‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

I’m ignoring that racist leftist whom you responded to, but did he actually refer to black Republicans as “Uncle Toms”?? Wow. These “tolerant, accepting, welcoming” leftists sure do reveal their contempt for blacks who think for themselves and prefer the Republican side.

Yup, he sure did. That's Joe's usual modus operandi, to call any and every black Republican an Uncle Tom.

Joe is too ignorant to see the irony and hypocrisy of labeling conservatives as racists while at the same time telling blacks how they should believe, act and vote.
Yup, he sure did. That's Joe's usual modus operandi, to call any and every black Republican an Uncle Tom.

Joe is too ignorant to see the irony and hypocrisy of labeling conservatives as racists while at the same time telling blacks how they should believe, act and vote.
That’s the irony of the whole thing. Leftists reveal the most intolerant, prejudiced opinions toward minorities, and then call the other side racist.

You wouldn’t believe the vile that comes out of leftists mouth when they discover I am among the 1 in 3 Jews who voted Republican. Leftists want to hold onto “their” minorities - blacks and Jews - and people who leave the liberal plantation find out what they REALLY think.
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OMG. I have that leftist poster on ignore but had to see if he referred to black people as “darkies“ - and yes he did.

And where did Sears say black people “be lazy”? All she did was point out how great America is, and that opportunities are so wonderful here, for minorities as well, that a black immigrant can rise to Lt Gov!

And that what irks leftists. They are furious when blacks are elected to Republican positions, because it reveals the lie that 1) white man keeps blacks oppressed, and 2) Republicans are racists.

According to Joe, black Republicans simply tell white Republicans what they want to hear about those shiftless welfare negroes to be accepted by them. But notice I've asked him three times now what she said about "those other darkies" and he refuses to answer. That too is his modus operandi: make unsupported claims and refuse to back them up.
The rich aren't the "job creators". The job creators are the working class who make and consume the goods and services our economy produces.

The rich are a parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.

You have a very childish and uninformed view of how business works. There would be nothing to produce if not for the rich.
If it's not that important then why does Sears merit your attention enough to call her an Uncle Tom?

I wouldn't have given Aunt Jemimah any thought one way or the other, if you guys didn't prop her up as an "example" of how not-racist you are.

And where did Sears say black people “be lazy”? All she did was point out how great America is, and that opportunities are so wonderful here, for minorities as well, that a black immigrant can rise to Lt Gov!

Yes, when you win at life's lottery and run down people who didn't, you are calling them "lazy". Get it?

And that what irks leftists. They are furious when blacks are elected to Republican positions, because it reveals the lie that 1) white man keeps blacks oppressed, and 2) Republicans are racists.

I tend to get furious with the Uncle Toms because they wouldn't have gotten to where they are at if Conservatives had their druthers.

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That’s the irony of the whole thing. Leftists reveal the most intolerant, prejudiced opinions toward minorities, and then call the other side racist.

You wouldn’t believe the vile that comes out of leftists mouth when they discover I am among the 1 in 3 Jews who voted Republican. Leftists want to hold onto “their” minorities - blacks and Jews - and people who leave the liberal plantation find out what they REALLY think.

Oh I know. Every one of us is guilty of hostility towards another group to one degree or another but I have been appalled by the scale and scope of the hate by liberals and Democrats over the last few years.
According to Joe, black Republicans simply tell white Republicans what they want to hear about those shiftless welfare negroes to be accepted by them. But notice I've asked him three times now what she said about "those other darkies" and he refuses to answer. That too is his modus operandi: make unsupported claims and refuse to back them up.
I’ve seen that M.O. employed by other leftists here too. It’s out of Alinsky: never explain, never defend, and keep your opponent off base by making accusations that put him on the defensive.
Yes, when you win at life's lottery and run down people who didn't, you are calling them "lazy". Get it?

What is it with you? Why do you think that everyone that made it just won the lottery and those that don’t make it are victims? Has it every occurred to you that ”winning the lottery” is not very common? Most people that make it in the US have done so because they have made good decisions and worked hard.
I wouldn't have given Aunt Jemimah any thought one way or the other, if you guys didn't prop her up as an "example" of how not-racist you are.

While at the same time you're saying Sears should behave a certain way because she's black.
Yes, when you win at life's lottery and run down people who didn't, you are calling them "lazy". Get it?

So now it's a lottery? If life is a lottery where your fate is merely a result of chance, why all the rhetoric about white supremacy?
I tend to get furious with the Uncle Toms because they wouldn't have gotten to where they are at if Conservatives had their druthers.

Obviously conservatives' "druthers" was to elect this black woman as Lt. governor.
So now it's a lottery? If life is a lottery where your fate is merely a result of chance, why all the rhetoric about white supremacy?

In this small mind, if you are white you have won the lottery. Keep in mind, he is the first to tell you how many poor, white folks there are in the US, particularly in the South. These folks just chose not to accept their lottery winnings I guess. To top it off, JoeB has hardly won the lottery himself. I guess he forget where to cash his check too.
What is it with you? Why do you think that everyone that made it just won the lottery and those that don’t make it are victims? Has it every occurred to you that ”winning the lottery” is not very common? Most people that make it in the US have done so because they have made good decisions and worked hard.
He thinks like that because he is a liberal, and thus he can’t acknowledge that many blacks who are failing in life are so due to their poor decisions, and the many blacks who are doing well are so due to their good decisions. They want to blame racism.
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In this small mind, if you are white you have won the lottery. Keep in mind, he is the first to tell you how many poor, white folks there are in the US, particularly in the South. These folks just chose not to accept their lottery winnings I guess. To top it off, JoeB has hardly won the lottery himself. I guess he forget where to cash his check too.

Joe never gives any thought to his remarks, most of them are kneejerk reactions meant simply to maintain the narrative that whites and conservatives are racist. Because of this, he often contradicts himself.
1970 when wetbacks were wetbacks and legal immigration laws were enforced.
When will everyday Americans wake up? We can't keep letting people from shit hole countries into America. We will pay a price for four years of Biden.
According to Joe, black Republicans simply tell white Republicans what they want to hear about those shiftless welfare negroes to be accepted by them. But notice I've asked him three times now what she said about "those other darkies" and he refuses to answer. That too is his modus operandi: make unsupported claims and refuse to back them up.

Things don't have to be said blatantly to be said. This is the whole point.

When a black person gets up in front of a bunch of white people and talks about "liberty" and "freedom" and all the other bullshit to justify the economic inequities of this civilization, they are victim blaming.

I'd be more impressed with these Uncle Toms if they got in front of a black audience and said this bullshit...

When will everyday Americans wake up? We can't keep letting people from shit hole countries into America. We will pay a price for four years of Biden.

Ghost of a Rider Lisa558 DBA

This is one of your peeps. Funny not a one of you condemned him.
In this small mind, if you are white you have won the lottery. Keep in mind, he is the first to tell you how many poor, white folks there are in the US, particularly in the South. These folks just chose not to accept their lottery winnings I guess. To top it off, JoeB has hardly won the lottery himself. I guess he forget where to cash his check too.

Actually, I probably do better than you do, Cleetus...

I've had a great career. I served with honor in the military for 11 years, after which I've advanced in my profession before starting my own successful consulting business. Do I live in a mansion? NOpe. Never wanted to.

Now, here's the thing, To get where I've gotten, I've worked pretty fucking hard. Yes, without a doubt, being born white, male and straight has given me a HUGE leg up in this soceity, but on the other side, you have the One Percenters (Or as I like to call them, the people making socialism INEVITABLE) working very hard to undermine those of us who work for a living.

I realized this when the crash came in 2008, and I found myself with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, while the banksters who caused the problem got bailouts from the government.

Like I said... Socialism is inevitable in this country... Guilotines would be a nice touch.

What is it with you? Why do you think that everyone that made it just won the lottery and those that don’t make it are victims? Has it every occurred to you that ”winning the lottery” is not very common? Most people that make it in the US have done so because they have made good decisions and worked hard.

No, the rich don't work that hard.. they take advantage of the people who did the work.

You can take a rich asshole and toss his ass on a desert Island, and in ten years, you aren't going to find a mansion and a thriving business there... You'd probably find a pile of bleached bones and some fat crabs.


The rich simply take advantage of those who do the hard work. Just like they did with slavery, just like they did with fuedalism, just like they did with capitalism.

The question is, why do the rest of us keep going along with it?
The title here is "Whiteness Remains Undefeated."

Good. So no problem. Keep vigilant, people. If we lose, society will collapse. It already has collapsed in California.
Actually, it has nothing to do with "Whiteness", and more how they played on white fears.

IF the GOP didn't have fear of the other to play on, they'd have no argument at all.

Take out the racial, religious and sexual bullshit, and just focus on economic issues, all the GOP has to offer is, "We want you to work harder for less money so the rich can ride around on dressage horses."

When the economy is in the shitter, (where Republicans almost always end up putting it) enough white people get just smart enough to vote Republicans out...

Then they fall for the Social Issue bullshit again.... someone is threatening your whiteness by telling kids about history. OH NOES!!!!
i never had sex with that woman ms lewinsky
No, the rich don't work that hard.. they take advantage of the people who did the work.

You can take a rich asshole and toss his ass on a desert Island, and in ten years, you aren't going to find a mansion and a thriving business there... You'd probably find a pile of bleached bones and some fat crabs.

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The rich simply take advantage of those who do the hard work. Just like they did with slavery, just like they did with fuedalism, just like they did with capitalism.

The question is, why do the rest of us keep going along with it?
move to somalia then no rich people there mr jealous
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