‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

You guys need to help me out.

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST, why does the WHITE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE have to give me a HAND SIGNAL or a DOG WHISTLE to vote for them?

How does that make any sense?

If I am a WHITE SUPREMACIST....I know the WHITE PUB is who I am going to vote for over the BLACK DEM.

This BIG LIE about hand gestures and dog whistles is just BULLSHIT...and the only people buying it are BLIND SHEEP.
This is why Democrats wanted to control our media, our schools, and our sources of information.
Fact is......their statements and policies don't make any sense.....so by controlling all of the above...they can make it appear like it makes sense, and then they can condemn anyone who knows it is nonsensical. They call anyone with a mind of their own a White Supremacist or a Domestic Terrorist.
This is why Democrats wanted to control our media, our schools, and our sources of information.
Fact is......their statements and policies don't make any sense.....so by controlling all of the above...they can make it appear like it makes sense, and then they can condemn anyone who knows it is nonsensical. They call anyone with a mind of their own a White Supremacist or a Domestic Terrorist.

According to left wing idiots like COLFAX, vaccines and theraputics are the same thing.

All "medicine" is a VACCINE.


This is why the communists in power are able to exploit dumb fucks for their own gain of power and money.

These stupid fucks WATCH the DEMS VIOLATE THEIR OWN MASK POLICIES...........and the sheep think nothing of it.

You lost on issues.
BTW Leftists, meet our new Republican Lt Governor, an immigrant.

View attachment 560168 Meet our new Republican AG, his parents fled Cuba.
View attachment 560176
Meet our current Democrat Governor
View attachment 560177
‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset
The Democrats are obsessed with race.
They use race as a political weapon.
They relentlessly make false accusations of racism.
They have a long record of hoax hate crimes.
They are full of racist hate groups.
The Democrats are racist.
The Democrats are obsessed with race.
They use race as a political weapon.
They relentlessly make false accusations of racism.
They have a long record of hoax hate crimes.
They are full of racist hate groups.
The Democrats are racist.
Because Democrats can’t run on issues. They fight fictional ideas like racism and manmade climate change because there’s nobody to fight back.
Because Democrats can’t run on issues. They fight fictional ideas like racism and manmade climate change because there’s nobody to fight back.
They are accusing Youngkin of being a "dog whistler" and that is how he won....... oooohhh the irony
The Democrats the masters of racial dog whistling.
It is hard to believe that there are still people who believe them.

According to left wing idiots like COLFAX, vaccines and theraputics are the same thing.

All "medicine" is a VACCINE.


This is why the communists in power are able to exploit dumb fucks for their own gain of power and money.

These stupid fucks WATCH the DEMS VIOLATE THEIR OWN MASK POLICIES...........and the sheep think nothing of it.

Saw a headline that one of the countries in Europe is changing their death totals from COVID.
They had to change the result because their deaths from COVID were false.
As estimated...only 6% of the reported COVID deaths are due to COVID alone.
94% of them had underlying health issues that killed them instead.
Somebody was just paying them to claim they died from COVID. That's why the US is leading in deaths reported....next to Brazil.
Saw a headline that one of the countries in Europe is changing their death totals from COVID.
They had to change the result because their deaths from COVID were false.
As estimated...only 6% of the reported COVID deaths are due to COVID alone.
94% of them had underlying health issues that killed them instead.
Somebody was just paying them to claim they died from COVID. That's why the US is leading in deaths reported....next to Brazil.


Did I do that correctly, lefties?
Of course, no Leftist in America benefits from cheap labor, you all live under rocks wearing potato sacks!

Oh, we all benefit from them... we just don't want to admit it. For instance, during the HEIGHT of Trump Plague, it was undocumented immigrants they brought in to do the daily scrubdowns of my workplace.

But it's the rich who profit off of them.

And in one stroke you just nullified the significance of a black immigrant being elected to a high office in the U.S. simply because she's a Republican.

Attitudes like yours are precisely why she became a Republican in the first place.

Again, some self-loathing minority telling white people those other darkies sure be shiftless doesn't impress me.

The thing is, most people have no idea who they are voting in as Lt. Governor. in Illinois, in 1986, I believe it was, we had a couple of followers of Lyndon LaRouche win the nominations for Lt. Gov. and Secretary of State because no one really paid attention to who they were. The only race people were paying attention to was governor, and Adlai Stevenson III had to take a dive by removing his name from the Democratic Ballot so he didn't have to run with these twits.

When you guys put up one of these Uncle Toms to run for president instead of getting Herman Cain or Ben "The Pyramids were biblical grain silos" Carson to stand up and tell white people what they want to hear, then I will be impressed. Not before.
The Democrats are obsessed with race.
They use race as a political weapon.
They relentlessly make false accusations of racism.
They have a long record of hoax hate crimes.
They are full of racist hate groups.
The Democrats are racist.

That's nice.

Goldwater's opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon's Southern Strategy
Reagan talking about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks on Food Stamps
Bush's Willie Horton Ad
Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad
Corker's "Playboy mansion" ad
the "Debbie Spend it Now" ad
Trump - well, the list is too long to go into here... He's the one who replaced the Dog Whistle with a bull horn

The GOP uses race, because if they took out the racist bullshit, the only thing they'd have to present to the white working class would be 'We want you to work harder for less money, and less rights at work, so the rich can have more money and pay less taxes!"

Even the densest white person would vote for that.
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Oh, we all benefit from them... we just don't want to admit it. For instance, during the HEIGHT of Trump Plague, it was undocumented immigrants they brought in to do the daily scrubdowns of my workplace.

But it's the rich who profit off of them.

Again, some self-loathing minority telling white people those other darkies sure be shiftless doesn't impress me.

What exactly did Sears say about "those other darkies"?
The thing is, most people have no idea who they are voting in as Lt. Governor.

Then how would you know she's an Uncle Tom?
in Illinois, in 1986, I believe it was, we had a couple of followers of Lyndon LaRouche win the nominations for Lt. Gov. and Secretary of State because no one really paid attention to who they were. The only race people were paying attention to was governor, and Adlai Stevenson III had to take a dive by removing his name from the Democratic Ballot so he didn't have to run with these twits.

Don't care and it's irrelevant.
When you guys put up one of these Uncle Toms to run for president instead of getting Herman Cain or Ben "The Pyramids were biblical grain silos" Carson to stand up and tell white people what they want to hear, then I will be impressed. Not before.

What? That makes no sense and it's redundant. Essentially what you said was: "When you guys put up one of these Uncle Toms to run for president instead of getting one of these Uncle Toms to run for president, then I will be impressed."
Don't care and it's irrelevant.

Completely relevant to the point. Putting an Uncle Tom up for an office no one cares about isn't progress.

What? That makes no sense and it's redundant. Essentially what you said was: "When you guys put up one of these Uncle Toms to run for president instead of getting one of these Uncle Toms to run for president, then I will be impressed."

Uh, no, that's not what I said.

No one ever thinks one of these Uncle Toms is ever going to get the GOP nomination.

The Democrats actually NOMINATED AND ELECTED a black guy. They made a black woman Vice-President.

The Republicans trot out some poor sad Uncle Tom who tells white people what they want to hear.
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Uh, we're not the ones hiring them... that would be the rich plant owners, like the guy Trump pardoned. The rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own children, etc.
Go ahead and bash the job creators again.
Completely relevant to the point. Putting an Uncle Tom up for an office no one cares about isn't progress.

Your point was that people don't know who they're voting for for Lt. governor, which is just an opinion anyway and in addition, is just your way of downplaying the importance of it. Being just an opinion, it's irrelevant to the fact that a black immigrant was elected Lt. governor.
Uh, no, that's not what I said.

No one ever thinks one of these Uncle Toms is ever going to get the GOP nomination.
The Democrats actually NOMINATED AND ELECTED a black guy. They made a black woman Vice-President.

The Republicans trot out some poor sad Uncle Tom who tells white people what they want to hear.

You didn't answer the question: What exactly did Sears say about "those other darkies"?
Go ahead and bash the job creators again.

The rich aren't the "job creators". The job creators are the working class who make and consume the goods and services our economy produces.

The rich are a parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.
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Your point was that people don't know who they're voting for for Lt. governor, which is just an opinion anyway and in addition, is just your way of downplaying the importance of it. Being just an opinion, it's irrelevant to the fact that a black immigrant was elected Lt. governor.

It's just not that important. How unimportant is it? We had a Lt. Governor resign because he was fucking bored. (They talked him out of it for a while because the governor had heart surgery).

Most Americans couldn't name the Lt. Governor of their state on a bet.
What exactly did Sears say about "those other darkies"?

Then how would you know she's an Uncle Tom?

Don't care and it's irrelevant.

What? That makes no sense and it's redundant. Essentially what you said was: "When you guys put up one of these Uncle Toms to run for president instead of getting one of these Uncle Toms to run for president, then I will be impressed."
I’m ignoring that racist leftist whom you responded to, but did he actually refer to black Republicans as “Uncle Toms”?? Wow. These “tolerant, accepting, welcoming” leftists sure do reveal their contempt for blacks who think for themselves and prefer the Republican side.
It's just not that important. How unimportant is it? We had a Lt. Governor resign because he was fucking bored. (They talked him out of it for a while because the governor had heart surgery).

Most Americans couldn't name the Lt. Governor of their state on a bet.

If it's not that important then why does Sears merit your attention enough to call her an Uncle Tom?

Which brings me back to my question: What exactly did Sears say about "those other darkies"?
If it's not that important then why does Sears merit your attention enough to call her an Uncle Tom?

Which brings me back to my question: What exactly did Sears say about "those other darkies"?
OMG. I have that leftist poster on ignore but had to see if he referred to black people as “darkies“ - and yes he did.

And where did Sears say black people “be lazy”? All she did was point out how great America is, and that opportunities are so wonderful here, for minorities as well, that a black immigrant can rise to Lt Gov!

And that what irks leftists. They are furious when blacks are elected to Republican positions, because it reveals the lie that 1) white man keeps blacks oppressed, and 2) Republicans are racists.

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