Whitehouse ***ADMITS*** no evidence of foreign interference in the election process !!!!!!!!!

Hell yes they should. Just as they should have released the proof of weapons of mass destruction under W. See where this is going?
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets

Yo Vern

that's the reason we REJECTED HRC -- we didn't want our national security assets compromised.

Don't worry about those "highly confident conclusions" (wink, wink) they will stop on January 20th around noon.

Clapper will be in the Crapper.



Hell yes they should. Just as they should have released the proof of weapons of mass destruction under W. See where this is going?
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.

What this actually is, is a rebuttal by an honest administration putting the lie to a dishonest press...hate Obama all you want...as a political adversary in today's times that is understandable, but there would be no other explanation for this administration to come out with this claim other than to make sure they are not part of this media propaganda...Obama has made things easier for all Americans, the sad part in all this is that the white portion of his constituants have done everything in their power to reverse that...white liberals need to be treated differently than the black community, and hopefully conservatives will soon see this...if they do not then they too will also remain useful to the white liberal agenda
Last edited:
Here is clear evidence of foreign interference in the election process:

What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.
Except they NEVER had acccess to those servers or computers so they can not actually say any such thing.

Quit spreading fake news. FBI never asked for access to the DNC servers. Instead, they used a private cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike to examine them.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,”Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.

The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

Report: FBI had private company examine DNC's hacked servers


Why Crowdstrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart-

MAYBE the Russians hacked.....

Lol. From Appendix B of the 'report'

Estimative language consists of two elements: judgments about the likelihood of developments or events occurring and levels of confidence in the sources and analytic reasoning supporting the judgments. Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, was well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.

High Confidence generally indicates that judgements are based on high-quality information from multiple sources. High confidence in a judgment does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty; Such judgments may be wrong.

'Nuff said.
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?

New Evidence?


So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?

The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?

He be jiving

U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.

U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?
Read the FBI report they never touched or had access to the server or computers.
Amazing what happens when new evidence comes to light, isn't it?
What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?
Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?
Read the FBI report they never touched or had access to the server or computers.

So, this proves that no one did?

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