written affirmative action plans for women, containing goals and timetables for correcting deficiencies in equal employment opportunity.

How White Supremacy Uses Affirmative Action

All that is is a conspiracy theory.

Whereas actual real affirmative action is written down in legislations, company policies, workplace guides etc.
Racial and Gender discrimination in education and employment is illegal.
Left Wingers are against Civil Rights.
This is 2021, when will they accept that everyone has the same Civil Rights
Affirmative Action should be abolished.

It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a job applicant because of his or her race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.

Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices | U.S. Equal ...

"There are truth"?

This ain't the ghetto. Stymie. Speak properly or just shut the fuck up...
He's probably too used to talking with his hands/arms around his own breed in between licking every finger when eating snacks.

Probably get's brain freeze when faced with a keyboard
Well it seems like a saltine found a typo. Whoopti do.

I Worked In College Admissions And Had To Admit A Bunch Of Mediocre Rich Kids​

My first official job after graduating from college was with my alma mater’s admissions department, where I’d been working part time since my freshman year. I gave tours to potential students and their parents who had expressed (unfounded) concerns about gender-neutral bathrooms in the dorms; then, in my final year, I interviewed high schoolers and submitted write-ups about their performance to their official admissions files. When I was given the opportunity to stay on full time as an associate, the decision practically made itself. I’d graduated a year early to save money on tuition, so I didn’t mind hanging around campus for a little while longer. I would live cheaply in staff housing, get swiped into the dining hall by friends who were still students, and start chipping away at my student loans by the time the grace period ended. Win-win, I thought.

My college was a small, private northeastern liberal arts school. It was a good school — not the best or most competitive, but a very respectable institution. I applied there early decision, suspecting that my status as a good-but-not-great student and white girl who needed financial aid might hinder my prospects during regular admission. (Like some other mid- to upper-tier schools, mine was “need-sensitive,” meaning that admissions might factor a student’s ability to pay during down-to-the-wire acceptance decisions.) Three years later, when I graduated, I was happy to encourage other students to follow in my footsteps.

But by the time my contract was up and I’d helped assemble the next year’s class — not only seeing how the sausage was made, but sticking my hands right there in the meaty mess of it — I was deeply disillusioned about my college, the liberal arts, and, frankly, the entire US education system at large. I saw firsthand how colleges and well-intentioned parents alike can play a crucial role in perpetuating inequity in higher education by prioritizing the acceptance of white, wealthy, and male students to meet their bottom line. The real scourge of higher education isn’t affirmative action, but wealthy families who will pay any price to prioritize their own children and keep their family’s elite status alive.

So while whitey harps about typos and whines about how unfair it is to be white, we continue to see that the only people being given something they aren't qualified to get are whites, and more specifically white men like the ones posting here in this forum right now.

Except for the guy accross the atlantic in his skirt. That haggis has fucked up his brain. Go on to your national front meeting boy, and take your bagpipes with you.

State auditor blasts UC for admitting unqualified students based on wealthy connections​

A stinging report issued by California’s state auditor today slams the University of California for a culture of privileging wealth and access over merit in its admissions process, galvanizing concern that talented low-income students and students of color are displaced by less qualified but better connected students.

The audit report found that four UC campuses “unfairly admitted 64 applicants based on their personal or family connections to donors and university staff” between 2013–14 through 2018–19. Most of the applicants were white and at least half came from families with incomes of $150,000 or more.

Unqualified whites getting into Cal.
Well it seems like a saltine found a typo. Whoopti do.

I Worked In College Admissions And Had To Admit A Bunch Of Mediocre Rich Kids​

My first official job after graduating from college was with my alma mater’s admissions department, where I’d been working part time since my freshman year. I gave tours to potential students and their parents who had expressed (unfounded) concerns about gender-neutral bathrooms in the dorms; then, in my final year, I interviewed high schoolers and submitted write-ups about their performance to their official admissions files. When I was given the opportunity to stay on full time as an associate, the decision practically made itself. I’d graduated a year early to save money on tuition, so I didn’t mind hanging around campus for a little while longer. I would live cheaply in staff housing, get swiped into the dining hall by friends who were still students, and start chipping away at my student loans by the time the grace period ended. Win-win, I thought.

My college was a small, private northeastern liberal arts school. It was a good school — not the best or most competitive, but a very respectable institution. I applied there early decision, suspecting that my status as a good-but-not-great student and white girl who needed financial aid might hinder my prospects during regular admission. (Like some other mid- to upper-tier schools, mine was “need-sensitive,” meaning that admissions might factor a student’s ability to pay during down-to-the-wire acceptance decisions.) Three years later, when I graduated, I was happy to encourage other students to follow in my footsteps.

But by the time my contract was up and I’d helped assemble the next year’s class — not only seeing how the sausage was made, but sticking my hands right there in the meaty mess of it — I was deeply disillusioned about my college, the liberal arts, and, frankly, the entire US education system at large. I saw firsthand how colleges and well-intentioned parents alike can play a crucial role in perpetuating inequity in higher education by prioritizing the acceptance of white, wealthy, and male students to meet their bottom line. The real scourge of higher education isn’t affirmative action, but wealthy families who will pay any price to prioritize their own children and keep their family’s elite status alive.

So while whitey harps about typos and whines about how unfair it is to be white, we continue to see that the only people being given something they aren't qualified to get are whites, and more specifically white men like the ones posting here in this forum right now.

Except for the guy accross the atlantic in his skirt. That haggis has fucked up his brain. Go on to your national front meeting boy, and take your bagpipes with you.

What a fabulous work of fiction!
Well it seems like a saltine found a typo. Whoopti do.

I Worked In College Admissions And Had To Admit A Bunch Of Mediocre Rich Kids​

My first official job after graduating from college was with my alma mater’s admissions department, where I’d been working part time since my freshman year. I gave tours to potential students and their parents who had expressed (unfounded) concerns about gender-neutral bathrooms in the dorms; then, in my final year, I interviewed high schoolers and submitted write-ups about their performance to their official admissions files. When I was given the opportunity to stay on full time as an associate, the decision practically made itself. I’d graduated a year early to save money on tuition, so I didn’t mind hanging around campus for a little while longer. I would live cheaply in staff housing, get swiped into the dining hall by friends who were still students, and start chipping away at my student loans by the time the grace period ended. Win-win, I thought.

My college was a small, private northeastern liberal arts school. It was a good school — not the best or most competitive, but a very respectable institution. I applied there early decision, suspecting that my status as a good-but-not-great student and white girl who needed financial aid might hinder my prospects during regular admission. (Like some other mid- to upper-tier schools, mine was “need-sensitive,” meaning that admissions might factor a student’s ability to pay during down-to-the-wire acceptance decisions.) Three years later, when I graduated, I was happy to encourage other students to follow in my footsteps.

But by the time my contract was up and I’d helped assemble the next year’s class — not only seeing how the sausage was made, but sticking my hands right there in the meaty mess of it — I was deeply disillusioned about my college, the liberal arts, and, frankly, the entire US education system at large. I saw firsthand how colleges and well-intentioned parents alike can play a crucial role in perpetuating inequity in higher education by prioritizing the acceptance of white, wealthy, and male students to meet their bottom line. The real scourge of higher education isn’t affirmative action, but wealthy families who will pay any price to prioritize their own children and keep their family’s elite status alive.

So while whitey harps about typos and whines about how unfair it is to be white, we continue to see that the only people being given something they aren't qualified to get are whites, and more specifically white men like the ones posting here in this forum right now.

Except for the guy accross the atlantic in his skirt. That haggis has fucked up his brain. Go on to your national front meeting boy, and take your bagpipes with you.
The scotch fella is a bit of a freak in his own country.He would prefer to be english and eschews all elements of scotch culture.
The scotch fella is a bit of a freak in his own country.He would prefer to be english and eschews all elements of scotch culture.
Thanks. I played rugby with and against scots and found none to be like him.

State auditor blasts UC for admitting unqualified students based on wealthy connections​

A stinging report issued by California’s state auditor today slams the University of California for a culture of privileging wealth and access over merit in its admissions process, galvanizing concern that talented low-income students and students of color are displaced by less qualified but better connected students.

The audit report found that four UC campuses “unfairly admitted 64 applicants based on their personal or family connections to donors and university staff” between 2013–14 through 2018–19. Most of the applicants were white and at least half came from families with incomes of $150,000 or more.

Unqualified whites getting into Cal.

If you were more intelligent you could have gone to a better school.
There are truth the republican right wing refuses to understand.

White women and affirmative action is one of them.

A while back Molly said this:

"It isn't Affirmative Action when a women decided she needed or wanted to work outside of the household. If a women isn't qualified she will not hold a position long at a job. Women have fought for their rightful place in the workforce, equal pay for equal skills, etc. You talk of laws that should have been given to blacks long before they were, I agree, but women were also denied many things in the past. Giving them the same rights as men is not being given an advantage, such as AA."

Her comment is a prime example of how thorough the right wing race baiting has been.

“Hoping to create in white men and women a shared sense of victimization at the hands of people of color, conservatives have made sure to ignore whatever gains have come to women through affirmative action and have sought to “racialize” the debate and its attendant imagery.”

Tim Wise
Since 1972, all federal contractors and first-tier subcontractors with 50 or more employees (or a contract worth $50,000 or more) have been required to maintain written affirmative action plans for women, containing goals and timetables for correcting deficiencies in equal employment opportunity.

How White Supremacy Uses Affirmative Action

Blacks need special AA laws because they can't compete on an even playing field.
Blacks need special AA laws because they can't compete on an even playing field.
So that's why white racists like you created laws and policy discriminating against us, because you know you can't compete on a level playing field.

Thanks for admitting that.
So that's why white racists like you created laws and policy discriminating against us, because you know you can't compete on a level playing field.

Thanks for admitting that.

Blacks get left in our proverbial dust when the playing field is level. Why? Well, it's not that you're inept necessarily (although that may factor in some), it's that you're lazy...
Voting vaginas are ruining America. And believe it or not, I did not invent the term.

---"I intend to vote with my vagina."---

---Women Are Basically Voting With Their Vaginas---

---Vote your vagina!---

So that's why white racists like you created laws and policy discriminating against us, because you know you can't compete on a level playing field.

Thanks for admitting that.
wtf are you talking about? Like what?

State auditor blasts UC for admitting unqualified students based on wealthy connections​

A stinging report issued by California’s state auditor today slams the University of California for a culture of privileging wealth and access over merit in its admissions process, galvanizing concern that talented low-income students and students of color are displaced by less qualified but better connected students.

The audit report found that four UC campuses “unfairly admitted 64 applicants based on their personal or family connections to donors and university staff” between 2013–14 through 2018–19. Most of the applicants were white and at least half came from families with incomes of $150,000 or more.

Unqualified whites getting into Cal.
Read this part: "unfairly admitted 64 applicants based on their personal or family connections to donors and university staff” between 2013–14 through 2018–19. Most of the applicants were white and at least half came from families with incomes of $150,000 or more". There were over 250,000 students in the University of California system every year during that time. Plus $150,000.00 was a middle class income then, California isn't a cheap place to live in 2018 the median home price home in California was $522,440.00. I can't even calculate the percentage of 250,000 that 64 is, but it isn't even a rounding error.
There are truth the republican right wing refuses to understand.

White women and affirmative action is one of them.

A while back Molly said this:

"It isn't Affirmative Action when a women decided she needed or wanted to work outside of the household. If a women isn't qualified she will not hold a position long at a job. Women have fought for their rightful place in the workforce, equal pay for equal skills, etc. You talk of laws that should have been given to blacks long before they were, I agree, but women were also denied many things in the past. Giving them the same rights as men is not being given an advantage, such as AA."

Her comment is a prime example of how thorough the right wing race baiting has been.

“Hoping to create in white men and women a shared sense of victimization at the hands of people of color, conservatives have made sure to ignore whatever gains have come to women through affirmative action and have sought to “racialize” the debate and its attendant imagery.”

Tim Wise
Since 1972, all federal contractors and first-tier subcontractors with 50 or more employees (or a contract worth $50,000 or more) have been required to maintain written affirmative action plans for women, containing goals and timetables for correcting deficiencies in equal employment opportunity.

How White Supremacy Uses Affirmative Action

Your garbage has nothing to do with what I said. I’m 65, anything I got was from hard work. I didn’t get every job I applied for. I had to attain the skills and experience. WTF do you think AA did for me, you arrogant asshole?
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