White women are latest group to be tossed out of the Democratic coalition

View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?

Looking at the white conservatives here, I feel very comfortable uttering that smarter people are voting Democratic. You're exhibit A
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?

Looking at the white conservatives here, I feel very comfortable uttering that smarter people are voting Democratic. You're exhibit A
Yeah, but you still gotta deal with the stupidest demographhics voting solidly Democrat. Makes your arguement very silly.
This is a wonderful development, because white women are a huge percentage of the voting population, and the Democrats are taking a baseball bat and beating them out of their party.

It started with "white privilege" - a cartoon where a white woman explains that she is a beneficiary of white privilege (not a white man!). This, I think, was the opening salvo in the war against white women.

The Democrats have recently discovered that the so-called "gender gap" that they always brag about is entirely fueled by non-white women. The majority of white women are voting Republican.

The Democrats decided to attack white women, saying they are voting to uphold the white patriarchy.

Also, the Democrats have paid no attention at all to the fact that the new embrace of transgenders is hurting women, who probably aren't too crazy about sharing their restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams with men who wear dresses.

The women's rights movement has been completely hijacked by LGBT, so the interests of straight women are no longer considered relevant. Even lesbians are being disenfranchised by the new embrace of transgenders, who claim that lesbians who refuse to have sex with them are "transphobic."

I am having quite a lot of fun watching the various victim groups eat each other like cannibals.
Nancy Pelosi was reelected as majority leader.
Does she look black to you?

Only in her heart and soul.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?

Looking at the white conservatives here, I feel very comfortable uttering that smarter people are voting Democratic. You're exhibit A
Yeah, but you still gotta deal with the stupidest demographhics voting solidly Democrat. Makes your arguement very silly.

"stupidest"? Lol....

You mis-spelled "demographics" as well as "argument".
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?

Looking at the white conservatives here, I feel very comfortable uttering that smarter people are voting Democratic. You're exhibit A
Yeah, but you still gotta deal with the stupidest demographhics voting solidly Democrat. Makes your arguement very silly.

"stupidest"? Lol....

You mis-spelled "demographics" as well as "argument".
There is nothing wrong with stupid-er-est. You have the stupidest demographics voting solidly Democra and yet argue smart people vote Dem. |You can't get much stupider. Are you black or Hispanic by any chance? Perhaps just a white dingbat then?
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.

“A fetus is a potential child.”
Don’t you tree hugging wack-jobs protect Condor eggs? Why?

The amount that men know about human reproduction would fit on the head of a pin.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Spin it however you twisted LefTarded folks do...the bottom line is; you wacks will hunger strike and protest day and night to stop land developers from digging up a tree and KILLING it but you’ll champion ShaQuita and Guadalupe for killing their “potential” child....it’s irrational, there’s no logic in it and it’s fucking weird...everybody knows it but you twisted fucks.
Abortions in America are a ghetto thing...a Black and Wetback thing....Mexicrats are on a mission to grow our underclass, as they do the number of baby killing will increase as well.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Spin it however you twisted LefTarded folks do...the bottom line is; you wacks will hunger strike and protest day and night to stop land developers from digging up a tree and KILLING it but you’ll champion ShaQuita and Guadalupe for killing their “potential” child....it’s irrational, there’s no logic in it and it’s fucking weird...everybody knows it but you twisted fucks.
Abortions in America are a ghetto thing...a Black and Wetback thing....Mexicrats are on a mission to grow our underclass, as they do the number of baby killing will increase as well.

I love it when idiots like you tell me what I would do and what I believe. Especially when you take the most obscenely "white privilege" protests and assume that I side with PETA, or go out attacking whalers with Greenpeace.

Idiot white boys like you are going on and on about a non-existant immigrant crisis on the Southern Border, or at least one that didn't exist before Donald Trump manufactured it as an excuse to build his stupid fucking wall, close to 100,000 people will die of opiod addiction and overdoses this year alone. This is a real problem with ugly consequences, and it's costing the economy billiions of dollars every year in lost GDP, emergency medical services for addicts, and now drug companies which are price gouging on living saving drugs.

This is a REAL crisis, and one which the nation desperately needs to address in a real and meaninful way, starting with taking opiod painkillers off the market. And making sure that life-saving anti-overdose drugs which costs pennies per dose to manufacture, are being sold at a price reflective of their cost to produce, not $4,500 per dose.

You come to this forum with your hate and your swagger and go on and on about illegal immigration, but there are real and desperate problems in the USA that Trump is not addressing. You're losing business investment from abroad because Republicans have ignored infrastructure since Reagan was in office.

Then there's voters' rights laws. Five years ago, the Republican House and Senate let the Voters Rights Act expire. Republicans said that voter suppression of poor and minority votes was a thing of the past, even as they gerrymandered the hell out of every state they held, to ensure a Republican House for a generation. Republicans have long claimed voter fraud and we saw a lot of real voter fraud this past election. In each and every case of proveable voter fraud/voter suppression, Republicans were found to have suppressed the vote in poor and minorities neighbourhoods, using obscure forms of ID, not seen in past elections, closing polls in neighbourhoods and locating them outside the city limits with no public transit to the polls, telling bus operators that it was illegal to take busloads of seniors to the polls, and "harvesting" mail-in votes from people who never asked for them. In each and every case of voter suppression and fraud, Republicans were the ones being investigated, charged, and elected by the slimmest of margins.
In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Spin it however you twisted LefTarded folks do...the bottom line is; you wacks will hunger strike and protest day and night to stop land developers from digging up a tree and KILLING it but you’ll champion ShaQuita and Guadalupe for killing their “potential” child....it’s irrational, there’s no logic in it and it’s fucking weird...everybody knows it but you twisted fucks.
Abortions in America are a ghetto thing...a Black and Wetback thing....Mexicrats are on a mission to grow our underclass, as they do the number of baby killing will increase as well.

I love it when idiots like you tell me what I would do and what I believe. Especially when you take the most obscenely "white privilege" protests and assume that I side with PETA, or go out attacking whalers with Greenpeace.

Idiot white boys like you are going on and on about a non-existant immigrant crisis on the Southern Border, or at least one that didn't exist before Donald Trump manufactured it as an excuse to build his stupid fucking wall, close to 100,000 people will die of opiod addiction and overdoses this year alone. This is a real problem with ugly consequences, and it's costing the economy billiions of dollars every year in lost GDP, emergency medical services for addicts, and now drug companies which are price gouging on living saving drugs.

This is a REAL crisis, and one which the nation desperately needs to address in a real and meaninful way, starting with taking opiod painkillers off the market. And making sure that life-saving anti-overdose drugs which costs pennies per dose to manufacture, are being sold at a price reflective of their cost to produce, not $4,500 per dose.

You come to this forum with your hate and your swagger and go on and on about illegal immigration, but there are real and desperate problems in the USA that Trump is not addressing. You're losing business investment from abroad because Republicans have ignored infrastructure since Reagan was in office.

Then there's voters' rights laws. Five years ago, the Republican House and Senate let the Voters Rights Act expire. Republicans said that voter suppression of poor and minority votes was a thing of the past, even as they gerrymandered the hell out of every state they held, to ensure a Republican House for a generation. Republicans have long claimed voter fraud and we saw a lot of real voter fraud this past election. In each and every case of proveable voter fraud/voter suppression, Republicans were found to have suppressed the vote in poor and minorities neighbourhoods, using obscure forms of ID, not seen in past elections, closing polls in neighbourhoods and locating them outside the city limits with no public transit to the polls, telling bus operators that it was illegal to take busloads of seniors to the polls, and "harvesting" mail-in votes from people who never asked for them. In each and every case of voter suppression and fraud, Republicans were the ones being investigated, charged, and elected by the slimmest of margins.

“close to 100,000 people will die of opiod addiction and overdoses this year alone. This is a real problem with ugly consequences, and it's costing the economy billiions of dollars every year in lost GDP, emergency medical services for addicts, and now drug companies which are price gouging on living saving drugs.”

This is nature’s way of thinning the heard...an attrition of sorts...killing off our filthy pieces of shits doesn’t suck.
We are a nation funded and run by good Americans, we have a right to sovereignty, we’ll decide who we want to invite to this country...foreign filth should never be able to impose themselves on us....we laid our laws on the books long ago...it’s time that our electected officials do what they are sworn to do. This is simple shit for third graders.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
"Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor."
I think you missed the third party 'matter'.
I guessing the baby inside the womb would like to have a voice in the matter.
This is a wonderful development, because white women are a huge percentage of the voting population, and the Democrats are taking a baseball bat and beating them out of their party.

It started with "white privilege" - a cartoon where a white woman explains that she is a beneficiary of white privilege (not a white man!). This, I think, was the opening salvo in the war against white women.

The Democrats have recently discovered that the so-called "gender gap" that they always brag about is entirely fueled by non-white women. The majority of white women are voting Republican.

The Democrats decided to attack white women, saying they are voting to uphold the white patriarchy.

Also, the Democrats have paid no attention at all to the fact that the new embrace of transgenders is hurting women, who probably aren't too crazy about sharing their restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams with men who wear dresses.

The women's rights movement has been completely hijacked by LGBT, so the interests of straight women are no longer considered relevant. Even lesbians are being disenfranchised by the new embrace of transgenders, who claim that lesbians who refuse to have sex with them are "transphobic."

I am having quite a lot of fun watching the various victim groups eat each other like cannibals.

In the end.....everyone who supports the left wing socialists will walk up the steps to the Guillotine......
Democrats love Black women, and radical, militant Feminist women, and Lesbians. Straight, White women, not so much.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
"Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor."
I think you missed the third party 'matter'.
I guessing the baby inside the womb would like to have a voice in the matter.

The fetus in the womb has neither thoughts nor feelings, and does NOT have a say in the matter.
In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
I understand your point. In a perfect world one would have to prove they can financially afford a family before having one. But the question is what is a human life and should all human life be protected.

The answer is easy: A person who has been born, is a human life, and those are the lives which we protect.

In terms of reducing abortions, just having universal health care so that prenatal care, confinement and deliver, and post natal care is covered for mother and child would help to reduce infant and maternal deaths at delivery. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death as a result of child birth in the first world. Infant death rates are also high.

Then there's the issue of job protection and maternity leave for pregnant women. In Canada, parents get one year of paid maternity leave through the unemployment insurance program., which pays 55% of income up to $547 a week? Employers are required to keep jobs open for women on maternity leaves, which means we have a lot of mat leave hires for one year contracts.

The US has none of this. Poor women in low income jobs can and do get fired if they are pregnant. In Canada, employers joke that it is impossible to fire a pregnant woman, even for cause. It's pretty much true. In the US, poor women who need the job to support their existing children, know they'll be terminated when their pregnancy becomes obvious.

In Canada, abortion is both legal and free. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy, no muss, no fuss, just ask and your abortion will be given. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA. Despite abortions being legal at any stage of the pregnancy, and free, because poor women have financial supports - health care, maternity leave, job protections, child benefits, child care assistance.

Abortion isn't about "killing babies". 80% of all abortions are about money and poverty. Conservatives are big on the morality of abortion, but are 100% useless in providing family friendly laws and job protections for poor women having babies. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
"Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor."
I think you missed the third party 'matter'.
I guessing the baby inside the womb would like to have a voice in the matter.

The fetus in the womb has neither thoughts nor feelings, and does NOT have a say in the matter.
You don't know this for a fact.
Abortion should be encouraged among Democrats. Tell them their children aren't children. Make up a whole new species. That will do it. Every democrat abortion is one less enemy.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.

Those are the groups keeping the Mexicratic Party relevant. They’re light years from smart. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.

Please keep up with the racial slurs... and insults. It tells us all we need to know about your "opinion".
The fact other pseudocons coddle and protect racists like BrokeLoser communicates everything about Republicans that minorities and women need to know.

They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?
They vote Democrat precisely because of retarded posts like yours. They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them and calls them stupid and subhuman.

So you just keep opening your big fat racist mouth, retard. The Democrats thank you for it.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.

Those are the groups keeping the Mexicratic Party relevant. They’re light years from smart. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.

Please keep up with the racial slurs... and insults. It tells us all we need to know about your "opinion".
The fact other pseudocons coddle and protect racists like BrokeLoser communicates everything about Republicans that minorities and women need to know.

They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.

Racists and women haters . They don’t just target abortion , they target anything to do with woman’s reproductive rights .

They want to eliminate it from health coverage and they want to eliminate planned parenthood that does all kinds of medical service for women .
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?
They vote Democrat precisely because of retarded posts like yours. They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them and calls them stupid and subhuman.

So you just keep opening your big fat racist mouth, retard. The Democrats thank you for it.
You mean the intellectually seperior blacks and Hispanics who vote Demin contrast to the inferior whites who vote GOP?

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