‘Whiteness Remains Undefeated’: Liberal Media Doubles Down on Racism Claims After Virginia Upset.

yeah, you can claim that, but until you put up and prove it, you are Cleetus living in a trailer park...

What do you want, a copy of my W-2? Telling you what state I live in is not at all relevant to my income. You act as if there aren’t people that live in the South that make more than you. I told you before, my town/area’s average income is higher than yours, in fact, it is higher than wealthy suburbs of Chicago.

I am not getting into a financial pissing contest with you. Maybe you live well in some small condo in Chicago on 75k/yr. You are content and frankly that is all that matters. Good for you, just don’t expect others to fund your Utopian ideas.
Um, yeah, the rich are the ones screwing the rest of us.... but dumb-asses like you keep bending over because you get upset about trannies and CRT.

The definition of “rich” to Democrats is over 400k. Is your orthopedic surgeon screwing you over? How about the guy that owns 2 Papa Johns franchises?
yeah, you can claim that, but until you put up and prove it, you are Cleetus living in a trailer park...

Were you? Because the hysterics you guys go through, I have to wonder... case in point.

You mean something like, calling fenced-in detention areas concentration camps?
Again, racism implies that you have the institutional power.

No, it does not. You morons have hijacked the word and redefined it for your own purposes. It was hijacked for the sole purpose of making racism on the part of whites appear that much more egregious.
So some black people can really, really hate white folks, but they can't be "racist" because they can't really act on their hate.

Bullshit. "Racism" is a noun, not a verb. Therefore, anyone can be racist without overt acts of racism. The verb that applies here is "discriminate" and discrimination can be practiced by anyone on any scale.
They can't keep them from getting a better job or moving into a better house, nor can Lakeisha call the police on white folks like Karen can call them on black folks.

Don't hand me that shit. This is yet another bullshit hypocritical explanation. You call me racist without ever knowing if I practiced discrimination or not and for merely disagreeing with you on things like the Michael brown shooting. Get the fuck outta here.
Here's the thing,

Meaning: Let me offer you another one of my bogus justifications.
Spain did some awful things in Latin America, but it was never as race-based as it was here.

Bullshit. Every bit of it was race based because they viewed the natives as primitive heathens and not worthy of the same considerations. Because of this, they committed wholesale slaughter of entire tribes.
Sure, there was slavery, but there was also a lot of race intermingling, which is why they are "brown people".

Bullshit. Spaniards are generally more brown than the whiter areas of Europe such as France and Germany. That's not to say there wasn't intermingling, but it's why Latin America is as brown as it is.
That was the best you could come up with? I said something bad about Brazil (probably in relation to it was one of the few countries that handled Covid worse than Trump.)

No, it was not about Covid, it was about their socio-economics. I had related some of my observations from my time working there and your response was to dismiss these observations because Brazil is a "shitshow".
Um, yeah, the rich are the ones screwing the rest of us.... but dumb-asses like you keep bending over because you get upset about trannies and CRT.

As I said...
No, the rich don't work that hard.. they take advantage of the people who did the work.

You can take a rich asshole and toss his ass on a desert Island, and in ten years, you aren't going to find a mansion and a thriving business there... You'd probably find a pile of bleached bones and some fat crabs.

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The rich simply take advantage of those who do the hard work. Just like they did with slavery, just like they did with fuedalism, just like they did with capitalism.

The question is, why do the rest of us keep going along with it?
Because all work is manual labor, right?


All of this shit out of Virginia and the media's response to it, coupled with all of the bitching about media coverage when a white woman goes missing, is proof that the media and everyone else admits that…

White People are better.


Was that the message they intended?

If you take issue with that, don't blame whitey. YOU KNOW WHO TO BLAME.
I thought as a politician, she was supposed to represent ALL the people.

Who said she doesn't?

And did it not occur to you that they didn't show up at her speeches because they didn't want her to represent them? They probably showed up at the speeches of candidates who told them what they wanted to hear. You know, like you say whites do with conservative blacks.
What do you want, a copy of my W-2?

That would be nice.

Telling you what state I live in is not at all relevant to my income. You act as if there aren’t people that live in the South that make more than you.

I'm sure there are... you're just not one of them, Cleetus.

I told you before, my town/area’s average income is higher than yours, in fact, it is higher than wealthy suburbs of Chicago.
Yes, but you won't tell us which town or state that is, probably because you know damned well I would look up the poverty stats and have a good laugh at your expense.
I am not getting into a financial pissing contest with you. Maybe you live well in some small condo in Chicago on 75k/yr. You are content and frankly that is all that matters. Good for you, just don’t expect others to fund your Utopian ideas.

What happens when the majority decides you are going to? You guys aren't afraid of socialism, you are afraid of democracy.

Now, if I were a selfish asshole, I'd be fine where I am at. As a pragmatic person, though, the fact that there are people out there who have to make a choice between food and medicine, or can't put a roof over their heads, is a real problem. It's the kind of problem that eventually leads to revolutions.

If the GOP only relied on rich people to keep their sorry asses in office, they'd never win an election. (they actually haven't "won" an election since 1988, so they wouldn't be able to use various schemes to cheat their way into office. ) The way they stay in is keeping people who ARE poorer than me voting against their own economic interests.

Yup, they live in a trailer park, but dammit, the GOP is saving them from hearing about CRT or peeing next to a trans person.

The definition of “rich” to Democrats is over 400k. Is your orthopedic surgeon screwing you over? How about the guy that owns 2 Papa Johns franchises?

Well, again, it was because of the medical bills I ran up in 2008 (which Cigna wouldn't pay for) that cured me of Republican stupidity. So I could argue my Orthopedic surgeon is part of the problem.

And of course, Papa Johns was started by a crazy racist... who pay their employees slave wages.
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Because all work is manual labor, right?


All of this shit out of Virginia and the media's response to it, coupled with all of the bitching about media coverage when a white woman goes missing, is proof that the media and everyone else admits that…

White People are better.

Hey, Ghost of a Rider here's another racist you didn't denounce...

Anyway, yes, the media's obsession with "White Women In Peril" shows how awful our media is.

And decent people should be horrified on how the GOP exploited racism and transphobia to get a good result in Virginia, especially since they really lied about the supposed trans kid who raped the girl in the bathroom. (IT turns out they had been fucking for months and it was a case of relationship abuse.)
You mean something like, calling fenced-in detention areas concentration camps?

You lock up thousands of people based on their race in inhumane conditions, separate them from their children, and deny them due process... um, yeah, that's a concentration camp. Sadly, they aren't something new to America, Hitler was inspired for his version by American Indian reservations.

No, it does not. You morons have hijacked the word and redefined it for your own purposes. It was hijacked for the sole purpose of making racism on the part of whites appear that much more egregious.

How is 400 years of slavery and genocide NOT egregious. Hey, as bad as what Hitler did was, Germany was only a bad actor on the world stage for about 12 years.

Bullshit. "Racism" is a noun, not a verb. Therefore, anyone can be racist without overt acts of racism. The verb that applies here is "discriminate" and discrimination can be practiced by anyone on any scale.

But again, minorities lack the ability to discriminate on any meaningful scale. I mean I know you think that a black Walmart manager making a Karen clean up the mess in aisle 6 is discrimination, but it really isn't.

Don't hand me that shit. This is yet another bullshit hypocritical explanation. You call me racist without ever knowing if I practiced discrimination or not and for merely disagreeing with you on things like the Michael brown shooting. Get the fuck outta here.

The fact you do handstands to justify the murder of innocent black people by thug cops makes you a racist. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Bullshit. Every bit of it was race based because they viewed the natives as primitive heathens and not worthy of the same considerations. Because of this, they committed wholesale slaughter of entire tribes.
And then

Bullshit. Spaniards are generally more brown than the whiter areas of Europe such as France and Germany. That's not to say there wasn't intermingling, but it's why Latin America is as brown as it is.
Which only shows that when white people don't have minorities to abuse, they'll abuse each other. The French used to say, "Africa starts at the Pyrenees" , which the Brits said, "The Wogs start at Calais" Our own history is replete with discrimination against the Irish, Germans, Italians and Poles.

No, it was not about Covid, it was about their socio-economics. I had related some of my observations from my time working there and your response was to dismiss these observations because Brazil is a "shitshow".

Look at the poverty stats for Brazil.... it's even worse than the South.
Hey, Ghost of a Rider here's another racist you didn't denounce...

Anyway, yes, the media's obsession with "White Women In Peril" shows how awful our media is.

And decent people should be horrified on how the GOP exploited racism and transphobia to get a good result in Virginia, especially since they really lied about the supposed trans kid who raped the girl in the bathroom. (IT turns out they had been fucking for months and it was a case of relationship abuse.)

You're in no position to judge about prejudice, given your feelings about Catholics.
You lock up thousands of people based on their race in inhumane conditions, separate them from their children, and deny them due process... um, yeah, that's a concentration camp.

"based on their race"? Hispanics are virtually the only ones crossing the border illegally. There's no one else to put in or leave out of the detention areas.
How is 400 years of slavery and genocide NOT egregious.

Didn't say it wasn't.
But again, minorities lack the ability to discriminate on any meaningful scale.

The scale is irrelevant. Racism is racism and discrimination is discrimination.
I mean I know you think that a black Walmart manager making a Karen clean up the mess in aisle 6 is discrimination, but it really isn't.

If your referencing my sisters - and I know you are - I never told you the nature of the bias they witnessed. Neither of them have a problem taking orders from black supervisors, that's their fucking job.
The fact you do handstands to justify the murder of innocent black people by thug cops makes you a racist. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

I don't have to do handstands to give you facts; facts that you twisted, overlooked or lied about.
Look at the poverty stats for Brazil.... it's even worse than the South.

In other words, Brazil is a shithole. Is that what you're saying?
The title here is "Whiteness Remains Undefeated."

Good. So no problem. Keep vigilant, people. If we lose, society will collapse. It already has collapsed in California.
California is a great example of what happens when America no longer looks like America. They need the border wall more than any other state.
She is a dreamer. Shouldn't all dreamers have that right?? Republicans say NO!!

Winsome Sears, 57, was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and arrived in the United States when she was six. She grew up in the Bronx, entered the Marines as an electrician, and ran a homeless shelter before entering Virginia politics in 2001.

On Wednesday, the day after her historic election, Sears told Fox News's Sean Hannity that she ran as a Republican because the Democrats were complacent about black voters.

Yup. She knows how you people treat blacks, and she wanted no part of it. Smart woman.
She is a dreamer. Shouldn't all dreamers have that right?? Republicans say NO!!

Winsome Sears, 57, was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and arrived in the United States when she was six. She grew up in the Bronx, entered the Marines as an electrician, and ran a homeless shelter before entering Virginia politics in 2001.

On Wednesday, the day after her historic election, Sears told Fox News's Sean Hannity that she ran as a Republican because the Democrats were complacent about black voters.
She’s not a Dreamer. She came here legally with her parents.
You're in no position to judge about prejudice, given your feelings about Catholics.

You mean a "Church" that has collaborated with Nazis, engaged in a world-wide conspiracy to hide pedophiles, started crusades, tortured heretics, burned witches, started the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and, oh, yeah, made my childhood a miserable hell... yeah, no good reason to hate those fucks at all.

Incidentally, most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

"based on their race"? Hispanics are virtually the only ones crossing the border illegally. There's no one else to put in or leave out of the detention areas.

They never should have been put in detention areas at all for something that is no more than a misdemeanor. You either send them back that day, or you let them stay and apply for Asylum.

If your referencing my sisters - and I know you are - I never told you the nature of the bias they witnessed. Neither of them have a problem taking orders from black supervisors, that's their fucking job.
Yes, you never said what it was because you probably realized how silly it would sound, and I would just mock you.

I don't have to do handstands to give you facts; facts that you twisted, overlooked or lied about.

Facts to you is "the darkie had it coming". Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.
You mean a "Church" that has collaborated with Nazis, engaged in a world-wide conspiracy to hide pedophiles, started crusades, tortured heretics, burned witches, started the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and, oh, yeah, made my childhood a miserable hell... yeah, no good reason to hate those fucks at all.

Incidentally, most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

They never should have been put in detention areas at all for something that is no more than a misdemeanor. You either send them back that day, or you let them stay and apply for Asylum.

Yes, you never said what it was because you probably realized how silly it would sound, and I would just mock you.

Facts to you is "the darkie had it coming". Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.
So much HATE from the tolerant left
That would be nice.

I'm sure there are... you're just not one of them, Cleetus.

Yes, but you won't tell us which town or state that is, probably because you know damned well I would look up the poverty stats and have a good laugh at your expense.

What happens when the majority decides you are going to? You guys aren't afraid of socialism, you are afraid of democracy.

Now, if I were a selfish asshole, I'd be fine where I am at. As a pragmatic person, though, the fact that there are people out there who have to make a choice between food and medicine, or can't put a roof over their heads, is a real problem. It's the kind of problem that eventually leads to revolutions.

If the GOP only relied on rich people to keep their sorry asses in office, they'd never win an election. (they actually haven't "won" an election since 1988, so they wouldn't be able to use various schemes to cheat their way into office. ) The way they stay in is keeping people who ARE poorer than me voting against their own economic interests.

Yup, they live in a trailer park, but dammit, the GOP is saving them from hearing about CRT or peeing next to a trans person.

Well, again, it was because of the medical bills I ran up in 2008 (which Cigna wouldn't pay for) that cured me of Republican stupidity. So I could argue my Orthopedic surgeon is part of the problem.

And of course, Papa Johns was started by a crazy racist... who pay their employees slave wages.
Socialism and Democracy are different then Freedom. We have less Freedom. I love the Progs getting vengeance. For everything going back to the caveman days. You must reduce the pensions of the government employees who abused others and earn to much. They are laughing at you. And you know it. Private pensions that helped to destroy big ticket domestic products need to be reduced also.
Socialism and Democracy are different then Freedom. We have less Freedom. I love the Progs getting vengeance. For everything going back to the caveman days. You must reduce the pensions of the government employees who abused others and earn to much. They are laughing at you. And you know it. Private pensions that helped to destroy big ticket domestic products need to be reduced also.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications? Pensions?
You mean a "Church" that has collaborated with Nazis, engaged in a world-wide conspiracy to hide pedophiles, started crusades, tortured heretics, burned witches, started the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and, oh, yeah, made my childhood a miserable hell... yeah, no good reason to hate those fucks at all.

Hating the Catholic church and hating Catholics are two very different things.
Incidentally, most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

If you judged your family as harshly as you judged Sandmann, I might be swayed by this.
They never should have been put in detention areas at all for something that is no more than a misdemeanor. You either send them back that day, or you let them stay and apply for Asylum.

Hey, talk to Clinton and Obama. Those detention centers were built under their administrations. The only thing Trump did was use them for what they were built for.
Yes, you never said what it was because you probably realized how silly it would sound, and I would just mock you.

You would have mocked in any case because you did anyway.

Apparently I didn't give you enough info to mock me so you made something up and mocked them. That's who you are.
Facts to you is "the darkie had it coming". Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

Hey, you're the one who consistently ignored those facts and lied, not me.

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