Whites are to blame for the woke

“In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish. A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic. Becoming white meant losing their greenness, i.e., their Irish cultural heritage and the legacy of oppression and discrimination back home.” -Art McDonald, Ph.D., “How the Irish Became White”
So now you are accusing me of being you?
I don't hate whites, but you can offer rebuttals to what I present so you try falling back on that.
Not that woke is bad, woke is good and the logical conclusion. But many whites(most of them just racist-though the majority of whites are racist so I digress) whine about wokeness. Wokeness only exists because of white Racism and white privilege.

In the beginning, you had white racism. Wokes are just responding to that racism and finally waking up. I love it tbh. But without that white racism , the woke have no advent, no catalyst. I say the same thing to these white racist dummies in my city who complain about these ok politicians who are easy on crime. Hey, tough. You threw black people in jail and gave out unfair, racist sentencing, so now people vote for these people to quell that racism. The white man fails to understand cause and effect.

But I'm hopeful for the future. 2020 was based, wasn't it? You had complete black anarchy, cops zooming up and down the street all day, totally spread thin; People casting stones at the racist pigs and they could do absolutely nothing about it but bend over and take it. Pure despondency. I absolutely loved it. That's a microcosm of what blacks ought to do as we move forward, and conquer white supremacy. Biden says that whites will be "an absolute minority" by 2050. Bro I can't wait hahahahah. They're going to do to you what you've done to them. And after they do it, my grandchildren are going to tell your white grandchildren " stop being a victim", "there is no non white privilege", "get out if your victim complex", pull yourself up by the bootstraps". Again, I can't wait lol. And it'll be all your fault, and history will have subs like this to confirm it.

Say hi to your governor for me, homie!

Now he's everybody's governor.

Dumb ass.
Not that woke is bad, woke is good and the logical conclusion. But many whites(most of them just racist-though the majority of whites are racist so I digress) whine about wokeness. Wokeness only exists because of white Racism and white privilege.

In the beginning, you had white racism. Wokes are just responding to that racism and finally waking up. I love it tbh. But without that white racism , the woke have no advent, no catalyst. I say the same thing to these white racist dummies in my city who complain about these ok politicians who are easy on crime. Hey, tough. You threw black people in jail and gave out unfair, racist sentencing, so now people vote for these people to quell that racism. The white man fails to understand cause and effect.

But I'm hopeful for the future. 2020 was based, wasn't it? You had complete black anarchy, cops zooming up and down the street all day, totally spread thin; People casting stones at the racist pigs and they could do absolutely nothing about it but bend over and take it. Pure despondency. I absolutely loved it. That's a microcosm of what blacks ought to do as we move forward, and conquer white supremacy. Biden says that whites will be "an absolute minority" by 2050. Bro I can't wait hahahahah. They're going to do to you what you've done to them. And after they do it, my grandchildren are going to tell your white grandchildren " stop being a victim", "there is no non white privilege", "get out if your victim complex", pull yourself up by the bootstraps". Again, I can't wait lol. And it'll be all your fault, and history will have subs like this to confirm it.
I'm quite sure there are blacks that can afford to live in your trailer park. All white communities full of racists are not safe for blacks.

Prices start at around $600 K and go up to $2 million.
The only time I see blacks in my neighborhood is when they manage to get past the gate to sell worthless shit and they're being hauled off by their the cops.
No we aren't.

Far more black people in the ghetto will burn to death by being trapped in their house by bars installed to keep their thieving neighbors out

That does not happen in 95% white communities

People rarely die in fires and never trapped by their own security bars

Far more black people in the ghetto will burn to death by being trapped in their house by bars installed to keep their thieving neighbors out

That does not happen in 95% white communities

People rarely die in fires and never trapped by their own security bars
Since all blacks don't live in the ghetto and there are whites living in ghettos, your opinion is proof of your ignorance.

Check the vandalism stats junior. Whites lead in that crime every year.
Since all blacks don't live in the ghetto and there are whites living in ghettos, your opinion is proof of your ignorance.

Check the vandalism stats junior. Whites lead in that crime every year.
They don’t blame it on racism

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