White women are latest group to be tossed out of the Democratic coalition

What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Thanks for reminding millions of Voters that white folks are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.
BTW the Democratic Party always wins the majority of HS drop-out voters.

Amazingly HRC still got 3M more votes than your blob.

Yes, you've just been triggered.

One candidate whored their fat ass out to Mexifornians, one candidate told Mexifornians to go fuck themselves...Only one candidate campaigned to win a meaningless popular vote...she’s sitting on her fat ass while the other candidate spends his days bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards from the Oval Office.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?
This is a wonderful development, because white women are a huge percentage of the voting population, and the Democrats are taking a baseball bat and beating them out of their party.

It started with "white privilege" - a cartoon where a white woman explains that she is a beneficiary of white privilege (not a white man!). This, I think, was the opening salvo in the war against white women.

The Democrats have recently discovered that the so-called "gender gap" that they always brag about is entirely fueled by non-white women. The majority of white women are voting Republican.

The Democrats decided to attack white women, saying they are voting to uphold the white patriarchy.

Also, the Democrats have paid no attention at all to the fact that the new embrace of transgenders is hurting women, who probably aren't too crazy about sharing their restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams with men who wear dresses.

The women's rights movement has been completely hijacked by LGBT, so the interests of straight women are no longer considered relevant. Even lesbians are being disenfranchised by the new embrace of transgenders, who claim that lesbians who refuse to have sex with them are "transphobic."

I am having quite a lot of fun watching the various victim groups eat each other like cannibals.
Nancy Pelosi was reelected as majority leader.
Does she look black to you?
In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?
In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?

"More value" is subjective.

Personally, I don't put much value in potential humans OR potential condors.
“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?

"More value" is subjective.

Personally, I don't put much value in potential humans OR potential condors.

Hahaha, okay, I’ll play.
What would you think of folks whom would see a potential Condor as more valuable than a potential human?
Probably because they're an endangered species?

The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?

"More value" is subjective.

Personally, I don't put much value in potential humans OR potential condors.

Hahaha, okay, I’ll play.
What would you think of folks whom would see a potential Condor as more valuable than a potential human?

I would think that they're trying to preserve animals from going extinct and that they don't have any emotional attachments to unborn fetuses.

I don't have an attachment to unborn fetuses either. I just also don't particularly care about condors. So some similarities.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Thanks for reminding millions of Voters that white folks are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.
BTW the Democratic Party always wins the majority of HS drop-out voters.

Amazingly HRC still got 3M more votes than your blob.

Yes, you've just been triggered.

One candidate whored their fat ass out to Mexifornians, one candidate told Mexifornians to go fuck themselves...Only one candidate campaigned to win a meaningless popular vote...she’s sitting on her fat ass while the other candidate spends his days bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards from the Oval Office.

As I said...triggered.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Thanks for reminding millions of Voters that white folks are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.
BTW the Democratic Party always wins the majority of HS drop-out voters.

Amazingly HRC still got 3M more votes than your blob.

Yes, you've just been triggered.

One candidate whored their fat ass out to Mexifornians, one candidate told Mexifornians to go fuck themselves...Only one candidate campaigned to win a meaningless popular vote...she’s sitting on her fat ass while the other candidate spends his days bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards from the Oval Office.

As I said...triggered.

Wow. They are really shitting their pants here.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.
The egg is only a “potential” Condor though.

Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?

"More value" is subjective.

Personally, I don't put much value in potential humans OR potential condors.

Hahaha, okay, I’ll play.
What would you think of folks whom would see a potential Condor as more valuable than a potential human?

I would think that they're trying to preserve animals from going extinct and that they don't have any emotional attachments to unborn fetuses.

I don't have an attachment to unborn fetuses either. I just also don't particularly care about condors. So some similarities.

Hahaha...only in LibTardia is this kind of assbackwards Twilight Zone shit considered rational. Fucking wackos!
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.

Those are the groups keeping the Mexicratic Party relevant. They’re light years from smart. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.
Correct. And they don't want the Condor to go extinct.

So they want to protect all "potential" condors and all existing condors.

Not sure where I lost you here.

Am I misunderstanding you...Are you taking the position that a potential Condor has more value than a potential human?

"More value" is subjective.

Personally, I don't put much value in potential humans OR potential condors.

Hahaha, okay, I’ll play.
What would you think of folks whom would see a potential Condor as more valuable than a potential human?

I would think that they're trying to preserve animals from going extinct and that they don't have any emotional attachments to unborn fetuses.

I don't have an attachment to unborn fetuses either. I just also don't particularly care about condors. So some similarities.

Hahaha...only in LibTardia is this kind of assbackwards Twilight Zone shit considered rational. Fucking wackos!

Don't worry. When humans are an endangered species, then there will be people interested in protecting the endangered potential humans.

Just like with the condor.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.

Those are the groups keeping the Mexicratic Party relevant. They’re light years from smart. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.

Please keep up with the racial slurs... and insults. It tells us all we need to know about your "opinion".
you people are THROWING words around-------time to DEFINE
"white woman" There used to be only three "RACES" -----
Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid------based on issue of skin color
and some facial features and head measurements and ---characteristics
of hair. NOW it is all changed. RACE is based on POLITICAL
Regardless of skin color, hair texture, or facial construct---ANYBODY
can be a "person of color" -----by claiming poverty, islam, or some
familial background in south America. Non-poverty, familial history of
literacy or education, republican party affiliation renders a woman
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?

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