Whites fascination with Civil War Confederate war heroes.

Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. (sic)
Bitch - you can't even stick around for an hour to protect your argument.
Yes, and no. The Confederates were winning the war for much of it. You have heard of the "high water mark" of the Battle at Gettysburg"?
Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.??
Perhaps, but more generally they are convinced that black people are not too bright.
Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Not bad, but black people are not seeking refuge in any other country than the United States.

Wake the fuck up stupid. Black people cannot organize community, otherwise, you would be there.

You're the ones who think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
I have no need for Confederate memorials. But just tearing them down is no fun. Those that want them to remain are usually shouting "But, but, but they're history!" And yes, they are. Problem is they don't tell the whole story. My proposal is to keep them, next to each one another. The new statues will remind everyone that The South Lost the War!!! For example, here we have a statue of Robert E. Lee, astride his horse and looking like the conquering hero. Next to it another monument, this new one celebrating Lee's surrender to U.S. Grant after Appomattox.
52ndStreet black unionist!!! hahhahahahahaha blacks can't do anything right ......the same way there is a fascination for serial killers/hitler/disasters/etc ....you are a shallow [ hahahhahaha ] thinker
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
There were no Civil War ‘heroes.’

There’s nothing ‘heroic’ about treason, war crimes, and fighting to keep Americans enslaved.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Everybody was racist. North and South. Don't kid yourself.

The dispute was whether or not black people should be property.

My great (x3) grandfather was a very kind, honorable man. He was conscripted into the Louisiana Cavalry and did his duty, then went home. He was the quintessential "little guy" fighting a big guy's war. That's the way it always works, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE, whether it be it German soldiers doing their duty in WW2 or American Soldiers doing theirs in Vietnam. It is a disgrace to shit on the common soldier who is more often there NOT by personal choice.

It's pretty much the same with the generals. None of them were policy makers. They had a job to do. They did so honorably. They were the leaders of the common soldiers and commanded their respect. What's wrong with that?

Get the fucking politics out of the equation, because most fighting men are there only because duty calls.

Anyone who shits on the soldier who does his duty, no matter what side he is on, is a fucking asshole.
If I am not mistaken, many ordinary Americans became a bit interested in Confederate generals only after some activists raised such a furor over their statues.
The vast majority of Confederate generals and citizen soldiers didn't own slaves.
They had joined the army to protect their families from the Union soldiers who had invaded the state where they lived. ... :cool:
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. He inherited slaves upon the death of his wife. Having no use of them, he freed them all.

Stonewall Jackson and his wife opened a school for the children of slaves so they could be taught to read and write.

Our schools teach nonsense.
His wife did, unfortunately so guilt by association. When you fight on the side that wanted to leave the US and defend those who wanted to keep slavery, then you were on the wrong side.

Robert E. Lee was a Southern Gentleman, but he did fight on the wrong side.
The "wrong side" being the side who wanted to keep slaves, not the "wrong side" meaning racists vs. non-racists. Don't kid yourself. They were ALL white supremacists, especially Lincoln.
The stronger and more strident communist democrats are the more apparent it is that not only was the Confederacy right to secede but perhaps we dealt with the Nazis too harshly. Nazis, even though socialist, are enemies of communists which is something we need right now.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!

Hey, say hi to your fellow DemoKKKrat governor for me!

Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
I never really gave them a second thought. I think it's the left that's obsessed with statues. They're either rioting around one or putting one up of a violent, career, criminal. Fortunately, I live in a very red district of Florida and only see such foolishness on TV.
Bitch - you can't even stick around for an hour to protect your argument.
Yes, and no. The Confederates were winning the war for much of it. You have heard of the "high water mark" of the Battle at Gettysburg"?

Perhaps, but more generally they are convinced that black people are not too bright.

Not bad, but black people are not seeking refuge in any other country than the United States.

Wake the fuck up stupid. Black people cannot organize community, otherwise, you would be there.
I don’t think you can honestly say the Confederacy was ever “winning” the ACW. In the East, Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia spent years tap dancing around the Union Army of the Potomac, never allowing it to concentrate it’s manpower and logistical advantages. The Confederacy was never able to properly feed and equip it’s armies, they existed by looting Yankee supply trains and depots. In the West the various Confederate commanders spent the war years playing defense trying to hold the Mississippi River open and trying to prevent the Union commanders using it to split the Confederacy in two.
If you look at a map of the battles of the ACW, only two were fought on Union Territory, Antietam in Maryland and Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. Every other battle was fought inside the borders of the Confederacy. Fighting inside your borders isn’t winnning.
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Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!

Do you feel Irwin Rommel does not deserve to be appreciated and studied for his tactical prowess? How about Julius Caesar?
I don’t think you can honestly say the Confederacy was ever “winning” the ACW. In the East, Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia spent years tap dancing around the Union Army of the Potomac, never allowing it to concentrate it’s manpower and logistical advantages. The Confederacy was never able to properly feed and equip it’s armies, they existed by looting Yankee supply trains and depots. In the West the various Confederate commanders spent the war years playing defense trying to hold the Mississippi River open and trying to prevent the Union commanders using it to split the Confederacy in two.
If you look at a map of the battles of the ACW, only two were fought on Union Territory, Antietam in Maryland and Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. Every other battle was fought inside the borders of the Confederacy. Fighting inside your borders isn’t winnning.
I've never studied the war enough to confirm anything that I have casually learned. My reference was a documentary about Ulysses Grant, and it depicted the Confederacy winning until he took control, or something along that.
I've never studied the war enough to confirm anything that I have casually learned. My reference was a documentary about Ulysses Grant, and it depicted the Confederacy winning until he took control, or something along that.
Lee won a lot of tactical victories. He was a gifted general with very good subordinates. There was definitely a "Rommel factor" going on in the minds of Union generals facing Lee.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
There was a con-certed effort to push the Lost Cause fantasy.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Do you feel the same way about people who are interested in the LOSER RACIST Indians, too? Maybe those people with an interest in those cultures ought to "Get over it," too, and stop having in interest in loser, racist Indians who raped and murdered white people because they didn't think Diversity was wonderful.
Lee won a lot of tactical victories. He was a gifted general with very good subordinates. There was definitely a "Rommel factor" going on in the minds of Union generals facing Lee.
Yes, and in the end, Lincoln, Grant, and others greatly admired Lee (and many of the Confederates) as a great men. This is why NONE of them were charged with treason (as so many Leftists would claim of them today). They were all pardoned and the Union Army played, "Dixie," for Lee and the confederates as he rode off into the sunset to rebuild. Lincoln said, "With malice toward none..." Yet, that is ignored today. One must take a serious look at why
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
It's history dumbass.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Confederates are the REAL American heroes…General Lee is quite possibly the biggest BADASS that’s ever walked on American soil.
They took up arms against a tyrannical government just like we’re supposed to do.

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