‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

Hating the Catholic church and hating Catholics are two very different things.

I agree. It's really only the fanatics who are the problem. The ones who drive all the way to Washington to protest a woman's right to choose, for instance.

If you judged your family as harshly as you judged Sandmann, I might be swayed by this.
Well most of my family wouldn't have disrespected a veteran or insisted on taking away a woman's right to choose... so there's that.

Hey, talk to Clinton and Obama. Those detention centers were built under their administrations. The only thing Trump did was use them for what they were built for.

The fact is, he used them, indiscriminately.... He crowded thousands of people for months in facilities that were only supposed to hold hundreds for a few days. He separated families from their children. Fortunately, public outcry stopped him before he started turning people into lampshades, because a guy who kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand like Trump did was going to go there eventually.

You would have mocked in any case because you did anyway.

Apparently I didn't give you enough info to mock me so you made something up and mocked them. That's who you are.
You might have a point... you immediately realized what you had was really into Karen territory... and very mockable. You should have quit before you started, but that's the problem with being into white grievance. YOu need to blame minorities for what the rich are doing to you.

Hey, you're the one who consistently ignored those facts and lied, not me.
You didn't present any facts, just racist bullshit.
Well most of my family wouldn't have disrespected a veteran or insisted on taking away a woman's right to choose... so there's that.

Most of your family probably understand that the kid didn't disrespect anyone and had no idea the guy was a vet in the first place.
The fact is, he used them, indiscriminately....

How do you use a border detention center indiscriminately, or rather, for something other than holding illegal border crossers?
He crowded thousands of people for months in facilities that were only supposed to hold hundreds for a few days. He separated families from their children. Fortunately, public outcry stopped him before he started turning people into lampshades, because a guy who kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand like Trump did was going to go there eventually.

Yet another Nazi reference after the shit you gave me the other day?
You might have a point... you immediately realized what you had was really into Karen territory... and very mockable.

Uh uh, you're not going to palm off responsibility for your own childish and petty behavior on me.
You should have quit before you started, but that's the problem with being into white grievance. YOu need to blame minorities for what the rich are doing to you.

No one blamed minorities for anything and the rich had nothing to do with it. All I said was that they witnessed bias and favoritism, that's it.

I need to add here that my niece - the one with the black husband and two black children - worked at the same store for a time and she said she witnessed it too. She also said she gets more looks from black people (mostly black women) when out in public with her family than from whites.
You didn't present any facts, just racist bullshit.

The interesting thing is that, you never actually disputed the facts I laid out. None of them. What you did was to either twist them, try to justify or explain them away or ignored them altogether.
Most of your family probably understand that the kid didn't disrespect anyone and had no idea the guy was a vet in the first place.
Most of my family couldn't pick out Smirky McBitchslap on a bet. But yeah, he was a disprespectful little punk, and if I had done something like that as a teen, my dad would have slap my ass into a new zip code.

How do you use a border detention center indiscriminately, or rather, for something other than holding illegal border crossers?

You only use it for people who ACTUALLY NEED TO BE HELD. Which is not families seeking asylum. Not for months at a time.

Yet another Nazi reference after the shit you gave me the other day?
I'd ask what shit but I really don't care, Adolf.

Uh uh, you're not going to palm off responsibility for your own childish and petty behavior on me.
Not at all... you said there was some HORRIBLE THING that this black Manager did to Karen and Sharon, but then you refuse to say what it was. I'm sure it was some uppity thing like, "he actually thought he was in charge", but since you immediately tucked your tail between your legs, and scampered off.

I, on the other hand, when I give an example of the mild bigotry I see, gave a pretty clear example (the boss who ignored women of color while taking time out for the pretty white intern) and put it in context.

No one blamed minorities for anything and the rich had nothing to do with it. All I said was that they witnessed bias and favoritism, that's it.

I need to add here that my niece - the one with the black husband and two black children - worked at the same store for a time and she said she witnessed it too. She also said she gets more looks from black people (mostly black women) when out in public with her family than from whites.

Or maybe she's more conscious of it. of course, in our society where there are more black men in prison than college, they maybe don't like white women snapping up the few available men...

The interesting thing is that, you never actually disputed the facts I laid out. None of them. What you did was to either twist them, try to justify or explain them away or ignored them altogether.

Actually, I totally disputed the facts, and you got whining that I didn't see the murder of black people as being a good thing like you do.
The fact is, he used them, indiscriminately.... He crowded thousands of people for months in facilities that were only supposed to hold hundreds for a few days. He separated families from their children. Fortunately, public outcry stopped him before he started turning people into lampshades, because a guy who kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand like Trump did was going to go there eventually.
Because he realized the separation policy would discourage Mexicans from crossing the border in the future. If it was successful, the policy should have stayed in place.
Most of my family couldn't pick out Smirky McBitchslap on a bet. But yeah, he was a disprespectful little punk, and if I had done something like that as a teen, my dad would have slap my ass into a new zip code.

You probably needed to have your ass slapped into a new zip code anyway but I have to wonder, would he have done so even if he knew that you had no way of knowing the guy was a vet?
You only use it for people who ACTUALLY NEED TO BE HELD. Which is not families seeking asylum. Not for months at a time.

This policy was not implemented for no reason. Many people crossing the border were bringing children that didn't even belong to them because they knew they'd have a better chance at being allowed to stay. In other words, they were taking advantage of the system to bypass certain restrictions.

Panama has been reporting an increase of people dying while crossing through their Darién region from Columbia, many of them children. When I lived there I always heard about how dangerous this area is because of bandits and because of how remote and mountainous it is. Now we're finding the bodies of dead children along the jungle trails that were just left there to rot in the open.

Say what you will about Trump and his policies but far more children have been abused and have died just trying to get here than have died in the detention centers. So who's at fault? The parents.
I'd ask what shit but I really don't care, Adolf.

You criticized me for my concentration camp reference the other day when talking about the hatred of white conservatives and I told you I was being facetious.
Not at all... you said there was some HORRIBLE THING that this black Manager did to Karen and Sharon, but then you refuse to say what it was. I'm sure it was some uppity thing like, "he actually thought he was in charge", but since you immediately tucked your tail between your legs, and scampered off.

Wrong. I never said "horrible thing" - nor did I imply that it was - and I never even said it was the manager.

Like I said, don't try to palm off responsibility for your own petty assumptions on me.

What's ironic about all this is, you never even asked for details. You simply bitched about my not giving you any. You didn't ask because it was easier to manufacture whatever narrative you wanted that would make them look like Karens.
I, on the other hand, when I give an example of the mild bigotry I see, gave a pretty clear example (the boss who ignored women of color while taking time out for the pretty white intern) and put it in context.

Good for you.
Or maybe she's more conscious of it. of course, in our society where there are more black men in prison than college, they maybe don't like white women snapping up the few available men...

Justify or explain it to yourself however you want but the fact is, blacks can be just as biased and racist as whites.
Actually, I totally disputed the facts, and you got whining that I didn't see the murder of black people as being a good thing like you do.

No you didn't. Tell me one fact I gave you about any of the incidents we've discussed - Brown, Floyd or Sandmann - that you disputed and proved I was wrong.

Fact is, just about everything you thought you knew about any of these cases was incorrect:
* That the cigars were in a bag when Brown left the store (they were not);
* That Brown made a dope-for-cigars deal with the clerks (the clerks deny this);
* That he left the bag of dope at the store on his first visit (he did not);
* That Floyd was not driving his own vehicle (he was);
* That Floyd complained he couldn't breathe when Chauvin had him on the ground (he complained about this even before they tried to put him in the police cruiser);
* That Sandmann's group didn't have a permit to assemble (they weren't assembled, they were waiting for the bus);
* That Sandmann's group harassed the BHIs (they did not);
* That Sandmann's group chanted "Build that wall." (they did not);
* That Sandmann was being disrespectful to a vet (he didn't know Phillips was a vet and didn't even know why Phillips approached him).

The list is endless.
You probably needed to have your ass slapped into a new zip code anyway but I have to wonder, would he have done so even if he knew that you had no way of knowing the guy was a vet?
I was brought up to respect my elders, so there's that.

This policy was not implemented for no reason. Many people crossing the border were bringing children that didn't even belong to them because they knew they'd have a better chance at being allowed to stay. In other words, they were taking advantage of the system to bypass certain restrictions.
The policy was implemented because Trump was a racist. Period. Full stop. What we were doing before that was just fine, few people were abusing it. THis was about terror.

What's ironic about all this is, you never even asked for details. You simply bitched about my not giving you any. You didn't ask because it was easier to manufacture whatever narrative you wanted that would make them look like Karens.

Why should I ask? You made an assertation that your sisters worked at Walmart (how bad can a white person fail in life where walmart was their best career option?)

Fact is, just about everything you thought you knew about any of these cases was incorrect:
Minor points, some of which I didn't make.

Brown didn't deserve to be murdered by a cop for taking some cigars he traded for pot.
Floyd didn't deserve to be murdered by a cop for passing a fake 20.
Sandman is a racist little punk
I was brought up to respect my elders, so there's that.

That doesn’t answer the question. Would your father have still beat your ass if you had not known - and had no way of knowing - that the guy was a vet? For that matter, would your father have beat your ass for smiling at someone who had approached you and not the other way around?
The policy was implemented because Trump was a racist. Period. Full stop. What we were doing before that was just fine, few people were abusing it. THis was about terror.

You sure do have a flair for the dramatic.
Why should I ask? You made an assertation that your sisters worked at Walmart (how bad can a white person fail in life where walmart was their best career option?)

Your opinions about Wal-Mart as a career choice are irrelevant to the issue.
Minor points, some of which I didn't make.

You made every one of them.
Brown didn't deserve to be murdered by a cop for taking some cigars he traded for pot.

He wasn’t shot for the cigar theft and there was no dope-for-cigars deal.
Floyd didn't deserve to be murdered by a cop for passing a fake 20.

He wasn’t.
Sandman is a racist little punk

And you’re a lying douchebag, so what?
That doesn’t answer the question. Would your father have still beat your ass if you had not known - and had no way of knowing - that the guy was a vet? For that matter, would your father have beat your ass for smiling at someone who had approached you and not the other way around?

He's have beaten my ass for not respecting my elders.

Your opinions about Wal-Mart as a career choice are irrelevant to the issue.

Sure it is... you said your loser relatives have to actually listen to a black man at Walmart, who had expectations that they- gasp - do their jobs or something... oh, the horror of it all.

He wasn’t shot for the cigar theft and there was no dope-for-cigars deal.

He was shot because a thug with a badge escalated a situation....
The policy was implemented because Trump was a racist. Period. Full stop. What we were doing before that was just fine, few people were abusing it. THis was about terror.
The policy appeared to be working. Hopefully after the next presidential election the policy will be put back in place.
The policy appeared to be working. Hopefully after the next presidential election the policy will be put back in place.

Except it really wasn't working. Border crossings hit an all time low under Obama, but they spiked up again under Trump because Trump was going to make it harder to cross the border.

The reality is, most undocumented immigrants don't sneak across the border, they come here on visas and then refuse to go home.
Then maybe we need to stop giving visas to Mexicans. Problem solved.
Because Jesus hates Mexicans, just like you do, amiright?

Look up the stats on undocumented immigrants... they come from all over the world.
He's have beaten my ass for not respecting my elders.

Still doesn’t answer the question.
Sure it is... you said your loser relatives have to actually listen to a black man at Walmart, who had expectations that they- gasp - do their jobs or something... oh, the horror of it all.

I said none of this.
He was shot because a thug with a badge escalated a situation....

So you say. But he still wasn’t shot for stealing cigars.
Because Jesus hates Mexicans, just like you do, amiright?
Look up the stats on undocumented immigrants... they come from all over the world.
The question is what we Americans want America to look like now and in the future.
The question is what we Americans want America to look like now and in the future.
150 years ago, they said that about the Irish.
100 years ago, they said that about the Germans and Italians
50 years ago, they said that about the Poles.

A generation or two, these Mexicans will speak English better than you do and probably be much better Americans.

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