‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.
The majority voting block in the country has been socially hammered for a year but it doesn’t affect voting.
How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Eight years earlier, one year after the election of President Barack Obama (who carried both states), Virginia and New Jersey chose Republican governors.

Eight years before that, following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Virginia chose Democrat Mark Warner for governor in 2001. Warner served a term as governor and moved on to the U.S. Senate, where he serves today. His successor as governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, won his term one year after Bush was reelected. Kaine now serves with Warner in the Senate and was their party's 2016 vice presidential nominee.

And if Republicans thrived in Virginia in Clinton's time, Democrats did surprisingly well there during the long era of Ronald Reagan's dominance that preceded it. Starting in 1981, when Reagan was still in his inaugural year in office, Democrats won the governorship three consecutive times with Chuck Robb, Gerald Baliles and Douglas Wilder all serving full four-year terms.


Whiteness has nothing to do with it.

Lame Stream Media - aka DNC - says racism is to blame for Democrats being wiped out.
She is a dreamer. Shouldn't all dreamers have that right?? Republicans say NO!!

Winsome Sears, 57, was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and arrived in the United States when she was six. She grew up in the Bronx, entered the Marines as an electrician, and ran a homeless shelter before entering Virginia politics in 2001.

On Wednesday, the day after her historic election, Sears told Fox News's Sean Hannity that she ran as a Republican because the Democrats were complacent about black voters.
She flew in, didn't slither over the border.
How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Eight years earlier, one year after the election of President Barack Obama (who carried both states), Virginia and New Jersey chose Republican governors.

Eight years before that, following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Virginia chose Democrat Mark Warner for governor in 2001. Warner served a term as governor and moved on to the U.S. Senate, where he serves today. His successor as governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, won his term one year after Bush was reelected. Kaine now serves with Warner in the Senate and was their party's 2016 vice presidential nominee.

And if Republicans thrived in Virginia in Clinton's time, Democrats did surprisingly well there during the long era of Ronald Reagan's dominance that preceded it. Starting in 1981, when Reagan was still in his inaugural year in office, Democrats won the governorship three consecutive times with Chuck Robb, Gerald Baliles and Douglas Wilder all serving full four-year terms.


Whiteness has nothing to do with it.

Congratulations on
Your very first post that isn’t bat shit crazy!
If all Republicans are racist and all
Democrats are not….


Don’t the racists already know to vote Republican?

The media has been telling racists who to vote for. Media says Pubs are racist…so the racists vote Pub.

They don’t need secret words and hand gestures, you stupid fools.
She made up her mind at 6 years of age to be an American citizen.

You are mistaken, she was a dreamer.

You do not even know what the dreamer act is for do you?

It is for the illegals that brought their their children illegally and not for parents that came here legally and applied legally!

Why are you even attempting to twist facts?

Simple, you are upset a non-white won the election as a Republican, so now you want to label here something she is not!
She made up her mind at 6 years of age to be an American citizen.

You are mistaken, she was a dreamer.
hahhaa she was brought here legally....not illegally...she was never here illegally...thus she is not a "Dreamer"

Dreamers are the children who were brought here illegally, and have been living here illegally.

Try again

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