White women are latest group to be tossed out of the Democratic coalition

The weak and the helpless never have a say in whether they will live or die. That's how come so many slaves were lynched.
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Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?
They vote Democrat precisely because of retarded posts like yours. They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them and calls them stupid and subhuman.

So you just keep opening your big fat racist mouth, retard. The Democrats thank you for it.
You mean the intellectually seperior blacks and Hispanics who vote Demin contrast to the inferior whites who vote GOP?

You’re the one who believes Mexico will pay for the wall and that Trump has never told a lie in his campaign or administration. I don’t think any race has superior intellect; I just know they are superior to Trump voters and those who still support him; again….like you.
The pro-life movement is mostly run by women, who really care about the issue intensely, while their husbands, boyfriends, brothers take a back seat, show up once a year to the fundraiser and write a check, but otherwise leave it to the women to do all the protesting at abortion clinics, running of alternative clinics and homes for unwed mothers, etc.

So, if Democrats think support for abortion is a winning issue with women, they are failing to take into account the millions of women who are appalled by abortion and oppose it stenuously as their most important issue.
I was shocked that White women were the reason to not have the million woman march. By any ones standard this is racist. How can someone be so focus on skin color what about people who are not white or black who are fifty fifty in race. What do you call them. I have met Mexician, Asian, white, black. I was told by the government that these people are call other. I suppose Other is the new race. I say since when is "Other" a race. anyone have the answer. Don't try Mouleto (or whatever the spelling is) I am not buying that.
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Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?
They vote Democrat precisely because of retarded posts like yours. They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them and calls them stupid and subhuman.

So you just keep opening your big fat racist mouth, retard. The Democrats thank you for it.
You mean the intellectually seperior blacks and Hispanics who vote Demin contrast to the inferior whites who vote GOP?

You’re the one who believes Mexico will pay for the wall and that Trump has never told a lie in his campaign or administration. I don’t think any race has superior intellect; I just know they are superior to Trump voters and those who still support him; again….like you.
tell a lie or made a promise he couldn't keep, different things.
Why should he be the first. You didn't use the same measuring stick on Obama.
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Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you break down education levels appropriately you will see that a MASSIVE number of “non-college” Democrats never even finished high school and that “non-high school” advantage that Democrats have had for decades is now overwhelming.

Add that to the fact that Hispanics tend to be uneducated and it is goodbye to pretending that Democrats are even remotely educated or intelligent.
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Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!

Smart people such as Blacks and Wetbacks?
Do you always ignore statistics?

Ahh, the race card is out.

Those are the groups keeping the Mexicratic Party relevant. They’re light years from smart. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.

Please keep up with the racial slurs... and insults. It tells us all we need to know about your "opinion".
The fact other pseudocons coddle and protect racists like BrokeLoser communicates everything about Republicans that minorities and women need to know.

They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.
And you will see same thing with white women.
View attachment 237637

Smart people vote for Democrats. Not-so-smart people...vote for everyone else. What is most encouraging for the Democrats is that 69% of Hispanics are voting for them. Couple that with the fact that since 2007, over 1 in 4 Americans who were born are of Hispanic descent.... So that 69% will be a larger number moving forward. Add in the almost maniacal need the GOP is voicing for a border crisis that isn't even there...looking very good for the Democrats. I can't wait to see how the Dems fuck it up!
When you've got 89% of blacks and 69% of Hispanics voting Dem, how can you bring yourself to utter that smart people voted for Dems?!

Do you want IQ and SAT results?
They vote Democrat precisely because of retarded posts like yours. They will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them and calls them stupid and subhuman.

So you just keep opening your big fat racist mouth, retard. The Democrats thank you for it.
You mean the intellectually seperior blacks and Hispanics who vote Demin contrast to the inferior whites who vote GOP?

You’re the one who believes Mexico will pay for the wall and that Trump has never told a lie in his campaign or administration. I don’t think any race has superior intellect; I just know they are superior to Trump voters and those who still support him; again….like you.
tell a lie or made a promise he couldn't keep, different things.
Why should he be the first. You didn't use the same measuring stick on Obama.

Really? Is this about keeping one’s doctor?
Looks like a bunch of white women in the new Democratic Caucus to me….

Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 12.01.49 PM.png

Happy Blue Year.
What messages would that be ? Reproductive rights ?

In other words, the cold-blooded killing of innocent children. Those on the left wrong have deluded themselves into thinking that women instinctively care about having a “right” to kill their own children, and that pandering to that is a sure way to attract the votes and political support of women. This, of course, denies principles of basic ethics, biology, and natural selection. For normal, healthy women, the instinct is to love their children, and care for them, and not desire that they be killed at any stage in their lives. Abortion is not only a causative factor, but a symptom, as well, of the serious degeneration of a culture. It's part of a destructive feedback loop, that contributes to the decline and demise of a society. The more society degenerates, the less it values human life, especially the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; and the more society devalues human life, the more it degenerates.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Stupid conservatives think that reproductive rights are about the ability to "kill innocent children', which is bullshit. A fetus is a potential child. It is NOT child. And yes, a mother's instinct is to love her children. Her instinct is to love her CHILDREN above all else. One doesn't love a fetus, a potential child, the way one loves an actual child.

Abortion is always an economic decision. Can we afford another child? Are we in a position to add another child to the family? Conservatives are unwilling to do anything to help poor families bear and keep their offspring, but they are utterly determined that they not be aborted.

Abortion rights is about controlling women, nothing more, nothing less. Conservatives don't give a rat's ass about poor women and their babies, once those babies are born.
Every day and night cable TV runs commercials on sex from every way possible. Cable TV is ruled by progressive socialists. Controlling women means nothing as it is the women who are whores. This era will end in tyranny. And we are moving there nicely. Its not like we do not have near fifty years of evidence on our social welfare system.

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