Whitehouse ***ADMITS*** no evidence of foreign interference in the election process !!!!!!!!!

Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
The only thing your snippet sums up is your ignorance of the word evidence.
So the election machines weren't hacked.

Why were these dishonest people in their lying MSM talking about the "hacking of the election"? If somebody talks about "hacking the election", then he implies that the counting of the votes was influenced by Russian hackers so, that Killary lost the election.

The dishonest talking heads (I cannot call them Journalists) wanted to fool Americans, they hoped that Americans are already dumbed down to such a degree, that they would believe that Putin hacked the election machines and influenced the counting of votes in favour of Trump.
That's not what is being said by serious people... in fact the intelligence reports are claiming jut the opposite. No evidence of voting machine hacks or vote manipulation was found. They did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Try sticking to the facts and not inflating the problem with more dishonestly.
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Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
The only thing your snippet sums up is your ignorance of the word evidence.

Well, dumbass, the classified TOP SECRET version contains sources and methods - which will not be released to the public. It was, however, enough to convince Speaker Paul Ryan.

There’s now enough evidence to conclude that Russia “clearly tried to meddle in our political system,” Paul Ryan (Wis.), the Republican speaker of the House, said Friday.

Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win
explaining the psychological impact of the constant barrage of the email horseshit right up to the FBI investigation Friday before the election to Right Wing DUMBASSES is tantamount to explaining nano technology in a classroom full of earthworms.
I would assume it would be just as difficult as explaining that the email exposed the corrupt under belly of the DNC. Hell their leader even quit over the dirt exposed. But none of that matters to the left wing. They have a fake news story to sell and they will do it any way possible. Much like you did with the innuendo in your post.
The intel report points out that there was a campaign of "fake news" carried out by Russia.

You need to dial it back to the truth.
The did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Well, if Killary and her staff were not corrupt and miserable people, they could not have been discredited.

It was the duty of the media to expose the corruption and crimes of Killary, American people have the right to know who they are voting for. But the MSM is as corrupt, as Killary, and Journalists are de facto prostitutes.

We have to thank the anonymous people who shed light on the corruption and crimes of Killary and her staff. And these miserable and criminal people were stupid, too.

They illegally used a private server for official correspondence, which is a crime!
Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
The only thing your snippet sums up is your ignorance of the word evidence.

Well, dumbass, the classified TOP SECRET version contains sources and methods - which will not be released to the public. It was, however, enough to convince Speaker Paul Ryan.

There’s now enough evidence to conclude that Russia “clearly tried to meddle in our political system,” Paul Ryan (Wis.), the Republican speaker of the House, said Friday.

Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win
Ohhhhhh, the top secret version of the report contains the evidence. The one that we mortals can't see, riiight. :thup:
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Where the evidence?
Do you honestly think they should release the evidence to the public if it compromises their intelligence assets? Do you understand or respect to reasons for classification?

Hell yes they should. Just as they should have released the proof of weapons of mass destruction under W. See where this is going?
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Well, if Killary and her staff were not corrupt and miserable people, they could not have been discredited.

It was the duty of the media to expose the corruption and crimes of Killary, American people have the right to know who they are voting for. But the MSM is as corrupt, as Killary, and Journalists are de facto prostitutes.

We have to thank the anonymous people who shed light on the corruption and crimes of Killary and her staff. And these miserable and criminal people were stupid, too.

They illegally used a private server for official correspondence, which is a crime!
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability... but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process, esp. if it is being done by a foreign government. Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked. Now imagine all of his tax returns got hacked and slowly leaked so every day there were new business dealings, expense Right offs, foreign relationships, that were exposed and spun to make him look like a crooked business man. All this could have been done to Trump and I'm guessing you wouldn't be making excuses for it if that had been the case.
Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
The only thing your snippet sums up is your ignorance of the word evidence.

Well, dumbass, the classified TOP SECRET version contains sources and methods - which will not be released to the public. It was, however, enough to convince Speaker Paul Ryan.

There’s now enough evidence to conclude that Russia “clearly tried to meddle in our political system,” Paul Ryan (Wis.), the Republican speaker of the House, said Friday.

Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win
Ohhhhhh, the top secret version of the report contains the evidence. The one that we mortals can't see, riiight. :thup:
Duh, that's typically how intelligence works. Are you really implying that all of our top intelligence agencies are lying? Really?
Do you honestly think they should release the evidence to the public if it compromises their intelligence assets? Do you understand or respect to reasons for classification?

Hell yes they should. Just as they should have released the proof of weapons of mass destruction under W. See where this is going?
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
The did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Well, if Killary and her staff were not corrupt and miserable people, they could not have been discredited.

It was the duty of the media to expose the corruption and crimes of Killary, American people have the right to know who they are voting for. But the MSM is as corrupt, as Killary, and Journalists are de facto prostitutes.

We have to thank the anonymous people who shed light on the corruption and crimes of Killary and her staff. And these miserable and criminal people were stupid, too.

They illegally used a private server for official correspondence, which is a crime!
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability... but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process, esp. if it is being done by a foreign government. Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked. Now imagine all of his tax returns got hacked and slowly leaked so every day there were new business dealings, expense Right offs, foreign relationships, that were exposed and spun to make him look like a crooked business man. All this could have been done to Trump and I'm guessing you wouldn't be making excuses for it if that had been the case.

Hey... you are upset about the Ruskies trying to influence the election right? Seems wrong right?
OK... explain then this is right or wrong???
Key findings:
7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
So just to be clear. Wrong for Vlad to try to via "hacking" to bring out stories "BAD" for Hillary...
it was OK for MSM to as the above key findings try to influence people to vote for Hillary?
The did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Well, if Killary and her staff were not corrupt and miserable people, they could not have been discredited.

It was the duty of the media to expose the corruption and crimes of Killary, American people have the right to know who they are voting for. But the MSM is as corrupt, as Killary, and Journalists are de facto prostitutes.

We have to thank the anonymous people who shed light on the corruption and crimes of Killary and her staff. And these miserable and criminal people were stupid, too.

They illegally used a private server for official correspondence, which is a crime!
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability... but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process, esp. if it is being done by a foreign government. Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked. Now imagine all of his tax returns got hacked and slowly leaked so every day there were new business dealings, expense Right offs, foreign relationships, that were exposed and spun to make him look like a crooked business man. All this could have been done to Trump and I'm guessing you wouldn't be making excuses for it if that had been the case.

Hey... you are upset about the Ruskies trying to influence the election right? Seems wrong right?
OK... explain then this is right or wrong???
Key findings:
7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
So just to be clear. Wrong for Vlad to try to via "hacking" to bring out stories "BAD" for Hillary...
it was OK for MSM to as the above key findings try to influence people to vote for Hillary?
I'm more upset at the lies, denial, hypocrisy and partisan posturing that is going on. It is completely transparent and dishonest.

It's a pointless conversation to debate whether the results of the elections changed because of Russia's actions. Trump won, election is over. It is relevant to analyze the evidence and take action against obvious meddling in our electoral process unless we want it to keep happening.

Just because the results worked in your favor this time do you really think we should turn a blind eye to what Russia did? You don't see how this can be a problem in the future?
Hell yes they should. Just as they should have released the proof of weapons of mass destruction under W. See where this is going?
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
Tilly, I'm glad you are getting a laugh... as much as I appreciate the trophy points, would you care to make an actual contribution to the conversation?
Just because the results worked in your favor this time do you really think we should turn a blind eye to what Russia did? You don't see how this can be a problem in the future?
Do I think we should turn a "blind eye" to the truth being exposed to the American people? Absolutely not. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. We should celebrate it. Every single day.

And if there ever comes a day that the truth gets exposed about Donald Trump and the RNC - I will celebrate that as well. I was giddy as a school girl when the audio of Donald Trump came out. It's inexcusable that the American people don't get to see the real candidate (unfiltered) do they can make an informed decision.

It's disturbing as hell that you're upset because the truth came out.
And yet Obabble expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the fake hacking, while doing absolutely nothing when China really hacked the OPM and stole PI of millions of government employees (current and former).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why is Russia's hacking fake and China's real?
That is a good point, but I would like to point out that no one is seriously [as opposed to mockingly] denying China's hacking, and also that there is no political/election-result reason for anyone to accuse China of hacking...so they either hacked or are being accused of doing so for no reason at all.
Just because the results worked in your favor this time do you really think we should turn a blind eye to what Russia did? You don't see how this can be a problem in the future?
Do I think we should turn a "blind eye" to the truth being exposed to the American people? Absolutely not. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. We should celebrate it. Every single day.

And if there ever comes a day that the truth gets exposed about Donald Trump and the RNC - I will celebrate that as well. I was giddy as a school girl when the audio of Donald Trump came out. It's inexcusable that the American people don't get to see the real candidate (unfiltered) do they can make an informed decision.

It's disturbing as hell that you're upset because the truth came out.
Ok... you are are so disturbed about Russia leaking emails in the attempt to "influence" voters about Hillary. BAD. Right?
Then why is it ok for this influence effort?
Exactly what is the difference? Both entities tried to influence the voter. What laws did Russia break? What laws did the MSM break?

Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 3.47.52 PM.png

Key findings:
7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
So just to be clear. Wrong for Vlad to try to via "hacking" to bring out stories "BAD" for Hillary...
it was OK for MSM to as the above key findings try to influence people to vote for Hillary?
Just because the results worked in your favor this time do you really think we should turn a blind eye to what Russia did? You don't see how this can be a problem in the future?
Do I think we should turn a "blind eye" to the truth being exposed to the American people? Absolutely not. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. We should celebrate it. Every single day.

And if there ever comes a day that the truth gets exposed about Donald Trump and the RNC - I will celebrate that as well. I was giddy as a school girl when the audio of Donald Trump came out. It's inexcusable that the American people don't get to see the real candidate (unfiltered) do they can make an informed decision.

It's disturbing as hell that you're upset because the truth came out.
Ok... you are are so disturbed about Russia leaking emails in the attempt to "influence" voters about Hillary. BAD. Right?
Then why is it ok for this influence effort?
Exactly what is the difference? Both entities tried to influence the voter. What laws did Russia break? What laws did the MSM break?

View attachment 105660

Key findings:
7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
So just to be clear. Wrong for Vlad to try to via "hacking" to bring out stories "BAD" for Hillary...
it was OK for MSM to as the above key findings try to influence people to vote for Hillary?

The butthurts and the Democrat Media Complex will use ANY pretext to disenfranchise DJT's presidency.

But they are not fooling any one.

DJT must drain the swamp beginning with the heavily politicized CIA.


Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
Except they NEVER had acccess to those servers or computers so they can not actually say any such thing.

Quit spreading fake news. FBI never asked for access to the DNC servers. Instead, they used a private cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike to examine them.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,”Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.

The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

Report: FBI had private company examine DNC's hacked servers
Ya cause after all a private firm hired by the DNC would have no reason to lie for the people paying them after all.

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