‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

I wouldn't have given Aunt Jemimah any thought one way or the other, if you guys didn't prop her up as an "example" of how not-racist you are.

Yes, when you win at life's lottery and run down people who didn't, you are calling them "lazy". Get it?

I tend to get furious with the Uncle Toms because they wouldn't have gotten to where they are at if Conservatives had their druthers.

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And that's the rub. Progs can not accept anyone that has their lives improved by their past agendas leave the corral. The failures that have come with it has hamstrung us all. Lost in this is the abuse of our Fiat Currency that has greased the skids. You should be proud. Instead you are following your masters to a quagmire that is not good.
Things don't have to be said blatantly to be said. This is the whole point.

You're not getting out of it that easy. You implied that she regards a certain group of blacks as "those other darkies"; the burden is on you to support this in some way.
When a black person gets up in front of a bunch of white people and talks about "liberty" and "freedom" and all the other bullshit to justify the economic inequities of this civilization, they are victim blaming.

As a black woman and an immigrant to boot, she had the freedom and liberty to run for public office and she did and she won. *shrug*
I'd be more impressed with these Uncle Toms if they got in front of a black audience and said this bullshit...

No one is stopping blacks from attending her speeches and rallies.
Ghost of a Rider Lisa558 DBA

This is one of your peeps. Funny not a one of you condemned him.

This person is not one of my "peeps". I'm not familiar with this poster at all and this is the first time I've even seen the name.
You're not getting out of it that easy. You implied that she regards a certain group of blacks as "those other darkies"; the burden is on you to support this in some way.

Nope, I don't have to at all... the fact that she only gives speeches to audiences of white people who want to hear that racism isn't their fault says it all.

She was part of a ticket that encouraged racism denial.

Imagine if she was Youngkin's Jewish Running Mate who denied the Holocaust was that bad. Then you get an idea of how much of a sell out she is.

As a black woman and an immigrant to boot, she had the freedom and liberty to run for public office and she did and she won. *shrug*

By sucking up to the worst racism I've seen in my lifetime... and I'm old.

This person is not one of my "peeps". I'm not familiar with this poster at all and this is the first time I've even seen the name.

So now that you have seen him, you can condemn him, right?
You lost on issues.
BTW Leftists, meet our new Republican Lt Governor, an immigrant.

View attachment 560168 Meet our new Republican AG, his parents fled Cuba.
View attachment 560176
Meet our current Democrat Governor
View attachment 560177
‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset
It's very common leftist thinking that when you do something and it doesn't work, just do more of what didn't work and don't stop to think that there may actually be a reason why it didn't work.
Dems never admit the people are just fed up with them and their stupid shit policies, instead their excuse is ALWAYS racism. It's no longer working they cried wolf too many times. You lost Dems AHAHAHAHA we are enjoying your pain and suffering.
Nope, I don't have to at all...

No, you don't have to. But if you don't, you look like a chickenshit who can't be trusted or respected. And of course, you are neither.
the fact that she only gives speeches to audiences of white people who want to hear that racism isn't their fault says it all.

Again, no one is stopping blacks from listening to her speeches. If you think she should speak to blacks, get the word out to them to go listen to her. It's not rocket science.
She was part of a ticket that encouraged racism denial.

Somebody's gotta deny it. If you assholes aren't stopped we'll have white conservatives living in concentration camps.
Imagine if she was Youngkin's Jewish Running Mate who denied the Holocaust was that bad. Then you get an idea of how much of a sell out she is.

The fuck are you talking about?
By sucking up to the worst racism I've seen in my lifetime... and I'm old.

I'm betting she doesn't agree with you that racism is as pervasive as you think it is. I know I don't. But guess what? It doesn't make me right and your views don't make you right.
So now that you have seen him, you can condemn him, right?

I'd condemn you before I condemn him/her and I already have. I've seen you say much worse than that.

You are a man without scruples who has become a chattering robot for the left, repeating the same rote nauseating liberal tropes and bullshit narratives. If I plugged a quarter up your ass you'd start repeating "Check your privilege!" and "White supremacy!" or "Tax the rich!" over and over while foaming at the mouth.
Dems never admit the people are just fed up with them and their stupid shit policies, instead their excuse is ALWAYS racism. It's no longer working they cried wolf too many times. You lost Dems AHAHAHAHA we are enjoying your pain and suffering.

Yet racism was your go-to in this race, wasn't it? With a nice side of Transphobia. What, that kid wasn't actually trans, it was just a hook-up gone wrong? Well, don't let that stop you.

Again, no one is stopping blacks from listening to her speeches. If you think she should speak to blacks, get the word out to them to go listen to her. It's not rocket science.
It's on the politician to address audiences, not for the audience to seek out a politician who would sell them out.

Somebody's gotta deny it. If you assholes aren't stopped we'll have white conservatives living in concentration camps.
The sad thing is, you really believe that. Yes, that's how it works..You teach little Timmy that slavery was a bad thing, and that there was nothing really admirable about the Confederacy, and the next thing, he's being carted off to a concentration camp.

And this is the real fear you have. After 400 years of slavery and genocide, you really fear White People will be treaty just as shabbily as they treated others.

I'm betting she doesn't agree with you that racism is as pervasive as you think it is. I know I don't. But guess what? It doesn't make me right and your views don't make you right.

Except my views are based on history and dozens of studies about how racism is still pervasive in this country.


I'd condemn you before I condemn him/her and I already have. I've seen you say much worse than that.

See, I knew you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

You are a man without scruples who has become a chattering robot for the left, repeating the same rote nauseating liberal tropes and bullshit narratives. If I plugged a quarter up your ass you'd start repeating "Check your privilege!" and "White supremacy!" or "Tax the rich!" over and over while foaming at the mouth.

Wow, guy, fantasizing about my ass is a bit weird... but I don't swing that way.

Like I said 10 years ago, I was probably more conservative than most of the people on this board... Then I realized most conservatism is playing on white fear to get us to vote against our own economic interests.
Naw, I'm pretty sure I do, because you won't even tell us where you live, knowing damned well I'll slap out the poverty stats...

What does where I live have to do with whether or not I am more finacially successful than you? You told the board a while back that you make ~75k/yr. (I made more than that in my late 20s) There are 10 of thousands of people in every single state in the country that have higher incomes.
To the leftist who said Sears was part of the team that “encourages racism denial,” that is SUCH a liberal talking point! Unless one goes in full hog by supporting the anti-white sentiment being advanced via CRT - which is only a theory, and a wrong one at that! - they are racist!

So I, as a white, have to silently stand by and not object to the fact that leftists are teaching through a prism of anti-white sentiment? Enough is enough. We ARE speaking out. You heard us last Tuesday.

The era of hateful leftists, with their disdain for whites, and their tactic of silencing them (or blacks who disagree with the liberal crap as well) by calling “racist!” is over.
Yet racism was your go-to in this race, wasn't it? With a nice side of Transphobia. What, that kid wasn't actually trans, it was just a hook-up gone wrong? Well, don't let that stop you.

It's on the politician to address audiences, not for the audience to seek out a politician who would sell them out.

If the black audience is not seeking her out then there was no point to the challenge, was there?
The sad thing is, you really believe that. Yes, that's how it works..You teach little Timmy that slavery was a bad thing, and that there was nothing really admirable about the Confederacy, and the next thing, he's being carted off to a concentration camp.

I was being facetious you idiot.
And this is the real fear you have. After 400 years of slavery and genocide, you really fear White People will be treaty just as shabbily as they treated others.

Frankly, to a certain extent, yes.

But it's not as simple as that. My fear is not so much that whites will become the target but what that would mean if it happens: we haven't learned a goddamned thing about racism. And it's already apparent that some haven't.
Except my views are based on history and dozens of studies about how racism is still pervasive in this country.

You're full of shit and so are most of your wokester buddies.

Spaniards did the exact same thing in Central and South America and on a grander scale than whites did here and nobody says shit about that. Yet here, Latin Americans are helpless "brown people".
See, I knew you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

Don't give me that shit. You yourself said Brazil was a shitshow.
Wow, guy, fantasizing about my ass is a bit weird... but I don't swing that way.

Like I said 10 years ago, I was probably more conservative than most of the people on this board... Then I realized most conservatism is playing on white fear to get us to vote against our own economic interests.

Don't pretend you give a shit about our economic interests, you're all about punishing whites and rich people.
What does where I live have to do with whether or not I am more finacially successful than you? You told the board a while back that you make ~75k/yr. (I made more than that in my late 20s) There are 10 of thousands of people in every single state in the country that have higher incomes.

yeah, you can claim that, but until you put up and prove it, you are Cleetus living in a trailer park...

I was being facetious you idiot.
Were you? Because the hysterics you guys go through, I have to wonder... case in point.
Frankly, to a certain extent, yes.

But it's not as simple as that. My fear is not so much that whites will become the target but what that would mean if it happens: we haven't learned a goddamned thing about racism. And it's already apparent that some haven't.

Again, racism implies that you have the institutional power. So some black people can really, really hate white folks, but they can't be "racist" because they can't really act on their hate. They can't keep them from getting a better job or moving into a better house, nor can Lakeisha call the police on white folks like Karen can call them on black folks.

Spaniards did the exact same thing in Central and South America and on a grander scale than whites did here and nobody says shit about that. Yet here, Latin Americans are helpless "brown people".

Here's the thing, Spain did some awful things in Latin America, but it was never as race-based as it was here. Sure, there was slavery, but there was also a lot of race intermingling, which is why they are "brown people".

Don't give me that shit. You yourself said Brazil was a shitshow.
That was the best you could come up with? I said something bad about Brazil (probably in relation to it was one of the few countries that handled Covid worse than Trump.)

Don't pretend you give a shit about our economic interests, you're all about punishing whites and rich people.

Um, yeah, the rich are the ones screwing the rest of us.... but dumb-asses like you keep bending over because you get upset about trannies and CRT.

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