‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

These leftists don’t distinguish between legal and illegal. Thats the entire problem: they feel that laws don’t have to be followed and of course side with the “oppressed” group - no matter if they break laws or not.
excellent point, and could be why the dembot is having a difficult time here
You guys need to help me out.

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST, why does the WHITE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE have to give me a HAND SIGNAL or a DOG WHISTLE to vote for them?

How does that make any sense?

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST....I know the WHITE PUB is who I am going to vote for over the BLACK DEM.

This BIG LIE about hand gestures and dog whistles is just BULLSHIT...and the only people buying it are BLIND SHEEP.
For Penelope :

Read the link and it will explain to you what a DREAMer is…

The woman you are proclaiming to be a DREAMer does not qualify under the rules of the program seeing she was brought here legally with proper documentation and not illegally without proper documentation….

Also you may not know this but even though she was granted citizenship and has held proper documentation she could have denounced her right to be a citizen of the country at a certain age and can retain a dual-citizenship status like Ted Cruz did before running for President, so there is a major difference between DREAMer and what she is and you know this!

Fact is you are attempting to derail the thread because the OP is proving those like you on the far left believe the GOP is just a racist white men club but these elections are showing it to be different and causing the Democratic Party issues with minorities they believe should be the foundation of their party.

The media like CNN and MSNBC have been race baiting for decades and trying to paint the GOP as a WHITES ONLY political party while ignoring the growing number of Hispanics, Asian and even Black voters within the GOP.

So let be clear you are just doing your nonsense to get posters like me to troll you so you can hit report and proclaim abuse but let be clear it is you that should be told to stop your trolling of threads because you are trying to change the subject matter from the Media bias ways and race baiting to something that you have no clue about!
Actually, it has nothing to do with "Whiteness", and more how they played on white fears.

IF the GOP didn't have fear of the other to play on, they'd have no argument at all.

Take out the racial, religious and sexual bullshit, and just focus on economic issues, all the GOP has to offer is, "We want you to work harder for less money so the rich can ride around on dressage horses."

When the economy is in the shitter, (where Republicans almost always end up putting it) enough white people get just smart enough to vote Republicans out...

Then they fall for the Social Issue bullshit again.... someone is threatening your whiteness by telling kids about history. OH NOES!!!!
That why you Leftards love importing millions happy to make 90 cents an hour?
You guys need to help me out.

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST, why does the WHITE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE have to give me a HAND SIGNAL or a DOG WHISTLE to vote for them?

How does that make any sense?

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST....I know the WHITE PUB is who I am going to vote for over the BLACK DEM.

This BIG LIE about hand gestures and dog whistles is just BULLSHIT...and the only people buying it are BLIND SHEEP.
Because the Left can’t run on the insane issues they stand for.
They are now such wretches that everything that does not go their way is due to whiteness
It’s actually due to incredible bad decisions and actions and all the personal irresponsibility thereof. But, those facts hurt feelings and mean change is necessary so they stick with whitey done dem bad.
I'm honestly confused. A black woman just became lieutenant governor of Virginia so what exactly is Reid bitching about?

Reid is a race-baiting moron.


Shit like this is why I don't give a shit anymore. It became clear to me some years ago that no matter what you do or don't do to appease the moral-posturing race baiters, it's never enough and it will never end. And ironically, the white race baiters seem to be more numerous and zealous.
That why you Leftards love importing millions happy to make 90 cents an hour?

Uh, we're not the ones hiring them... that would be the rich plant owners, like the guy Trump pardoned. The rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own children, etc.

Now, there's a simple enough solution to the undocumented immigrant "crisis", go after anyone who hires them, from the sweatshop owner to the nitwit who hires a bunch of day-laborers outside the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

Shit like this is why I don't give a shit anymore. It became clear to me some years ago that no matter what you do or don't do to appease the moral-posturing race baiters, it's never enough and it will never end. And ironically, the white race baiters seem to be more numerous and zealous.

It's never enough because you can't balance it out. Electing the occasional Uncle Tom on a down-ballot position doesn't make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism.
Uh, we're not the ones hiring them... that would be the rich plant owners, like the guy Trump pardoned. The rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own children, etc.

Now, there's a simple enough solution to the undocumented immigrant "crisis", go after anyone who hires them, from the sweatshop owner to the nitwit who hires a bunch of day-laborers outside the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

It's never enough because you can't balance it out. Electing the occasional Uncle Tom on a down-ballot position doesn't make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism.
Of course, no Leftist in America benefits from cheap labor, you all live under rocks wearing potato sacks!
She is a dreamer. Shouldn't all dreamers have that right?? Republicans say NO!!

Winsome Sears, 57, was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and arrived in the United States when she was six. She grew up in the Bronx, entered the Marines as an electrician, and ran a homeless shelter before entering Virginia politics in 2001.

On Wednesday, the day after her historic election, Sears told Fox News's Sean Hannity that she ran as a Republican because the Democrats were complacent about black voters.
Biden says he determines who is black or not.
Take out the racial, religious and sexual bullshit, and just focus on economic issues, all the GOP has to offer is, "We want you to work harder for less money so the rich can ride around on dressage horses."

And all the left has is "We want you to subsist on a paltry sum of government money so we can own your worthless asses and keep you from ever becoming intelligent enough to realize that we own you."

See, I can do it, too...
Uh, we're not the ones hiring them... that would be the rich plant owners, like the guy Trump pardoned. The rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own children, etc.

Now, there's a simple enough solution to the undocumented immigrant "crisis", go after anyone who hires them, from the sweatshop owner to the nitwit who hires a bunch of day-laborers outside the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

It's never enough because you can't balance it out. Electing the occasional Uncle Tom on a down-ballot position doesn't make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism.

And in one stroke you just nullified the significance of a black immigrant being elected to a high office in the U.S. simply because she's a Republican.

Attitudes like yours are precisely why she became a Republican in the first place.

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